The Anger.

Chapter 120: CH 120

He disappeared in a swirl.

After the merry-go-round feeling of portkeying ended, Harry barely staggered when he landed in an office in a large home.

A moment later, Petey popped in. The little elf bowed and said, "Welcome home, Master Harry."

"Potter Manor, right?" he asked the elf.

"Yes, Master Harry," replied the elf. "This is the Master's study in Potter Manor."

"Well, thank Merlin for that!" he said. "Now, I believe there's a ward book for the Manor wards I need to have a look at and adjust."

"Yes, Master Harry," replied the elf. He walked over to the room's fireplace and indicated an indentation in the filigree work of the surround. "You need to press the House ring into there, Master." Harry walked over and could see just what the little elf was pointing to. He made a fist with his right hand and the ring in front; lined it up and pressed it into the indentation.

A few moments later, Harry felt the magics of the ring signify - something - and he heard a click.

He pulled the ring away and a section of the surround popped open.

Pulling on it, he noticed it was like a drawer. He pulled it right out and inside he found a leather-bound folio with a sealed bottle of ink and a gorgeous quill resting atop it.

Lifting all three items out he carried them over to the desk and placed them on the blotter. He took seat in what was now hischair and pulled himself up to the desk. Looking down at the folio he again saw the impression of the House ring. He pressed it into the impression and there was a light flash before the edge of the folio/book seemed to come free.

Opening the book he could see names that had clearly started when the Manor was first built and proceeding forward chronologically from there. He flipped through the pages until he came to the last entries and started to scan backwards, looking for names that were still recognised as having access to the property.

One of the last entries was Harry James Potter. Scanning backwards for names not yet crossed out, he also found, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Daphne Ophelia Greengrass, Alice Green Longbottom, Francis Andrew Longbottom, Isabel Mary Greengrass, Cygnus George Greengrass, Lily Evans Potter, Sirius Orion Black and James Charlus Potter.

Names that were crossed out that he recognised included Amelia Susan Bones, Susan Charity Bones, Augusta Reeves Longbottom, Remus John Lupin, Peter Andrew Pettigrew, Minerva Hetty McGonagall, Filius Flitwick and Rubeus Jeremy Hagrid.

Snapping himself out of his broody mood, Harry noticed he only needed to add Astoria May Greengrass to the list to have the Greengrass Estate household able to enter the Manor. However, he used the opportunity to add Tracey Anne Davis, Neville Francis Longbottom, Susan Charity Bones, Hannah Mary Abbott, and Hermione Jean Granger. Thinking a bit he also returned Remus John Lupin, Amelia Susan Bones and Augusta Reeves Longbottom to the list. Then he removed only one name; Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. And he was quite pleased with himself when he did so.

'I wonder if that's how Dumbledore came into possession of those books the goblins told me about?' he thought.

Blowing on the ink to make sure it was dried, he softly closed the ledger. Another light flash made the book seem to compress itself together a little as the pages all locked together.

He then carried the items back to the hidden draw and carefully pushed it closed. With a click it almost seemed to disappear.

Petey was still waiting for him so he asked the elf, "Okay, Petey; what do I need to do to activate the fireplace back onto the floo network?" The little elf told Harry that the fireplace wasn't connected to the floo network. However, he led Harry from the office and through to the parlour where a fireplace similar in size to the one at Greengrass Estate was found. In there, Petey led him through the steps to reconnect that fireplace to the network.

Once it was done, Harry found a flip-top wooden box on the mantel with floo powder. He looked to the elf and said, "I'll be back soon with some guests."

"Fare thee well, Master Harry," replied the elf with a bow.

"Thank you, Petey." Harry tossed in the floo powder, called "Greengrass Estate!" and stepped into the flames.

"And you're sure you entered the names in the ward ledger correctly?" asked Cygnus. "Cygnus!" said Harry. "I did it correctly and even had Petey watch me do it. If I had done anything wrong he would have let me know. The ward permissions have been correctly set; don't worry."

Once everyone was organised who would be coming. Which, as this was a big and exciting thing, meant everybody. Harry was first through the floo back to Potter manor.

When he arrived, Petey quickly popped in and, when Harry said the rest of his party was right behind him, Petey called the other three British-based Potter elves, including Ninny.

Next through was Cygnus, then Sirius, Daphne, Tori and finally Isabel.

Harry grinned and, looking at Cygnus, said, "See? Everyone's safe."

Cygnus just cocked a wry grin back. Turning to look at the elves, Harry said, "Petey; how about a tour? I know Cygnus, Isabel and Sirius have been here before, but it's been a while."

A little excited, Petey said, "Petey is happy to show everyone Potter Manor!"

Not just content with showing everyone the rooms of the Manor, Petey also talked about the history of the property. And showed them everything; except, as Harry came to understand later, certain features of the Manor that he considered family secrets, not to be shared.

In the Entry Hall, Harry looked up in awe at the large embossed Crest of House Potter that was affixed to the wall between the twin curved staircases that led up each side. It was something he missed seeing when he left the office to go and re-activate the floo in the large fireplace. However, it was what they found in the upstairs private family common room, or history room, that had Harry gobsmacked.

Hanging on the wall was a large red velvet tapestry with a huge family tree embroidered in gold thread and other colours.

Having taken his elbow almost from the moment she stepped out of the fireplace, Daphne pointed towards the bottom left of it and whispered, "Look; Harry. There's us."

Looking towards where she indicated, Harry could, indeed, see his full name embossed in gold thread. And, right along side it and joined with a dotted line, was Daphne Ophelia Greengrass.

Sirius moved in closer and indicated Harry's paternal grandparents. "Here's how you're most directly related to me, Harry. Charlus Emmett Potter married Dorea Hestia Black. Dorea's oldest brother was my maternal grandfather. It's how I'm able to name you as the Heir Presumptive of House Black; which I've formally done, by the way."


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