The Allbright System - A Sci-Fi Progression LitRPG Story

Arc 1 - Chapter 42 - The First Assessment

Positively brimming with anticipation and excitement, Thea found herself stirring from her slumber a full two hours before her alarm was scheduled to ring. The day of her very first UHF Marine Corps assessment had finally arrived!

Although she had only officially joined the Corps about a week prior, the experience felt more like several months to her. The barrage of groundbreaking revelations, exhaustive lectures, and crash courses on System-related mechanics had overwhelmed her, heavily compressing time in her own perception.

However, now, it was finally time to revert to her area of expertise - outperforming others and claiming high scores!

Bouncing out of bed with an unexpected surge of energy, she cast aside her blanket and launched into her routine. A workout, a soothing shower, and a swift change of attire later, she was primed to check out the Alpha Squad's communal living area. She was curious to see if any of her fellow squad members had also risen earlier than usual.

As she exited her room, she couldn't suppress a slight smile at the sight of Corvus, hunched over a data-pad at the kitchen table, engrossed in thought.

'He really needs to take it easy. Shouldering the weight of the entire squad's responsibilities like this is sure to burn him out…' She mused, sauntering over to her taciturn squad leader.

"Good morning, Corvus," she greeted, circling the kitchen table to claim her usual seat across from him. "I hope you managed to catch some sleep and didn't spend the entire night scrutinising maps and mission data?" she inquired, her tone light yet concerned.

Startled by Thea's ‘sudden’ greeting, Corvus nearly fell off his chair. His sharp, blue eyes widened momentarily before he regained his composure, shooting her a chiding look. "Thea! By the Emperor’s will…! Please refrain from ambushing people this early in the morning."

He couldn't help but chuckle, a lopsided grin forming on his usually serious countenance. "I assure you, I've had plenty of sleep. I only woke up about an hour and a half before you came out here. I figured a final review of the mission data and maps wouldn't do any harm," he explained, attempting to alleviate her concerns.

Processing Corvus' words, Thea swiftly calculated the possible timeline in her mind.

If Corvus had returned from last night's shopping expedition with Isabella with impressive efficiency, he would have garnered, at best, a mere four hours of sleep. With an arch of her eyebrows that silently demanded explanation, she chose to remain silent, letting him continue his discourse.

His gaze shifted back to his data-pad momentarily before returning to Thea, pointedly ignoring her questioning gaze with a learned proficiency.

"Also, I thought it would be a good idea to have a hearty breakfast before the mission. So, I've ordered a substantial spread to be delivered to our quarters in a couple of hours.

“I used the leftover squad Credits from yesterday. I hope you don't mind," he added with a slightly awkward smile, hoping he hadn't overstepped his bounds by using the pooled funds without prior consultation.

With a resigned sigh, Thea let the topic of Corvus' lack of sleep drop. Quickly, a more enthusiastic expression reclaimed her face as she responded, "You know, when it comes to food, I hardly object to being left out of the decision-making process, as long as I get a share of the spoils!"

This comment drew a chuckle from Corvus who, leaning back in his chair, stretched his body with a symphony of pops and cracks resounding. "I hadn't marked you as a foody, Thea. Though, it's reassuring to know you're not bothered by my continuous, frivolous spending on extravagant meals," he jested.

"To be fair, before joining the UHF Marine Corps, my diet was dominated by nutrient packs. So all the food here is...astonishingly good," Thea shared, a resigned smile on her face.

A fleeting shadow crossed Corvus' face before he responded, "Ah, yes. I forgot about that whole mid-world thing. I can’t even imagine how challenging it must have been growing up in such an environment... I'm genuinely glad you're part of our team, Thea."

Caught off-guard by Corvus' sudden sincere and warm words, Thea felt a flush creep up her cheeks, which she promptly concealed by slapping her own face, resulting in a loud clap. "Ah, don't sweat it, Corvus! I'm just eager to get started with this whole assessment thing! I felt like the past week was never going to end, with its constant lectures and explanations!"

Hoping to deflect the conversation from her past, she added, with a cheeky grin plastered on her face, "Now, enlighten me, oh sleepless leader: Did you manage to unearth any new insights while meticulously scanning the maps and data all morning?"

Embracing her eagerness with an animated grin, Corvus dived into a detailed explanation, highlighting subtle nuances of their impending battleground he had discovered during his early morning analysis. Alongside, he shared some of his more intricate strategic concepts, which Thea happily absorbed.

After all, she couldn’t be prepared enough for her first assessment.

During the next hour, the remaining members of Alpha Squad gradually joined the assembly around the dining table, with Karania being the last to appear.

Just moments later, in an uncanny display of impeccable timing, the lavish breakfast spread that Corvus had ordered arrived, and the squad kicked off their assessment day with a shared, hearty meal. All the while, Corvus maintained his elucidation of the mission and the details of the battlefield he had gleaned from his morning studies.

As Corvus delved into the intricacies of the Stellar Republic's fundamental architectural designs, Isabella, much to Thea’s surprise, leaned towards her, whispering, “Mornin’ Thea. “There’s something I didn’t get around to showing you yesterday, would you come with me, just for a second?”

Curious about what Isabella might want to share, the two women rose from their seats, excusing themselves for a few moments. They moved only far enough away to ensure their conversation didn't interfere with Corvus' ongoing briefing, which more-or-less held the undivided attention of the rest of the members of Alpha Squad.

Once at a safe distance, Isabella began, “See, I wanted to show you my first Active-type Ability - now that I’m sure you’re good people, but didn’t get around to it yesterday, due to the whole last-minute shopping thing. I figure that giving you all the information before the assessment starts can’t hurt.”

With a playful wink, she added, “Who knows, you might even come up with a cool use for it.”

Instantly, a familiar blue box materialised before her, facing Thea, showcasing Isabella's first Active-type Ability that the Allbright System had bestowed upon her at integration.

[Active (Silver) - Kinetic Redirection - Level 3]

Description: Allows the participant to use up a certain amount of Stamina to absorb and nullify the kinetic energy of any given impact(s) within a brief period, up to a certain limit of energy. This stored up energy can be held for a brief amount of time and will automatically be discharged with their next melee-hit.

Cost: 60 Stamina - Effect Duration: 0.5 second(s) - Impact Maximum: 1

Energy Absorption Limit: 11PU - Secondary Effect Duration: 2.5 second(s)

Discharge Factor: 0.45

Thea's thoughts swiftly raced back to their previous sparring session, particularly the moment where her glaive had halted a hair's breadth from Isabella's face, only for her own upper body to be pummelled by a single strike from Isabella.

She visibly winced at the recollection for a brief moment before inspecting the Ability more closely.

‘This seems exceptionally powerful for a Silver-rarity Ability. Not only does it nullify the kinetic energy, but it even absorbs and discharges it. For a melee-focused person like Ella, this is beyond brutal… I guess she got just as lucky as I did with my Sensory Overdrive.’ Thea pondered internally.

An unexpected thought struck her as she perused the precise details of the Ability’s variables, 'Hmm…? She can store one more PU than the maximum energy generated by Lucas' Remote Detonation Ability currently. I wonder if we can exploit that somehow. Detonate a grenade or something near Isabella, supercharge her, then have her smash through a wall...?'

Suddenly, Thea realised she had been standing in silence, simply staring at the detailed breakdown of Isabella's ability. Recovering from her reverie, she finally voiced her impression. "This is really powerful, Ella," she admitted, "Now I also understand what happened during our sparring session."

At the mention of their spar, a fond chuckle escaped Isabella, which she quickly tried to hide behind a, clearly fake, cough. The memory, apparently, held a certain charm for her.

Thea took a moment to gather herself, remembering the distinct crunch and the feeling of her upper-body getting crushed by Isabella’s fist once again.

Taking a deep breath, she decided to disclose the seemingly ludicrous idea that had formed in her mind. "You know, an idea struck me while I was going over the details of your Ability. Your Ability can absorb more energy than Lucas's Remote Detonation Ability can generate at the moment. What if we used that to our advantage?"

She paused for effect, her eyes gleaming with a mischievous spark. "We could detonate a grenade close to you. You absorb the impact, get charged up, and then, bam!" She threw a mock punch into the air, "You could punch through a wall or something!"

Isabella's brows arched upwards, her face momentarily blanching at the prospect of standing intentionally near an exploding grenade. But her eyes quickly shifted to a thoughtful expression, considering the utility of the unconventional idea amidst the shock it initially sparked.

"That's fucking crazy, Thea. Although… It could potentially work," Isabella admitted with a thoughtful look in her eyes. "But it's not something I'm willing to try during our first assessment. It's a tactic we should definitely try out in a safer environment first."

"Absolutely," Thea quickly agreed, her eyes glinting with mirth. "It was merely a random thought, really, but having it as an option might not be such a bad idea. And, we don't necessarily have to use a grenade either. We could just try shooting you a bit?" She suggested playfully, her smirk widening.

"Hard pass," Isabella cut in instantly, making a slight face at Thea's suggestion. She then gestured towards the dining table, her tone laced with dry humour, "Let's head back. We wouldn't want to miss the utterly captivating nuances of architectural designs in the Stellar Republic that our squad leader has so diligently gathered for us."

Thea nodded in agreement, her laughter echoing softly in the space between them.

They returned to the table together, diving back into their breakfast and Corvus' detailed overview of the rather dubiously 'important' intel he had collected.

An hour later, they had polished off their breakfast and Corvus had finally managed to wrap up his extensive briefings. They were now just half an hour away from the commencement of their first assessment.

Corvus studied each of his squad members intently, finally nodding with a resolute air, "This is it. We should make our way to the examination room now for any last-minute preparations. I have faith that we've done everything possible to ready ourselves for this mission, but it's likely we'll encounter a few unforeseen circumstances and situations along the way.

"Remember to keep a level head, have faith in your own skills and those of your teammates. We are the Alpha Squad of the Sovereign, personally chosen by Major Quinn herself. We cannot afford to be caught off guard and tarnish everyone’s reputation on board this ship. Is that understood, Alpha Squad?"

"Oo-Rah!" Isabella's eager cry broke the tension, her enthusiasm quickly mirrored by the rest of the squad, albeit after a moment of confusion.

"Just a bit of tradition from my mercenary days," Isabella explained nonchalantly, shrugging off the puzzled expressions from her teammates, "We used to do it to hype ourselves up before a mission. Felt appropriate, y’know?"

“Oo-Rah, it is, then,” Corvus muttered, nodding approvingly, before he got up from his seat and gestured towards the door. “Let’s get going, Alpha Squad.”

Just ten minutes later, they found themselves in a modest, square room furnished with six seemingly randomly arranged chairs.

"Are we sure this is the right place…?" Karania queried, her voice positively laced with confusion.

"Absolutely. Room 34c on Deck 3, just as instructed," Corvus confirmed confidently, rechecking the details on his data-pad. With assured steps, he ventured further into the room, choosing the chair closest to the door.

"Find a seat. We've got approximately fifteen minutes to prepare. Once inside, you can manage your equipment and gear for the mission using your data-pads. Any gear you deem unnecessary should be left behind."

At this, the rest of Alpha Squad hurried into the room, picking the nearest chairs and promptly bringing out their own data-pads to make last-minute adjustments to their equipment. As Lucas, the last member to enter due to his enormous size, settled into his chair, a large countdown clock abruptly materialised near the door, ticking down the minutes until the start of their assessment.

[00:14:32 - First Assessment - Sovereign Alpha Squad]

[Battlefield - Mission: Nova Tertius - Point Assault]

[Squad Callsign: Sovereign Alpha]

A quick scan of the projected information later, Thea promptly began organising her loadout.

She had previously compiled a mental checklist of items she deemed unnecessary for the mission, primarily the camping gear, such as the tent and the sleeping bag, and wilderness survival tools she had amassed during her initial shopping trip with Karania.

She also included extra explosives from the squad's shared supplies, which Corvus and Isabella had picked up the day before, ranging from shaped charges, mouldable charges, plastic explosives to thermite, and even a few plasma charges.

The absence of the survival gear had left a large, gaping hole in her backpack, after all.

Once her loadout was sorted, Thea turned her attention to her personal equipment, considering whether she should invest in additional copies. She quickly retrieved a list of the costs associated with pre-printing extra copies of her gear to be stored in the respawn pods from the System.

[L-ST-08 ‘Spectre’ Light-type Frame: 123 Credits]

[TG-02 ‘Throatcutter’ Glaive: 134 Credits]

[ICE-13 ‘Icicle’ Ballistic Sidearm: 90 Credits]

[X-27R-L ‘Gram’ Designated Marksman Rifle: 229 Credits]

[DA-RS-04 ‘Caliburn’ Anti-Materiel Sniper Rifle: 1,560 Credits]

'Fuck me…! The Caliburn is exorbitant, even just for a copy! Given its T2 status, it's somewhat expected, but still… With my current credits, I can only afford one copy each of the Spectre and the Icicle. I wonder if it's worth the investment or if I should just go without any extras,' Thea silently pondered.

She mentally played out multiple scenarios where she was the first to be eliminated, concluding that most of the time, she would have ample time to print them post-respawn. But a persistent voice in her head, uncannily resembling James', urged her to be thoroughly prepared for any circumstance, regardless of the costs associated.

'Alright, alright. Stop nagging, Old Man…', she humorously admonished her inner voice with a smirk, before deciding to request a copy of her Spectre and Icicle to be secured in her locker.

[System]: 213 System Credits have been debited from your profile by ‘UHF Marine Corps - Logistics Department’.

With her preparations done, Thea reclined in her chair, drawing in a deep, soothing breath to calm her anxious mind. A minute later, Corvus's voice sliced through the quiet.

"Remember to request copies of your gear in case you're killed. We each get six respawns, so securing two or three complete loadouts would be prudent," he advised, his voice edged with a self-deprecating chuckle, "provided you have any credits left, of course."

A low hum of agreement reverberated through the room, a shared understanding that their collective pockets were far from overflowing. Even Thea, by far the richest member of the squad, had only managed to procure two additional items from her arsenal.

As the countdown reached its final minute, a collective hush fell over the squad, as they all seemingly held their breaths at the same time..

"We can't predict how exactly this will pan out, but remember: Stick together, trust each other. No matter what, we'll ace this assessment and etch our names into the UHF's memory as the most formidable Alpha Squad they've ever seen," Corvus reminded them.

A unified 'Oo-Rah!' echoed through the room as the timer ticked down the last 10 seconds.

Then, the moment it hit zero, blaring alarm sirens pierced the silence and the room was bathed in an ominous, crimson glow.

"Sovereign Alpha, report to the flight deck immediately," a disembodied voice commanded, seemingly from thin air.

"On your feet, Alpha Squad," Corvus ordered, leading the way out the door, only to halt momentarily as an unexpected sight greeted them - they weren't in the same hallway as before the commencement of the assessment.

Instead, they found themselves in an unfamiliar segment of the ship, characterised by a distinct architectural style and colour scheme. The familiar greys that dominated the previous decks they had roamed, punctuated only by the occasional crimson UHF emblem, were replaced here.

This new area was a palette of distinct whites and blacks, and occasionally, a unique prismatic sheen that mutedly bounced off the surfaces. The walls, ceilings, and even the floor seemed to be composed of entirely different materials, lending to the alien feel of the surroundings.

The design of the hallway itself had undergone a significant transformation, leaning towards stark practicality. Sharp angles and precise lines dominated, bestowing the corridor a distinctly more 'futuristic' aesthetic.

Corvus' wrist-band buzzed subtly, a notification vibrating against his skin. Thea, thanks to her heightened Perception, picked up on it instantly.

"Follow me," he instructed, leading the way down the left fork of the corridor at a brisk pace.

Within a minute of weaving through the oddly hued corridors, a plethora of disparate scents reached Thea's senses, emanating from the direction they were swiftly approaching.

There was the sharp, acrid scent of fuel that tickled her nostrils, instantly recognizable.

Beneath it lurked the distinctive, slightly metallic aroma of ammunition - of gunpowder, high-energy explosives, and cold, hard steel. Mixed within these were subtler odours, all hinting at the complex machinations at play. Lubricants and cleaning solvents, the heady scent of high-tech equipment and even the faint, underlying musk of sweat.

As they ventured further, the quiet hum of the ship's mechanical systems was gradually overlaid with a symphony of noise. Clattering boots, muffled voices laced with urgency, the sharp barks of commands being issued and the low, ceaseless hum of massive engines gearing up. The cacophony resonated through the narrow corridors, steadily growing in volume as they neared their destination.

And then, as they rounded a final corner, the downright colossal flight deck of the Sovereign came into view and they were instantly dwarfed by its sheer scale.

Stretched out before them was a metallic plane of orchestrated mayhem.

The deck itself was a hive of ceaseless activity; a sprawling, technicolour mosaic of military logistics, personnel and machinery.

Dominating the field of view were the numerous colossal transport ships, which in themselves could easily load multiple medium-sized vehicles that Thea had seen during her Warfare 101 lecture. Engines thrumming in deep, resonant purrs, their forms were being meticulously loaded with an armada of ground vehicles. Squads of engineers and deck crew swarmed around them, their movements deliberate, practised, each one a cog in the grand machine of war.

Smaller, agile bikes zipped around, being marshalled into transport bays, their riders’ faces set with grim determination. Next were the grav bikes and landspeeders, their levitation systems distorting the air beneath them as they were guided into their allotted spots, ready to be unleashed onto the pristine terrain of the planet below.

The real sights, however, were the main battle tanks. Their massive treads chewed up temporary tracks laid down to protect the deck, and the rumble of their engines echoed through the vast space. Each tank was a fortress unto itself, bristling with firepower and armour that gleamed under the overhead lights.

Thea could identify a couple of the ones she saw during her Warfare lecture, but also managed to snatch a glance at a dozen-or-so Predator-type tanks tucked into a far-corner of the massive flight deck, still waiting for their turn.

Interspersed among these massive machines were the occasional mechs. Towering figures of destruction, their armaments hanging off them like brutal appendages, they were in the process of being serviced and crammed into even more massive drop-pods. The occasional whirr of servos and hiss of hydraulic systems were grim reminders of the havoc they would soon unleash.

Above them all, the deck's ceiling was lost in a maze of crisscrossing girders and bright lights, casting the entire scene in a stark, uncompromising glare. The industrious whirlwind below was echoed above by a choreographed ballet of drones and automated systems. The intricate dance of high-tech logistics managed a myriad of 'minor' tasks - refuelling, rearming, and performing basic servicing on the fleet of vehicles populating the deck.

An awed, "Fuck me..." slipped from one of the squad members, breaking the stunned silence. It wasn't clear who had voiced it, but the sentiment resonated with all. The sheer scale of what lay before them had momentarily taken their collective breaths away.

Gathering his wits, Corvus cleared his throat to regain their focus. He gestured towards the leftmost end of the flight deck, "Our destination lies there. Our commanding officer, as well as our drop pods, are waiting."

With Corvus at the helm, Alpha Squad wove their way through the bustling deck, skirting mechanics, deck crew, and other personnel engrossed in their tasks.

As they journeyed towards the left-hand side, the scale of their surroundings began to diminish. The colossal transport ships and vast vehicles receded, supplanted by an increasing concentration of Marines and drop pods readying for deployment.

If Thea were to hazard a guess, there were no fewer than 10,000 Marines present in this sector of the flight deck alone. Clad in full gear, they queued patiently, awaiting their turns to board their respective drop pods, while chattering amongst themselves about the upcoming planetary assault. Many of their voices were laced with excitement and apprehension alike, while a certain few boasted of full-blown confidence.

In their standard UHF uniforms, Thea and the rest of Alpha Squad felt distinctly out of place. A silent plea echoed in her thoughts, a wish to be able to don their gear before the drop. She yearned for the sanctuary of the Spectre's hood, a haven to conceal her mounting fear of the imminent drop.

Reaching what appeared to be a provisional command post, Corvus motioned for the squad to stand by while he approached a Marine officer sporting a Lieutenant's insignia, seemingly in command of this particular deck segment.

Blessed with her exceptionally keen perception, Thea managed to easily eavesdrop on their conversation despite the overwhelming noise reverberating through the bustling deck.

"Squad 'Sovereign Alpha', reporting for duty. Where do you want us, Sir?" Corvus saluted.

"Sovereign Alpha, huh? Intriguing..." The Lieutenant's gaze studied them critically. "First, equip your gear. The changing rooms are right behind me. Find any available space, you won't get any privacy," he directed, gesturing towards the designated area. "You're slotted for the latter half of the first wave. Make haste."

"Acknowledged, sir!" Corvus responded crisply, before pivoting on his heel to return to the squad.

Meanwhile, Thea had shepherded the rest of Alpha Squad towards the changing rooms - having heard the rundown from the Lieutenant, shooting a mischievous thumbs-up at a momentarily disoriented Corvus, who was left scanning the area for his missing squad.

Quickly catching up, Corvus relayed, "We're part of the latter half of the first wave. This implies a hot drop with little in the way of established ground control. Brace yourselves for immediate and intense combat upon touch-down. Pack your full loadout and be ready to engage as soon as the pod doors open."

The squad collectively affirmed their understanding before moving to gear up.

Within a brisk ten-minute span, they reappeared on the flight deck, fully armed and ready, with weapons at hand and gear securely fastened.

Thea gripped her Gram tightly, her Icicle nestled in a holster at her left hip while her Throatcutter, in its double-knife form, hung at her right side, poised for immediate use, should the need arise. The enormous backpack she carried loomed over her petite frame, its size exaggerated by the attached Caliburn that towered over her considerably.

Despite her strange appearance, she noticed similar arrangements among the other Marines. Lucas, in particular, looked like an utterly ridiculous figure with his immense tower-shield strapped to his backpack, making him resemble a mobile bulkhead rather than a marine.

Her musings were abruptly interrupted by the booming announcement of another drop-pod being prepped for departure, "Empyrean Alpha to drop-pod 472. Drop in T minus 3."

The mention of an 'Alpha Squad' from another drive set her mind racing. She wasn't the only one; a ripple of intrigue spread across the squad, their faces reflecting eager curiosity as they rapidly scanned around the massive deck, trying to get a glance at their similarly ranked peers.

However, before they could identify their fellow Alpha Squad members, another announcement echoed through the deck, "Sovereign Alpha to drop-pod 473. Drop in T minus 3."

"That's our call," Corvus alerted, his stride brisk as he led the way to their designated drop-pod.

Under Corvus's lead, the squad picked their way through the maze of activity, sidestepping mechanics and deck crews, their steps synchronised and purposeful. The overwhelming symphony of noise and movement around them began to fade into the background as their focus narrowed onto their destination.

Finally, looming before them, was their drop pod - a behemoth of metal, stark and imposing in its enormity. Roughly shaped like an acorn with a flat bottom, its design bespoke of pure utilitarian function with little concession to aesthetic appeal.

Six colossal, bottom-hinged doors arrayed around its circumference offered entry, each one wide enough to easily admit a fully armoured squad member, regardless of size. When fully open, they gave the drop pod the appearance of a massive metallic flower, its petals splayed open to reveal the secrets within.

Inside, a central, sturdy column dominated the space, around which six seats were arranged. This design offered each squad member an unobstructed view of their respective door, allowing for quick disembarking upon their opening.

The exterior was not without its features either.

Embedded at strategic points were a series of auto-cannons, their smooth barrels glistening ominously in the harsh light. Their purpose was simple, yet lethal: To neutralise any incoming threats, be it homing-missiles aiming to shoot down the pod mid-fall or enemy infantry on the planet itself. It was a stark reminder to the potential, hostile reception that awaited them on the surface post-drop.

With a collective deep breath, the squad made their move towards the gaping doors of the drop pod. One by one, they stepped into the metallic belly of the beast, their heavy boots clanking against the sturdy grating. Each member stowed their backpacks and extra gear in designated compartments adjacent to their seats, their actions fluid and methodical.

They then proceeded to their seats, their bodies heavy with anticipation.

Strapping themselves in, they faced the doors, the central column at their backs, their gear stowed securely next to them. Even as the anxiety simmered within them, there was a palpable sense of readiness, each member mentally bracing for the coming descent in their own, personal ways.

Then, with a mechanical whir that echoed ominously in the hollow space, the massive doors began to close. Like petals folding back onto a bud, they sealed off the interior of the pod, locking the squad into their metal cocoon. With a final, resounding thud, the last door closed, and the inside of the pod was plunged into a state of deadly quiet.

However, this silence was not a calm interlude, but rather a laden pause, a prelude to the thunderous noise of the imminent planetary assault. This momentary stillness was soon interrupted by a renewed announcement resonating through the confined space, "Drop-pod 473 loaded. Drop in T minus 20 seconds."

Quickly, Thea pulled on the hood of her Spectre.

She was well aware that the impending descent would likely not showcase her at her best. If there was any footage being recorded for this assessment, she did not want her fear and anxiety to be visible for all to see after the fact.

Closing her eyes, she drew a deep breath as the drop-pod began to vibrate and tremble - a clear sign it was being manoeuvred into the launch position by the mechanical rails on which it had been set.

Her final thoughts, as the pod was propelled from the flight deck at an intense speed and the gravitational forces began to take hold, were, 'Here we go. There's no turning back now. Time for the long way down…'

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