The Allbright System - A Sci-Fi Progression LitRPG Story

Arc 1 - Chapter 35 - Galactic Politics Lecture I

When Thea woke up the next morning, she felt excitement suffuse her body. Today was the last day of lectures before the assessment!

With all of her equipment bought and registered to her profile the day before, she could barely contain her excitement to get out there and finally get back into some scouting and sniping, together with Alpha Squad. While it had only been a couple of days since integration, to Thea, it felt like months had passed with nothing but lectures, explanations and information pouring down upon her from all angles, at all times of the day.

But all of that was about to change after today’s lectures were over!

Alpha Squad had agreed to sit down together that evening to discuss potential preparations for the assessment, such as last-minute purchases or alterations to their builds, in case anything came up in today’s lectures.

Thea was looking forward to finally spending her level-up points on her Attributes as well. Levelling up was part of what made RPG-style games so enjoyable, after all!

As she went through her usual morning routine of exercises, Thea thought back to the previous days’ shopping trip and subsequent solo training she did in Alpha Squad’s sparring room.

When Karania and herself had returned from their shopping trip, none of the other Alpha Squad members had been around their dorm, so Thea took it upon herself to try out her new melee weapon and get used to its different weight and functionality compared to the standard-issue vibroglaive.

The Throatcutter glaive Thea had acquired was markedly superior to Isabella's description, boasting a highly advanced modulating system. It was manufactured from T1 material alloys, which provided the weapon with enhanced durability, lighter weight, and some distinctively unique features.

The Throatcutter had three distinct forms, which she could effortlessly cycle through at the mere press of a button.

The first was a conventional two-handed glaive, a configuration she had grown accustomed to. Measuring around 170cm, the shaft supported a roughly 30cm-long, slightly curved, crescent blade that tapered to a razor-sharp point, adept at delivering slicing and stabbing blows.

The second configuration manifested the much-anticipated dual short-glaives, ideal for combat in confined spaces. A button press on the full-glaive resulted in it autonomously disconnecting around the midpoint, followed by swift contractions and extensions of the shafts, ensuring the new short-glaives nestled in Thea's grasp at the optimal balance point.

In the final touch to this transformation, the bottom tip of the original shaft, now the apex of the new short-glaive, unfolded, unveiling the concealed vibro glaive-head within.

This rapid metamorphosis from a single full-glaive to a pair of short-glaives was achieved in less than a fraction of a second, making it even viable to perform mid-combat.

These advancements addressed several concerns Thea had quietly held about mode-switching when she first heard about it from Isabella, as she didn't have to fuss over precise hand positioning, as long as she steered clear of the area where the glaives detached.

The final configuration of the Throatcutter was one Thea hadn't foreseen and consequently consumed most of her focus the previous day. The weapon could seamlessly transform into a pair of larger-than-usual knives linked by a cable approximately 1cm in diameter.

The sight of the Throatcutter morphing into this state initially rendered Thea speechless. The solid, rigid shaft compactly folded in on itself, segmenting into an array of interconnected parts that rendered it flexible. The metamorphosis left her holding a more compact, hilt-like shaft, the full 30cm blades, and a roughly 140cm long T1 alloy cable connecting the two knives.

One minor drawback to this configuration was that she needed the weapon in full-glaive mode or have the two short-glaives sufficiently close for the cable to link them. If the short-glaives were separated by more than 90cm, the transformation process would simply not initiate.

However, this limitation was a minor inconvenience compared to the advantages offered by this third form.

Its compact size made transportation a breeze, reducing it to the equivalent of two slightly longer knives tethered by a cable. She could stow this easily within the sheathes of her armour, located near her hip. Most importantly however, this option also ensured her extensive training and experience in knife-fighting wouldn't go to waste!

Upon testing the durability of the cable linking the knives, Thea was astounded by its strength. It stood its ground against chainswords and vibroswords without difficulty, appearing as sturdy as the Throatcutter's shaft in its full-glaive form to her.

Though Thea knew it would take months, probably even years, to master the intricacies of this versatile weapon, her excitement for the learning journey was palpable. The mind-boggling array of options the Throatcutter offered her left her eager for her next sparring session with Isabella and the flurry of questions she'd inevitably unleash about the weapon…

Having finished her usual morning routine, Thea headed towards the lecture room for the GalPol101 class.

She wasn’t the biggest fan of the dry lectures provided by the UHF, but the information contained within them was undoubtedly important and useful to her. She wasn’t exactly sure what GalPol101 would entail, but considering that the UHF had slated a specific lecture for it, just before their assessment, meant to her that there was likely some information inside of it, that was paramount for their success in the assessment trial.

After a 20-minute journey navigating the labyrinthine corridors of the Sovereign, Thea finally arrived at the lecture hall. To her surprise, she found Corvus waving at her from a second-row seat.

'Luckily it's not Desmond,' Thea mused, heading towards her squad leader.

The lecture hall itself was quite ordinary, more similar to the venue for the System 101 class rather than the distinctive setting chosen by Lt. Jorvik for the Warfare 101 lecture.

Taking her seat beside Corvus, Thea greeted him with a warm nod, "Morning, Corvus. I have to admit, I kind of forgot that I'd be sharing this class with a fellow Alpha Squad member..."

Chuckling lightly, Corvus responded, "No problem at all! I considered messaging you so we could arrive together or perhaps waiting for you in the dorms, but ultimately decided it didn’t really matter. We were destined to end up in the same place anyway, weren't we?" A wink punctuated his playful tone before his demeanour shifted towards a more sombre note.

"In all seriousness though, the initial plan was for Desmond to join you for GalPol101. However, given the somewhat rocky start the two of you have had, I thought it might be more comfortable for you if I took his place. Hence, I requested a schedule change to replace him. If I crossed any lines here, or over reached, please accept my apology."

Caught off guard by Corvus' considerate gesture, especially considering the short time they've known each other, Thea blinked in surprise before quickly raising her hands to dismiss his worry.

"No, not at all! I will say, I was a bit apprehensive it might be Desmond waiting for me here when I walked in. I was genuinely relieved to see you instead. Thank you, Corvus. I seriously appreciate your thoughtfulness," Thea dipped her head in a brief gesture of gratitude before resuming, curiosity ringing in her voice, "You seem to have a knack for this squad leader role, don't you?"

Caught off guard by Thea's compliment, Corvus gave her a modest smile. "I guess you could say that," he began, leaning back in his seat as he seemingly contemplated what to say for a moment, before continuing. "You see, I was born on an inner-world named Valtrusia, which comes with its whole own set of expectations and problems… Leadership is one of the qualities that's highly regarded there."

His gaze turned somewhat hazy as he delved into his past. "From a young age, my path was set towards a leadership role, really. Whether it was guiding the local militia or more ambitiously, the UHF Marines, the idea of leading was always ingrained in me. I was raised amidst a culture that highly values and cultivates leadership skills."

His eyes brightened with a tinge of pride as he mentioned his parents. "My mother is a high-ranking officer in the UHF's civilian sector. She's always been a bit of a role model for me, showcasing resilience and dedication in every task she undertakes. On the other hand, my father used to lead a mercenary corporation. His stories about the battles he's fought, the people he's met, and the worlds he's visited... let's just say they've made a lasting impression.

"It's truly staggering to consider that they're unaware of what lies just beyond the threshold... The Allbright System, the process of integration, the entire thing with the galactic bubble... To my knowledge, they don't have a clue about any of these things. I've only been integrated for a mere few days, yet I already feel vastly more enlightened about the reality of the universe than both of my parents will likely ever be... It's an uncanny sensation, to say the least," he concluded, a wave of complex emotions briefly crossing his face.

Before Thea could summon the right words to offer solace however, Corvus leaned in, locking eyes with her, his gaze already cleared of any prior emotional turmoil. "They both shaped me in different ways, and I guess that's why leadership feels somewhat natural to me. It's what I've been prepared for, all my life. But don't get me wrong, Thea. It doesn't mean I have all the answers. Leading is primarily about learning, every step of the way."

With a reassuring smile, he added, "And I'm glad to have you and the rest of the Alpha Squad with me on this journey."

Taken aback by the openness and depth of Corvus' response, Thea found herself considering the true gravity of his words. This man, with whom she was destined to share battles and life-altering experiences, was carrying the weight of not just his own expectations, but those of his family. It was a responsibility she couldn't quite fathom - her only true family being James.

The sincerity in his words and the confidence he exuded while speaking them, reassured her however.

Struggling to put her thoughts into words, Thea began, "Corvus, that's...that's quite a revelation. I had no idea you were carrying such responsibilities. But I figured you would have had some prior experiences. The way you’ve handled Alpha Squad so far, especially in regards to the whole issue with me being a Cyan and all… It just reinforces my faith in you and in Alpha Squad. You've clearly been shaped into an exceptional leader, and..."

Just as she was about to finish her thought, an abrupt bellow echoed through the lecture hall. "QUIET! EYES UP FRONT, RECRUITS!" As if the professor had materialised out of thin air, she was suddenly at the front of the room, her stark entrance silencing the previously buzzing chatter. The suddenness of the interruption left Thea momentarily speechless, her sentence hanging in mid-air, an unsaid testament to the bond that was beginning to form between her and Corvus.

The sudden hush that spread across the lecture hall was a testament to the impact of Professor Hilax's entrance. The recruits, who until a moment ago were lost in their own world of chatter and camaraderie, snapped their attention to the front. Faces filled with a combination of apprehension, awe, and anticipation were turned towards the stage, as all eyes locked onto the imposing figure now commanding their undivided attention.

Professor Hilax was a sight to behold.

Dressed in the crisp, spotless uniform of the UHF, her presence radiated an unyielding authority. Her silver hair was pulled back into a tight bun, the sternness of which was mirrored in her steel-grey eyes that seemed to miss nothing.

A face lined with experience and a mouth set in a firm, uncompromising line, she had a serious expression that seemed to be etched from polished granite. She was standing tall at nearly 190cm with a ramrod straight posture, perfectly centred behind the podium, her piercing gaze scanning the recruits, who already felt the weight of her scrutiny descend upon them.

Thea swallowed hard as she saw the eyes of the professor fall on her and linger for a moment, before moving on. She thought to herself, ‘What a presence…’ as she eagerly awaited for the final lecture to start.

Just then, her wish came true, as Professor Hilax spoke up, her voice a study in authority, honed to perfection. It carried a deep, resonant quality, effortlessly commanding the attention of anyone who heard it. Her voice spread across the room like an unfolding wave, imbuing every corner of it with its firm intensity. It was like hearing the resounding echo of a gavel strike, a signal that demanded order and respect.

Despite its stern undertone, her voice had a distinct clarity, sharp as crystal and precise as a metronome. Each word she uttered was articulated with purpose, leaving no room for misinterpretation.

"Greetings, Recruits. I am Professor Zynas Hilax. You will address me as Ma'am or Professor Hilax exclusively. Welcome to Galactic Politics 101.

"Humankind is dispersed across the Milky Way, occupying an immeasurable number of star clusters and a countless array of planets. When the Allbright System enclosed us in the Galactic Bubble and set the thousand-year deadline, it anchored this sphere to a particular sector and planet: Terra.

"As humanity's cradle and the nexus of our new universe, Terra has always been of profound significance. However, its prominence has accelerated notably in recent millennia due to the decision of the Emperor himself to designate Terra as his domicile and place of power."

Professor Hilax paused momentarily, her penetrating gaze scanning the recruits, seemingly ensuring their attentiveness, before she resumed her lecture.

“The Emperor is a mysterious figure, that undoubtedly everyone in this hall has heard of before in one way or another. Some hold him in religious reverence - seeing him as a god -, others regard him as humanity's leader, while there are those who dismiss his existence as mere myth, a tale spun during isolated FTL traverses across sectors.

"To those who identify with the latter perspective, let me clarify: You are wrong. The Emperor's existence is a verifiable fact, clearly documented. Those who held contrary beliefs should urgently rectify their misconceptions. As for the Emperor's history, it remains shrouded in mystery, even to the oldest scholars and the most erudite researchers within Terra's intellectual circles.

"Here's what’s established as fact: Approximately 880 years ago, the Emperor, accompanied by a convoy of twelve warships, emerged from void-travel in the Terran star sector. He pronounced it as a neutral zone until the Galactic Bubble ceased to exist.

"The Terran government, quite predictably, did not receive this proclamation well and instigated an all-out war against the Emperor and his modest fleet. 'War' is perhaps the standard term to employ, but the ensuing spectacle more closely resembled the physical schooling of an insubordinate child. The Emperor's vessel —the Venerable Ghost—, operating solo, laid waste to the Terran fleet within a few short days, barely even taking a scratch in the downright cataclysmic engagements.

"After incurring billions of casualties and substantial loss of equipment, the Terran government found itself cornered. It was patently evident that the Emperor didn't consider them worthy of engaging his remaining fleet. Their strategy then evolved to allow him to land, intending to assassinate him once he ventured out from the secure confines of his ship presuming it to be the source of his might."

Professor Hilax paused once more, suspending her narrative at a moment of intense anticipation that gripped Thea. Thea hadn't expected such a vivid recounting of the Emperor's history from the stern professor, but she found herself utterly captivated by it. Ever since she entered the cube trial, the Emperor, this enigmatic figure, had been mentioned in various contexts, phrases, and implications. Yet, she had never fully grasped who or what these people were referring to.

Glancing at Corvus, she saw his rapt focus on every word uttered by Professor Hilax. It seemed that even those with a comprehensive education, like Corvus, an inner-worlder, were not necessarily privy to this elaborate backstory of humanity's god-like leader.

Once she felt assured of the recruits' undivided attention, Professor Hilax resumed her tale. "The government's next move proved even more disastrous, however.

Harnessing every available resource, from thermobaric bombs and the newest plasma weaponry to atomic bombs, and even orbital bombardment from a stealth fleet hovering in Terra's upper atmosphere, they launched an all-out assault on the Emperor. The relentless attack spanned almost three full hours, reducing everything around the Emperor’s landing spot to nothing more than a fractured continental crust.

"The ensuing energy maelstrom unleashed upon Terra was apocalyptic, eradicating nearly 60% of all life and nearly torching the entire atmosphere of the planet itself. Yet, the one entity they sought to eliminate, the Emperor himself, emerged unscathed from the ruins of the decimated continent, enraged and utterly furious by the Terran government's gross disregard for human life.

"Less than half a day after his arrival on Terra and under a week since his appearance in the star sector, the Emperor publicly executed the entire Terran government. He then assumed the role of the sole leader for all of humanity - a position he has maintained since, for nearly 900 years."

The revelation hung heavy in the lecture hall, a deafening silence filling the room as each recruit absorbed the gravity of the tale. Thea felt a chill run down her spine, her eyes wide in shock as she processed the enormity of the Emperor's history. Turning to Corvus, she whispered, "Did you know about any of this?"

Corvus shook his head, a similar look of stunned disbelief etched on his face. "Not even a fraction," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "I knew the Emperor was a powerful figure, but this... this is beyond anything I imagined."

Around them, the room was aflutter with murmurs as the recruits conversed among themselves, grappling with the startling details of the narrative. Whispers of surprise, disbelief, and even a hint of fear filled the air. The previously disciplined atmosphere gave way to a scene of disarray as the recruits tried to reconcile the newfound information with their prior perceptions of the Emperor.

But this chaos was abruptly curtailed by Professor Hilax. With a sharp clap of her hands, she reclaimed the room's attention. "Quiet, Recruits! There will be time for discussion after the lecture. For now, listen. There's more to learn." The room immediately fell quiet again, the authority in her voice brooking no dissent, and all eyes were once more riveted on the indomitable figure of Professor Hilax.

"Approximately a century later, about forty years prior to the establishment of the UHF, the Emperor chose to recede from the limelight, entrusting the governance of humanity to a council composed of his thirteen closest and most trusted confidants—what we now recognize as the Terran Council.

"Since that day, the Emperor has seemingly vanished from existence. Many speculate that he is orchestrating some grand strategy to ready humanity for the impending integration of our galaxy into the broader universe. Others report to have sighted the Emperor on various star-studded battlefields. The truth is, we have nothing concrete. His absence has spanned over seven centuries, leaving only the whispers of his mighty reputation echoing in the collective consciousness of humanity.

"So, why is this pertinent to us specifically? It's because the Terran Council is the decision-making body that dictates the course for us all—for you, for me, for the UHF, and for humanity as a whole. We adhere to Terran doctrine, for if we fail to do so, the Legio Vindictae will make a swift and brutal example out of us. Take my word on this: We stand no chance of emerging victorious from such a confrontation.

"The Legio Vindictae ranks among the most potent, best outfitted, and technologically superior forces that humanity can muster. A single squadron of their battleships could readily reduce a significant segment of the UHF's primary fleet to scrap floating in the vast emptiness of space, with only our Apex-Class Supremacy-type flagships potentially capable of inflicting any significant damage on their vessels.

"These are not baseless assertions either. The last deployment of the Legio Vindictae took place roughly 210 years ago, so our assessment of their capabilities then is quite precise. Their latest activation marked the downfall of a major faction, which has since been expunged from official records. Although its existence and name persist in our memory, voicing it is prohibited by Terran doctrine, for fear of encouraging the same reckless behaviour that led to its downfall..."

As Professor Hilax laid bare the realities of their galactic political landscape, the atmosphere inside the lecture hall was electric with tension, each recruit processing the gravity of the information being shared. Thea found herself exchanging a look with Corvus, both mirroring each other's expressions of surprise and sober understanding.

"Despite the silence from the Emperor and the stringent rules set by the Terran Council, we must remember that our role as members of the UHF is vital. We're here to protect humanity, uphold order, and provide stability during this challenging era of transition, especially as we head towards the inevitable integration of our entire galaxy," the Professor continued, her gaze sweeping over the recruits with a steely determination that was contagious.

"But to do that, we need to understand the bigger picture. We need to understand the power dynamics at play, the lessons from our history, and the potential threats that lie in wait. We cannot underestimate the importance of what happens to the factions that fall afoul of the Terran Council. It is a sobering reminder of the consequences of defying the established order, for there is no time for humanity to go through another regime change."

In the pause that followed, Professor Hilax allowed the gravity of her words to settle in. "Bear this in mind as we delve deeper into this course. Let it steer your choices in all efforts to come, for you're accountable not only to the UHF, but to all of humanity. As we navigate into uncharted territory, unity, vigilance, and readiness should be our guiding principles. This isn't merely the ethos of the UHF, but also the Terran Doctrine. And that segues into the real crux of today's lecture: War."

"Nearly every dominant human faction is embroiled in conflict with the others, save one exception: The Terran Faction. With Terra at the epicentre of the Galactic Bubble, it serves as a neutral zone, a sanctuary where all factions can convene without resorting to violence. However, beyond the borders of the Terran star-sector, it's nothing short of pandemonium.

"Circling the Terran star-sector, divided into numerous sectors that radiate out from Terra itself, are the principal human factions. Currently, there are 11 acknowledged major factions of humanity, including our own, all vying for supremacy. The cost is steep - uncountable billions are constantly busy maiming, killing, and destroying with a ceaseless pursuit of superior warfare tactics, all in service of one singular aim. One stemmed from a promise... a pledge given by the Emperor himself on the day of his vanishing, which remains his final documented utterance to date."

With a swift motion of her hand, Professor Hilax plunged the room into darkness, before activating a holographic projector. The holographic image cast an otherworldly glow in the darkened room, bringing into sharp focus the figure of a man who was more a legend than a human being.

The man stood tall and imposing, embodying an authority that resonated in his every aspect, even through the projection. His stature was grand, radiating an aura of indomitable power and gravitas. He was not overly muscular but there was an unmistakable sense of strength, a kind of robustness that came from the very core of his being.

His broad shoulders and perfect posture exuded an almost palpable might, indicating a person who was not just physically powerful but also mentally indomitable.

His face was a study in stern dignity, chiselled with ageless features that seemed to carry the wisdom of aeons. His eyes, even in the hologram, held a depth that spoke volumes of a life lived through innumerable trials and tribulations, yet they twinkled with a touch of kindliness. His gaze was firm, yet compassionate, as if he were a father watching over his children.

He was clothed in an ornate suit of armour, an artefact from an era long past, each piece telling a story of countless battles fought and won.

Above all however, there was an air of serene wisdom about him.

His demeanour, his stance, and the way he held himself suggested a being of extraordinary intelligence and insight. It was as if he held the secrets of the universe within him, secrets he was ready to divulge for the benefit of all humanity.

This was the man, the figure, the entity that stood at the heart of mankind's hopes and fears: The Emperor of all Mankind.

As the room held its breath, the Emperor began his final address, a message that would echo through the ages for the next 800 years, plunging an entire galaxy of trillions into a war with no end, no victor.

[[[AN: If anyone wants to humor me, you can listen to the Emperor himself right here - it is an audio recording of the following speech:]]]

"My esteemed kin, this is to be my final message as your Emperor. Following this statement, governance will pass into the hands of my most trusted confidants—the Terran Council. They will wield power on my behalf, for I am not, nor have ever been, meant to be a ruler. I have embodied many roles—a scholar, a warrior, an explorer among others. Yet a ruler, I am not nor will I ever be.

"I assumed this mantle out of necessity to prepare humanity for what lies ahead, not out of an ambition for power. The ever-approaching catastrophe, signalled by the Allbright System, has set a doomsday clock in motion, that we are incapable of stopping. It ticks away our moments, steadily counting down to an inevitable end.

"If we, as a unified species, are not prepared when the Galactic Bubble withdraws its shield, it will mark our complete annihilation. The end of our evolutionary journey that began on our home planet, Terra, billions of years ago and reached out for the stars. The end of a lineage that stretches back trillions of lives, and forward into an uncertain future.

"This cannot be our destiny. But averting this fate requires a path so fraught with suffering, despair, and death that I recoil at the prospect of presenting it. Nevertheless, I stand before you all one final time, bearing this grim path as our singular option.

"Understand that the consequences of what I am about to propose rest squarely upon my shoulders. It is I who instigate this, and it is I who will bring it to a close.

"The Terran Council will primarily serve as an observational body and will ensure adherence to the rules of the impending strife. When the Galactic Bubble vanishes, humanity will be governed by whichever major faction has successfully created the most widespread and popular administration in our history.

"From this moment, you have just over eight centuries to establish your power. Rule, unite, battle. Only the smartest, strongest, and most adaptable will thrive in this new era of mankind, for all others will perish.

"I hereby proclaim that the faction that governs the greatest share of humanity by 990 PFC will be recognized as my standard-bearers. I will rally all of humanity beneath their banner, drawing upon millennia of their governing experience, and stand with you in the emerging universe when the doomsday clock strikes its final hour.

“There will be war amongst the different human factions. Untold trillions will die. But without sacrifice, there can be no victory. Humanity shall be moulded by this crucible, tempered in the fires of war for the next eight centuries. We must emerge as the greatest warriors the universe has ever known once the tempering is completed.

"May the centuries that await usher in unparalleled progress, hope that shakes the very foundations of our being, and a relentless, ceaseless war."

With those words, the hologram vanished, plunging the room into complete darkness.

For a few long moments, the silence hung heavy in the air, filled with the weight of the Emperor's final decree. It was as if the darkness itself was digesting the profoundness of the message.

Slowly, the room's lights began to fade back in, revealing the shocked and contemplative faces of the recruits. There was no sound, save for the soft humming of the environmental controls. Even the professor seemed to share the recruits' awe-struck silence, despite undoubtedly having heard this speech many times.

Thea swallowed hard, her heart pounding against her ribcage. She'd known that the war the UHF waged was crucial. But the magnitude of their responsibility had never been so starkly presented before.

The knowledge that every conflict, every war she would be a part of, was part of a grand design, a design that aimed at no less than the survival of the entire human race, was staggering. She looked at Corvus, his face as white as a sheet. She didn't need to ask him.

It was clear from his reaction; he, too, had been blindsided by the gravity of the revelation…

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