The Allbright System - A Sci-Fi Progression LitRPG Story

Arc 1 - Chapter 29 - Build Discussion

Making her way out of the training room, Thea returned her armour to the racks and ventured back towards Alpha Squad's shared living space.

As she approached, a tantalising array of smells and aromas greeted her, originating from the abundant dining table.

To Thea’s delight, it seemed that someone had ordered another buffet for that day’s squad meeting!

Unable to resist the siren call of her grumbling stomach, Thea quickened her pace, arriving at her usual spot next to Karania, who was already enjoying her meal. Karania greeted her with a nod before taking another bite of a succulent piece of meat. Its enticing aroma and vibrant colour made Thea’s mouth water.

Hastily, she loaded up her plate with a hearty serving of food, acknowledging her squad with a cheery, “Thank you for the meal!” before diving into her feast.

As she savoured the delectable flavours of a sweet, steamed bun filled with a savoury meat paste, Thea realised that she had walked into the middle of a heated discussion. Alpha Squad had been so engrossed in their conversation that they had entirely overlooked her arrival.

“I’m telling you, we need to invest our points before the assessment! Hesitating could cost us. What if our failure hinges on the slight advantage those points could have given us? Can we risk the potential of being expelled from Alpha Squad? I certainly don’t think we can afford that, Corvus!” Desmond argued, his tone exasperated.

Corvus, ever the charismatic leader with a perpetually easy smile, responded in his calm, level-headed manner. “I understand your concerns, but consider this: what if we earn Achievements from the assessment that could radically change our builds? We might discover new Abilities that could completely alter our plans. We have no idea what Abilities from Achievements even look like! We're all around Level 3, right? I'm not convinced that 12 points will make or break our performance, to be honest.

“Furthermore, we should seek advice from more experienced individuals before we distribute our points. Let's consult with some professors, or maybe even seek advice from Major Quinn. We're Alpha Squad; we don’t immediately need these attribute boosts. Everyone else is the ones trying to catch up to us, not the other way around.”

A brief silence followed Corvus' words, only to be shattered by the loud crack of Thea biting down too hastily on a piece of meat with a hidden bone. The unexpected noise drew the startled gazes of everyone present.

Realising she was the sudden focus of attention, Thea shrank back in her chair, carefully removing the broken bone fragments from her mouth. “Ah… My bad…” she murmured, her voice meek amidst the surprised silence.

Suddenly realising that she hadn't yet apologised for her behaviour the previous day, Thea quickly collected herself. Straightening her posture and taking a deep breath, she launched into the apology she had been rehearsing all day, "Actually... while I have your attention... I wanted to apologise for my unprofessional behaviour yesterday. I won’t make excuses - my actions were inappropriate, and my sudden departure wasted valuable preparation time. I will strive to do better in the future..."

At her admission, all of Alpha Squad's eyebrows shot up in surprise, excluding Isabella's, sending a ripple of anxiety through Thea. 'Did I mess up…? I prepared so much for this and managed to get it out without any major stumbles…!'

Corvus responded with a soft chuckle and a shake of his head, gesturing for Thea to relax, "You’re certainly a unique one, Thea. You see... We arranged this buffet as an apology to you, believing we were the ones who had upset you. And yet here you are, apologising to us for a misstep we thought we had made. I believe I speak for all of us when I say it’s a non-issue. In fact, we owe you an apology as well. Your words were a wake-up call.

"We've been a disconnected and standoffish group so far, with personal secrets and emotions creating barriers to a cohesive squad environment. It's somewhat expected, given we’ve only formed our squad two days ago, but that doesn't justify overlooking the needs of one of our own. Please accept our sincere apology, and enjoy the buffet. It’s all for you. We pledge to improve and support you just as you've offered to support us."

At the conclusion of Corvus' words, the members of Alpha Squad lowered their heads slightly towards Thea as a gesture of apology. This act surprised her, but what shocked her the most was that even the usually stand-offish Desmond offered a subtle nod in her direction, a mixture of emotions visible on his face, that Thea couldn’t even begin to decipher.

With Corvus's words hanging in the air, the atmosphere within the Alpha Squad’s shared living space became significantly lighter. Thea looked around the table at the earnest faces of her squadmates, her surprise at their apology mirrored in their eyes for her own. For a moment, the only sounds in the room were the ever-present, quiet hum of the Sovereign and the clinking of silverware against plates.

"Thank you... all of you," Thea began, her voice trembling slightly under the weight of Corvus's words. She bowed her head, a blush blooming on her cheeks. "I... I truly appreciate it."

Gulping down the lump that had formed in her throat, she pushed on, eager to steer the conversation away from herself, "I think I interrupted an important discussion earlier. It was about level-ups and Abilities, right?"

Corvus clapped his hands together, his face lighting up at her question, "Exactly! I was suggesting that we wait until after the assessment before using our points, to get a better idea of what exactly builds should even look like. We will undoubtedly meet other Private-ranked marines inside after all, which we could get some inspiration from.

He leaned back, looking around the table, "We took a vote and found out we're split: Desmond and Karania want to invest points immediately, while Lucas and I believe it's better to wait. Since Isabella and you just joined, we wanted to get your opinions as well. You heard the main arguments while you were eating. Anyone else want to add something?" He glanced around the room, inviting the rest of the squad to join the conversation.

Everyone was slightly surprised when the typically quiet Isabella spoke up first, "Honestly, I'll trust Thea's judgement on this one. She's been the one racking up high-tier Achievements, so she probably has a better sense of what's needed. I'm okay with either choice," she concluded nonchalantly, scooping a spoonful of slightly greenish stew into her mouth.

Ruthlessly and suddenly thrown back into the limelight, Thea gestured for a moment's reprieve, as her heart raced from the sudden attention. The rest of the squad took this as a cue to resume their discussion, which had noticeably cooled down.

As their words washed over her, Thea took a calming breath, and reflected on the dilemma at hand. 'Would we perform better if we spent our points now? Could that lead to more Achievements? Based on what I've seen, Achievements are tied to concrete milestones, not to subjective factors like whether we've spent our points or not...

'On the other hand, if we allocate our points prematurely and make mistakes, that could hinder our progress when we reach the Level 10 Class advancement. I've yet to hear anything about reallocating points, so I'm going to assume they're permanent. But, we're only talking about 3-4 levels' worth of points. If we invest them mainly in our core Attributes, as Professor Pierce suggested, we should avoid any major missteps... right?'

Lost in thought for a few minutes, Thea broke the silence during a lull in the squad’s conversation. "I believe it would be beneficial to share our build ideas first, should anyone have any definite plans. I'm convinced that spending our level-up points would significantly aid us in the assessment and in achieving our goals of getting additional upgrades from Achievements, given that all of the Achievements I've encountered are purely objective.

"There are no Attribute caps or minimums, at least none that I have noticed. Assuming we're not yet set on specific builds, it would be smart to invest in our core Attributes at least, for a considerable power increase prior to the assessment. Strength-focused members like Isabella and Lucas, in particular, would greatly benefit from this boost... I've firsthand experienced what Isabella can do with a Strength of 5. Just the thought of her with an additional 50% is..."

Thea's voice faded into silence, a shiver running down her spine as she vividly recalled her sparring session with Isabella, the phantom sensation of her wounds making her shudder.

At her words, Isabella's grin widened into a fierce smile, "That's the spirit, Thea! You ain't seen nothing yet."

The playful threat drew chuckles from the rest of the squad, diffusing the tension slightly. They each reflected on Thea's suggestion, finding logic in her words.

"Actually… hearing Thea’s reasoning, I think I agree," Lucas chimed in, his voice mellow and uncertain as usual. "We could focus on our main Attributes, something that we know for certain will be beneficial no matter the build we decide on later. That should help make sure we don’t run into issues, right…?"

Corvus nodded after a brief moment of contemplation, his charismatic smile undiminished, "That's a sensible suggestion, I think... However, I’d still like to take this a bit more slowly. Let’s talk about our build ideas first as Thea has suggested. And make a final decision based on that afterwards, how about that?"

Looking around the table, Corvus saw nods of agreement from everyone, a smile forming on his face. "I love how we're coming together as a squad… Truly wonderful!

“Now, I’ll start off, as per usual: My Ability suggests a support or front-line leader role. I have always performed a supporting role between the Light and Heavy Marines, which allows me to function well as a Squad Leader, as I've been trained to do.

"My Attributes are good across the board but don't push me into any specific niche, so I don't have a definite path. I'm considering investing mainly in Focus and Stamina to use my Direct Order as many times as possible, and perhaps Recovery as well. These are all among my highest Attributes, so it should also align with Thea’s suggestion…?"

As he concluded, he displayed his Attribute box for everyone to see, ensuring nobody would overlook them during the discussion.


Strength: 4.18 (+0%)

Finesse: 4.23 (+0%)

Vitality: 4.02 (+0%)

Recovery: 4.28 (+0%)

Stamina: 4.11 (+0%)

Focus: 4.24 (+0%)

Perception: 4.01 (+0%)

Resolve: 3.27 (+0%)

[Psychic: TBD (+0%)] (Locked 15.54/30)

[TBD: TBD (+0%)] (Locked)

A moment of silent contemplation followed, before Karania spoke up in her typical, cheery voice, “I like it! Tag it and bag it!”

Unable to hold back a smile at Karania’s typical antics and demeanour, Thea immediately chimed in as well, her penchant for theorycrafting completely eradicating any potential feelings of anxiety cropping up from putting herself in the limelight, “Honestly, I think that’s a very solid idea. With heavy investment into Focus, Stamina and Recovery, I doubt you can really go wrong…? It would make you very dependent on System Abilities however, which is definitely something we should all be wary of, at least to some degree. We don’t really know what’s available yet and how many Abilities we can realistically expect to get a hold of, after all.

“Maybe some extra points into Perception wouldn’t hurt, as you will likely be the main Perception-guy in the middle of the squad, considering my role as a Scout…? I’d probably go for a 2/2/1 split between Stamina, Focus and Perception. That should get you a nice distribution, while also providing a good basis for a potential Psychic Attribute unlock around Tier 2, which is something you should definitely consider, being a Medium-Armour and Squad Leader.”

Content with her analysis, Thea paused, only to become aware of the surprised expressions around the table.

A moment of silence hung heavy as her teammates processed her swift and precise evaluation of Corvus' build proposal. Then, from the silence emerged a rich chuckle from Corvus.

"Look at you, Thea. Who would've thought our quiet, anxious scout could be such a brilliant strategist?" His words, laced with amusement, held an undeniable note of respect.

A blush crept onto Thea's cheeks, and she cast her gaze downward, hiding a shy smile. However, even amid her embarrassment, she felt warmth spread within her at their acceptance. After all, theorycrafting was what she relished the most in any game!

Corvus, still wearing his broad grin, clapped his hands together. "Well then, shall we make it official? All in favour of Thea becoming our squad's build advisor?" His eyes twinkled with mirth.

Almost immediately, the affirmations came pouring in. Isabella gave a curt nod of agreement, while Lucas hummed in approval. Karania simply shook her head in disbelief, while signalling her agreement. Even Desmond, without a hint of hesitation visible on his face, gave an immediate thumbs-up to the idea.

"All right, then! It's official! Thea McKay, I hereby proclaim thee: ‘Official Build Advisor for Alpha Squad’!" Corvus declared, adding a dramatic flourish as though he was bestowing a title of nobility upon her.

A bubble of laughter escaped Thea's lips at Corvus' theatrics. With the title bestowed upon her in such a grandiose manner, she felt as if she were being knighted. Despite the situation making her fairly anxious, their camaraderie and Corvus’ ability to continuously find the right place to inject some humour, lightened the mood.

"Alright," Thea finally responded, still trying to hide her mirth, "I guess I'll take on the mantle. But no blaming me if your builds don't work out as expected!"

Her response was met with another round of chuckles and an array of amused nods.

"Deal!" Corvus answered, raising an imaginary glass in toast before he took another bite of his food. "So, who's next to share their build ideas?"

“Since I'm the one who dropped all the responsibility on our Scout, it's only fair that I go next…” Isabella began, casting a teasing grin in Thea's direction.

“As you're all aware, my approach leans heavily towards the offensive side as a Heavy. I have a particular affinity for big, fuck-off weapons and will most likely become a magnet for enemy Aces. With that in mind, my plan is to pour at least half of my points into Strength on a consistent basis, to ensure I'm never outpaced by any potential enemy Aces.

“Finesse and Stamina are also on my radar, as they'll ensure I can utilise all that Strength effectively and activate my Abilities without excessive concern about resource management - not really my cup of tea. My goal is to become as formidable against Aces as possible, whilst delivering the expected firepower of an offensive Heavy."

With a waive of her hand, Isabella displayed her Attributes:


Strength: 5.44 (+0%)

Finesse: 4.51 (+0%)

Vitality: 4.11 (+0%)

Recovery: 3.08 (+0%)

Stamina: 4.19 (+0%)

Focus: 2.17 (+0%)

Perception: 3.21 (+0%)

Resolve: 3.04 (+0%)

[Psychic: TBD (+0%)] (Locked 12.53/30)

[TBD: TBD (+0%)] (Locked)

"So, what's the verdict, oh, esteemed Build Advisor?" Isabella asked, a playful note to her voice.

Once again, the eyes of the Alpha Squad settled on Thea. A twinge of anxiety tugged at her, yet it was quickly extinguished by the surge of anticipation for the challenge. As she began to speak, her world seemed to narrow, and all her focus zoomed in on the task at hand.

"I think your idea holds merit, Isa— er… Ella," Thea started, slightly tripping over the new nickname. "I concur with your perspective on Strength. It's an immensely potent attribute that governs both power and speed—hard to overlook indeed. Your attention to Finesse and Stamina also makes sense. However, I suggest you consider a moderate investment into Vitality too. Trust me, as someone with low Vitality, it leaves much to be desired."

She paused for a moment, collecting her thoughts. "Especially if you're aiming to tackle enemy Aces, having enough Vitality to withstand a few blows, despite your Abilities and Base Attributes, will likely prove crucial. I'd propose a 3/1/1/1 distribution, though you might need to tweak it over time, based on the Abilities you acquire... As for your weapon choice, I can't say I'm familiar with what a Heavy typically uses. But if it's a large weapon, I doubt it requires high long-range accuracy, so your Perception should be sufficient as it stands."

Having completed her assessment, Thea nodded, mentally revisiting her analysis before returning her gaze to her squadmates seated around the table.

A smile of genuine excitement had bloomed on Isabella's face as she nodded eagerly at Thea's assessment. "Great! I like the sound of that."

Meanwhile, Corvus nodded, but his smile bore a different reason. "You really have a knack for this, Thea. We're fortunate to have you in our squad. I was concerned about our ability to strategize regarding our builds based on yesterday's conversation after you left. It turns out you were the missing puzzle piece we needed!"

Suddenly, a loud bang startled everyone at the table. Karania had slammed her hands onto the surface, eyes wide in disbelief. "Ella?! What the fuck do you mean, 'Ella'?! When did this happen?" She gestured wildly towards Thea and Isabella, her face a picture of exasperation.

The unexpected outburst from Karania took Thea by surprise. She blinked, her mind momentarily frozen as she tried to understand the source of her friend's sudden frustration. Across the table, Isabella chuckled, her amused gaze dancing between the flustered Thea and the exasperated Karania.

"What? I don't understand..." Thea mumbled, her brows furrowing in confusion. She glanced from one squadmate to the other, looking for an explanation, as Karania was seemingly unwilling to provide one.

It was Corvus who broke the silence, a broad grin stretching across his face. "Karania's been trying for days to get you to call her by her nickname, Thea. And you just casually threw out a new one for Isabella, no problem, despite only really spending a couple hours with her. Can't blame Karania for being a little miffed!"

Comprehension slowly dawned on Thea’s face, as she let the recent days of her time with Karania pass by in review.

‘The reason she introduced herself with her friend’s nickname for her… was because she wanted me to refer to her as such…?! How was I supposed to know about this?! I guess we have been spending quite a lot of time together these past days, so it should count towards being friends… I think…’

The idea took a moment to settle in her mind, a moment that extended into an awkward silence. “I... I didn’t realise. I’m not... I’m not good with this whole social stuff… I’m sorry, Karani— uh, Kara?” Thea managed to stutter out, feeling a blush creep up her cheeks.

Karania sighed dramatically, though the edges of her lips twitched with amusement. “Just call me Kara from now on. I’ll let it slide, just this once! We're friends, after all." Her exasperation was softened by the genuine affection in her tone.

Friends. The word echoed in Thea's mind, a wave of warmth washing over her at the realisation. "Yes! Thank you, Kara! We're definitely friends!” she responded enthusiastically, a shy smile tugging at her lips.

“Great, glad we got that sorted! Now, onto my build.”

Karania briskly switched gears, her manner all business.

“I’m thinking of focusing primarily on Finesse since it’s my main attribute. It’s essential for the delicate tasks of patching you all up and for my own shooting ability. Recovery, given my primary active ability, is a must. Plus, I reckon Stamina is critical, given how much my Ability drains it.

“Thinking about it now, Perception should also be a priority. I can assist Corvus and possibly cover some of his blind spots when you’re not around, not to mention it'll aid my long-range shooting and more intricate operations. Considering your previous suggestions, I'm considering a 3/1/1/1 split, similar to Isabella's.”

She gestured briefly towards the centre of the table, displaying her Attributes for all to see, just like her squad mates had done.


Strength: 2.73 (+0%)

Finesse: 5.62 (+0%)

Vitality: 3.11 (+0%)

Recovery: 4.41 (+0%)

Stamina: 4.19 (+0%)

Focus: 3.24 (+0%)

Perception: 4.38 (+0%)

Resolve: 3.17 (+0%)

[Psychic: TBD (+0%)] (Locked 12.9/30)

[TBD: TBD (+0%)] (Locked)

Pondering over Karania's proposed build, Thea found herself yet again marvelling at her new friend's ability to grasp new concepts quickly. With a casual shrug, she offered, “Yes... That's pretty much what I would have suggested. Unless anyone has objections...?”

The silence that followed signified approval, and Karania returned to her meal, looking quite pleased. Taking advantage of the lull in the conversation, Lucas stepped forward. His voice was soft but firm, revealing an underlying determination.

“I suppose it's my turn then. My idea was to mainly invest in Vitality, Recovery, and Strength. I'm kind of like a human tank... I prefer carrying a large shield to provide cover for the squad, and I like to use explosive-type weapons. They don't require much accuracy... That's about it, I think?”

With a gesture, Lucas followed the trend set by his squadmates, displaying his Attribute window at the centre of the table for all to see.


Strength: 4.54 (+0%)

Finesse: 3.11 (+0%)

Vitality: 5.31 (+0%)

Recovery: 4.38 (+0%)

Stamina: 4.23 (+0%)

Focus: 2.22 (+0%)

Perception: 3.07 (+0%)

Resolve: 3.02 (+0%)

[Psychic: TBD (+0%)] (Locked 13.62/30)

[TBD: TBD (+0%)] (Locked)

Thea fell into a prolonged silence this time, her mind racing at a breakneck speed. Finally, she shattered the awkward silence that had resulted from her extended contemplation.

“Lucas," she began, "I believe you face a more critical decision than the rest of us. Based on what you've shared today, I urge you to not overlook your own Finesse. If you aspire to be our vehicle expert in addition to acting as a human shield, you should prioritise Vitality while maintaining a balanced spread of Strength, Recovery, and Resolve. Additionally, Finesse should be kept at a certain threshold. From what we've observed today, I’d imagine that commanding some of the more complex vehicles would be a challenge without a sufficient level of Finesse.

"As for Resolve," she continued, "we don't need to be overly concerned about it at the moment, but it's something you should bear in mind. As our frontline protector, you're likely to become a target for enemy Psykers in T2 battlefields and beyond. After all, if an obstacle can't be overcome one way, one must simply find an alternative. As it stands, your Resolve is a clear weak point. If you can find a passive Ability to bolster it, you might be able to reduce the investment on the Attribute side, but until we're sure such an Ability is within easy reach, keep a close eye on your Resolve, especially as we approach Tier 2.

”I’d say… a 3/1/1/0.5/0.5 split should probably do well, until we can figure out how to keep you safe from enemy Psykers, or we figure out that the vehicles are easier to handle than they looked like.”

Content with her analysis, Thea lifted her gaze to meet the eyes of her squadmates, eager to hear their thoughts on her proposed strategy.

A palpable silence settled upon the group, each member thoughtfully considering Thea's words. Lucas, in particular, sat in quiet contemplation, his fingers tapping rhythmically against the table as he digested her advice. His eyes flicked from her face to his displayed attributes, a furrow creasing his brow.

"I think you're right, Thea," he finally broke the silence, his voice subdued. "I hadn't considered the importance of Resolve and Finesse before… I’ll go with your recommendation then, until we know more…”

With the user of the build agreeing, the rest of the squad simply remained silent, waiting for Desmond to speak up next. With surprisingly little malice evident in his voice, he addressed Thea directly.

“Seems that you know your stuff, at the very least… So… I’m a drone guy. I’m picking up a drone factory for my armour, so that’ll be my primary role. I’ll assist you, in particular, with getting intel and calling out priority targets, as well as getting your eyes on suspicious areas you spot. I’ll need tons of Focus, Perception and Finesse to make this work.

“My Resolve is my worst Attribute by far, but I doubt I’ll be a big Psyker target anytime soon, so I think we should just skip that, until I can find a passive Ability or something to take care of it… That’s about it. Any thoughts, Cyan?”

He leisurely waved his hand, summoning his Attribute panel for everyone to see.


Strength: 4.38 (+0%)

Finesse: 4.11 (+0%)

Vitality: 3.21 (+0%)

Recovery: 4.28 (+0%)

Stamina: 3.33 (+0%)

Focus: 5.24 (+0%)

Perception: 3.41 (+0%)

Resolve: 2.27 (+0%)

[Psychic: TBD (+0%)] (Locked 14.13/30)

[TBD: TBD (+0%)] (Locked)

Despite still being annoyed by the fact that Desmond refused to call her by her name, Thea decided to look at the bright side instead: He was willing to cooperate and even gave her a hint for how they would work together during missions! That was something she could work with.

She had always preferred toxic players that were good at their job, to nice players that fed the enemy and dragged her own team down. After all, it was easy to ignore the toxic parts, but it was impossible to make up for what essentially equaled a traitor.

As long as Desmond didn’t fall into the latter category, Thea did not really mind how he treated her, considering that the rest of Alpha Squad seemed to have fully come around to accepting - and maybe downright liking - her.

She started her analysis.

“I think your overall strategy is sound, but I’d also recommend some investment into Recovery. If we’re away from the squad, doing Scout things, we can’t rely on Kara to fix us up. Since you’re my only partner out there, I’ll have to rely on you to protect me to a certain degree. It’s likely you’ll get injured at one point or another.

“Not to mention, Recovery will help with your Focus costs, for whatever Ability you might need to use. As a drone operator, we could also try to see if there’s any Abilities that could work through your drones as well, further making Recovery a viable choice, in case one of the Abilities that you want ends up a Hybrid or Stamina-focused one. That way, you won’t have to invest in Stamina, while also reaping additional benefits in regards to sustainability away from the squad.

"That said, a 2-3/1/1/1 with Focus as your main Attribute, should do nicely. You'd have to make the decision on how much Focus you truly want to invest in yourself, as we don't really know just how impactful the Allbright System's Abilities will be, I would, personally, go for the 2/1/1/1 option. If the Abilities turn out to be amazingly impactful and downright impossible to ignore, then you can always 'catch up' on the 'missing' Focus later on, after all."

Looking at her squad-mate across the table, Desmond thought to himself for a moment, before nodding to himself, “Seems that our Squad Leader made the correct choice. Your council is indeed acceptable.”

Thea’s eyebrows rose at the compliment, never having expected Desmond of all people to give her one.

Shaking off her surprise, Thea continued, knowing that it was her turn to reveal her plans. But just before she started, she suddenly remembered something exceedingly important for her future build: Her Achievement rewards!

Opening her Achievements screen, she quickly claimed the two relevant Achievements.

[Senior (Silver) Marksman Accomplishment]

Successfully hit more than 95% of all shots taken.

Next Rank: Successfully hit more than 97% of all shots taken.


1x Finesse- or Perception-based Ability [Silver-rarity or below] (Claimed)

3,500 System Credits (Claimed)

300 System Merit (Claimed)

[Senior (Silver) Hitman Accomplishment]

Successfully kill more than 95% of all enemies hit in one shot.

Next Rank: Successfully kill more than 97% of all enemies hit in one shot.


1x Finesse- or Perception-based Ability [Silver-rarity or below] (Claimed)

3,500 System Credits (Claimed)

300 System Merit (Claimed)

At once, her inner-eye was filled with two new, blue-coloured boxes, displaying her Achievement-granted Abilities.

[Active (Silver) - Sky Step - Level 0]

Description: Allows the participant to use up a certain amount of Focus and Stamina to temporarily create a solid plane below their feet, up to a certain number of times. These planes are 1cm thick, 20x20cm wide, and can sustain a maximum amount of weight before breaking. The planes will break if enough force is applied to them, based on a factor of their maximum weight allowance.

Cost: 30 Stamina + 30 Focus - Duration: 1 second(s)

Maximum Planes: 1 - Maximum Weight: 150kg

[System]: Do you want to accept this Ability or trade it in for: 1x Accomplishment-Store Active Ability Voucher (Iron-rank or lower)?

[Passive (Silver) - Silver Respiration - Level 0]

Description: Allows the participant’s body to require less oxygen overall, increasing the time they can continue to function without breathing. Additionally increases the body’s capabilities of resisting pressure.

Additional Time: 60 Seconds - Increased Pressure Resistance: Minimum

[System]: Do you want to accept this Ability or trade it in for: 1x Accomplishment-Store Passive Ability Voucher (Iron-rank or lower)?

Thea's eyes widened in surprise, drawing Corvus's immediate attention. "Thea, are you alright?" he asked.

Brushing aside the virtual boxes, Thea replied, "Ah, yes. I apologise. I just claimed my Achievement rewards. They offered me Silver-ranked Abilities, and I wanted to take a peek before deciding on my build... They're rather exceptional. Let me show you."

She tried to project the Abilities, but the system seemed to resist. "Huh…? It appears I can’t display them until I accept... It's asking me if I want to keep them, or trade them in…"

Thea decided to relay the details of the Abilities to her squadmates, verbatim, hoping to get their input. Karania, naturally, was meticulously noting down every single word.

Corvus was the first to share his thoughts. "Two more Silver-ranked Abilities? By the Emperor… You're an incredible asset, Thea! The Abilities sound unusual, though… Sky Step seems ideal for your role as a Scout. The ability to ascend obstacles you normally couldn’t or briefly peer over barriers? It seems incredibly useful. I’d say accept that one without hesitation… As for the Passive, I’m not sure how that would be beneficial… What makes it Silver?"

Isabella, with a spark of realisation in her eyes, interjected, "It's the pressure aspect. Depending on its scaling, that Ability could be incredibly powerful… Explosions often kill, not because of the heat or shrapnel they cause, but the pressure wave they generate. If that Ability works as I suspect, it could render Thea nearly invulnerable to such effects at higher levels. Given the reference to oxygen, I’d speculate it's designed by the System to facilitate an underwater style? Possibly even survival in the vacuum of space...?"

Her conjectures cast a thoughtful silence over the group as everyone grappled with the implications of her analysis.

Thea, too, was taken aback by Isabella's revelation. 'Could this Passive make me immune to explosions…?! That’s insanely strong for a Silver… I doubt it would confer total immunity, but any damage reduction would be great, considering my low Vitality… If an explosion were to occur near me right now, I’m likely not going to survive…' she thought.

Lucas and Karania echoed similar sentiments. However, Karania appeared once again exasperated, her frustration fueled by the reality that Thea had managed to widen the gap between their point values yet again.

After weighing the options, the consensus among the group was that Thea should not risk forfeiting the potentially useful Silver-ranked Abilities in favour of a lower-rank, albeit guaranteed, Ability. With a nod of affirmation, Thea accepted both Abilities, promptly adding two more entries to her Ability window.

The instant Thea accepted Silver Respiration, she felt as though a soft, cool wave swept over her, starting from her head, passing through her chest and flowing down to her feet. As the wave travelled, her body felt lighter, as if some unnecessary weight had been shed.

In her chest, the rhythm of her heartbeat steadied, each throb less insistent, less urgent. Her lungs no longer seemed to pull for air quite as desperately with each breath.

Instead, each inhalation and exhalation was smoother, more controlled, as if she was using less effort to breathe. A new equilibrium was gradually establishing itself within her.

As the wave of transformation reached deeper, she felt as if an invisible, skin-tight armour wrapped itself around her. A strange strength from within, pulsating just beneath her skin. The sensation was one of fortified resilience, of an increased capacity to withstand external forces.

The strange sensation coursing through her body prompted a soft exclamation from Thea, "Wow... That's fucking strange..." Her words drew curious glances from the rest of Alpha Squad. Seeing their interest, Thea elaborated, "Silver Respiration... It's like my body has transformed. I can breathe so much easier... Almost as if I had been living half-choked until now. It's an incredible feeling..."

Corvus, with his ever-present joviality, quipped, "Well, that's the magic of a Silver-tier Ability for you! Just remember to leave us some Achievements during the evaluation so we can try to catch up, okay?"

Thea, amused by his remark, shrugged playfully and replied, "I'll do my best to keep within reach, but I can't make any promises. It's hard to contain all of this," she gestured humorously to herself, sparking laughter among her squadmates.

Once the laughter subsided, Thea took a moment to ponder her own path forward. Breaking the comfortable silence, she proposed her own Attribute allocation.

"I'm considering a primary focus on Perception, Finesse, and Focus. Although Resolve is currently my highest attribute, I don't see an immediate need to invest more in it... My long-term plan might include exploring some psychic abilities come Tier 2, but that's quite a way off. In the short term, the attributes I've chosen should support my role as a Scout/Sniper effectively. The general point distribution will probably follow a 2/2/1 split, I'd imagine...

"I'm looking to acquire a semi-automatic marksman rifle and a heavy sniper-rifle for dealing with vehicles or heavily-armoured targets... I believe my existing Strength should suffice, especially given my Light armour. Of course, my Vitality and Recovery are my weak points, but Silver Respiration should mitigate that to an extent. Plus, there's always Isabella's unique method of helping me increase my Vitality," she added with a wry smile, "Getting battered in the sparring room may not be the most pleasant way to improve, but it works, I guess. It already helped me gain a 0.01 base increase in Vitality..."

With her thoughts laid bare, Thea gestured to display her attributes for all to see.

Strength: 3.18 (+0%)

Finesse: 4.73 (+0%)

Vitality: 2.44 (+0%)

Recovery: 2.68 (+0%)

Stamina: 3.11 (+0%)

Focus: 4.31 (+0%)

Perception: 5.28 (+0%)

Resolve: 5.97 (+0%)

[Psychic: TBD (+0%)] (Locked 18.00/30)

[TBD: TBD (+0%)] (Locked)

"Wait, so all that beating improved your base Attributes? That's hilarious!" Isabella laughed, her teasing smile apparent. "I'm looking forward to our next sessions. We'll have your Vitality up in no time," she added, flexing her biceps proudly.

The thought of another brutalising session with Isabella sent a wince across Thea's face, but she sighed in resignation, knowing it was for the best. Turning her attention back to Corvus and the rest of the squad, she queried, "So, should we proceed to allocate our points now, or does anyone have any more reservations, Squad Leader?"

Corvus took a moment to consider before giving a nod, "I believe we should. All of your arguments, coupled with Thea's comprehensive build analysis, have convinced me. This approach should protect us from any significant blunders... Time to get those bonuses, I’d say!"

A chorus of agreements echoed in the room, and everyone's focus turned inward, accessing their System interface to allocate points. However, just as Thea was about to decide where to assign her first point, an urgent alert chimed from her wristband.

The sudden sound made her, and subsequently everyone, halt their actions.

Checking her wristband, a message made Thea's eyes widen. The notification read:

[Emergency Notice: Report to your private room as soon as possible for a 1-on-1 build discussion with an expert, before investing your first points. - Sovereign]

Simultaneously, a similar alert rang out from everyone's wristbands.

"Um... I guess we all received the same message?" Thea asked, a note of uncertainty in her voice.

"If it's about a private 1-on-1 build consultation, then yes," Corvus replied, his tone reflecting his own perplexity.

"I doubt your build suggestions are flawed, Thea... I suspect Sovereign just wants to ensure we fully understand our choices... There could be some vital information we're unaware of... So, I guess we should head to our rooms. Squad meeting adjourned for now," he concluded, before getting up from his chair and heading towards his own room.

With a shared sense of urgency, everyone swiftly gathered their belongings and headed to their individual rooms, fully aware that an Emergency Notice demanded prompt attention.

Upon entering her room, Thea scanned the surroundings for signs of this promised counsel, her gaze finally settling on an unusual door of white luminescent light, roughly 2x2 metres, positioned near her bed.

"That must be it..." she conjectured, making her way towards it without hesitation.

As she stepped through, an abrupt mental jolt overcame her, and in an instant, she found herself transported into a room that oozed luxury, an opulent office unlike any she'd seen before.

The office was awash with a soothing warm light, giving the entire space a comfortable, welcoming atmosphere. The room was spacious and well-appointed, adorned with tasteful wooden panels that lined the walls, their dark, rich grains polished to a gleaming finish that reflected the light gently.

A sizable mahogany desk commanded the room from the centre. The desk’s surface was polished to mirror-like perfection, adorned with a variety of high-tech gadgets, a digital console with multiple screens and an elaborate holographic projector. Amidst this technology, a neatly stacked pile of ancient, leather-bound books sat incongruously, a testament to the eclectic tastes of the room's occupant.

On one wall, a large window stretched from floor to ceiling, offering a panoramic view of an ethereal, star-lit landscape. It was unclear whether this was a real view or an incredibly detailed projection, but the sight was mesmerising nonetheless.

To one side of the room stood an impressive bookshelf, teeming with books and scrolls of varying sizes and ages. The shelves were also home to a collection of fascinating artefacts, such as an ornate globe of an unfamiliar world, various crystalline structures, and an ancient helmet of a design Thea had never seen before.

On the opposite side, a comfortable-looking seating area was arranged, featuring plush leather armchairs and a low glass coffee table. The area was accessorised with a luxurious woollen rug underfoot and artful throw pillows, creating a perfect space for intimate discussions.

The overall aura of the room suggested a blend of old-world charm and futuristic sophistication. The atmosphere was not merely designed to impress, but also to inspire thought and creativity, reflecting the intellectual pursuits of its owner.

The owner, however, was conspicuously absent. A fleeting thought of her possibly arriving too early quickly evaporated. After all, she had been summoned here by an Emergency Notice.

Suddenly, her field of view was engulfed by a dazzling burst of light so intense it threatened to scorch her retinas. An involuntary cry of distress escaped her as she instinctively threw her hands up to shield her eyes.

As swiftly as it had come, the blinding light receded, leaving in its wake a luminous orb that quickly began to morph into a human-like shape. Risking a peek through her fingers, her eyes still watering from the momentary assault, Thea watched as a distinctly female form emerged from the light-infused silhouette.

The woman who emerged from the radiant silhouette was astonishingly beautiful, bordering on the ethereal. Her facial features were so perfectly symmetrical they seemed almost unreal, as though she had stepped out of an artist's masterpiece.

Her eyes, luminescent and compelling, were a deep blue, like a clear summer sky, framed by thick lashes that added an alluring depth to her gaze. Her skin was smooth and unblemished, with an iridescent glow that seemed to be radiating soft light, enhancing her almost surreal beauty. Her hair cascaded down her shoulders in a waterfall of luminescent strands, shifting subtly between hues of gold and silver.

The perfect harmony of her features was so striking that it transcended conventional beauty, landing firmly in the realm of the awe-inspiring. Her lips were full and slightly curved into an enigmatic smile, making her look both inviting and slightly unnerving. Everything about her, from her high cheekbones to her gently arched brows, seemed meticulously crafted, leaving anyone who beheld her in a state of stunned admiration.

Her aura, while elegant and captivating, also exuded a sense of vast power and timeless wisdom.

The woman's attire was similarly as impeccable as her appearance, projecting an aura of confidence and authority. She wore a flowing, floor-length robe that shimmered with an array of subtle colours, like the inside of a seashell. The fabric, lightweight and ethereal, moved around her as if it had a life of its own, rippling softly as she moved, creating an effect that was as mesmerising as it was breathtaking.

The robe was cinched at her slender waist with a belt of interwoven silver strands, adding a structured touch to the otherwise fluid garment. Along the edges of the robe, intricate embroidery of unknown symbols sparkled, like stars scattered across the night sky. The symbols, glowing faintly, seemed to pulse in a rhythm that was almost like a heartbeat, as if they were embedded with a power of their own.

She wore an elaborate collar-piece, something between jewellery and armour, silver with embedded stones that seemed to glow with an inner light. It rested snugly around her neck, and extended down to her chest in intricate patterns, sparkling brilliantly as it caught the light.

Thea found herself standing there, absolutely awestruck, at the stunning woman in front of her. The woman's perfection was almost unreal, her appearance so flawless that it seemed like she was observing a meticulously designed hologram. But the palpable reality of the woman was undeniable.

“Welcome, Recruit Thea. My name is Seraphina Lumis, but you may refer to me as Councillor Lumis or simply Seraphina, if that’s more comfortable for you,” the woman introduced herself, her voice as silky, smooth and flawless as her appearance suggested. Her words jarred Thea out of her reverie.

“I must apologise for the brief flash of light earlier. We passed by a gravity well which briefly interfered with the DDS' higher functions as I was being transported here. I trust your eyes are alright? Should the Sovereign reset your physical body to alleviate any lingering discomfort?” she inquired, her voice laced with genuine concern and empathy for Thea's situation.

Caught off guard by such warm hospitality and considerate demeanour, Thea shook her head, responding, “Ehhh… No. Thank you for your concern, Councillor Lumis."

Seeing Thea's response, Councillor Lumis offered an even wider smile. Gesturing towards the armchairs, she suggested, “Let’s sit down and have a discussion about your build and your future plans, shall we?”

The idea of spending an extended amount of time in the presence of this incredibly perfect woman was intimidating. However, swallowing her apprehension, Thea walked towards the armchairs and took a seat.

She steeled herself mentally, ready for whatever was to come…

Major Quinn exhaled a long sigh as she signed yet another document regarding alterations of the resource allocation for the Sovereign’s operations.

“If you keep sighing like that, I might start to believe you don't really enjoy paperwork,” teased Major Daxton, who was occupied with watering a yellow-orange pot flower using a small can.

A squint of her eyes and a wave of her hand was all it took for Major Quinn to send a Psychic Shock towards Major Daxton. Recoiling, he retorted, “Ouch! That was uncalled for, Zephyr... Can't you hold back a bit?”

“I was being gentle,” Major Quinn responded, her voice retaining its usual solemnity.

Mumbling to herself, she voiced her thoughts, “You’d think there’d be a more efficient way to handle paperwork. Wouldn't it be more sensible if I could simply authorise the Sovereign to handle all this, rather than sitting in this time-dilated office doing it all day long?”

“You’re well aware that Captain Cross wouldn't appreciate it if you delegated all your work to his dear Sovereign,” Major Daxton reminded her.

Dismissing her friend's remark with a wave, Major Quinn changed the topic, “On another note, why did you bring Marigold here? Shouldn’t she be in the Multi Moon?”

Major Daxton’s demeanour turned stern as he corrected her, “That’s Major Marigold to you! Show some respect to your colleagues!”

Unmoved by his reprimand, Major Quinn repeated her query with an undeterred tone, “Why is she here?”

Exhaling a sigh at his friend's refusal to share his humour, Major Daxton responded, “You’re just a bundle of joy, aren’t you? The Multi Moon is hosting a large event tonight, so Pyro asked me to ensure her safety elsewhere. And I thought there's no safer place than the office of our esteemed Major Zephyr Quinn, the infamous party hater!”

As Major Quinn raised her eyebrows in response and lifted her right hand, Major Daxton hastily corrected himself, “The most respected Major in the UHF! The strong, compassionate, charming and utterly beautiful Major Zephyr Quinn!”

“That’s more like it…” she murmured, a slight smile gracing her features.

"So, I was wondering--"

Her inquisitive remark was abruptly cut off by the intrusive beep of an incoming Emergency Notice. Scanning through the message, Major Quinn's eyebrows incrementally ascended, each line adding to her surprise. Leaning back heavily into her chair, she heaved a profound sigh and grumbled, "It just never stops... This Recruit is going to be the end of me..."

Intrigued, Major Daxton probed, "This Recruit? Is it another issue related to Thea?"

"Just read it yourself," Major Quinn advised, passing the datapad to her friend.

As Major Daxton perused the message, his face was a dynamic canvas - morphing from curiosity to amusement, then transitioning to a realisation. Upon reaching the final line, he jerked back in astonishment, colliding into the bookshelf behind him with a loud crash.

"No fucking way" he whispered, his eyes wide as he returned the datapad, his gaze meeting Major Quinn’s.

Major Quinn scrutinised the message again, ensuring she hadn’t misread any details.

[Emergency Notice: Investigation of Recruit Thea McKay’s status as a Wielder of Void completed. The full report is attached below. - Sovereign]

[Report: Investigation of Recruit Thea McKay’s status as a Wielder of Void]

[Probability of status confirmation: 99.9%.]

[Method of confirmation: Ability Test.]

[Thea McKay’s Wielder of the Void preliminary Status: Confirmed]

[Confirmed Inherent Ability: Eyes of the Void.]

[Path: Short-Term Precognition (94.7% Certainty).]

[Inheritance: Veritas (73.5% Certainty).]

Reading over the last line, she once again breathed a deep sigh, “Yep fucking way. She’s a fucking Veritas Short-Term Precog… Seems like your black-level lock wasn’t wrong after all, Atlas…

“That reminds me, I need to send this to Captain Cross and get them to stop the declassification of her profile… The assessment should be fine, but we can’t let this get out before she can grow into it. You know how they are when it comes to this stuff…”

As Major Quinn busily started drafting a message on her datapad, Major Daxton shook his head, chuckling to himself, "What kind of storm have you brought upon us, General...? How did you just casually encounter a Veritas Precog... and a Short-Term one at that...?"

Carrying on with his task of tending to Major Marigold, Major Daxton continued to mirthfully muse to himself, pondering the potential outcomes this scenario might unravel into...

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