The Age of Mythology: The Coming of the Divine Tree (Evolution from the Big Tree)

Chapter 22

"Forehead...Am I full of treasures?"

Complaining, Yu Ziyu looked at the illusory girl hugging her black tree roots tightly, and her mood was a little complicated.

Trees can nourish the soul!

He is not unfamiliar with it.

In his memory, there is another thing called 'soul nourishing' The tree's sacred tree, just its branches, can be worn on the body to nourish the soul and spirit, slowly making the consciousness grow stronger, and can also inhabit the soul to ensure that the sanity remains.

As for Yu Ziyu's tree roots, although they do not have such an exaggerated effect, they are The effect of nourishing the soul should still be a little bit.

But what is the situation now?

He made up his mind with difficulty before getting rid of these two girls, but now after they died, they came to the door.

Wait, death As if thinking of something, Yu Ziyu was stunned for a moment.

This was just one soul, and they were two sisters.

In other words, the other woman was not dead yet....

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu's heart sank slightly.

This is not good news.

You know, although his hallucinogenic ability can change the girl'sMemories, but they are not permanent.

In case of any stimulation, the possibility of memory recovery is extremely high.


Taking a deep breath, Yu Ziyu tried to calm herself down.

There is no use in rushing at this moment.

Moreover, it is not irreversible now.

My heart moved slightly,

"Yin, Yin, Yin..."

Accompanied by sharp calls, the mutated peregrine falcons sitting on the trees spread their wings.

If necessary, now he only needs to send the Peregrine Falcon to save everything.

However, in this case, the Peregrine Falcon may be completely exposed.


Taking a deep breath, Yu Ziyu fell into a rare hesitation.

However, at this moment, a very weak thought suddenly sounded around his heart.

"who I am?"

"Where is this?"

"and who are you?"

It was a very standard three-hit combo, which made Yu Ziyu slightly startled.

Immediately, looking at the illusory girl who had opened her eyes not far away, but she was full of confusion, Yu Ziyu also smiled. She must have lost her memory.

No, a more accurate statement is that the soul is incomplete and the memory of life is not much.

However, this is okay.

Sometimes forgetting is also a good thing.

At this time, as if thinking of something, Yu Ziyu suddenly murmured:


Yes, telepathy.

This is the special ability of this mutated soul.

If there are no accidents, this should be because she and another girl are twins.

The awakening of her spiritual ability allows her to sense the situation of the other girl.

If that's the case...

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu couldn't help laughing.

It seems that there is a better solution....

It was night, with the moonlight dancing, and a willow tree stood deep in the mist-filled canyon.

At this time, below the willow tree, a section of black tree roots was exposed from the soil, and above the exposed section, there was an illusory smaller figure.

Like an elf, the palm-sized girl curled up at the end of the tree root with her hands on her thighs.

"Master, my perception is a bit vague."

As she said that, the girl raised her head and looked at the willow tree with passionate eyes.

The closeness coming from the depths of her soul made her believe in this mysterious existence without any reservation, as if, this A willow tree is everything to her.

However, now as a soul body, He Qing'er has nowhere to rest her soul. If she loses Yu Ziyu, she will disappear completely.

In this way, it is not reasonable to say that Yu Ziyu is everything to her. Pass

"A little vague?"

After thinking for a moment, Yu Ziyu suddenly pulled a branch over the head of the illusory girl. Then, the branch slowly broke and a little crystal liquid leaked out.

"I don’t know if this essence is useful to you."

A little suspicious, Yu Ziyu was also unsure.

However, this was the only way he could help He Qing'er.

And the reason why he helped He Qing'er was because after a short conversation, Yu Ziyu suddenly discovered that this girl besides remembering Except for her name, everything else is blank, like a blank sheet of paper.

And this is exactly what Yu Ziyu wants.

Only such a girl has the value to be cultivated


With the dripping of life essence, He Qing'er's illusory body suddenly shook, and then, as if something wonderful happened, her body became a little more solid.

At a glance, one can even see her unconcealed spring beauty.

Of course, only Yu Ziyu can see it.

For some reason, neither the red fox nor the peregrine falcon could see the girl, but Yu Ziyu could detect it at a glance.

Is it because he has a wonderful connection with this girl?

Maybe, after all, the girl's soul is now placed in the root of his tree. As long as he wants to, he can even easily detect what the girl is thinking. ps:---------------Please collect and reward---------------

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