The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.


Jaina stood before Roric, Rajeen, and Zillix, explaining their situation through a dream. Gisley and Evalynn were at her side as he explained they needed more time. They had narrowed it down to two suspects: a woman who fancied herself a pirate Queen and a minor noble from a nearby kingdom.

Roric asked if they knew anything about these two suspects, and Jaina filled them in on her encounter with Julliesta. Rajeen scowled and said a woman who played games like that was dangerous. Roric was concerned for her safety, but Jaina explained how Alexandria had rescued her. She reminded them that the second Julliesta had tied her hands, Alexandria had been alerted and come running. She had watched the whole thing, stepping in when it had gone too far.

“She was a little late for too far,” Rajeen spat. “She should have stopped it the moment the woman held up that jar.”

“She knew the jar was harmless,” Jaina said. “But she also said she was interested in how I would answer. To tell you the truth, I am not sure how I would answer even now.”

“It is ridiculous to ask a woman to give up sexual pleasure,” Rajeen growled. “It is your right as a woman to enjoy the power of sex. Your body is designed to enjoy the act of intimacy.”

“I know, but at that moment, she had me so confused,” Jaina replied. “I couldn't think straight.”

“I wonder what class this woman is,” Roric said. “Do you think she could have been manipulating Jaina?”

“I suspect there was something at play,” Rajeen agreed.

“I have nothing to indicate her class,” Jaina admitted. “But she seems to be wary of Alexandria. She doesn’t want to upset her if she can avoid it. However, I was present to witness a very heated exchange.” Jaina explained the fight that broke out when Julliesta took her to see the stage. She went into great detail about the problem with monster players and how their lairs were seen as an unfair advantage. Rajeen and Roric were surprised by this point of view and that Julliesta had insisted it was the reason behind the north's dislike of monster players. Roric agreed that if Frank wanted to abuse the random loot system, he probably could, but he doubted it would be more money than a hero player could make clearing the dungeon once a day.

Jaina had no idea herself, as she had never settled down to make a lair. She hadn't even looked at her options but was now curious about what she could do. She set that aside to discuss how Alexandria had defended Frank and Hannah as if they were family. Rajeen reminded them that they were family, as Alexandria was married to Frank and Hannah.

Jaina nodded as she recalled the rushed wedding needed to give Alexandria access to Hannah's essence. It was a source of magical might that Hannah shared with anyone who was her spouse. After the danger was passed Hannah offered to let Alexandria remain a wife, though they never interacted as far as Jaina knew. Could Alexandria be sensitive about that? Maybe she secretly longed to be a more active part of that family.

She put that thought aside to point out how Julliesta had twice nearly said something she thought better of. She was hiding something and carefully dodging the issue so as not to draw attention. However, she seemed genuinely concerned that Frank and Hannah's kingdom would be short-lived.

“What about this other man?” Rajeen asked to avoid dwelling on that point.

“I got to spend an hour with him,” Gisley said excitedly. “He's really gentle in bed and likes to look into a girl's eyes.”

“Everybody likes to look into your eyes,” Jaina laughed. “They change colors and sparkle.”

“Well, I thought it was nice,” Gisley said and stepped up. “We had sex, and I brought up how much I loved the Lovewood and the other fairy that lives there. He said he was planning to go to the forest to meet her but hadn’t had time yet.”

“He sits in a brothel all day,” Rajeen countered. “How is he too busy?”

“That’s just it,” Gisley said. “He said he had to wait for somebody and couldn’t get away in case he came.”

“Hmm,” Roric said as he turned to Rajeen. “Could he be waiting for Thexis?”

“I would assume he already knows Thexis has been killed,” Rajeen replied.

“Actually, I am not sure anybody knows that,” Jaina said. She recounted the seven encounters she had after Julliesta and how she brought up the conflict in the city with each of them. None of them indicated that they knew anything more than a fight had broken out involving the harem. One person did know it had involved Hannah in the end, but he seemed to think the culprit had escaped. Nobody knew that Hannah had gone out to find the missing girls and come face to face with an old enemy named Thexis. They had a prolonged rooftop battle that left several buildings in flames and Thexis slain. If not for Hannah, they wouldn't even know his name, but they couldn't admit that in the brothel.

“How can they not know what happened?” Rajeen asked.

“Well, think about it,” Roric suggested. “Most of it happened in the graveyard dungeon. It didn’t spill over into the city until Hannah got involved. Then, it was on the roofs above the streets where hardly anyone noticed. I am sure rumors are spreading and reaching the estate, but very few people have the real information.”

“How did nobody notice Hannah setting buildings on fire?” Rajeen asked, then shook her head. “Never mind. Obviously it escaped notice, and the estate has gotten few details.”

“But Thexis should have respawned,” Evalynn said. “Maybe he will attempt to make contact?”

“That would be risky,” Rajeen said as she rubbed her chin. “It would be a great risk to linger in this kingdom. Gwen is watching carefully and will pounce if she sees him. Of course, he seems gifted in his ability to remain hidden when he wants to.”

“This is true,” Roric agreed. “It would be wise for him to run as far and fast as he can, but if his contact is at the estate, he might feel like he has to try.”

Rajeen pointed out that Thexis would likely use a disguise or a means to conceal his identity beyond the black wraps he was known for. Roric had to nod, as there were many ways to alter one's appearance. If Thexis knew people were looking for him, he would likely go out of his way to do so. He seemed to have access to a plethora of magical items and wasn't shy about using them.

Jaina asked what they should do, and Roric sighed. He admitted to missing them and wanted them at his side but felt they needed to stay a little longer. He urged them to watch the two primary targets and see if anybody unusual contacts them. Evalynn pointed out that this wouldn't be an easy task as they were whores available to the guests. Anyone could desire their attention and prevent them from watching the targets.

Jaina said she had a solution to that problem and suggested they ask Alexandria to watch. She could move freely about the estate and had tools in place to observe guests. She would relay the request to Alexandria and see if she could keep the two targets carefully monitored. She then went to Roric and took his hands to comfort him.

“I miss you too,” Jaina said as she smiled. “This little adventure is fun, but I hate being away from your side. It isn't as fun to be a slave girl without the man I call master.”

“I didn’t realize how much it would pain me to be apart from you,” Roric admitted. “I love you all.”

“Oh,” Jaina said with a smile as her sisters joined to help comfort their master. Roric was the glue that made their family whole, and seeing him lonely was a pain none of them could bear. Jaina suggested he find Hannah and have her keep him company until they returned. He said he would consider it but lifted her chin.

“Of course, we do have tonight,” Roric said.

“And what does my master want?” Jaina cooed as she twisted in a little prance.

“I want to watch you,” Roric replied. “I want to watch you three make love.”

Gisley giggled and leaned into Evalynn, but Jaina put on a thinking face. Three girls making love was easy, but four would make it more balanced. She knew a girl who loved to drink glitter bombs and was almost certainly asleep right now. She went to Gisley and whispered as Rajeen, Zillix, and Roric sat in thrones to consider what they were doing.

“This doesn’t look like playing,” Rajeen stated.

“We are looking for a fourth,” Jaina said as Gisley closed her eyes and reached a hand out as if grasping at something. A hand of red skin and sharp black nails formed in hers as Gisley pulled, yanking a sleeper from another dream into this one. Bat-like wings graced her back as taught red skin glistened in the light. Her long tail ended in a heart shape that swept the ground as she looked around with glowing eyes.

“Did you just pull me into a dream?” Hannah asked as she looked at the gathered faces.

“We did,” Jaina said as she took Hannah's face between her hands. She leaned in and planted her lips on the Lilim woman, who was her sister in the collar. Hannah returned the kiss and wrapped her warm arms around Jaina in a loving embrace.

“Gisley, bring Chandice in,” Roric instructed. “She will be angry if she finds out Hannah was here to play, and she missed it.”

Gisley smiled, and a moment later, Chandice appeared out of the air, wearing a lovely blue dress.

“What?” Chandice said as she looked around. “I was just about to go to work.”

“You were dreaming,” Rajeen said. “And it sounds like we saved you in the nick of time.”

“Oh, right, Gisley pulled me into a dream,” Chandice nodded. “It can be very disorienting to be dreaming about the real world one second and here the next. Speaking of which, when are we returning to our Japanese adventure?”

“When this matter with Thexis is over,” Roric replied, gesturing for her to sit with him.

Chandice nodded, and only then did she notice Jaina and Hannah kissing. She ran to the women, wrapping them in a hug as she joined the kiss, their three lips pressing together.

“I had no idea you could kiss like that,” Gisley laughed as they watched the passion on display. When it finally parted, Chandice smiled and stepped back while telling Hannah she wanted more time with her soon.

Jaina undressed as Chandice took her seat with Roric, and the four masters watched the girls begin to play. Jaina focused on kissing Hannah's neck and shoulders as her hands explored the sexy curves of her waist and breasts. Hannah returned the favor, her hands searching Jaina as the two women began to make love.

“So, how many men have known this body now?” Jaina whispered before biting at one of Hannah's pointed ears. She was, of course, teasing Hannah, who was working in the temple as a whore. She jumped as Hannah squeezed her rear as if in punishment before leaning back to smile.

“Blackbast was only sending me women to keep Rajeen happy,” Hannah replied.

“Oh, so no men at all?” Jaina asked. She understood Rajeen’s desire to keep the girls in her harem pure, but it seemed silly in Hannah's case. She had already made love to the druid and the rogues guild several times. Hannah shrugged and said she felt they would come around, but until then, she was content. She had grown fond of the girls and having loving arms to sleep in.

Jaina took that as an invitation and pulled her down, the two women falling on one another as they began to make love. She was fully embraced in the power of the devilish woman as she felt that hot tongue on her skin. It rolled down her chest, going between her breasts and across her stomach. Jaina tensed as her legs were pulled wide, and she looked down to see Hannah's red eyes.

“I love you,” Jaina whispered just before that tongue pressed into her petals, spreading her body open with a hot caress. Jaina thrashed as she felt the loss and power of Hannah's hunger, lapping at her pussy like it was a treat. She surrendered to the dark woman's power as Evalynn's lips came to her chest.

“Oh!” Jaina cried as she and Gisley descended on her body, the three women determined to drive her wild. Together, they put on a show of sex and passion for their masters that descended into orgasms. Jaina was the focus of attention as the three women devoted all their effort to her. Then, when she was fully sated, they broke up and left her on the floor panting.

She took a few minutes to recover, then looked up to see a girl at each of her masters. Evalynn was licking Rajeen's pussy, while Hannah sucked Zillix's long reptilian cock. Gisley was at Roric, pleasuring her master like a good little girl. Her silken lips slid up and down his cock to leave a coating of glitter.

From Jaina's position, she could see three beautiful pussies, side by side, as they worked at the master's before them. She felt intense hunger and desire to see those tender folds and couldn't help herself. She got up and went to Evalynn, burying her tongue into the woman’s body. She then reached over, putting fingers into the woman on either side as she pleasured all three of them at once.

She lapped at her sister's pussy, lavishing her clit with great care. Evalynn responded immediately, moaning as she was made to serve. Her right hand was coated in golden honey, sweet as sugar, and sparkled with silver glitter. Her left was bathed in hot oil, flowing as if from the bowls of the earth. Hannah was hot to the touch, and her hellish body welcomed Jaina's fingers.

“This is why I love girls,” Rajeen said as she tilted her head back. “They are so willing to please.” She stroked the back of Evalynn’s head as she had her first orgasm, savoring the service of her slave girl. Roric was next to follow, giving Gisley his gift as she sucked him firmly. Hannah was next, pushing Zillix to the edge and over, her hot lips cooking his manhood. She looked up with devilish eyes as she swallowed his milk, savoring every last drop.

Jaina shared every orgasm, the three girls causing them to flow in quick succession. Her body was alive with sexual power as the dream wore on. The passion and orgasms continued to flow until the masters were satisfied. Eventually, it ended with the girls in a pile at their feet, their bodies radiating sexual energy.

Hannah was kissing Gisley as Jaina held Evalynn tight. The four were sisters in all things, and tonight was just another day for their love. It was too much surprise when Jaina suddenly felt herself being shaken, and her eyes came open to a bed in the brothel.

“Jaina,” Alexandria called as she rocked the woman. “Why are you so hard to wake up?”

“Alexandria?” Jaina asked as she opened her eyes and sat up. “What time is it?”

“It's an hour before morning,” Alexandria said as she glanced at a dark window. “But you need to be up now.”

“Why do I need to be up?” Jaina said with a yawn. “I was having the most lovely dream.” She caught the worried look on Alexandria's face, and her demeanor sobered up immediately. “What's happened?”

“A stranger came to the estate in the night and asked for a private audience with our pirate queen,” Alexandria replied. “I tried to spy on them, but they are using some kind of magic to block my efforts.”

“Did you get a look at this stranger?” Jaina asked as she hurried to her feet, using her mimic powers to create a dress from her own skin.

“No, but the girls at the door said he was very polite,” Alexandria replied. “He appears as a human man with short brown hair and dark, almost black eyes. I wouldn't have thought anything about it until one of the girls mentioned that he made a funny click when he spoke.”

“Thexis!” Jaina gasped as she instantly recognized the man's insect-like dialect. “He's here!”

“We don’t know for sure,” Alexandria cautioned. “But I am aware that is one of his traits and a feature that a disguise potion wouldn’t hide.”

Jaina wondered if she should try to return to the dream and warn the others, but she felt pressured to act now.

“Where are they?” Jaina questioned.

“In one of the studies,” Alexandria said. “I have a rogue listening at the door, but she already said their voices are muffled. I don’t know what you can do, but I felt you needed to know now. My guess is he will be gone before the sun rises.”

“Take me to the door,” Jaina said and hurried after Alexandria as they rushed into the hall. They worked their way to the ground floor and into a back hall where a dozen rooms were set aside with various themes. A large double door was shut with a girl in black lace struggling at the door to listen.

“Did you hear anything?” Alexandria whispered as she arrived with Jaina.

“Just a comment about it not being enough,” the woman replied. “The clicky man is nervous, though. You can tell by his voice that he's not comfortable being here.”

“What about our pirate queen?” Jaina asked as muffled shouts came through the door.

“She's angry,” the rogue replied. “She wants him to find another way.”

“Another way to do what?” Jaina asked, but neither the rogue nor Alexandria could answer. Jaina tried listening at the door, but it was difficult to make anything out. She could hear two people arguing, but any detail was impossible. Alexandria admitted the doors were made soundproof for a reason, and she never expected her guests to deploy magic to prevent her from watching. Had one of her girls been in that room, she would have burst in to ensure the girl was safe. As it was two guests, she felt there was no cause for such an intrusion, and doing so would only cause them to become hostile.

“Then I am going in,” Jaina said.

“Didn’t you battle Thexis in the city?” Alexandria asked.

Jaina nodded but twitched her ears, reminding them she looked like a rabine, not a human woman. She then explained that she had no intention of walking in. Her skin turned gray as her body began to melt, becoming a pool of shifting liquid on the floor.

“Oh, goodness,” the rogue said as she and Alexandria stepped back. “She’s not really a rabine.”

“You saw nothing, and you were never outside this door,” Alexandria commanded the woman, who nodded she understood.

Jaina flowed to the edge of the door to discover a very tight seal below it. She used her acidic nature to slowly eat a hole, giving her mass a means to flow into the space beyond. She began to ooze into a room lit by a fireplace on the far wall. The orange light flickered in the darkness, casting shadows that helped hide her entrance. Jaina kept her mass flat as she flowed like water to a nearby couch and slipped underneath.

From here, she peered out, shifting her focus to the gray ooze hidden under the lip of the couch. She saw Julliesta pacing by the fire, her face full of frustration. A man in a gray cloak and hood stood to the side, trying to explain how dangerous it was to proceed.

“We need more,” Julliesta insisted. “It’s the only way to make it work.”

“But they are aware of our presence now,” Thexis countered. “They are certainly watching for me. They will pounce immediately if I make another attempt, and I might be captured this time.”

“You should have been more careful,” the pirate queen snapped. “Why would you try to take them all in one day?”

“How else was I going to do it?” Thexis countered. “If I started killing one girl at a time over several days, they would put the entire city on lockdown and hide the girls in that palace. Do you have any idea what a fortress that place is?

“I am aware,” Julliesta grumbled as she paused to consider the problem. “But without more samples, we can’t guarantee we will have enough to work with.”

“There might be another way,” Thexis said and stepped closer. “And it will get you a prized sample.”

Julliesta listened intently as Thexis explained how Blackbast’s temple had been opened and connected to the jade harem. The right person could slip inside and have a private encounter with the girls, including Princess Hannah.

“You are joking!” Julliesta snapped. “Hannah is one of the whores?” She paced some more as her mind worked on the situation, trying to come to an idea. “If we could replace her, we could take over everything.”

“It gets better,” Thexis said, explaining how Prince Frank and all the princesses were available. A careful player could slip in and, with some magical aid, gather the needed materials without killing them. Then, they would have the entire royal family to work with.

Jaina didn't like where this conversation was going, nor how they kept referring to replacing her loved ones. She didn't know what that meant, but it certainly had dark connotations if it led to them taking over. Julliesta then laid out a plan to visit the temple herself and see if she could get close to Hannah or Frank. She mentioned bringing in agents to speed the process up but was going to go alone to scout.

She dismissed the hooded man, who reached out and plucked a small glowing orb before pocketing it to go. He then headed for the door and left Julliesta alone to consider her next move against the Jade Harem. Jaina wished she knew what the woman meant by replacing them, but that could wait. She had to bide her time and slip away to warn her family that Julliesta was the threat and that they were in grave danger.

“Hannah, I never would have believed you would make it so easy,” Julliesta mused as she looked out a dark window.

Jaina wanted to laugh at the foolish woman who thought Hannah would be an easy target. She had seen firsthand what happens when Hannah felt threatened, and god help Julliesta if she threatened Frank. Hannah had a serious lack of restraint when her family was in danger, and that was only the beginning.

The entire harem would come to her aid, as would Gwen with a terrible vengeance. It would be followed shortly by the city guard, goblin armies, and probably half the player population who loved Frank and Hannah.

Julliesta finished a drink and headed out, stepping into an empty hall beyond. Jaina waited a few minutes, then seeped to the door, checking that the hall was clear. She would bid her time until morning, then hurry back to the city with her sisters. She had learned all they needed to know. It was time to warn her family and find out just what Julliesta was up to.

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