The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-1 A new dawn in New Eden.

“Let's go!” Eric cried as the door that could only be described as a magic portal opened right before them. It started as a simple light, but in a matter of seconds, it stretched into a sort of hole with a black center large enough for a horse to pass through. Eric went through it without hesitation, but Jenny paused as she trembled in fear.

This door would lead to a new life in a new land where time and decay meant nothing. Still, it was a one-way trip, and despite weeks of classes, counseling, and lengthy debates, she hesitated. Once she stepped through, there was no coming back and no way to undo her choices.

The time had come, and if she didn't do it now, she would have to wait three years and apply again. That meant three years of struggle and strife trying to pay back student loans while working three jobs. It also meant Eric being alone for three years, wondering what had happened to her. She couldn't bear the thought of abandoning him, and with one final look at the world of cell phones, traffic, and spiraling debt, she ran through.

There was no sensation of time or any sort of transition. A thousand years could have passed for all she knew, but eventually, she blinked her eyes and looked up at a sky that seemed too blue to be real.

She at up in a field of perfectly green grass, rolling in waves like water under a breeze. The air was so pure it was almost sweet, and she filled her lungs with a deep inhale. Slowly she clambered to her feet, still unable to believe what she was seeing. Everything seemed perfect, as if created just for her and set aside to be her playground.

“Am I still sick?” she asked and looked at herself, noting the shape before holding up her hands.

I'm thin!” she cried and let out a staggered gasp. Spinning around, she could see that she was no longer overweight or had horrible short hair. Instead, she was perfectly healthy in every way, with a tall thin well-endowed body that curved in all the right places.

“This is amazing!” she cried and touched her face, still unable to believe it. “I'm video game beautiful!” The fear and depression she had carried with her for years started to melt away as the new reality sunk in. She knew this new body was perfect and free from the curse her old one carried. She could finally live free from all the burdens society placed on her, and the thought was humbling.

She started to tear up as the full weight of what she had done came crashing down. She was in New Eden, a world created by a race of aliens known as the visitors. Six years ago, they arrived at the earth, orbiting the world in silence as scientists picked up strange radiation. They never left orbit or set foot on the planet, and scientists eventually realized the radiation was them trying to communicate.

Initially, people panicked, but two years later, the visitors had done nothing but try to talk, and the fear began to die. What followed was a sort of golden age where governments worldwide began to work together to try and answer. Hundreds of methods were tried, but nothing seemed to bridge the gap.

The visitors were so alien to us that language wasn't a viable way to speak. Instead, mathematics proved more successful, and eventually, some vague conversations were held in math. During this time, the visitors discovered our internet by tapping into satellites and learning about our games.

Then it started to happen. The first messages appeared in MMOs and other multiplayer games. They crashed servers and overloaded networks in their initial efforts, but eventually, they managed to say. “We come to learn. We use your games.”

Initially, nobody knew what this meant, but it all became clear when the pods started to drop a month later. They landed all around the world, often picking empty areas where people wouldn't be threatened. The pods were the size of an average bus and folded out into a building with an external ring. Inside every building were a dozen computer-like terminals that interfaced into something amazing.

It was a new world dubbed by the people of earth as new Eden. Where it actually existed was up for debate, but the purpose of the terminals was obvious. It was an invitation to come into their created world and interact so they could grow in their understanding of us.

They looked at our games, and through the terminal, a person could create an avatar choosing from hundreds of races and thousands of classes. The visitors borrowed from every game they could find, repeating the same theme many times. Then, they set about crafting a world as full of variations as possible.

First, you picked your race from a list so long most people never fully explored it. Then came the classes modeled on every fantasy game they could find. Thus many of them overlapped and shared many similar features. Something as common as a wizard might have dozens of variations and alternate builds, leading to no two wizards being quite the same. It was similar for all the typical tropes with a hundred varieties of warrior, barbarian, priest, and rogue. Then there were the unusual classes, like madam or noble lady. Classes that revolved around social play as opposed to combat or feats of strength.

Players were divided into two groups, hero or monster, primarily divided by race, but a few races like orc could be either. They chose two classes, one as the primary and the other a less useful subclass. The one exception was if you played as a human who could choose two primary classes as if encouraging people to pick them. Most monster races acted as the primary class, but they were allowed to pick a second primary to go along with it by giving up the subclass.

Jenny liked the idea of having two classes but chose a monster race called a morphic. It was a fluid creature that could change its shape, appearing as anyone she wanted to be. If she leveled up high enough, she could evolve into a mimic who could appear as objects as well, but that was a long way away. Right now, she could alter her form to look like any other humanoid of about the same size and gender. The form she currently wore was her default image, but she could change anything she wanted with but a thought. To test the idea, she took a handful of her hair and concentrated, smiling as it turned red, then golden blond, then deep blue. She let the change go, and it turned a deep black.

With another thought, an orange display appeared before her face, and she was ready to begin her adventure as she poked at her character sheet. She was a level 1 morphic seductress. This was a social class, with powers to temp and charm while healing with a kiss. She could level up just by interacting with people and using her seductive powers to entice them.

“Not much use in the wilds, but all I have to do is find a city, and anything I want will be mine,” she said and tapped at the air, selecting the next page of her sheet to see skills.

[Change appearance, Seductive smile, erotic dance, healing kiss, claws, fluid form]

Not much use in combat,” she said with a laugh.

Tapping at the air, she winked the display away and looked at her outfit. It was a simple dress with a low top to help highlight her ample chest and add to her alluring appearance. There was a small dagger at one hip and a large pouch on the other. Inside she found basic gear, food, and some personal items.

I wonder where Roric is?” she said and looked around the space. It was a windswept hill full of short grass and tiny white flowers. The only object of note was a large stone to one side that she took a moment to run her hand over.

It feels so real,” she exclaimed as the texture passed beneath her fingers. “Maybe it is real?” she questioned and laughed as there was no way to tell real from fantasy in this place. Some people said it was a digital simulation, others an actual world someplace else. None of that mattered to the people inside to whom reality was simply what it was.

“There you are!” came a voice that sounded almost like a growl. “I have been looking at every spawn in the area,” She turned to see a tall creature with a very canine-looking face. It had short blue fur spotted with gray patches and a bushy mohawk running down its head and back. The long snout ended in a black nose that twitched as he sniffed at the air. He had short, pointed ears and rich yellow eyes as he gazed down on her with an animal-like lust.

“Eric?” she dared to ask as the beast strode right up to her.

“Roric,” he reminded with a funny smile. “And you are my pet Jaina.”

She smiled and blushed as he used her new name and reminded her of her role in their new relationship. Roric now played as a gnoll conqueror and tweaked his character to be all combat. He wore his starting armor of metal rings and plates and carried a sizeable bladed spear in one hand. His only other equipment was a stout backpack he had slung over one shoulder.

Jaina walked to his chest and ran a hand over one of his muscular arms, not believing this was the scrawny man she came in herewith.

We finally did it,” he said with a toothy smile. “We made it to New Eden.”

Oh, Roric, I can’t believe we did this,” she said in a trembling voice and put a hand to her head. “You realize we can never go back?”

We won't ever want to,” he replied and took her hands. “Look at us. We're perfect in every way. You're beautiful, and I am strong enough to care for us both.”

But we won't ever see our families again,” she pressed.

“Why would you be questioning that now?” he asked. “They must have told us that a hundred times in processing; besides, some of us consider that a plus,” he added with a laugh and pulled her into his warm arms. “All I need is you at my side.”

So, you still think you can protect me from all danger?” she asked and continued to rub his warm fur, savoring the taught muscle beneath.

A few levels, and I can start recruiting a pack, then we won't have any trouble,” he assured her. “Besides, I have all sorts of skills, and I can track by scent. Now that I know your scent, I bet I could find you anywhere you went.”

“Is that so?” she said with a little smile.

He smiled back as his hands came to her side, looking her new body up and down.

“You are so hot and sexy,” he said with a slight pant. “I can’t wait to give you a good banging.”

Well, we seem to be alone,” she said and gave him a seductive smile, trying out her skills.

You little tease, are you using your seductive power on me?” he laughed and rubbed her sides. “Don't you think we should at least leave the spawn first?”

I suppose,” she said with a toss of her dark hair. “I wouldn’t want people spawning in while we were in the heat of the moment.”

Right,” he said and looked across the landscape. “I see a path that will probably take us to a road. If we are lucky, there will be a road sign, and we can get our bearings.”

I can’t believe how long we spent studying those maps,” she laughed.

Well, we couldn't bring them in with us, but I hear chosen come in with whatever they have on them. I even hear some of them have cell phones still.”

“Do they still work?” Jaina asked.

“Nothing from the real world works, but it would be funny to see one,” Roric replied and started down the hill. “Common, that town we saw should be an hour's walk that way.”

Off they went down a dusty path admiring the world and pointing out the colors and breadth of the land. It felt like they could see farther than on earth and that the whole of the world was a garden of Eden. Eventually, they spotted a single ostrich-like bird they knew as a camicuna, a low-level monster often found near spawns.

Let's have our first battle,” he said excitedly. “I will engage it, and you try to get behind it to use your dagger.'

“I will do my best,” Jaina said and tensed as he drew his big spear, holding it in both hands. They crept closer to the bird, with Roric taking the lead, and the tension mounted. Jaina played a few MMOs and knew how combat worked, but she never dreamed it would be this real.

Well, here goes,” he said and rushed in with a war cry. The bird heard him coming and raised a wicked crooked beak to hiss at him. The two collided in a mighty swing of his spear, but the bird sidestepped and bit back. Jaina rushed in with her dagger in hand and tried to get around the beast, hoping to avoid the wicked bite. It flailed about with a squawk, but Roric kept it busy and soon landed a hit. The beast raked with one of its hooked claws, but his armor protected him. The two exchanged blows, with Roric clearly doing more damage and Jaina rushed in to add a stab of her own right before it finally fell over.

We did it!” she exclaimed and pulled open her character sheet. “But wow, that wasn't worth much. We will have to kill twenty of those to level.”

Easily done,” he encouraged with a huff. “I didn’t even get hurt.”

Oh, Eric, I mean Roric, this is so much fun!” Jaina said as she looked over the slain bird. “I wonder if it has any loot?”

“I think the book said these were only good for meat and feathers,” Roric answered.

“Well, I’m not skinning it,” Jaina laughed.

“Nah, we will find something more profitable to kill later,” he suggested and looked across the fields before pointing with his spear. “I see a bunch more over there. Why don't we try to level up a couple of times and then look for that town.”

“Sounds good to me,” Jaina replied and looked where he was pointing to see there were indeed many more. They headed off with an excited step, stalking the easy prey to try and level up. Five more died before one of them got a lucky hit, and Roric ended the fight with a wound to his leg.

“You finally get to test your heal,” he said as he sat on a rock and smiled his odd dog-like smile.

“But how is this going to work?” Jaina said and pulled open her character sheet. “It says I have to kiss you to heal.”

“Then come over here and give me a kiss,” he said and gestured with a paw.

Jaina felt nervous about kissing what was, in all respects, a giant dog. She put her hands to his face and smiled nervously before planting her lips on the front of his snout. Her ability activated immediately, and she could feel a flow of power even as his dog lips felt strange against her own. She leaned back and checked the leg to see the scratch was gone a moment later.

“It seems to work,” she said, pleased with the outcome.

“Let's see what else you can do,” he said and reached up to grab the front of her dress. Then, with a yank, her breasts spilled out into his hands as he began to fondle them.

“Roric,” she said nervously and looked around. “What if somebody sees?”

“Nobody has been out here all this time. Besides, so what if they do?” he replied with a pleased snarl. “You remember what we said. Once I hit level five and unlock the collar, you become my pet. Then you won't need to wear clothes anymore.”

Jaina blushed deeply as he continued to play with her chest. It was something they spoke about a great deal while attending the classes meant to prepare you for coming to New Eden. They picked their classes specifically to work together, with Jaina picking a one that specialized in seduction and sex, while he picked one that could take captives. At level five, he could unlock an ability that allowed him to create a magic collar, and with it, he could take a slave.

The world had very strict rules about slaves, especially the sex variety, and he couldn't force the collar on her. She would have to accept it, put it on herself, and keep it on for five days. It was enough time for a person to think about what they were doing, but after five days, it locked. Once it was locked, she was bound to him and couldn't stray far without his permission. Her primary class, or in this case, her race of morphic, would be severely limited and nearly replaced by a slave class. It came in three varieties, and he could make the choice, forcing the one he wanted on her. Of course, they had spoken about this for weeks, and both agreed she would become a sex slave. Then she would be his little pet, following in her master's wake as he battled dangerous creatures. She would heal him with a kiss when he got hurt, and when he wanted something more, she would eagerly provide it.

With the sex slave as her new primary and the seductress as her secondary, Jaina would exist solely to have sex. It was how they wanted it, but now that it was real, she had second thoughts.

“Do you really want me to go around naked all the time?” she asked as he continued to caress her chest.

“I want people to see my property,” he replied and pulled at her belt. “And I want to try this body out.”

Jaina gasped as he pulled the belt open and yanked the dress over her hips. She stood bare except for her boots and black silk panties as his hungry yellow eyes took her in. Slowly he hooked the sides of her panties and pulled them down as she wiggled her legs to help them along. She stepped out of them, and he laid them aside carefully before running a hand along a thigh.

“You are almost as beautiful as you were before,” he said and looked into her eyes.

“Liar!” she laughed and batted her eyes. “We both know I was overweight and had health issues. But we agreed we wouldn't waste time comparing our old selves to the new ones. Remember the training said we had to detach and embrace the new life.”

“I am going to embrace you every chance I get,' he replied and looked her up and down. “So you went ahead and picked the morphic. Does that mean you can look any way you want?”

“Not any way,” she replied. “It has to be female and about the same size, but I can do this.” She smiled as her hair changed color to red, then it shortened slightly and curled. She changed her eyes to blue and altered her face slightly, even going so far as to use pointy ears.

“You look exactly like an elf now,” he said with a smile. “You're like a million girls in one.”

“If all that matters to you is appearance, then yes,” she said with a shake of her head, knowing full well this was why she picked the class. She could be anything he wanted at any time and fulfilling all his fantasies.

“Stay like this,” he urged. “I want to conquer an elf girl. Can you change your voice?”

“Not till much higher level,” she replied as his hands began to explore her rear. It felt strange to feel the fur sliding over her skin with an almost silken touch. She looked up into a face that was so inhuman, with yellowed eyes and pointed teeth. It sent a chill up her spine that this creature was handling her body, preparing her for carnal sex. Just as she started to pant at the thought of it, a long wet tongue slid between her breasts.

“Your tongue!” she cried as he began to lick her chest. “It’s so big!”

“And I can taste you like never before,” he said and licked her across the neck.

She reached out to hold him around his ears as he lavished her breasts with firm, warm licks. Every touch sent ripples of sensation across her body as that tongue teased her nipples like never before. She was immediately turned on but also frightened as her mind tried to embrace the idea that this beast was still Eric.

Jaina began to tremble as those long wet bestial licks started to go lower. Fear began to tickle the back of her mind as the human part rebelled against the idea of surrendering to a beast. She felt a sense of shame as his hands pried open her thighs, exposing the center he so hungrily sought.

With eyes closed, she ran her hands along the black main that ran down his back. She searched for anything that proved this was Eric, but all she felt was raw bestial might. A sense of panic set in, but before she could act that long, wet tongue tasted the honey of her flower.

Her head went back as she clutched handfuls of his fur, mouth agape in a silent scream. His tongue was so long that he could lick the entire thing at once, driving through the folds of her flesh with animal intensity. Her legs began to tremble as strong paws wrapped around her waist, and he began to lick in earnest. The sensation was maddening, especially when combined with her mind screaming that he wasn't human.

Suddenly he stopped and turned her around, grabbing her by the wrists to pull. She was forced to bend over, presenting her rear to him. A long tongue slid in, reaching deep into her body as it tasted her from the inside. The feeling was so shocking she froze, unable to accept what was happening. Then she began to moan as her body reacted to the intrusion with spasms of shock and pleasure. She felt the prick of his teeth as he pressed in, licking in rapid swipes and driving her wild. Her hands began to twist as he held her in place, forcing her to endure his feast of her body. For several long minutes, she hung on, trying to understand how he could be doing this. Eventually, her mind had to accept that this was a beast and not a man.

The excitement and taboo nature of the situation sent her body spiraling out of control. Before she knew what was happening, her body suddenly convulsed, and she cried out in ecstasy. Then, on instinct, she pressed her thighs together but bent over as she was; it didn't help. He continued to lick, forcing her to endure his animal lusts until she was sure her legs would fail.

“Eric!” she screamed between gasping breaths. “I can’t take anymore!”

He let her go, and she fell to hands and knees, panting for breath as she trembled.

“My name is Roric,” he said and ran a paw over her rear. “And you are my Jaina.”

Jaina nodded as she panted to catch her breath. The whole encounter had been so intense that she couldn't think straight. Now his hands were rubbing at her rear and teasing that he wasn't done yet. She steadied her nerves as his hand came away, and she heard him unbuckling his armor. Then something pressed at her folds as his hand guided it in place.

Jaina clutched the ground as her slicked body welcomed him in, opening wide as he slid in inch by inch. He stood over her rear, slowly working himself into her body until she started to grunt.

“How big are you?” she gasped and was grateful when she finally felt his legs press to hers. Oddly he held still, waiting a moment as she felt a tightness growing between her legs. Somehow he was getting bigger, and it formed a ball of pressure just inside her body.

“What are you doing?” she panted and tried to look back.

“Making sure you can’t get away,” he replied with a pleased snarl. “Go ahead and try.”

Jaina pulled away, but something inside pulled back, and she didn't move an inch. She tried again, leaning forward with all her might, but all she managed to do was pull him with her a little.

“What is happening? I can't move,” she groaned.

Warm paws wrapped around her shoulders as he leaned into her, his furry chest laying across her back. She felt his hot breath on her face as he came close enough to whisper in her ear.

“That’s my knot,” he replied in a soft voice. “And now you can't go anywhere until I am done with you.”

Jaina's eyes went wide as she realized what he meant. He burst into motion before she could respond, rapidly thrusting into her body with the tight ball keeping him deep inside. The sensation was so intense she tried to crawl away, desperate to escape, but that only made it worse. She was helpless, unable to do anything but wait until he was done. His rapid pace caused her to cry out in short, loud gasps, her ample breasts bouncing with every thrust. This wasn't love. It wasn't even sex; it was domination as only a wild animal could do.

She struggled to breathe between thrusts as her body betrayed her and responded to the rough treatment with joy. Her orgasm exploded inside, sending waves of passion flooding through her senses as she sang like an angel. Knowing she had cum only made him more aggressive, and he hammered away, the knot forcing him to stay impossibly deep inside. Her now overly sensitive pussy responded to every thrust with mind-shattering lust. A minute later, she had another, her arms trembling as she screamed through the spams. It was so intense she felt her thighs go wet down to her knees as she responded to the rough treatment.

Still, it went on, and she lost all sense of her surroundings. Her face fell to the grass as her arms failed, and she lay there, her waist supported by him as he continued his thrusting. Another orgasm rolled in, and she screamed into the earth with hands clenched into fists. She could do nothing to stop him; she was his bitch, and he wasn't done breeding her. She had to endure the relentless pounding even as her body teetered at the very peak of stimulation. She couldn’t even scream when he finally thrust deep and held her in place, her stomach suddenly feeling full and warm.

Even though he was done, he couldn't extract himself. It took several minutes for the swelling to go down, and every twitch or movement threatened to send Jaina over the edge. He finally pulled out with a plop, and she collapsed to the ground breathless.

Trembling and overstimulated, she curled into a ball on the grass as he lay beside her. She felt his warm paw stroking her side as he told her this was her life now, and he would take her like that every day.

Jaina closed her eyes as her spent body yearned for sleep. She had been conquered by a beast of a man and driven past her limit. Now she needed time to recover and slipped away into the darkness. When she finally awoke, he was sitting at her side, stroking her head gently.

“What happened?” she asked as she lifted her head.

“You needed some rest,” he said in a gentle tone. “I killed a couple more of those birds, but I didn't want to go more than a dozen steps while you were sleeping.”

“You killed more while I was asleep?” she asked as her foggy mind started to remember what had happened. She looked about to see he had folded her clothes neatly and put them on his pack to keep them clean. The sun was still high in the sky at what she assumed was noon. As she watched, it sprinted across the heavens, stopping at a new position hours from where it started.

“Did you see that?” she asked and pointed weakly.

“It happened earlier, just after you passed out,” he replied. “I don't think time works the same way here. It seems to move every three or four hours.

“How long was I out?” she asked and struggled to sit up. He wrapped his arms around her naked body and pulled her to his chest so she could use him for support. He was soft to the touch, and his paw rubbing her back felt extremely soothing. She closed her eyes again as he guessed that she was out for maybe four hours.

“You were very rough,” she said as she rubbed her cheek on his furry chest. “But I liked it.”

“I sort of got carried away,” he admitted and rested his muzzle on her head. “I lost control like I was a real animal. I hope I didn’t hurt you.”

Jaina laughed and shook her head. She had to admit that they had just had the best sex of her life, and she was looking forward to more of it.

“So, do you still want to be my pet?” he asked as she lay naked in his arms.

“Are you going to breed me like an animal day and night if I say yes?” she asked.

“I will leave you weak and breathless, so you haven't the strength to get away,” he promised.

Jaina smiled wider and settled in with a sigh. She couldn't think of a better way to spend her time or a better person to spend it with.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.