The Actress is My Favorite

Chapter 40

Chapter 39

After seeing this line of push, Xia Shutong frowned slowly, and her eyes froze.

This…are you talking about her and Yun Feiwu?

But why, she can understand every word, but when combined, she can’t understand what it means?

What can she do at the door of Yun Feiwu’s room? Could it be that they were secretly photographed? But just now, she didn’t even enter Yun Feiwu’s room door, and nothing happened. Even if she was secretly photographed, there was no major problem.

Xia Shutong thought about it, and clicked on the news.

[I believe everyone knows that there have always been rumors on the Internet that President Xia of Wutong Films and Xiao Yun are at odds, and there are even rumors that President Xia squeezed and abused employees, so is this true? The editor has always wanted to know the truth. Until just now, the editor received a bunch of submissions, which are the photos and videos of Mr. Xia’s visit to Ban Yunying, so let’s take a look~]

The video was shot in the corner of the hotel stairs, just enough to capture a corner of the corridor.

In the video, Xia Shutong walked to Yun Feiwu’s door carrying an extremely ugly fruit basket. Although the inside of the room could not be photographed, he could still see it. Soon a white hand stretched out from inside, and Xia Shutong Shutong took the fruit basket from there.

There are two photos in total, one of them each helping each other wear scarves.

The person who took the photo seemed to be not far behind Yun Feiwu. Although Yun Feiwu’s face was not photographed, Xia Shutong’s indifferent expression was clearly captured.

With a sullen face, Xia Shutong clicked on the comment section.

[Hahahahahaha I didn’t say that, the fruit basket that Mr. Xia sent was too ugly, right? But Boss Xia is really good-looking, I never thought before that Wutong’s boss is actually a big beauty. 】

[President Xia is indeed pretty, but her reputation in the industry… Well, forget it, I don’t dare to say more, that’s all I can say. 】

[President Xia has a bad reputation? I don’t believe that someone who can choose such an ugly fruit basket can be a bad person. 】

Xia Shutong:?

Although this netizen should be speaking for her, how does she feel that her reputation has been harmed? And what does fruit basket ugliness have to do with character? This netizen’s brain circuit is really weird.

Xia Shutong flipped through again, and found that most of the returning attention was on the fruit basket.

[President Xia and Yunyun have a bad relationship? Being able to bring such a simple fruit basket to visit Yunyun, saying that Xia is always an old mother is right hahahahahaha]

Even if there were a few messages, they were quickly wiped out by the fruit basket party.

【Heh, why did you visit the door of someone’s room? It’s not clear that I want to make unspoken rules like Yun Feiwu. 】

【You unspoken rules to carry such an ugly fruit basket? I do not believe! 】

[I don’t believe +1]

[I don’t believe +2]

In addition, there is also the cp party buried in the crowd.

[Hey… Does anyone think that Yunyun and Mr. Xia are actually quite CP-like? Although Mr. Xia kept a cold face, when Yunyun put the scarf on her, she didn’t move at all, and later put it back on for Yunyun, and even brought a fruit basket to visit Yunyun herself! 】

[The cool little actress x the arrogant demon king? I can ah ah ah ah! ! 】

[Stop talking cp upstairs, have you forgotten Nebula’s lesson? Mr. Xia’s character is even worse than Bian Xin’s, and there have always been rumors in the circle that Mr. Xia has kept a lot of little fresh meat and little stars, men and women are not taboo, vomit…]

[Nonsense, Mr. Xia’s unpretentious aesthetic is definitely not the kind of person who has a chaotic relationship and keeps a bad face! 】

[Yes, trust Mr. Xia’s character! 】

Xia Shutong:? ? ?

Her reputation seems to have been…washed out in an inexplicable way?

After closing the post, Xia Shutong felt complicated.

I always feel that the ideas of netizens are all weird, which is really hard to understand.

However, after this news came out, it dispelled Xia Shutong’s idea of going to see Yun Feiwu again.

Just giving a fruit basket would be secretly photographed, which was maliciously speculated by a small number of people as an unspoken rule. If she went to Yun Feiwu’s room so late and was photographed, I don’t know how it will be hacked on the Internet.

So in the end, Xia Shutong just made a video call with Yun Feiwu.

As for who was taking the sneak shot… Xia Shutong sent another message to a certain number before going to bed, and soon received a reply from there.

After saving the photos sent over there in the mailbox as usual, Xia Shutong sent Yun Feiwu good night and turned off the lights to sleep.

After returning to Haicheng, Xia Shutong immersed herself in work again.

In other words, immersed in her intensive preparations.

Ever since Xia Shutong talked with Xia Cha on New Year’s Day, a rebellious thought had arisen in her heart.

She wanted to completely control Tianjun and take away all of Xiacha’s power.

After carefully studying the company’s shareholding composition, management background, and structure, Xia Shutong was pleasantly surprised to find that she had already done almost the same thing before she lost her memory.

Over the years, she has buried countless hidden threads in Tianjun, and she only waits for one day to reveal them all, and then let the flow take its course to carry out a major cleansing of Tianjun’s management, which is considered to have completed the last step.

At the same time, Xia Shutong was also a little puzzled—to what extent was she so thoughtful in the past that she started planting secret seeds in the company without telling Mr. Xia when she first took over Tianjun?

Or, in fact, I already had the idea of derailing Mr. Xia’s power a long time ago?

two months later.

Xia Shutong’s reshuffle of Tianjun’s management came so quickly that before Xia Cha noticed something was wrong, Tianjun’s side had already changed hands.

Tianjun was in chaos for a few days, but under Xia Shutong’s rectification, it quickly returned to normal. Even after the turmoil, the stock price did not fall but rose.

Apart from Tianjun, the evidence on Xia Yuansi’s side is almost the same… Only the last hook is missing.

Xia Shutong had arranged everything step by step before the new year, and she didn’t believe that with Xia Yuansi’s IQ, she would not be hooked.

She just needs to wait slowly.

Then… these two things were resolved, and only the confession with Yun Feiwu remained.

Last time, Xia Shutong said, “I seem to like her.”

But now, Xia Shutong can be very sure that he really likes Yun Feiwu.

She wants to prepare a grand confession.

Although because of Yun Feiwu’s work, it may not be made public for the time being, but at least in private, she hopes that she will not regret their second time together.

I don’t know what it was like when they were together for the first time.

Xia Shutong still can’t recall, but now she has an inexplicable confidence in herself, she firmly believes that she will be able to recall everything they have experienced in the past bit by bit.

…Even if they are already old when the memory is completely restored, it doesn’t matter.

Because they already love each other and have walked hand in hand for so many years.

Then everything before is not very important.

Just as Xia Shutong was thinking wildly, the phone suddenly rang.

She restrained her smile and looked down at Xia Cha’s call.

“Hello, grandpa?”

Facing Xia Cha this time, Xia Shutong was still a little nervous, but what’s more, he was secretly happy from the bottom of his heart, and even had a little bad fun.

“Tongtong.” Xia Cha’s voice was a little tired, and the tone was very low, “I’m in the small conference room on the third floor, come here.”

Different from the old fox’s seemingly gentle but shrewd and cold-blooded tone before, this time, Xia Cha seemed to be really old.

“Well, Grandpa, I’ll be right over.” Xia Shutong’s voice was gentle, but the playful smile in his eyes became stronger and stronger.

Even she herself can’t tell whether it’s because of acting, or because of her instinct.

Xia Shutong quickly walked outside the meeting room.

She slightly restrained the smile on her face, and walked in as peacefully as possible.

This meeting room is not big, there is only a small table inside, Xia Cha is sitting at the main seat, Xia Shutong sweeps around, and naturally sits opposite him.

“Grandpa, you came to see me, what’s the matter?” Xia Shutong asked knowingly.

“Tongtong, in front of grandpa, you don’t have to play such nonsense.” Xia Cha shook his head, but there was no disappointment on his face, “Tongtong is really promising, there are so many changes in the company, I was the last one to know of.”

Xia Shutong nodded: “Grandpa is getting old, of course I don’t want to disturb you.”

Up to now, to her, Xia Cha is nothing to be afraid of.

Although Xia Cha is the chairman, he has indeed grown old over the years, and he has given too much power to Xia Shutong step by step. Now that the matter has come to this point, even if he wants to take back the power in Xia Shutong’s hands and reorganize the company, it will be more than worth the candle.

Xia Cha is old and doesn’t have much time, but Xia Shutong is still young and has plenty of time and experience.

Xia Shutong grasped Xia Cha’s psychology very accurately.

He is a ruthless businessman who only cares about profit. And after Xia Shutong has achieved this step, for him, the only way to benefit the company is to completely give up his management rights in the company and hand it all over to Xia Shutong.

Xia Cha was silent for a long time, his eyes suddenly sharpened, and he swept away the old man just now: “Tongtong, if you do this, you won’t be afraid that Grandpa will be unhappy?”

“How could it be?” Xia Shutong tilted her head and asked back, “What I do is for the benefit of the company, why are you unhappy, Grandpa?”

Xia Shutong is telling the truth. In recent years, paper media has gradually declined, but under her leadership, Tianjun not only did not disappear with the trend of the times, but went against the current in several reforms, and the company scale expanded several times. times.

And Wutong Pictures was almost dying in the hands of Xia Hongye, and was also rescued by Xia Shutong.

Xia Shutong is amazingly talented in this area, at least judging from the situation of these two companies, no one can do better than her.

“Hahahaha…” Xia Cha smiled instead of anger, and stopped after a while, “Yes, Tongtong, you are right, I am old. You are the only one who can be trusted among the juniors. But grandpa doesn’t understand, Tongtong Tong, the company will be in your hands sooner or later, why do you do it behind your grandfather’s back?”

Xia Shutong lowered his head, thought for a while, then raised his head to look directly into Xia Cha’s eyes, and said ambiguously: “The power is in your own hands, so you should feel at ease, Grandpa, don’t you think so?”

As for the specific reason… Xia Cha will know soon.

Xia Cha was stunned, and said with a smile: “Tongtong said yes, well, well, he is indeed a child I taught. But Tongtong, I still have a question…”

At this point, Xia Cha stood up and walked slowly to Xia Shutong’s side.

Looking down at her condescendingly.

“Tongtong, do you remember the past?”

Xia Shutong raised her head and looked up at him, obviously in a weak position, her fingers curled up unconsciously, but the smile on her face remained the same.

She said honestly, “No.”

“Or… I still only remembered a little bit.”

Xia Cha nodded, then reached out and patted her on the shoulder.

“Let’s just leave it like this for the time being. I’m getting old, and now I’m at a loss. Tongtong, accompany me to the company for the last time.”

Xia Shutong nodded, stood up and said respectfully, “Grandpa, can I help you?”

Xia Cha did not object.

The last two times I walked with Xia Cha, Xia Shutong followed him half a step, but this time, he supported him and walked side by side.

Along the way, like normal grandparents, the two laughed and talked about homely things, and the atmosphere was harmonious and weird.

After Xia Shutong sent Xia Cha downstairs to the company, after thinking about it, she followed him into the car and went directly to the old house with him.

After arriving home, Xia Cha sighed resentfully when he got out of the car.

What do you want to say again.

Xia Shutong asked, “Grandpa?”

“Tongtong, the old man Zhang Sheng’s charity dinner will be tomorrow night, right?”

Xia Shutong thought for a while before remembering. She was so busy during this time that she forgot about the charity dinner.

So what does this mean, old man? Give up the management of the company, but still want to give her a blind date?

But it’s such a time, Xia Shutong believes that the old man should have no other intentions, just from the perspective of a parent, hoping that she can choose a partner that suits his wishes.

Xia Shutong couldn’t help but smiled wryly: “Yes.”

“Tongtong, grandpa knows that you don’t like to hear about it, and also thinks grandpa is long-winded, but I also really treat you well.” Xia Cha said lightly, “Grandpa doesn’t care if you get married or not, that girl Hongye, anyway, she is alone. Are you having a good time? But I hope someone can be by your side and take care of you.”

Now Xia Shutong didn’t beat around the bush when talking to Xia Cha, and said bluntly, “Grandpa… so at tomorrow’s dinner party, who is the young talent you value? You can just say it straight.”

But what she didn’t say was…

Who is the young talent Xia Cha is talking about, then she must avoid him.

“Okay, okay, Tongtong has grown up, and he doesn’t even want to listen to me, an old man.”

Xia Shutong: “…”

Mr. Xia, who pretends to be kind and filial, is he still pretending to be addicted?

But in the end she still sighed helplessly, grabbed Xia Cha’s arm, and softened her voice: “Grandpa, I don’t.”

Only then did Mr. Xia hum two times in satisfaction, and said slowly: “Tongtong, grandpa is looking for someone for you. The first thing is to take a good look at his character for you. After all, you are strong, so you have to find someone who is weak and gentle.” , I have to be considerate of you. Second, it is the other party’s wealth. Grandpa is not like the old stubborn people in the circle, who value the right family. Grandpa hopes that you will find someone who is not so strong and join our Xia family.”

Xia Cha habitually walked around for a long time before finally uttering a name: “Tongtong, Boss Zhou Hanchi of Xinghui, you should have met him, right?”

The smile on Xia Shutong’s face froze immediately.

Zhou Hanchi? !

Recalling the soft smile on Zhou Hanchi’s face and his gentle tone when he saw Zhou Hanchi before, Xia Shutong only felt panicked in his heart.

So he not only wanted to say good things about Ouyang Chao in front of Xia Shutong, but also wanted to bring himself along?

Ouyang Chao and Yun Feiwu, he and Xia Shutong…?


Want to fart.

Xia Cha: “Xiao Zhou has a gentle temper, and he can gradually grow Xinghui from scratch. It can be seen that his ability is not bad. Grandpa has already thought about it for you. If you marry him, Xinghui will be merged into Wutong at that time.” , and the development of Wutong can be wider.”

Xia Shutong didn’t hide the reluctance on his face, and asked instead: “Grandpa, so you arranged for me to meet Mr. Zhou when I visited the class in Guicheng last time?”

“That’s not true.” Xia Cha smiled and narrowed his eyes, “Since you can bump into each other when visiting the class, doesn’t it mean that you are destined? Tongtong, Boss Zhou is not bad in appearance…”

“Master, Lord.” Xia Shutong finally couldn’t bear it any longer, “I’m going back to work, you should rest at home.”

After speaking, he turned around and left the manor as if fleeing.

Xia Cha looked at her back with a complex expression, but in the end he let out a long sigh of relief and helplessness.

the next night.

Only Xia Shutong was invited to the dinner, so Qian Lingling left after sending Xia Shutong outside the hall.

The banquet hall is very large, and there are quite a few people inside, but the surrounding decorations are particularly solemn and solemn.

Xia Shutong has learned that this dinner was originally going to be held in January, but halfway through, the official staff suddenly approached the organizer, hoping to cooperate, so it was postponed until now, and the scale of the dinner was also larger than the original Started a lot bigger.

As soon as Xia Shutong entered the hall, she could clearly feel that countless gazes were directed at her, and after seeing her face clearly, she shrank back weakly.

She wore a black dress today, inlaid with bits and pieces of diamonds, which shone dreamily under the light, and the dress skirt was slit at the thighs, and the white leg muscles were looming, extremely alluring. On top of it was a pure white fox fur shawl, with black curly hair scattered around, and a broken diamond like a tear mole dotted under the almond eyes.

While being beautiful and seductive, it also vividly outlines the powerful aura laced with hostility.

Xia Shutong looked around and licked the corner of her lips slightly.

Two months ago, just going to the aquarium made her feel a little nervous from the bottom of her heart. But now, even if one person attends a dinner party of this scale, the slight nervousness in his heart is quickly suppressed.

In the past two months, as she became more and more familiar with the company, and gradually discovered the hidden lines she had planted, after successfully winning power from Xia Cha, she seemed to subtly…become a little more confident .

Her demeanor and actions in front of others gradually no longer seemed to be staged.

Xia Shutong curled her lips slightly, and walked straight to the banquet area on the left.

Drinks and snacks are placed on each round table, and the guest’s nameplate is placed in the front.

When signing in just now, the service staff had pointed out the general direction, so Xia Shutong quickly found his location.

From her point of view, she can see the stage not far away. Now the host is introducing various donation themes. After the introduction, the guests can go on stage to choose items to donate.

Xia Shutong watched with interest, and already had a choice in her heart.

“President Xia, we meet again.” At this moment, a slightly familiar voice rang in her ears.

Zhou Hanchi sat down beside her, smiled and nodded to her.

Xia Shutong’s smile froze slightly.

Why were they arranged to sit together in a banquet hall of five hundred people? She didn’t even believe that no one was playing tricks behind her back.

“Mr. Xia, hello.” Huang Qiongyi sat down beside Zhou Hanchi, and also said hello to Xia Shutong.

After seeing Huang Qiongyi, Xia Shutong relaxed slightly, and nodded towards the two of them.

Since Zhou Hanchi brought his female companion to the dinner…Although Huang Qiongyi is the manager of their company, she probably came to the dinner for work reasons, but doesn’t that mean that Zhou Hanchi didn’t actually have that kind of intention?

But no matter what Zhou Hanchi thought, Xia Shutong made up his mind to stay away from him, so as not to be caught by Mr. Xia again and insist on arranging a blind date for them.

The three sat quietly like this for a while, and the explanation on the stage finally ended, and the guests who were interested in donating also began to come on stage, and had detailed exchanges with the person in charge.

Xia Shutong also got up and wandered in the direction of the booth at will. When she was walking, she paid special attention to Zhou Hanchi not following.

Her goal is very clear, to donate to two Hope Primary Schools.

After negotiating with the project leader, it took only about 20 minutes.

Xia Shutong was a little hesitant to leave early.

The dinner was well attended, partly for the donations, but partly for the connections and opportunities at the dinner.

In particular, this dinner was held in cooperation with the government. If they can get the opportunity to cooperate with the government, it will be a matter of profit but not loss for any company.

After thinking for a while, Xia Shutong decided to take a walk around patiently and find out the specific situation.

Unexpectedly, just a few steps out of the booth area, the opportunity came to her.

“Excuse me, is this Mr. Xia from Tianjun Media?” A staff member caught up with her from behind and said politely, “Ms. Jiang is in the lounge at the back, hoping to see you.”

Xia Shutong suppressed the surprise in her eyes and nodded.

Although the staff only mentioned one surname, Xia Shutong had already guessed who it was.

Ms. Jiang Chun, the director of the official TV station Channel 6, was also one of the organizers of the dinner.

Xia Shutong knew about some of the variety shows of Six Channels, and vaguely remembered that he had thought of cooperating with their channels before, but he never got a chance. Unexpectedly, for this dinner party, people came to the door directly without doing anything.

Xia Shutong immediately walked to the lounge, and when she knocked on the door and entered, the expression on her face froze again for a moment.

There are two sofas in the lounge, Zhou Hanchi and Huang Qiongyi are sitting on one, and Ms. Jiang Chun is probably sitting on the other side.

It’s such a coincidence again.

Xia Shutong glanced at Zhou Hanchi, made a decent smile, and sat down beside Jiang Chun: “Ms. Jiang, hello.”

“Hello, Mr. Xia.” Jiang Chun looked about forty years old, the corners of his eyes could no longer hide the fine lines, but his demeanor was very gentle and polite, giving people a feeling of intimacy.

Jiang Chun: “It’s like this. Our station has recently planned a variety show and is looking for suitable guests. It just so happened that Mr. Zhang, the partner of this dinner, recommended Mr. Xia and Mr. Zhou next to us, so I I will take this opportunity to discuss cooperation with the two of you.”

When speaking, Jiang Chun only briefly pointed at Zhou Hanchi, obviously they had already talked about it.

As soon as Xia Shutong heard that the quota was recommended by Mr. Zhang Sheng, he immediately realized that this was probably Xia Cha’s fault again.

Otherwise, there were so many people in charge of the company who came to the dinner, why did they only find her and Zhou Hanchi?

However, there are not many opportunities to cooperate with Liutai, so we must not just miss it. So Xia Shutong nodded slightly, and said gently: “Please introduce me in detail.”

Jiang Chun took the planning sheet on the table and handed it to Xia Shutong.

Xia Shutong immediately saw the eye-catching title “Adventures in Mountains and Rivers”.

Just looking at the name, you can tell that it is a standard six-channel variety show—perhaps because of the official bad taste. No matter how high the quality of the six-channel variety show is, the name of the variety show has a strong old style, and even a bit earthy.

Xia Shutong looked at the project list, and Jiang Chun introduced it.

“Although “Shanchuan” is a reality show variety show, it is also a charity project, aiming to draw viewers’ attention to our country’s poverty and remote mountainous areas, and to attract investment or donation projects for them.”

“We are temporarily planning to record a season of the program, which will be divided into two parts. In each part, there will be six regular guests. Our arrangement is that these six people are composed of two entrepreneurs, two celebrities, and two amateur college students. .”

“For the two entrepreneurs in the first issue, we hope to invite you, Mr. Xia and Mr. Zhou. As for the two stars… the first one has been confirmed, and it is Mr. Ouyang from Mr. Zhou’s company. As for the second candidate, If Yun Yinghou has a schedule, would you like to let her participate?”

Xia Shutong’s heart skipped a beat.

The author has something to say: Let’s participate in variety shows together! !

A little angel said earlier that business wars and house fights are partly brain-burning, so I will try to use ambush pen + one-stroke method to write out simply qwq

There are two main foreshadowings in the part of “seizing power”:

Chapter 1.32: While sweeping the tomb, when Xia Shutong suddenly thought of “seizing power”: “This idea came too suddenly, and it was too natural. It seems that Xia Shutong has been thinking this way for a long time.”

Chapter 2.37: Qian Lingling vaguely felt that Xia Shutong had been preparing for something before she lost her memory.

There are also some small foreshadowings in other places. Xia Shutong had been planning for several years before losing his memory, and it wasn’t like taking control of the company all of a sudden.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.