The Ace Producer

Chapter 51

Chapter 50 – Fingerprint Evidence

Back to the hotel.

After Ye Zhen took a shower, she looked through the spare computer, and carefully checked the corners of the door, but she still couldn’t find “LEE” and gave her the reward for clearing the second question.

Didn’t they regret it when they were caught by her?

Ye Xueba felt uneasy once in a while, but soon, she realized that she was thinking too much: when she turned her head, there was a small drone hovering outside the window of her room.

Ye Zhen walked to the window, opened it, and the small drone flew over immediately, and knocked on the window sill with a “click”: “Hi, baby, did you miss me today?”

Judging by the way it behaves, this drone is also equipped with a small robot system, and it can be confirmed that it was sent by “LEE”. Ye Zhen grabbed it with her hands and flipped it around to see where it could hide things. The small drone stopped its wings and said shyly, “What are you doing? I hate it~”

Ye Zhen shook her hand and said, “Believe it or not, I changed your voice program.”

“Baby, you can’t bully others like this,” the little drone twitched, and said again, “If you want to change it, can you change me into a girl?”

“You’re so cute, you’re not suitable for being a girl,” Ye Zhen said, finding an embedded USB flash drive from the belly of the plane, pulled it out, and said, “Okay, your mission is complete, you can go.”

After hearing this, the little drone seemed very sad: “Baby, can I really not stay? LEE said that you need me to lead the way for your next final test!”

Is this a small threat?

Unfortunately, she didn’t intend to follow their script from the very beginning. Ye Zhen said: “I haven’t read anything yet, if you need it, you are welcome to pick me up.”

After the answering procedure was over, the small drone had no reason to stay any longer, while continuing to say in a sad voice, “Okay, baby, see you next time, I will miss you”, while turning “crash” The propeller, flew away.

It is obviously a ruthless thing, but it still calculates people’s hearts, so what do those people who have feelings for robots in science fiction movies think…

After Ye Zhen finished complaining, she closed the window, drew the curtains, went back to the computer, and plugged in the USB flash drive.

Now that the second hurdle has been broken, it seems that there is indeed an intention to solicit. The things “LEE” gave this time are more core, and the USB flash drive contains two videos of Rong Chengyue’s incident.

The first paragraph started from when she got on the elevator, and when she got out of the elevator, looking at the direction in which she turned, she was heading towards Ye Yi’s room.

The second part is that she knocked on the door of Du Lexin’s room, and when she entered the room, she opened the door abnormally. When a waiter passed by, she called the person in. After a few minutes, the waiter came out and went back the same way.

The timing of the surveillance video is exactly one before the incident and one after the incident.

But it erased the most critical part.

This is clearly telling her that they have the things, and they are waiting for her to get them.

Ye Zhen tried to restore the cut part, but failed, instead, an electronic ticket was displayed, a ticket for a luxury cruise ship on the Danube, and the boarding time was at nine o’clock tomorrow night.

The scenery along the Danube River is good, but she might not be able to get off the cruise ship, after all, it is written in the international convention that once the cruise ship enters the high seas, no one will control the crime of murder.

Fortunately, she never expected these desperadoes to make deals with her in a proper manner.

People are in the arena, who doesn’t stay behind?

She went back and watched the video again, closed the computer, took out some preparatory tools for surveying the scene, and went out. Rong Chengjue had just finished taking a shower, brushing her hair and poking her head out of the master bedroom next door, “It’s so late ok, where are you going?”

Ye Zhen took out a bottle of 502 glue from the tool bag and said, “Go to Ah Ying, there is something to glue over there.”

“Looking for Ah Ying again,” Rong Chengjue muttered, but he didn’t have the nerve to say “I’ll go too”, and just said, “Then come back early, I’ll wait for you.”

Ye Zhen nodded, closed the door, called Ah Ying to tell him to go back to the room, same as the night before, took the elevator upstairs, and arrived at the place where Ye Yi used to live.

After thinking about it, she returned to the door of the room where Du Lexin lived, and looked up, and there was no surveillance camera installed by the hotel there.

It seems that her previous observations were not wrong.

I closed my eyes and recalled the angle of the video shooting, and then opened my eyes to calculate the installation height and position of the camera under the shooting angle. It happened that Ah Ying was also here, and Ye Zhen motioned him to go back to the room and move a chair.

Aying tremblingly opened the door with her key card, didn’t even dare to turn on the light, moved a chair and ran to her and said, “What are you doing?”

Ye Zhen stepped on the chair, looked at the high decoration between the wallpaper and the elevator door, and said, “Check to see if there are any fingerprints here.”

This position is much higher than ordinary people’s accustomed angle of view. Ye Zhen put on white gloves and touched it, and immediately there was dust on it. It seems that even cleaning is rarely involved here.

Ah Ying stood on tiptoe and said, “I can’t see anything, what are you going to use to check your fingerprints?”

“502 glue.”


Too lazy to explain this common-sense problem to the scumbags, Ye Hao took out 502 glue from the tool bag, squeezed the bottle cap, took out a piece of filter paper, and evenly applied 502 glue on the filter paper, waited until it was not completely dry, When it was not too sticky, carefully covered the filter paper to the fingerprint area she calculated, and pressed it carefully for a while.

Then, she took out a humidifier with the pattern of Snow White, and a perm heating rod for girls, and sprayed and scalded the filter paper for about five or six minutes.

Aying: I always feel that this set of tools is not very reliable. Are you serious, Xueba?

However, Ye Zhen once again proved her strength as a top student. When she put away the tool bag and handed it to Ah Ying, she carefully peeled off the filter paper with both hands, and there were indeed two white fingerprints on the light yellow wall wallpaper.

Ah Ying was speechless: “Ah, ah, there are really fingerprints, whose is it? Could it be the murderer’s?”

Ye Zhen took out her mobile phone to take the photo, jumped off the chair and said, “It’s the person Rong Chengyue hired to destroy the hotel’s surveillance video.”

“You mean the person who helped Rong Chengyue tamper with the monitoring after the incident?”

“No, it wasn’t after the incident, it was before the incident. One thing we predicted was wrong. Before the incident, the hotel’s video surveillance had already been destroyed.”

Rong Chengyue’s attempt to transfer Ye Yi’s cash was premeditated. She placed the order on February 10th and transferred the funds in the afternoon of February 13th. Three days was enough time for “LEE” to make many arrangements. Destroying this layer of video surveillance images early, using fixed images, or carousel before, so that Rong Chengyue will not appear in the hotel’s surveillance from beginning to end, isn’t it much safer than deleting and tampering with the video afterwards?

As for why it is unnecessary to install her own set of cameras, Ye Zhen guessed that on the one hand, it is convenient to check the situation at the scene, and on the other hand, it is not uncommon to use this as evidence, and throw it out to threaten Rong Chengyue at the right time—these ” “Internet mercenaries” have a good reputation. Once they get entangled in dealings, it is not so easy to get rid of, and they will only get deeper and deeper.

Rong Chengyue is really daring.

Also, if she didn’t act recklessly, how could Ye Yi die, heh.

She didn’t know what she did in the room, but she was worried that someone would rescue her afterwards, so she called all the waiters who passed by to dismiss her. This alone was enough to show that Rong Chengyue wanted Ye Yi to die.

“Then, what should we do now,” Aying said in a panic, “Then there is still no video surveillance, how should we continue to investigate, and let Rong Chengyue get away with it like this?”

Sure enough, as people in the Internet age, when looking for evidence, the first reaction is always various surveillance, video, recording, etc. “LEE”, as a perennial cybercriminal team, is probably out of this kind of thinking. That’s why he ran to the scene of the crime if he had nothing to do.

He specially left evidence of the crime for himself.

Of course, their carelessness had something to do with the original fact that this was only a cyber-economic crime, not a homicide case.

However, at this point, no one is innocent.

Ye Zhen took the kit from Ah Ying and patted it on: “Who told you that the key to investigating cases is video surveillance. In the age without surveillance, wouldn’t the police investigate cases?”

Obviously, compared to monitoring, the more powerful evidence is the criminal fingerprints, fools~

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