Chapter 108
Fortunately, thanks to the knights who rushed to the scene after hearing the explosion, the academy’s damage was contained and resolved well.
“Yes, it’s true that I was wrong.”
“No, Elder.”
“But still, isn’t that too harsh?”
“No, well…yes. It was harsh. It was.”
Amon, who was about to speak his true feelings, quickly took back his words, and Reinbelt sighed deeply and turned his head.
“I should reconsider taking you as my disciple.”
In response to the cry filled with gratitude, Reinbelt shook his head.
“No, come to think of it, since it was my fault, there’s no need to go that far.”
At the cry of distress, Reinbelt laughed heartily.
“Hahaha! Kid, do you want to be my disciple that badly!”
Finally unable to contain his anger, Amon rushed at Reinbelt.
And now, as a result of his struggle with Reinbelt, Amon was rubbing ice on his eye where a large bruise had formed.
“How shameful. Though he’s a Grand Sword Master, to be beaten so badly by an old man. The name ‘Amon the Hot Fist of Drake Territory’ is crying.”
Of course, Reinbelt also paid a considerable price and is bedridden, but our Amon only remembers what he suffered!
“Well then, shall we get going?”
After diligently applying ice, Amon confirmed the pain had subsided somewhat and headed to the principal’s office.
Although they were unused buildings, about half of the academy’s grounds had been destroyed, so Anar’el had called for an ‘executive’ meeting to deal with the aftermath.
Of course, Amon’s current position was just a regular teacher, but since he would take the position of Academic Affairs Director as soon as he obtained his certification, he was essentially treated as an executive.
In other words, he was the Academic Affairs Director (to-be).
“But come to think of it, why do I have to participate in this kind of meeting when my salary is still that of a regular teacher?”
But there was no choice.
If he left the meeting entirely to Anar’el and Brestle, the already faltering academy might disappear into the annals of history.
Amon hurried to the principal’s office.
“You’ve arrived, Teacher Amon.”
“Yes, Principal. But where are Vice Principal Brestle and Elder Reinbelt?”
Weren’t all executives supposed to attend?
Therefore, Vice Principal Brestle’s attendance was natural, and Reinbelt, who had been promoted to Security Director with a salary increase of 3 silver, was also a director and needed to attend.
“They went to hand over the ruffians who destroyed the academy to the knights, and to search for personnel to restore the academy. Since it’s the most urgent matter, and they said they had construction-related connections, they left urgently. And Vice Principal Brestle…”
“The Vice Principal?”
Anar’el looked up at the ceiling with a melancholic face and said,
“She said to tell her when the meeting is over because she’s eating.”
A moment later, Amon dragged in Brestle, who had been knocked unconscious while enjoying her meal.
And as he roughly propped her up on a chair, he grumbled.
“How can a person, no, a Dark Elf, be so consistent? I wish she would be a bit more moderate.”
“I have a lot to say, but I won’t.”
“Sigh…anyway, since Elder Reinbelt is away searching for personnel, we should proceed with the meeting among ourselves and inform him later. Well then, Principal?”
“Yes, Teacher Amon.”
With his interlocked hands on the table and a serious shadowed face, Amon said,
“Let’s first discuss the matter of the collapsed buildings.”
Anar’el nodded seriously, her face also shadowed beyond her interlocked hands.
“Good. Where should we start?”
“Let me share my opinion first.”
Amon pulled out documents he had prepared beforehand.
Though hastily made, it was his weapon with his thoughts and data carefully organized.
“First, if you look at this table, you’ll understand.”
Although Anar’el tilted her ear with a puzzled face after scanning the table, she continued speaking as if she understood.
“The total number of collapsed buildings is seven. As you can see in this bird’s eye view, they are buildings located in somewhat outlying areas of Amonis Academy.”
“The purposes of each building are Student Dormitory No. 2, Military Training Corps, Practice Building, Student Union, Auditorium, Student Dormitory No. 3, and Academy Alumni Hall.”
“That’s right.”
Anar’el couldn’t help but know since she had personally guided the terrorists disguised as tourists.
‘This is Student Dormitory No. 2!’
‘Huh? Uh… yes.’
‘This is Student Dormitory No. 3!’
‘…Are there only dormitories in this academy?’
‘This is the observation deck!’
‘We can see that! Aren’t there any more important places?’
Thinking back now, Anar’el sighed as she realized that the tourists’ impatience was due to their terrorist intentions.
‘If anything, it’s fortunate that I didn’t guide them to the important places first.’
Then Amon continued speaking.
“Principal, do you know what these buildings have in common?”
“Huh? Common point?”
“Yes. All of these buildings are abandoned buildings that aren’t being used now.”
Amon tapped the bird’s eye view with the back of his hand as he spoke.
“Dormitories No. 2 and 3. We currently have five students in total, five. There’s no way they’d be used.”
“Military Training Corps? Do we even have any students hoping to become officers in our academy? We don’t, right?”
“Practice Building? As far as I know, all the practice equipment was sold off long ago, and now it’s just an empty building.”
That was the building that Raymond had set up as the ‘Doll House’.
It was possible because it was an empty, currently unused building.
“And the Student Union, Auditorium, Academy Alumni Hall…”
Amon put down the bird’s eye view and said,
“There won’t be any use for them. In the end, the common point of all the mentioned facilities is that they haven’t been used for a while and are judged to have no future use.”
Anar’el silently looked up at the ceiling.
Staring intently at her, Amon spoke in a gentle voice.
“So, Principal.”
“My opinion is that since these unused buildings have collapsed anyway, we should just clean up the debris and not proceed with restoration work. Here, if you look at this table, you’ll see that just maintaining unused buildings incurs considerable costs…”
Anar’el, who had been sitting still with her head tilted up towards the ceiling, lowered her head.
And looking at Amon, she said in a clear voice.
“No. We need to restore them.”
Since this was an expected response, Amon calmly said,
“Could you tell me the reason?”
“Do we really need a reason?”
“Yes, we do.”
“Teacher Amon, our Amonis Academy is a historic academy boasting thousands of years of history.”
“Yes, yes. I know, I know.”
Anar’el continued speaking with glistening, moist eyes.
“How can I let such an academy fall into ruin during my generation?”
“…You mean, it would be embarrassing in front of others?”
“Yes. That’s right.”
Amon severely scolded Anar’el, who was making a sad face after being hit on the head.
“What’s so important about others’ views! These are actually unused buildings, just empty buildings that only consume maintenance costs, aren’t they? Does the money for painting, repairing, and maintaining these buildings’ exterior walls fall from the sky?”
Amon slammed the table and said,
“This is an opportunity. An opportunity to prevent unnecessary fund consumption.”
“But what?”
Anar’el drooped her ears and said,
“You know that the support funds from the Imperial Palace are allocated according to the academy’s size, right?”
Amon’s face hardened.
“I didn’t know that.”
“With our student numbers already so low, we’re barely hanging on with the academy’s grounds area, but if we demolish all those buildings, the support funds will be cut in half from here.”
“Actually, I had restoration in mind from the beginning. I just strongly advocated for demolition to test the Principal’s true intentions.”
“…Didn’t you just criticize Vice Principal Brestle about consistency?”
“Let’s call it flexibility.”
Amon, who crumpled up his carefully prepared documents (prepared in 10 minutes) and threw them in the trash, said with a bright face,
“Then is the meeting over?”
Anar’el’s face visible beyond her interlocked fingers was much more serious than before.
“If we restore them, an even bigger problem arises.”
“Then, let’s demolish.”
“…Um, Teacher Amon?”
“Ah, yes. What’s the bigger problem?”
“It’s ultimately a funding issue.”
Finally, the root of all evil has appeared.
“Restoring the collapsed buildings requires enormous funds. But as you know, our academy’s current financial state can’t be said to be good.”
Amon nodded seriously.
Although they had cleared their immediate debt by selling the King of Mango farm shares to the Gold Road Company, there was still quite some time before they could receive support funds from the Imperial Palace.
Moreover, with the Emperor who strongly urged investment in business now bedridden, they’re not in a position to receive separate compensation.
“Then what, shouldn’t we give up on restoration?”
“I want to find a solution to that.”
“Solving the funding problem…”
Amon scratched his head while glancing at Anar’el, who was looking at him with a desperate face.
“You’re not asking me to go make money, are you?”
“Don’t tell me I’m right?”
“Ah, no. That’s not it.”
“Please control your twitching ears when you speak.”
Amon, who was staring disapprovingly at Anar’el as she hurriedly grabbed her ears, suddenly muttered,
“Oh? Wait a minute…”
“Principal, I’ve thought of a plausible method, but…”
Anar’el’s eyes widened.
“A plausible method?”
“Yes. So…”
Amon shared the previous deal with the Gold Road Company.
By transferring one-tenth of the remaining King of Mango farm shares to the Gold Road Company, they would distribute two-tenths of the net profit for the next 10 years.
“Since it’s net profit we’ll receive anyway, if we ask them to prepay it as academy restoration funds, they won’t lose anything, right?”
“Do, do you think so?”
“We’ll need to inquire with them and negotiate the details. But I don’t think it’s completely impossible.”
Amon, who was nodding while crossing his arms, suddenly spoke as if he just remembered something.
“But assuming we proceed with this…”
“We face an even bigger problem.”
“What do you mean by an even bigger problem?”
Amon turned his head with a serious face.
And where his gaze fell, Brestle, still unconscious, was sliding down from her crooked position in the chair.
“Will Vice Principal Brestle agree to transfer the King of Mango farm shares?”
Anar’el carefully recalled what had happened before.
When Brestle discovered that one-tenth of the King of Mango farm shares had been transferred to the company to clear the academy’s debt from the failed business venture, she went completely berserk.
‘Dark Grand Duke New Moon!’
‘Stop her! Stop her!’
‘How dare you sell off my King of Mango farm shares without permission!?’
‘How are they your shares, Vice Principal!’
Since there had been such an uproar, Amon and Anar’el couldn’t help but be cautious.
“Um, shall we… leave first?”
“Let’s go ask the company people if it’s possible first.”
Amon and Anar’el tiptoed out of the principal’s office.
Shortly after, when Amon explained the situation to Delmons, the Gold Road Company’s Amour branch manager, he readily accepted the proposal, saying, ‘Of course it’s possible! If you just transfer the shares, anything is possible! What? Persuading the Vice Principal you mentioned last time? Hahaha! Leave it to me! I’ll persuade her right now!’
And at that moment.
“Mmm…? I was eating, why am I here?”
The ‘demon’ who had been left alone unconscious in the principal’s office opened her eyes.