The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 508: Afghanistan: Land of Valor, Land of Sorrows

Loosening his tie, Xi Yuan stepped out of the conference hall, his gaze glued to the woman encircled by the elated crowd. God, she looked mesmerizing, he muttered under his breath. Attired in a Teal A-line dress, she had put on a pair of Black platform wedges underneath; her Jet Black hair freely swaying as she nodded and moved. It was strange, really. Irrespective of how many times he had seen her unclothed, she still had the same staggering effect on his heart. Stronger, even, if that was possible. 

"When are you going to post next, Ma'am?", one of the employees asked gleefully.

"Is it true that Big Boss confessed to you in front of the Statue of Liberty?", another one queried.

"When is the Wedding, Military Chief?!"

Inundated by the interminable questions, Rong Xinghe furrowed her brows, massaging the temple of her head. "Stap back, everyone.", at this time, Xi Yuan's relatively cold voice resounded throughout the open space, sending a shiver down the staff's spines. 

Erasing the distance separating them, Xi Yuan approached the woman then, holding onto both her hands into his, "Are you alright?", he asked her next, his voice much transfixed and mellow now.

"Uh-huh.", the girl nodded faintly, letting out a laugh as the man attempted to rub her head wobbly, "I am okay.", she said then, shoving his hand away, "It's just that I haven't had food. And I can't have medicine without it."

"You could've had lunch without me, Xinghe.", the man sighed, his voice laced with worry.

"I'll live, President Xi.", Rong Xinghe chuckled, planting a quick peck against his lips, "Don't worry."

Involuntarily, as the man's lips curled up in an appealing yet noble smile, the employees around him, along with the shareholders observing them from a distance, couldn't help but feel confounded. Although they were aware of how charming their Boss truly was, they'd never watched him smile genuinely at someone. And to think that he shared such a symphonious and beautiful bond with his to-be wife; was just unbelievably heartwarming for them. 

"Fine. Let's leave now.", Xi Yuan said after a while, "There is this amazing Italian restaurant I know of. We should go there."



Fenice Ristorante, 13:15;

"So you are going to Afghanistan after the wedding?", the man stared at the woman sitting across from him as she poured him a glass of water.

"Probably.", Rong Xinghe answered, "It completely depends upon how reliable Aftaab Ali is, though."

"Xinghe, how dangerous is this mission exactly?", Xi Yuan asked, his expression earnest. 

"Truth be told, very. It's Country X's longest manhunt for a reason, Yuan.", the girl said, "It won't be easy apprehending this guy, you know, even for the Hybrids."

"And there's no way I can stop you?", the man raised his brows. 

"Nope.", the woman shook her head, "I cannot let go of this opportunity, Lover. Besides, I promise I'll be cautious. Okay?"

"Okay.", the man inhaled a sharp breath, as the girl dug in into her plate of Mushroom Risotto. 

Even though this wasn't the first time she was going on a mission, he had never felt this uneasy about any of her Military operations, in the past. It's just because of He Chen's poison attack, he comforted himself. 

Moreover, it wasn't like he could control her life or decisions anyway. Even marriage didn't give him the authority to do so. Not to mention, she was the nation's highest Military Authority. One wrong move on her end and thousands of people could lose their lives. And as much as he hated to admit it, she was the only person capable enough to exterminate terrorists like Ahmed Ali Fadhil from the face of the Earth. 

"I will have to get back to my physical training. Maybe, I'll begin from tom--", Rong Xinghe was still speaking when she noticed her darling zoned out. "Yuan, what is it?", she snapped her fingers thrice, so as to grab his attention. 

"Nothing.", the man smiled, shaking his thoughts away, "Just work."



Rong Family Mansion, 14:30;

The man lied on his bed, his phone pressed against his ear, an amused smile plastered across his mouth. "Is it really who I believe it is?", he asked.

"It is.", the man on the other end confirmed with a laugh, "I would never forget someone like you, my friend. I just didn't get the time to make a call."

"I understand.", Rong Yufan chuckled coolly, "How is everything over there in UAE, Mr. Novikov?"

"Work is great.", the man smiled, "Though, I am heading to Afghanistan tomorrow. My Boss asked for my presence about three days ago. Something important seems to have come up over there, I guess."

"So how did you remember me?"

"Well... I need information.", Novikov explained, "Mostly about Country X's current financial changes and international currency acceptance rate. My company seems to be interested, in investing in Country X this time. So it would really be helpful if you could get me some insider information."

"Ah. Sure.", Rong Yufan shrugged nonchalantly, "I'll text you everything within Six hours, Adrian."

"Thank you so much, Mr. Rong.", the man laughed with clear relief in his tone, "I guess I owe you this one too, huh? Eight years back, you helped me pay such a huge amount of debt, and now this. You really are a brother from another mother to me."

"You flatter me.", the man clicked his tongue, his gaze fixed at the chandelier over his head, "Let's meet over drinks sometime, shall we?"

"Of course! Come over to Kabul anytime you're in need of a break, in fact.", Adrian Novikov suggested, "I am in charge of a lot of clubs over here as well. And since I'll be here for the next few weeks, you are welcome to join me."

Rong Yufan talked to the man for half a minute more before he disconnected the call. He had no intention of visiting the Land of Valor and the Land of Sorrows anytime soon, for he had a much fascinating prey to pry at. His favorite toy, and his 'hateful' little sister- Rong Xinghe. 

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