The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 502: Fifty-fifty

Earlston, Scotland, 09:00 a.m.; 

The next morning, Rong Xinghe woke up to her darling's tender kisses, cold water drops from his damp hair after the shower touching her face in the process. As the scent of the warm cappuccino reached her nostrils, the girl opened her eyes, a contented smile across her lips. 

"Good morning, Lover.", she said to him.

"Guten morgen to you too, Liebe.", the man laughed, helping the woman sit up. "Here.", he then passed her the cup of coffee from the side-table, grabbing another one for himself, "I have news for you."

"What?", the girl asked, sipping from the mug. 

"We're going back home soon.", he announced. Surprised, Rong Xinghe almost choked on the hot beverage as she looked at the man with mixed expressions across her face. 

"Yeah. I talked to Bro Su.", Xi Yuan smiled, "He believes that you've recuperated impressively well over the past few weeks and that it's unlikely for you to suffer through any of the post-surgery infections or reactions, henceforth. As for your ankle swelling, he said that it can be treated in Country X as well. So to sum it all up, five days from now, we'll be leaving for City A."

"Does that mean--"

"Yes.", the man cut in with a chuckle, "We're getting married, Military Chief."

The girl didn't say anything, as her heart drowned in an undeniable bliss at the realization. It was too surreal. Just the thought of walking down the aisle to him. In the moment, innumerable emotions swarmed through her every vein as the girl's hands subconsciously reached for his nape, pulling him in for a deep passionate kiss. They were getting married, she screamed internally, tears of elation slipping down her eyes. 

"Alrighty, Madam! Is it so scary to wed me, that you're crying now?", the man pulled away first, trying to cheer the girl up. Placing his coffee mug over the tray again then, he wiped the woman's tears away. Unable to contain her giggle, Rong Xinghe smacked his arm lightly. 

"What are you thinking?", Xi Yuan asked the girl a few seconds after, caging her in his embrace affectionately.

"Nothing much.", the girl shook her head, "Just, you know, about our clothes' collection for all the different wedding rituals. We'll have to go shopping as soon as we get to Country X, Mr. Xi.", she said.

"So does that mean that we'll get to spend a lot of time together, even in Country X?", the man questioned, thrilled by the bare idea.

"Yeah. But the conversations will be mostly limited to the Wedding stuff only."

"As long as I get to roam around with you, I don't care."



Xi Family Mansion;

City A, Country X, 15:20;

"I can't believe you all have been planning this for three months now.", Li Jungah stared at the huge Wedding Catalogs the girl's Sisters-in-law had brought along with them, "I feel embarrassed to have not been preparing at all, honestly."

"Oh, please don't.", Ruo Cy shook her head assuringly, "Yours and Mr. Xi's blessings matter the most to Xinghe. You don't have to worry about these silly things, trust me."

"Yeah.", Songyan smiled, "We just wanted to know if you have any additional ideas or suggestions for us. You're his mother. I am sure you must have looked forward to this day a lot. So, we insist, really."

"Sorry, but we'll be discussing the finances first.", it was now that Luo Youyou's voice pierced through the air, Jiang Yue following behind her anxiously. She had never seen her to-be Mother-in-law so furious before. Why, though, she couldn't understand yet. 

The Six Tigresses turned to fix their gazes at the woman making her way to the sofa adjacent to Li Jungah's, and then to the girl behind her. Jiang Yue was clearly, an absolute sweetheart, they thought, as she greeted them with respect and modesty at once. Although, they couldn't say the same for the woman next to her. 

After half a minute passed by in the awkward quiet, Ningtao leaned back in her chair, smiling softly to the two elderly women, "This is going to be an expensive wedding. Irrespective of Yuan and Xinghe's preferences, the Six men won't be settling for anything beneath their quality standards. Even if it's just family and friends, this ceremony will be broadcasted live on various platforms, and so, everything must be up-to-the-mark. 

"Such being the case, we could keep it fifty-fifty for both the families. Well, I haven't discussed this with Wei yet, but I am sure he'll be down with it."

"You'd had a court marriage with Mr. Lu, right?", Luo Youyou scoffed, "No wonder you're not aware of how our traditions and rituals work. Let me teach you, if so. Whilst the Bride's family is responsible for all the ceremonial expenses from the beginning to the end, the Groom's side pays for just the final reception. Ideally. Don't you think your offer here is a bit unjust, Mrs. Lu?"

"Take that back, woman!", Feng Mian glared at Luo Youyou challengingly. 

"It's okay, Xiao Mian.", Ningtao said in dismissal, her voice cold, "You see, Second Madam...", she added then, smirking at the other woman devilishly, "I did have a wedding with Wei shortly after that. You might not remember so because we never invited you to it."

As the five women, in addition to Jiang Yue, burst out laughing at the woman's witty remark, she kept going, "So yes, I am aware of our biased traditions. And as ridiculous as those are, do you really think that the Six men would hold back from covering for their precious Kiddo's wedding expenditures? 

"It's just that Xi Yuan is a man of pride. He would never allow for such a narrow-minded belief to stain his life with Xinghe. He doesn't want a wedding with her; he wants a marriage. Understand the difference, for the latter demands complete equality."


"Silence.", Li Jungah looked at Luo Youyou, enraged, "She is right. They are equals. Xiao Tao...", she turned to Ningtao then, "As his mother, I give you my word that the Xis will share half the expenses with the Superfamily in this wedding."


"Youyou, a word?", the woman then stood up, storming out of the living room as Luo Youyou followed behind her.

Just when the two women had disappeared from their lines of sight, Ningtao's phone rang up. "Yes, Mr. Lu?", she smiled as the man's name popped up on the screen. 

"Alix said her first word just now!"

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