The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 465: "Kind to be kind"

Earlston's Marketplace, Scotland, 23:00;

Xi Yuan and Rong Xinghe were both excellent in the art of cooking, their expertise sourcing from different experiences but. While he had his quirks in poaching, and grilling, and chopping veggies, the girl had a natural inclination towards the 'country' side to it, spicier, and sizzling. Together though, they formed a great team. 

It took them almost four hours to serve the unending trail of customers. But they had no complaints. Initially, the man had been worried about how tiresome the job was for Rong Xinghe. But when he looked at her running around enthusiastically, treating each buyer with immense hospitality, he realized just how much she was enjoying it. She, clearly, was happy to be of help. Even if it was to a stranger. Sweet. 

However, he'd always known this about her. Going out of her way for the ones in need, were but simply one of her heart-warming personality traits. What he didn't understand was the unusual feelings overwhelming him. While he baked the beans and chopped the pork meat, he felt an odd sense of satisfaction, pleasure even, which was bizarre. Why would he feel like that, he pondered. He obviously didn't know these people he was cooking for, and neither had he ever seen this salesman he was helping, before. And yet, he felt familiar to them. Why?

Only after the salesman's child had fallen back asleep and the crowd had subsided did the couple finally stepped down the van. 

"Thank you so much!", the owner bowed down to them repeatedly, grateful to the two beyond words. His name was Ewan, that much the girl had gathered up till then, for that was all Xinguan needed to know.

"Don't mention.", Rong Xinghe smiled at the thin man, replying to him in fluent English, "The baby needed you."

"I don't know how could I ever possibly repay your goodwill, Madam.", Ewan said, teary-eyed, "I am an only parent.", he said then, pointing his chin towards the sleeping baby, "Her mother left us a month after giving birth to her. Since then, it's just been hard…"

The woman listened to the man intently, before she inhaled a deep breath. She could relate to the little girl at the moment, more so than anyone ever could. She knew what it meant to not have a mother. To not have someone to look up to and want to grow up to become like. But, at least, she had a father. An emotionally available, and hardworking, father. 

"You'll get through this, Ewan.", the girl assured the man, her voice barely a whisper. 

Xi Yuan sensed the girl's discomfort, and subconsciously, his hands landed against the small of her back, turning her around to pull her in his embrace, "Hush… it's okay.", he pacified her softly. 

As the man held her firmly in his arms, the girl breathed in his clean, masculine scent, putting her heart to ease. She had him, if no one else, she told herself. He was her home, her sweet, sweet Yuan. What else did she need? 

On behalf of his fiancée, the man then said to Ewan, "You do not owe us anything.", he smiled, "So don't worry. Please take care."

Shortly after, when the girl had calmed down, he took her to a cozy yet well-maintained restaurant. As they waited for their orders to be served, he stretched both his hands across the table, holding onto her cold ones tenderly, "You okay?", he asked, concerned.

"Yeah.", Rong Xinghe laughed, "I know it was silly."

"It wasn't.", the man smiled, "You're allowed to grieve, Honey. They are your parents. I just want you to know I am here for you."

"Thank you.", the girl said planting a kiss upon the back of his right hand. Xi Yuan did not push her to talk any further about it. He knew she would appreciate a distraction more. Rong Xinghe didn't prefer to talk about her parents too much. It brought back a lot of sour memories. But that was fine by him. He had no issue waiting for her to open up to him by herself, anyway. 

"So… what did you think of our today's little thing?", the girl questioned the man after a while. 

"It was unexpectedly interesting.", the man remarked, "It's fascinating how they do this every day, you know. So much physical exertion."

Rong Xinghe smiled at the man's observations, "True.", she chuckled, "Unfortunately, the money they earn after all of it is, more often than not, unjustified. There are thousands of people like Ewan out there, beneath the poverty line, struggling and hustling just to get some bread into their mouths."

"Why do I have the feeling that you've done this before?", Xi Yuan asked helplessly. 

"Oh, I have. Ice-cream parlors. Grocery stores. Roadside vegetable vendors.", the girl laughed, "I love to talk to them. This, Yuan, is the real public. With real problems. They keep me rooted to the things that really matter. They remind me to value family, and friends, more than anything, for those are the only things that shall sustain in the end.

"Besides, it's kind to be kind. Selflessness is good for our soul, Mr. Xi.", she added, "Wouldn't you agree?"

"Well… I am starting to think so.", the man replied, "Thank you for today, Love. By the way, which one of your brothers inspired you to interact with the commoners? Surely, not Bro Lu. It couldn't have been Bro Zhi Xi either. So who?"

"Guess.", Rong Xinghe smirked. 

"Bro Mo?", the man said after thinking for a few seconds, "Since he is into journalism, he must've communed with a lot of people."

"Nah.", the girl shook her head, "I mean yeah, he does know a lot of civilians. But nope. Not the human brother, really. He is more of a badass robot brother."


"Bro Bo.", she answered.

"Oh… yeah.", Xi Yuan said as the realization finally struck him, "UNESCO. Artistry. And all of that…"

"Right.", the girl giggled, listening to the man's description of her brother, "He has always been like that. Sensitive. Compassionate. An outstanding listener. A benevolent humanitarian. 

"Honestly, of all my Six brothers, he is the only one who cares about the little things so much. And I love him for that. I mean it's so easy to talk to him. I still remember how I used to spend hours in his art gallery when I was eight, telling him about every little detail of my day, while he ran his paintbrushes against the huge unfinished canvases."

Xi Yuan was relieved as he looked at the girl smiling, her eyes sparkling up with sugared and carefree memories, clouding the dark, brutal ones. This was how she was supposed to be. Untroubled. Chirpy. Euphoric. How he wished to watch her like this for the rest of their lives. 

But they had ruined it for her. The Rongs. And her parent's jet crash. Those were some terribly horrifying remembrances she'd had etched to her heart ever since she was a kid. How could she ever forget those bits? Just how?

Little did he know, he was the only cure to the wounds she had carried through those monstrously appalling years.

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