The 26 and friends

Chapter 1139: Visit

"The School's closed. What are you.....Darius? Scarlett?"

"We know."

"Just grabbing some things out of my room. Thank you."

"Oh. Uhh...of course. Take as long as you need."

"Thank you."

"But don't…."




"So, what are we searching for again, Darius?"

"A door."


"A Closet door."

"A closed door?"

"A Clos….et...door."

"Oh. Oh, oh, oh.

How is that supposed to help us? There are so many."

"Not if you know what you are looking for. Come on. Hop in.

*Third  floor*


"I still think we should have gone to Ariel, like Elwin did; and asked, instead of the Guardian."

"At least here, we know what the price is. Ariel can set her own."

"But she's a friend."


"...Here we are."

"That's a Closet."

"Exactly. See, I knew you were smart for something. Take off that top laundry detergent, please."

"What's back there? 

*Tap, tap, tap*

It's just a wall."

"Yet again you see with your eyes and not with your feels. Come on. You jump through and then me."

"Jump through where?"

"You want answers or not?"



"Don't hit your head on the way down. Careful, He doesn't like you scratching his floors."



"Move it or lose it sista."

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, heeee…."


".....I said move it."

"And thankfully I didn't lose it."

"Guardian....GUARDIAN, we...."




"....Seriously, Scarlett."


"Have you come to deliver me more fridge stamps? Oh, how I do love the drawings your little Pupils make for me."

"Not this time, Big guy. We came searching for a reading, if that's ok."

"Was my last not enough?"

"Time Travelers have come into our world, but.....none of them are us. We were wondering why."

"And if we do exist.....where? When Ruby came back to life, did she inadvertently create a new timeline?"


"Phuewwww. Scarlett, that's a good thing. That means we didn't waste the last few months for nothing."

"But if we slaved our Butts off, just for the opposite school, then where is ours? Did we....cross over? When? Where?"

"You know the drill. Before you can play, you gotta pay. I'm not allowed to show any prequels, sequels, or short ads before the Viewing."

"Uhhh….you… want pictures, right? We got a lot of them. Come on, Darius. Draw him one."

"I can't draw."

"It's either that or he turns one of us into a living Statue as payment."

"He wouldn't do that. He accepts pictures now."

"Big lonely guy accepts pictures? Come on, Darius. He had to accept them for a reason.Maybe it was because their heart was in it, and ours is not. Give what you have, not what you have not."

"But what do we have? I can't give up my skills. I have none."

"Well you better think fast cause here comes that creepy Bunny you told me about."

"Your voice."


"Your voice."

"My voice? Listen, I don't have the voice of my mother, so…"

"Not yours...….Scarletts. Give it to me, and I'll stop the Bunny from turning you into statues."

" voice is all I am. That is what makes me a Mermaid. It's what helps me cast my powers. I can't give it up. Not for you, not for anything. So, remove the Conch at once, for I am not obliging."

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