Chapter 19: The Alliance Between Lazek and Dwargon is Formed
After the night of celebrations and some private fun between Henrik and a beautiful elf, he went straight from the tavern to the royal castle of Dwargon to prepare for his meeting with Gazel. After leaving the elf gasping for breath from exhaustion, he discovered that Gazel had left the tavern but had told the tavern to charge the castle with the cost of Henrik and Kaijin's celebrations.
Now, he was sitting in a large room that had only a round table with him sitting on one end and Gazel sitting on the other. Gazel was wearing his usual armour and Henrik was wearing a suit like one from Earth that he had one of his goblins make, it wasn't anything fancy but Henrik wore it with pride as he knew how much effort and attempts the goblins put into it.
"Interesting clothes Henrik. I must say I like it, however, I haven't ever seen anything like it. Might I ask where you acquired it?"
"Oh this old thing, I had some of my subordinates make it from designs I made. And your armour is as shiny as ever. Thanks for last night. I kinda left without any cash, so I appreciate you giving me the money."
"Of course, I'd be a terrible host if I made my guest of honour walk around this city with no money. I'll be blunt, I had hoped to use that money favour to my benefit in these negotiations, however, Miss Shizu and yourself saved my nations from losing a lot of lives. Perhaps even saving it from complete destruction, so I won't be using the money in these negotiations. In fact, I wish to offer you a loan."
"Oh," Henrik said genuinely surprised at Gazel's words, "And why exactly would you do that? I understand you wish to show your gratitude towards us for what we did but I'll be honest, even if you ordered me arrested on sight with all the rumours, I'd still have done it. So there's no need to give me more money out of gratitude."
"I understand, and I'm not offering to give you money. I'm offering to loan it to you. Both as a thanks, and as a show of my willingness to work together in the future. Naturally that means anything your kingdom has to offer or trade, Dwargon would be the first to be offered a trade."
"HAHA. Now I get it. You want some exclusive perks from a growing nation. It's smart, especially if the rumours of my capital is true. That is was built overnight. Imagine what we could accomplish with years. And since anything new we make will at first be experimental, we can't just jack up prices. And Dwargon will benefit as the nation who always gets the base prices.
I don't intend to jack up prices to an unfair amount if that's what you're worried about. But I understand that if my nation is successful, you'd want to be able to benefit from it. Is that why you're so welcoming? Get a better deal while we're still growing and have less to negotiate with."
Gazel didn't respond but gave an involuntary chuckle which confirmed Henrik's suspicions.
"Cheeky. Ok then. I accept your loan but there much be conditions. Naturally as inflation rises, the exact numbers will need to be amended. Furthermore, when the loan is repaid, Dwargon will no longer be offered a trade deal first, but will instead be offered a better price.
It may upset other nations, but since Dwargon is so essential to the world since money comes from here, a few upset politicians is more than worth the reward."
"Okay, but we must also agree on the time of repayment. I intend to offer 300 gold pieces. Just to put it into prospective, the nation of Blumund takes 900 gold pieces in taxes a year. We here in Dwargon take 7000. So depending on the success of your nation, it may take years to repay it."
"I see. Well, in that case. I have to ask for a minimum of 5 years to repay it before interest."
"5 years interest free is agreeable. If it takes longer though, we'll add 20% on top each year it isn't repaid."
"Cool. Now a little insight for you, as we speak, my subordinates are farming primarily as we don't have a large population as of yet. We have all the regular crops like grain and fruits. But we're also farming a plant called a coco bean. It's a new thing we're making that this world has never seen. But it will be delicious, perhaps the tastiest thing in the world. I expect it to be our biggest export for the foreseeable future. And thanks to how we grow it only the forest is suitable which is now my territory."
"So only you will be able to grow this coco bean. I see. Depending on how you much you charge market price, I will be willing, depending on public opinions, I'll be willing to purchase it in bulk."
"Good to know. Now, the three hundred gold. To get more people working, I intend to work out a deal with the guild master Yuuki about opening a branch in my kingdom. That way, I can hire adventurers to come and work there. That's actually one of the things I want to speak to you about. A migration treaty.
I intend to make a nations where all sentient races can live in harmony. And I would like dwarfs there. So, I know you lot have strict rules about immigration, but I'd like there to be no limits barring criminal history between us."
"Henrik, you ask a large favour of me."
"It's one that will pay off. Let's say dwarfs migrate to Lazek. They could live there for generations, they could study at the academy I intend to open. There they'll learn all sorts of stuff. Like how we grow certain crops, or how we craft our suits. Then, if one day, they return here for whatever reason, they can continue their work here and Dwargon will benefit from Lazek knowledge. But if there's no open boarders agreement between us, they might not be willing to go through the process twice."
"That is true. It's not usually we would be willing to accept such a deal on migration. And never if the kingdom is brand new. However, I see great potential in your country. How about this, I will be willing to discuss it with my council and depending on Lazek's future, we'll consider it."
"That's all I ask. Now, since we're here, I want to tell you something. We've already agreed Dwargon gets first hand knowledge of certain things. Let's start that here."
"Go on," Gazel say intrigued.
"The Demon Lords. For the past 2000 years, they've rained havoc. Guy Crimson and his band of reckless dictators have caused so much suffering and death. And do they care? Of course not. And because of their power, they've remained unchallenged."
"And you have a plan to stop that?"
"Yes, me. I intend to create my own council. One that exists to keep the demon lords in check, to hold them accountable for their actions. And I want it to be a new military alliance. One created from the kingdoms of the west that they've often manipulated in a game of chess with the Eastern Empire. Well, Guy at least."
"No. It wouldn't surprise me to hear that the Lord of Darkness sees us all as pawns on a board, but facing them directly is certain death. I have spend centuries keeping my nation safe, if I join an alliance meant to fight them, all that will be for nothing."
"Perhaps, but I've never been here before. I can face them and beat them. I know all of their tricks, even their skills are known to me, they have been unbeatable because people die before gaining the knowledge to beat them. I already have it. And with me and Shizu, the demon lords will behave. I'm not suggesting we fight them, just hold them accountable when the time comes. If it turns into a fight, I'll deal with it."
"I don't know Henrik. You are indeed strong but so are they. Some of them are even stronger than Guy. One in particular. The Destroyer."
"Milim Nava. Veldora's niece."
"Wait, The Destroyer is the niece of the Storm Dragon Veldora? Why does that not surprise me?"
"I will personally handle her. I can't explain it, but I have to take care of her. But I can control her. Trust me. This way, there'll be a way to fight them."
"There already is. The Ten Great...." Gazel says before Henrik interrupts.
"The Ten Great Saints serve a Demon Lord."
"What? Do you have any idea what you're saying? The Church is the one thing that can fight them."
"The Church is ruled by a vampire. The God Luminous is in reality, the Demon Lord Luminous Valentine. I told you the Demon Lords control everyone, this is just another way they do."
"But. If that's true, then that would mean that the whole western world has been used for centuries. How did you acquire this information? Your kingdom is new, there's no way that you've got the resources to uncover this covertly."
"That's true. Lets just say that I have my ways. There is two demon lords Valentines. There is Roy Valentine who is in fact a vampire that was split. He is the one you're aware off.
Then there is Louis, he is Roy's elder twin brother that makes up the other half. He is also the Holy Emperor of the Western Holy Church. The leader of the Holy Empire of Lubelius. However, neither of them are the true leader.
The one you know the God Luminous, is in fact the original vampire known as Luminous Valentine. Both the twins serve as stand ins for her. She is the real demon lord and ruler of Lubelius. That entire country is considered a paradise with no sadness, but the people there are unknowingly just cattle for their leaders."
"What you're saying is nearly unbelievable. For one, there's Hinata Sakaguchi. Her belief in the tenants of Luminousism is absolute. There's no way she'd allow herself to serve monsters."
"Yes, Shizu old student. Hinata knows of the truth behind the Church and the "God" Luminous. She remains loyal provided Luminous doesn't become a threat to humanity. She sees her so called God as not wiping out humanity with her demon lord friends as acceptable.
I don't. Because they can change their minds very quickly. With their power, they can choose to influence the world so that no one dies. However, that doesn't mean treat everyone like a game and slaughter us if we get out of line. That's what my new alliance will ensure.
First, we'll make sure the demon lords know our power. We'll do that by placing penalties on their nations. The most effective ones will come from Dwargon. As the nation that makes money, there's no way they'll risk ending Dwargon. You'll be the safest nation. Guy Crimson believes himself to be keeping humanity alive, and if Dwargon went away, humanity would be doomed.
Next, we'll poach. I have plans to recruit demon lords Milim Nava, Ramiris, Leon Cromwell, Dino and potentially Frey and Carrion. If I get Dwargon to join my alliance, my plans are almost guaranteed to work.
Then, we'll publically declare that if Guy Crimson or the Eastern Empire continues their manipulative ways, we'll intervene. With my nations future power, as well as multiple former demon lords, there's no way they'll dare."
Gazel took a moment to consider everything Henrik just told him before responding.
"You understand that for this plan to work, it requires your country to lead the alliance. If you want to lead Dwargon and multiple other nations against the Ten Great Demon Lords, you'll need military strength enough to fight them, and become an economic powerhouse. That much work, for a nation just beginning, would take centuries.
So, I'm willing to swore Dwargon will join your new alliance, however, I will need specifics on at least the near future on how you intend to put The Great Lazek Kingdom in that position. Especially since right now, Dwargon and Veldora may accept your ownership of the forest, but who's to say the other monsters there do?"
"That's fair, I am asking you to risk your nation against the ultimate power of this world after all. Ok.
First off, by now some new ogres would have arrived at my capitol. Side note, I'm thinking of calling my capitol Camelot, but anyway, these aren't just ogres. They'll incredibly powerful. Especially when named and evolved. Three of them in particular will be instrumental to my nations rise.
One of them will become my minister of defence. He will likely become among the most powerful of my subordinates. Another one will become my Chief Intelligence Officer. The information he'll be able to gather will provide me and my minister of defence invaluable information for any battles.
And third, he'll become an instructor. Doesn't sound as impressive as the other two does it? Well how does this sound? He'll make a hobgoblin capable of taking down a rank A adventurer. Imagine what he could do for naturally stronger monsters.
Furthermore, I intend to make an army of heroes, with Shizu Izawa at the helm of them. They'll be considered the primary attack force of the nation alongside an army of orcs. Shizu Izawa has achieved a rank above any other, the only of her kind, with her at the helm, and my minister of defence using the intelligence of my information gatherers (totally not spies), they'll be unstoppable.
As for the economy, well, you and I both know that those swords you got from Kaijin were made by me. Imagine all the other products we'll make. Plus, I intend to open a bunch of money making ventures. But I can't say anything about those yet."
"I see," Gazel said in his stoic voice as he rub his hand through his beard, "Very well. My council may not like this, but as king it is my decision. And I've seen what you can do. I swear Dwargon will be a faithful ally to your nation. I also swear that we will join your alliance, effective immediately.
I may not be fully convinced you can do it, but, if it's to make the world a better place and ensure the children of my nation can be happy. I'll do everything in my power to do it. But I must warn you, should your country fail to become as great as you are promising, I will withdraw Dwargon. I will not risk invoking the Demon Lord's wrath for a king who cannot keep his word."
"Of course. Happy to have you on board. Now as the two founders, I think we need a name for it. How about, the Ultra Amazing, Spectacular, Powerful, Wise Nations Who'll Keep The Demon Lords In Line," Henrik declared, proud of the name.
"No. I don't care much for the name, but not that."
"Fine. What about 'The Western Freedom Alliance.' Or just 'WFA' for short?"
"Fine, it suits me. Now, before you leave, I must ask. What happened to Miss Shizu? The cavern was utterly destroyed. It did reveal a bunch of ores and materials that we may never have gotten too, but from what I hear about her. The Conquerer Of Flames is usually more discreet and less destructive."
"Rumour can be wrong Gazel. Surly I've proven that. But in this case you're right. Recently, Shizu has been going through something. See, I don't know if you're aware. But for years, Shizu has been a teacher. Helping people who were brought here from another world like she was get accustom to their new life.
The spirit, it showed her horrid illusions of her students. After all her years of remaining composed, see the kids she loves like that, she just couldn't restrain herself anymore. The mine is part of Dwargon's land so if you want reimbursement, my nation will pay you back. Shall we say in a year?"
"No need. Since she's going to be the leader of your main military force, she'll be crucial in the coming battles. I just wanted to know we could reply on her."
"We can. So long as she's got those kids to see smile in a better world, there isn't a thing she wouldn't do. How are the dwarfs and elf woman?"
"Hmm, oh yes. The brothers trouble are still recovering. As dwarfs, their bodies are as resistant and used to magic as an elves is. So it's taking them a while to recover. They were fools for going as deep as they did though.
As for the elf, her name is Liliana. Because of her alignment with magic, her recovery has been swift. After hearing you and Miss Shizu saved her, she declared her intentions to move to you nation.
Speaking of moving. I have exiled Kaijin from Dwargon."
"What... Why?" Henrik asked in shock.
"Because we both know that he wishes to move. Your ability to make swords as high quality as those. In that time. He wishes to serve a king who he is capable of serving to his fullest potential. And we both know given his history with me, which I'm assuming you somehow know, that king isn't the one he serves now.
But we both know a man as stubborn as him, he won't leave while it's an option. So it no longer is. I ask you allow him to travel with you. I also intend to exile those three brothers upon recovery. But, they'll come to you later in the month. They've all be exiled for treason. The brothers by going so deep into the mines despite knowing the dangers. And Kaijin by association."
"Thank you Gazel," Henrik replied with a smile while all he got back in the same stoic expression as always was, "No clue what you mean. They betrayed the crown, they're lucky they aren't being executed."
After the exchange, Henrik and Gazel officially shook hands in front of the nation of Dwargon, and Gazel and Henrik both signed numerous agreements between the nations. And with that, The Great Lazek Kingdom had its first ally.
Henrik launched himself into the air and started to fly home after saying goodbye to his new friends who were all standing on the balcony with him and Gazel. Now, with the wind in his hair and the cheers of Dwargon's citizens behind him, it was time for Henrik to return home.
Hi Omni_God2000 here.
Thanks for reading and stay tuned.