Chapter 34: A Time Of Peace And Chaos.
Some time passed after the battle with the white ice dragon.
To be honest, that would be the second most difficult battle I had ever experienced.
The battle with Iverage was not as life-threatening as this.
The reason why I sustained such an injury was due to my carelessness, but this was a battle where my nativity was long discarded.
A battle where a single mistake marks the end of your existence.
To be honest, my battle with The Mad Titan God was on the same level as the recent one.
Velzard. I'm pretty sure she wasn't even going all out, as she said.
The versatility of her ultimate skill is nothing to joke about.
She had more ways to use this ultimate skill, and her dragon magic was no different.
She still had some techniques she didn't use. As she said, this was just a test.
She wouldn't need to go all out on a simple test.
I, on the other hand, did go all out.
Don't get me wrong. There were also some skills I did not use, but I took the fight seriously.
It's just that there was no need to use them considering the opponent.
If it was someone like Asura who possessed a versatile range of skills, I would have used a culmination of different abilities against him.
As for someone like Velzard, whose main abilities were deceleration and fixation, there was no need for different skill usage.
Though, the limited abilities needed to be used wisely against her, making the fight more difficult than expected.
But that's all in the past. Though I'm still curious about that mysterious entity I perceived.
I was almost sure it seemed familiar. Well, it's all behind me.
As of now, I'm looking at my appearance with a mirror I recently created.
How did I make this? Let's go back a few hours ago.
Even though I had my memories from my previous world, it was always a hassle to search for information from a long-term experience.
Only with the help of Raziel-san was it easy.
But I can't always rely on her for trivial matters such as this.
What if a situation like the frozen world were to occur again, one where Raziel-san was unavailable? What would I do?
Kalisha: 「Just face it, you are useless without us!」
——— And you are non-existent without me. ———
Kalisha: 「....」
Ha! Sariel, for the win, again!!
This should make it Sariel=5, Kalisha=3.
As for Raziel.... no comment.
——— Just because you're in the lead doesn't mean you'll be there forever! I WILL surpass you, just you wait! ———
「Notice. "That is exactly what a one-shot villain with 0% aura would pathetically scream out loud. Only to be one-shot again by a no named NPC." This was derived from your manga.」
W-Wow... My existence was erased in a million different ways.
Just how sassy has she gotten... The roast... My heart... My career...
She called me useless in a million different languages.
Kalisha: 「Pfft-Hahahahahaha!!! That's another one down Raziel-san's record book!!」
Dealing with these bullies would only give me depression, so I decided to ignore them completely.
As I was saying, the process of making a mirror was quite difficult.
Normally, I would remove the glass panel from a picture frame and clean it thoroughly with rubbing alcohol.
Then, spray the panel with mirror-effect spray paint, let it dry, and put the mirror back in the frame.
That was what I did as this was derived from an online search, but I'm in a world without those materials.
So, with the broad use of my skill, 『Material Creation』, I made such a thing possible.
You better prepare yourself because I'm about to go full-on physics, baby.
Kalisha: 「Oh-oh. No! Please! I beg–」
So! How do you make a non-reversing True Mirror?
Simply join two first surface mirrors at a perfect, seamless 90-degree right angle. Is it really that simple?
It takes a skilled glass cutter combined with careful engineering.
Kalisha: 「What am I here for? To suffer? Why did this happen to me? How cruel can you be?」
——— But that isn't my concern. What I want is a perfect replicated version of a mirror from my old world. ———
——— So it's either you shut the fuck up and receive the wisdom you currently lack, or go fuck yourself in some deep fryer! ———
Kalisha: 「I see. The world has abandoned me...」
Here I go. The necessary materials needed are the reflective layer, which is usually some metal like silver, tin, nickel, or chromium, deposited by a wet process; or aluminum, deposited by sputtering or evaporation in vacuum.
There's just a few components needed to make a mirror, including pure silver nitrate, distilled water, and ammonia.
Some differences occur during the production of commercial mirrors.
But that doesn't matter. It all depends on you in my case.
I remember asking one of Makime's relatives to purchase some of these materials for me during their return from Canada.
The dearest part is the silver nitrate, which costs $75 per 25 grams (but I only needed about 5 grams to coat a 10'' mirror).
The other chemicals I needed were nitric acid, ammonia, sodium hydroxide, distilled water, and glucose, but those were all provided to me.
For me, I would strongly recommend nitric acid for cleaning the glass prior to coating, but it is hard to buy in small quantities.
I still got what I wanted either way.
But this is for those who already have the sheet needed for the creation of the reflective sheet.
I did these two processes in order to see which one was the best.
Modern mirrors are largely produced by the wet deposition of silver or aluminum.
The process begins with the cleaning and polishing of the glass substrate to remove impurities and contaminants.
The glass then requires a series of coatings beginning with tin chloride because silver will not bond directly with glass.
With all this, I only needed to insert the reflective sheet into the modeled frame I made, along with inputting the glass, then voila!
A homemade mirror! It's really complicated, but I still found it out.
But in this case, I only needed to do the simpler method, that is, the cleaning of the reflective layer.
Kalisha: 「I swear, if you say one more thing about that, I'm gonna do exactly what you said!」
——— Fine, fine, you win!! Geez.———
All that you need to know is that I was able to recreate a mirror.
Looking at myself for the second time in my life, I look quite good. That only if I'm not being narcissistic.
What if I wear an official suit for an outing? I would look like those fantasy prince-charming.
Kalisha: 「Yeah—right. I bet you'd look like a female cross-dresser.」
——— One more word from you and I swear we're gonna go back to physics. ———
Kalisha: 「Yes Milord!!」
With that idea in mind, I changed my clothing to suit the one from my imagination.
And my looks?
There is only one word I can use to express myself.

With my looks, which woman wouldn't fall for me?
Kalisha: 「Lucia, Velgrynd, Velzard, Obera, Pico, Garcia, Blanc, Misery, Rain, Violet, Jaune, Guy–」
——— Oi,Oi, Oooooiiii!!! Hold it right there!! I get it alright!! Do you hate me!?———
Kalisha: 「Huh? Of course not. Quite the opposite if I say so. I love you a lot. I know you understand what I mean master.」
——— You're doing the exact opposite of your words! What the hell is Guy there for!!? ———
Kalisha: 「Guy Crimson was a female. He just decided to use the male form as he became tougher and exerts greater force in terms of strength compared to his female form.
As for his female form, he's way swifter and flexible in that form. Looking at his character, it's obvious that he would choose strength over flexibility.」
Wow. That's quite the information. Does that mean I would also be way swifter and flexible in a female form?
Wait—do I have a female form?
「Answer. Yes. In that form, you are extremely fast and responsive.」
That's so cool!! Alright. I'll check that out on a later date.
I might even fight someone to test out my own capabilities.
As for now, let me relish my newest invention.
As I continued to ponder about my mirror, I was suddenly interrupted by a sudden assault.
A dark blue ice spike rose up from below me, and my perception of danger buzzed uncontrollably.
I immediately jumped out of the attack range.
Sariel: 「Alright. I'll make you regret attacking me....! Huh?」
As I focused on the individual standing a few meters away from me, I realized that this person was more familiar than I thought.
Sariel: 「Rose?」
As I mentioned her name, she let out a silent giggle.
Rose: 「Hello, Sariel-kun!」
I had the urge to kill her right then and there.
That attack could've definitely harmed me, and she knows it.
She's like that one enemy you can never take your eye off, but we're not enemies.
In fact, I consider her a friend. Seeing as she always bugged the hell out of me, I wanted to get back at her.
And what's the best way to annoy a woman? Ignorance.
Sariel: 「Oh. Sorry for the obstruction. I'll excuse myself now.」
Yep. I did it. And it had an instantaneous effect.
Rose: 「Hey! Where do you think you're going!? I'm not done with you!」
Sariel: 「Ooooookay? Hey, you know where I can sell some mirrors?」
As I said that, her eyelids twitched repeatedly.
Rose: 「Are you purposely ignoring me?」
Sariel: 「Huh? No way. I'm just treating you the way you deserve to be treated. Is there any problem?」
This time, her mouth twitched, and she had a dangerous closed eye smile. A bit if her aura sipped out of her body.
Rose: 「Perhaps you've forgotten about that one panty you held up high with "infinite grace," capturing both my heart and every lady's heart in the world.
Perhaps Alya could use a bit of storytelling. Who knows, you may even be able to "capture her heart."」
Hearing her speak, I instantly knew my place.
Sariel: 「Forgive me my lady. This foolish one shall use a bit of punishment...」
As I said that, the corners of her lips rose up way too much for my liking.
Sariel: 「Don't get so complacent you little shit!!」
Rose: 「Heh.」
Sariel: 「I-」
Sariel: 「Why you-」
Kalisha: 「Heh.」
Sariel: 「....」
Everyone in the world: 「Heh.」
Uwawawawawah!! Why does everyone hate me!! My existence has been questioned million times over ever since today!!!
Just whyyyyyy!!!
As I sulked internally, I didn't notice the five figures approaching us.
Lunax: 「Poor Sariel-sama...」
Norana: 「Getting bulied by a woman...」
Dino: 「I go through what you experience twofold, man. But I feel yah.」
Pico: 「Shut it lazy ass!」
Garcia: 「It's best if you stay silent. My sanity would remain intact that way.」
Dino: 「....See!」
Sariel: 「See—my ass!!」
He may not know, but I actually go through that threefold.
Dino: 「....」
So shit happened, and we all calmed down.
It was quite the time reuniting with then all.
With them by my side, a few years passed by in the blink of an eye.
I had a lot of responsibilities, but it didn't stop me from spending some quality time with my friends.
Seeing as Milim had only her pet dragon to play with, I visited her once in a while to hang out with her.
What type of uncle and brother would I be to neglect her?
Velda needed someone to watch over her. Even though I'm not the right person to do so, I still need to check up on her regularly.
There is one thing that catches my attention, though.
The stupid hero, who is supposedly her true uncle, doesn't even give a flap about her.
He has now become a shadow of his former self, losing the status of a hero, and is now downgraded to a saint.
With the significant drop in power, I'm pretty sure that Guy could've defeated him quite easily.
Since he hasn't done that yet, I can boldly say that Guy has taken a liking to this brat.
Well, he always takes interest in weird stuff, so it isn't surprising.
Milim seemed pretty content with the baby dragon, so I decided to let them have some quality time together.
I could stay longer, but when you grow up, responsibilities catch up to you.
It's almost unfair—the hell am I saying!? It IS unfair!!
I mean, I never said anything about wanting to exist.
Then boom, I existed.
Considering that I was born on earth, I was falsely accused of being a sinner even before birth.
At least according to Christianity, I was born a sinner.
Why the hell am I being blamed for the mistake of another idiot who had absolutely nothing to do with me!!?
The dude didn't even know that I would come to exist!!
How does his sin have anything to do with me!!?
I swear, the number of stupid questions I have in my mind has grown to reach the level of ignorance.
All in all, I regularly visited Milim to ensure that she didn't die of boredom.
Well, I'll blame Velda for that. I swear—the dude still haunts me after death.
The coming of a new era. A very chaotic one at that.
As the world's enemy, it's quite ironic how I'm at the top of the table.
Humans. A race full of wonders and entertainment.
Even after so many years, they are still a mystery to me.
Who would've thought that one day, the same humans I saw as weakilngs would catch up to me in terms of strength.
Rudra Nam Ul Nasca. A hero I respect so much. Not only did he catch the attention of a God, but also mine.
A hero with a powerful will. His ambitions were naive, but with his willpower, I will not say it is impossible.
In fact, I am excited to see the world he will create.
That is if he can overcome the pain this path will lead him through.
As the prince of the Kingdom of Nasca, Rudra had the ambition to unite the world under his watch.
Over his many years of training under the tutelage of Veldanava, he acquired both a unique skill, and an ultimate skill.
Looking at it now he was so close to achieving his goal, but after the death of his sister, Lucia, and his mentor, Veldanava, he lost sight of his true goal.
The only thing that is in his mind now is to win the game with me.
I am very sure that if he ever achieved what he wanted, he would ask himself; "Is this what I wanted all along? What was it that I was looking for?"
A man who has lost his goal and ambition, only living on his desire to win the game.
It is truly painful to see a once so vibrant and naive man fall so much.
Even so, I will continue to play this game of King and Pawns with him.
If I were to ever call it quits, he would breakdown in spirit.
He is my friend after all.
Now with the case that is currently bugging me.
Sariel. Even with his status as the world's protector, he still finds a way to create chaos.
According to Misery, he is now moving around the world with a group of 7 primordials.
Rose, Dino, Pico, Garcia, Norana and Lunax.
A very deadly group in my opinion. I've never seen seven primordials hang out with each other before.
Hearing about this, the headaches came by naturally.
He's already acquired power that has long broken the balance of power I try to maintain.
Even if he is the one protecting the world from all those foreign entities, it's still very disturbing to know that he's accompanied by six primordials.
The ones I'm extremely wary of are Norana, Lunax, and Rose.
These three women are powerhouses that should not be messed with.
Rose is the most disturbing out of them all.
She is still just a demon peer with no ultimate skill in particular, but she already possess enough strength to get me serious.
Our last battle proves my statement as I had to utilize my ultimate skill to battle her.
I don't even want to know just how powerful she would get after acquiring an ultimate skill and becoming a divine demon.
Even so, I am still confident in defeating her if she were to ever do all the aforementioned things.
The anomaly I don't even want to think about, Sariel.
He is one of the few people in the world I can never fully understand.
He doesn't look like someone with overwhelming strength. Heck, he isn't one with overwhelming strength, but his skill level and versatility is something to fear.
His magical capabilities far surpasses mine. He should also be called a "Magic God," in my opinion, going as far as to create new types of magic in his leisure hour.
Who does that kind of thing? He just creates new types of magic because he's bored or to sate his weird nature.
That new branch of magic he created is something I can never forget.
Chaos Magic. This magic category sends holy and dark energy into the opponent's body, causing chaos and creating a disruption that prevents the opponent from using their magicules properly.
It also destroys the spiritual body at an alarming rate.
Corroding one's mind with the dark and holy elements. This is especially effective on spiritual life-forms that do not have both the holy and dark alignments.
It would perfectly work on a demon like me. Angels are no different in this case.
Spirits are the most likely to suffer out of his magic as they also only possess one attribute.
Only beings like dragons are the safest from this magic category.
Even so, he found a way to counter the weakness of this magic by creating an example under this magic type that can still erase the physical and spiritual body, all the way to the soul.
Easily the most terrifying magic in my opinion.
With everything I have seen from, there is no need to compare him to the likes of normal demons like us.
Noir is weird in his own way, but Sariel is beyond the definition of weird.
That term is an insult in his face.
Such, we're the things I leisurely thought of.
At a time like this, I would be rudely interrupted by a disastrous earthquake that threatened to destroy the entirety of the ice mansion.
This did not stop and went on for some period of time, until it became unbearable.
Guy: 「Alright. What in the hell is actually going on?」
I said as the earthquake only worsened.
This was something Sariel should be handling, so it wasn't my concern.
But it was still an annoying experience.
I only hope Sariel would end this quick.
As I continued to think of stupid things like I always did, a huge earthquake suddenly occurred, interrupting my unneeded thoughts.
Sariel: 「What the hell!!?」
I said out loud as the magnitude of the earthquake increased.
The whole world shook as the quaking earth began to split apart, swallowing whatever that remained on the surface of it.
Sariel: 「The Mad Titan God!? I thought I killed him millenia ago!」
「Notice. If it were to be the individual Asura, then he would have been carelessly releasing his aura to drive away those he deemed as "weaklings."」
So it isn't necessarily him, but another entity as strong as he is?
Who else is as strong as him? Guy, he wouldn't even dare.
Velzard, she is not one to rampage mindlessly but still a possibility.
Veldora, he wouldn't cause earthquakes of this magnitude but still a possibility.
Velgrynd, she would definitely do so in her angered state.
There are wide varieties of individuals that could possibly be the culprit, but I have to actually be there to get my answer.
Rose: 「Hehehehe~」
Oh, no you don't!!
Sariel: 「I'm dealing with this, if help is needed, help would be requested. Get it?」
Rose: 「Oh, come on~」
Sariel: 「No means no!」
Rose: 「Hmph! Some grandpa you are!」
My lips twitched violently as I heard her say that.
I swear—the number of times I've had the thought of killing her.
Dino: 「Uh, this sounds like work... Bye!!」
Saying that, he attempted to run away, but surprisingly, it was Lunax that stopped him.
Lunax: 「I've had enough of your stupid behavior. Be useful or die.」
As she said that, the most scary expression I had ever seen appeared on Lunax's face.
It was simple, die pathetically, or be useful usefully.
That was all she needed.
Honestly, if I wasn't a demon, I could've sworn that I would have wet myself instantly.
Dino: 「I think working is the best thing in life, right.」
It was an instantaneous transition.
The lazy bum who would rather eat shit than to work immediately started to adore work like some type of anime girl fanatic.
I was shocked to the core by this and could only take a mental note.
"Never piss the hell off this monster. Try it to your own damnation. That's only if you hate life that much..."
No matter how long it was, it doesn't change a thing about its meaning.
In fact, the longer it was, the more wary I would be.
Norana: 「Alright. Since no one is against it, I guess we're heading to the source of it all.」
With that said, we all got prepared to move.
Pico: 「My consent wasn't even requested...」
Garcia: 「My opinion weighs that much, huh?」
「Note: Hey fellow readers and perhaps authors!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
I have a bit of a bad news to share. I predict that my future is gonna be pretty hectic, and I may not be free enough to keep releasing chapters as constantly as I initially intended to do.
But this is just me weighing probability and odds. It's just a heads up if you don't see the consistency. But fear not, I won't fall so easily to life.
If you enjoy my works, please make sure to smash that stupid vote button.
If you think that isn't a good enough reason to vote, then here's this.
「So, I was on my own, minding my own business when this stupid guy called "Vote" came up to me and told me this; "Empty vessels make the loudest noice," and if that was not enough, the dude came up close and tapped my forehead repeatedly, making a loud vessel-like noice to support that proverb, basically insulting me.
Please, anyone reading this, if you see that useless excuse of a dog anywhere, all I ask of you is to tap him "only once" for me, making the same annoying voice he made, please? 」
How's this? I really hope you guys do what that guy above told you to do because I would. Not a command but a request. I already did so. See you all later!!」
Word Count: 「3910」