TF Amethyst

TFA1 3.16 – Compromise

TFA1 3.16 - Compromise

Once Lt. Colonel Slane decided to recruit the mine guards and slave workers, Major Maxwell and a team from IDG immediately held interviews with the recruits. Its main purpose was for digging intelligence and determining their character and potential.

At the end of the selection process, six guards were executed. Meanwhile, the rest were recruited as internal security in Terry Hill, led by former Lieutenant Tome as Chief of Security. As for the slave workers, they would become the miners, led by Emil as Chief of Daily Operation.

Both member of internal security and miners were very satisfied with the salaries and facilities they received. They didn't expect that as manual laborers they would get such a high salary.  Therefore, they did not object to the condition that they should not have contact with outsiders without permission for the first three years.

The training then begins. The internal security underwent training to immobilize humans with taser, security sticks, and handcuffs, along with driving techniques and how to operate radio communication. At the same time, the miners were being introduced to modern mining techniques.

For a few days everything went smoothly.  However, the miners suddenly requested that more than half of the internal security had to be executed. The reason was, the previous inhuman treatment they gave to the miners was crimes not worthy of forgiveness.

Lt. Colonel Slane then responded by summoning Emil, Tome, and supervisors who were assisting the two. With a casual tone, he opened the meeting, "Before getting into the main agenda, I would like to ask Chief Tome about his trip to Lionel Region yesterday.

I had read Sergeant Liam’s report, but I want to hear some direct report from you.”

Tome nodded before replying, "The merchants who were supplying food staples still assume that Terry Hill is the base for Gray Wolf hunters. The fur, fangs, and claws that Amethyst Merchant cultivates are also having better quality than the previous batch so there is an increase in demand.

I don't know if Sergeant Liam wrote it down in the report or not. But I brought him to meet some of my colleagues in Lionel Guard to find out if there was a mobilization after what had happened in Terry Hill."

Lt. Colonel Slane smiled before saying, "Chief Tome, in the next visit to Lionel Region, you're the one who will write the report, since that's your job as leader of the convoy. I have ordered Sergeant Liam to teach you."


Lt. Colonel Slane then turned to Emil. "Chief Emil, I have read the request from the miners and decided to refuse."

"But Sir..."  Emil took a deep breath before explaining, "The former mine guards are beasts by nature. They don't deserve a second chance."

Lt. Colonel Slane slightly nodded before saying, "I know my decision was unfair to the miners. Personally, I also sympathize with the mistreatment you guys have received. However, please understand that Amethyst Merchant is not a law enforcement unit.

Amethyst Merchant is a trading company with the goal to make a profit. When we meet a group of people who need our help, it's a pleasure to help them if we can. 

When we meet a group of people who can help us achieve our goals, we recruit them. Nothing more nothing less."

Emil took a deep breath before saying, "Ser Slane, can you reconsider it? Because member of internal security may betray Amethyst Merchant or cause some other negative consequences in the future."

Tome who had previously chosen to remain silent decided to say, "The people we betrayed chose to commit suicide and abandoned us. They didn't stand with us to fight to the last man."

"Then all of you should have committed suicide too."

Emil's sharp words made Tome silent, and could only heaving a deep sigh inwardly.

At the same time, Lt. Colonel Slane calmly said, "Chief Emil, the possibility of betrayal will be always exists from anyone we had recruited.

But please believe me, at least, Major Maxwell and his team have do their best in selection process. They have also identified six bad apples that must be removed."

"Yes, but the former mine guards are shrewd and hypocritical. What if they managed to deceive Major Maxwell’s judgment?"

Doubt was evident in Emil's gaze, but Lt. Colonel Slane only smiled slightly. "Chief Emil, only one in a thousand can lie or hide something from Major Maxwell. As he has a unique talent for detecting lies and trained it from the age of 10, then using it since the age of 18.

Eighty percent of TF Amethyst personnel also have to pass Major Maxwell’s examination. So doubting his judgment is the same as doubting the eligibility of more than half TF Amethyst personnel."


Disappointment instantly gripped Emil’s hearts, but he did not protest any further.

In a calm tone, Lt. Colonel Slane continued, "The only compromise I can offer is that the member of internal security will receive a 12% cut for their salary, for the first two years, and it will be put into the miners' welfare fund."

"We accept."

Tome realized that Lt. Colonel Slane needed his support. Therefore, he firmly accepted the compromise. In addition, even with 12% salary cut, the internal security take-home pay was still high.

In the end, Emil also accepted the compromise, and the meeting ended.


After the meeting, Lt. Colonel Slane then rushed to visit Vex. As soon as he entered Vex's office, Lt. Colonel Slane found Vex was preparing spiced wine using a portable electric stove and a small pot, on top of his working desk.

As he sat across from Vex, Lt. Colonel Slane said, "I didn't expect you also enjoyed spiced wine. I thought you only enjoyed whiskey, cognac, or scotch."

Vex smiled slightly before replying, "I tried it for the first time when I finished 30-miler cross country navigation while carrying a combat load of 30 kg. The instructors at the finish line gave me spiced wine which helped me recover my dead-tired body and soul. Since then, I have had a habit of enjoying spiced wine when my mood is down."

Lt. Colonel Slane nodded while in his mind he remembered the uninvited guest approaching from the east. "XO, how long will it take for our guest from the east to arrive here?"

"Two to three months, but we'll try to launch a silent disturbance to slow them down." Vex then turned to Lt. Colonel Slane before asking, "But do we really not need to defend Terry Hill?"

Lt. Colonel Slane firmly replied, "For local nobles, the products we bring from the earth are worth much more than gold. Therefore, with the right method we can dredge their gold without the need for bloodshed."

"I'm sure that would be the most ideal circumstance. Unfortunately, a massive gold mine popped up in our side yard."

"Yeah." After a deep sigh, Lt. Colonel Slane then handed over a USB to Vex. "I heard you will meet our Lady Boss in two days. So I want you to deliver something to her."


After Vex received the USB, the two then enjoyed the freshly boiled spiced wine.


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