Chapter 4: a brief history
The sun was setting over the sand dune as Terra dash across the desert. She had been carrying the group for 4 hours straight. While she wasn't getting tired it was getting dark. Solomon called to terra telling her " At this pace we should reach Edom in about three day we can stop at the city of Persia to get some food and other supplies".
Ishmael opposing Solomon's idea argued to keep going " you damn idiot both me and terra would be considered monsters or demi-humans we'd be kicked out immediately "
Rose realizing that Ishmael lack of knowledge on how the present world was chimed in " actual demi-humand aren't looked down on any more , there's even a city of demi humans".
terra hearing rose comments questioned her " That's surprising my people have there. own city tell me more". " it was created after there king igneous's fought with the human allied nations to a stand still when the human realized they couldn't win without to many casualties there were negotiations for peace demi humans got rights and they got a large peace of land to build there own kingdom " explained rose. " I wouldn't expect that to go well with the people I bet they were frosting at the mouth when they heard my kind had right " terra replied in a sarcastic tone slight pain emanating from my words
" for a while most people were against it but after a few years people started accepting them after that demi humans were considered another race of humans just like commons, Amazonian and elves" rose replied cheerfull. Terra enjoyed rose's cheerful demeanor it along with the news of her people finally being accepted made her feel a sense of peace.
" igneous, igneous, igneous say terra didn't you mention an igneous before" Ishmael ask while rubbing his chin he could swear that name was familiar. " He's Magmas's father " terra replied. Rose was surprised to here them mention that they knew igneous and Magmas considering that they were essentially the king and prince of the demi humans.
" WAIT! It sounds like you know Magmas and igneous personally were they friends of your or something" rose asked curiously brimming with joy to here that terra knew the royal family.
"Yae I guess you could say that" terra replied
" Magmas is her son and igneous was her ex lover before we were dragged to that damn temple" Ishmael remarked with disdain.
" ISHMAEL!!! Quite it I don't want them to know about what happened " terra barked at Ishmael hear tone one of anger and regret.
" oh you don't want them to hear your life story fine not much to speak of any way " Ishmael retorted with a smug look.
"What's wrong with you she obviously didn't want you revealing that but you just spouted it anyways i honstly thought you and her were cool but it seems the only one you wont patronize is rose " Solomon remake his his brows furrowed and fist clenched.
Ishmael stood up looking down at Solomon his face looked bitter with rage. " I don't have anything against terra but I do have something against you, your people they made me into what I am, I was one of them once an orphan on the streets, before a man by the name of sol took me in I thought I was gonna join his family but no, I was a fool for trusting him he sold me to that damn old man and he made me into this thing you call a ginn. he used me as a soldier throughout most of the war that was until one of his precious artifacts was stolen, then he decided I would be of more use as a guard dog and for extra measures he enslaved a demi-human dragon just as extra security"
" I'm sorry to hear you went through that but you can't blame me for what my people did" Solomon replied
Terra spoke revealing the real reason why Ishmael really hated Solomon "He's blaming you cause you look like sol the man who sold him he probably thinks your a descendant of his"
" who's reveling who's secrets know huh" Ishmael shouted at terra.
" can you guy please stop fighting we have to decide if we're gonna go into town or not "rose uttered try to stop everyone from arguing.
Everyone looked at rose irritated but her sad face made them rethink ever one looked away from each other Solomon and terra both sick of Ishmael attitude and Ishmael sour at them but thought out of petty pride.
" so should we stop at the near by city" rose asked again. Terra and Solomon both agreed to go to the city while Ishmael hist his teeth not willing to answer. " well majority vote say were staying at the city please don't be upset with us Ishmael" rose replied. Ishmael looked away not speaking a word Solomon and terra rolled there eyes while rose tried her best to reason with him but to no avail.
Terra turned heading to the near by city reaching by the time the sun was full down. While at the city gates terra transformed back into her humanoid appearance still with no clothes. Realizing this Solomon used his shadow abilities to create a black cloak for her to use until they bought her some clothes.
"Aww thank you dear this will do just well for now" terra told Solomon smiling and patting him on the head to show appreciation. Every one walked towards the gates. The guard at the gate stop them shouting " halt state your name and purpose of your visit".
" were stopping by to stay the night and restock on supplies " Solomon answered the guards.
"Will that be all be all" the guards asked
"Yes well be out of the city by two days max" replied Solomon
The guard motioned for the group to enter the city and everyone followed there instructions entering the city gate. Solomon looked around for an inn they could rest the night. After looking around they finally found an inn. Entering the inn Solomon when up to the front desk edge and book the 2 room for two Ishmael and Terra staying in one room and Solomon and rose staying in the other. Every one went to there room Ishmael and Terra instantly going to sleep as they had nothing to say to each other after the argument. While rose and Solomon struck up a conversation speaking about there team wondering if they were doing well.
"You think everyone back in our party is okay they looked pretty beat up last time we saw them" rose asked
"They should be OK there quit tough after all hopefully they got the letter I sent them Markus must be going crazy trying to find away to get us back" Solomon replied with a slightly chuckle.
" don't joke about that you no the boss as terrible high blood pressure" rose exclaimed
" your right but they should be relieved to hear that were Okey" Solomon answered with a smile.
" Yah I agree so you have any plans for what you're gonna do tomorrow " rose asked Solomon her voice as cheerful as always.
" I'll be clothes shopping with terra for a bit then I'll probably buy food and medical supplies for the journey" Solomon replied his mind focused on the essential like a true stick in the mud.
" is that all don't you want go sight seeing for a bit while we're here" rose replied puffing her check hoping Solomon would join her on her little trip around the city.
" never really thought about it what do you have in mind" Solomon asked realizing from the look on rose's face that she really want him to join her.
" we could check out the Entertainment District I heard the bard here are some of the best" rose replied
" then it's a date I'll meet with you after I finished helping terra find some new clothes " Solomon replied
"Awesome this is gonna be so fun" rose commented with a smile before getting ready to go to bed. Solomon chuckled at her happy expression he admired how cheerful she was. Before turning the lights off Solomon checked on the artifact making shore it was still in his possession he created a black sphere out of his shadow abilities and put the artifact inside the sphere acted as a form of inventory keeping items safe and shrinking them the make them easier to carry. After placing artifact inside the sphere shrank to the size of a coin and a attached itself to Solomon hip. " if any the shadow ability is quite handy" Solomon said to him self before going to sleep.
The next morning at the Crack of dawn Solomon woke up but rose and the others were still asleep not wanting to wake rose up he left the room without making a nose and made his way to the market to buy the necessary supplies for the next journey.