Temple Guardian (Haremlit Fantasy Adventure)

2-52: Meow? Meow! Meow…

I tried my best not to stare. I really, truly did. But can you blame me for failing when a gorgeous cat girl was staring me right in the face fully and totally in the nude?

I was in a sense, a kept man. Although strictly speaking, my relationships were ethically non-monogamous across the board, a term I had picked up from a quick google search, that really didn’t do justice to the emotional nuances at play. First and foremost there was Fenra who was my spirit companion and had a sexual, spiritual and emotional connection to me that was beyond both words and worlds.

Then there was Hana, the local shopkeeper. She had also been pretty clear that she didn’t want any kind of “relationship” and yet Fenra and I had gotten pretty close with her in more ways than one.

And then there was Miku, the most complicated situation of all three. She and I had been the first to meet. When I had been lost, fresh off the train, a newbie to Kitayashi from Tokyo, she had picked me up in her car and driven me to the temple. Back then I had been nothing, a loser who didn’t want a social life, who just wanted to sit at home and play games all day. It felt like a million years ago even though I knew logically it wasn't that long. Miku had been a crush, then a friend, then an ally, and then a lover. And now I wasn’t sure where we stood. Unlike Hana or Fenra she wasn’t the kind of girl who wanted to wait around for me or be part of some sort of strange polyamorous relationship. She had a career, a serious one. And to complicate matters she had sacrificed her very spirit powers to save me.

In short: when it came to the women in my life, I was hanging on by a thread. And so… staring at….


I blinked. The cat girl was gone. The gates were swinging. Shit, she’s on the loose! I charged into the temple grounds after her. I saw her bounding on all fours, her tail whipping back and forth, her naked white skin and silvery hair glinting in the moonlight. She was making a beeline for the freshly manicured garden.

Oh. hell no! Fenra and Hana will KILL me if this garden gets messed up, especially if I have to explain it was by a half naked sexy cat.

“Hey! Stop that!” I yelled, running after her.

She, of course, did not stop. She was headed straight for a patch of cherry tomatoes we had been lovingly cultivating for about five weeks. No, god, no please not the tomatoes. Worse than any infidelity would be the soiling of those precious red bulbs. I watched her stop right in front of them, staring. Then she arched her back upwards, raised her clawed hands up in the air, ready to pounce downwards on them.

“NO!” I screamed, leaping forward and tackling her at the waist. Together we tumbled and rolled into the dirt. I landed atop her, panting.

“God! What are you thinking lady, you almost… I… um.. Well..” I totally lost my train of thought as I realized there was a naked girl staring up at me. She was breathtaking. She had silver shoulder length hair that gleamed in the moonlight and was spread out over the dirt. Her face was perfectly proportioned with a small pointed nose, yellow wild eyes and small pink lips. There were the hint of whiskers on her cheeks, faint black lines. Atop her head were fluffy white ears. My eyes drifted downwards to her large bare breasts and to her toned flat stomach, further down… and..


It was inquisitive, soft. She had a way of inflecting despite only being up to vocalize through one sound. I coughed and quickly looked back up to her eyes which were shining innocently, a small smile on her face. She tilted her head from side to side and her tail swished back and forth. I realized she wanted to play.

“Huh, you are just full of energy aren’t you? Like … a real cat. Are you a spirit? What am I saying… you are a cat girl, of course you are a spirit. What are you doing here though?”


A confused look was across her face, as if she had tried but failed to parse my words. Then she brought her clawed hands up to my bare chest and gave me a playful push.

“Ow!” I cried out, her nails digging into me. I jumped up and off of her and she sprung to her feet, her tail straight up, her eyes wide.

Meow! Meow!

She took a step towards me and I backed away. She put her head down and nuzzled my ankles with her soft silver hair. She seemed apologetic. I leaned down to pat her head and she began to purr.

“Sorry, I scared you didn’t I? I guess you don’t know your own strength and sharpness. How about I… um.. Get you inside. It must be cold out here…er… especially without either fur or clothes. Come on.”

I turned and beckoned her to follow me and surprisingly she did, padding softly across the temple grounds. She occasionally stopped to sniff a plant or stone but always looked up and followed me after I'd gone too far.

Once we reached the door and I opened it she looked between me and it and slowly raised her body onto her two hind feet. This revealed her naked form and I tried to look away. Before I did I caught, once more, a peek of her voluptuous breasts and shapely legs.

Come on Ryo, come on… you know this is wrong. Get her inside and get her clothed.

She reached the top of the doorframe with her paws and stretched out against it, examining it. When she had determined it was safe, this alien structure, she returned to all fours and leapt inside. I closed the door behind us, relieved that, for the moment… one thing was cleared up. I’d gotten her inside. I’d saved the cat girl. Now… what the hell was I going to do with her?


“You look great!” I said, to no-one in particular. It wasn’t like the cat girl was listening. She was off in her own world. I was trying to convince myself I guessed. The truth was the outfit looked a little silly on her. A familiar feeling crept over me. I had dressed Fenra similarly when she’d first shown up on my doorstep. A pang of guilt hit me.

You are just doing what’s right. Relax Ryo, you are just taking in a stray not betraying anyone.

The cat girl was wearing an old t-shirt of mine which fit very large everywhere but her breasts which somehow still stretched out the front of it. For bottoms I’d given her boxers which her ass filled out a little too seductively. She was much curvier than Fenra although just as short. Both had tails and ears, but their personalities already seemed worlds apart. A cat girl and a fox girl, both spirits, both showing up on my door in the night. There had to be a connection here.

But why now? Why now when Fenra disappeared? Did this girl… know anything?

Meow! The cat girl exclaimed happily and leapt over me onto the bed, nearly colliding her knee with my forehead.

“Shit,” I breathed. “You have no chill do you girl?” I turned to see her bouncing up and down, a giddy look on her face. One thing was for sure about this outfit, it did not have chest support… especially for an activity like bouncing on a bed.

A wave of tiredness hit me as I yawned.

“Ok well, um, you can have the bed. I’m going to just crash on the floor.” The cat girl looked at me quizzically, curling up backwards on the bed, facing me and looking down as I lay on my back by the foot of the bed. I could see her tail wagging back and forth as she appraised me with glowing yellow eyes.

It was unnerving but I was exhausted, soon I passed out under her watchful gaze.

“Mm Fenra don’t, I need to sleep… maybe in the morning,” I grumbled, enjoying the attention of my fox spirit companion as two hands explored my lower body and hot breath marked my chest.

“Mmm,” I groaned as soft fingers grip my boxers and pull them down. The hot breath moved from my chest to my rigid member and I heard a small gasp.

I chuckled. “Surprised? After all this time?”

I felt a soft wet tongue lick me and my whole body shuddered. It wasn’t like Fenra to go this slow, she must be trying something new. The tongue licked me up and down gradually, in ever increasing strokes as I felt myself harden and twitch.

“God… ok… that’s… good. Don’t stop…”

The tongue left me and for a moment my body craved it in the absence and then I felt a pair of wet lips surround the head of my cock, slowly taking me inside. The mouth took me deeper slowly, the same wet tongue licking the underside of me. It felt amazing, so soft, so slow, so sensual.

So unlike my wild fox spirit to tease me this way. She was so eager usually. Throating me and preparing me to ride. She knew what she wanted, Fenra. I smiled at that. Ever since we’d gotten the internet in the temple she’d been watching videos and wanting to “experiment”, perhaps this was one of her roleplays. A first timer. I could get into it.

I felt Fenra’s clawed fingers rake across my chest and winced, sharp. Hadn't she just trimmed them? She slowly slid her lips off of me and I heard a plop as she pulled away from my cock. I felt a wet trail of saliva dribble across me. I felt the blankets being thrown up and over the bottom half of me.

I opened my eyes to find myself unintentionally blindfolded by the move, my naked bottoms exposed but my torso and face covered. I moved to uncover my head but felt two arms, one on each side of me press down, holding the blanket over my face.

I felt the swish of a tail across my legs. Harder… firmer… less soft. What? I felt heat, wetness on my member as she ground her exposed pussy against me but did not let me inside. I heard panting. I felt one hand leave the blanket to reach down and stroke my cock, guiding it to a waiting wet entrance. Something was wrong… but god. It felt so good.

The other hand left the blanket and I felt her sink down onto me, so tight and wet. I felt strong firm legs grip my sides and she lowered her body onto me.

“Oh god… Fenra!” I cried.



I threw off the blankets and there, astride me, her silver hair thrown back, her back arched and her perfect rounded breasts bouncing as she rode me… was the cat girl. Her alabaster skin was flushed. She leaned down and captured my mouth in a kiss, interrupting my exclamation. Her lips were soft and pillowy and her tongue nimble. I moaned as she rode me and kissed me hungrily, her wet tight walls clamped around me. I felt, already, a wave building inside of me and preparing to explode. I needed this. I wanted this… it had been so long..

Instead I pushed her body off of mine, my hands unintentionally grasping each of her breasts as I did so. She tilted her head at me, my cock still inside her, her body still atop mine. A confused expression was on her face.

<<You don’t want this? I am sorry… I misunderstood you when you invited me into your home, your bed. I can stop at any time… master>>

The voice that was communicating to me did not come from her mouth. It was, instead, deep inside of my head, swirling around. I looked at the catgirls innocent yellow eyes. Was it her? Speaking to me? It didn’t sound like her…

“I… I…” I thought of Fenra, of Hana and Miku. I felt the heat of her on me, I smelt her musk. My whole body was on fire. “Don’t stop. I…. want this.” The words came out of my lips in barely a whisper, shame tainting them. But my guilt and all other thoughts fled my head as she began to ride me in earnest

The sensations began to overwhelm me, pleasure and pain mingling. Things in the room began to shift. Reality blurred. The cat girl's face morphed into a fox, then back to a cat. Her yellow eyes changed into glowing red orbs. I tried to gasp or scream but no words came out.

<<You are mine now, human!>>

The words exploded into my head.

My eyes opened.


“Mm Fenra don’t, I need to sleep… maybe in the morning,” I grumbled, enjoying the attention of my fox spirit companion as two hands explored my lower body and hot breath marked my chest.

“Mmm,” I groaned as soft fingers grip my boxers and pull them down. The hot breath moved from my chest to my rigid member and I heard a small gasp.

I chuckled. “Surprised? After all this time?”

I felt a soft wet tongue lick me and my whole body shuddered. It wasn’t like Fenra to go this slow, she must be trying something new. The tongue licked me up and down gradually, in ever increasing strokes as I felt myself harden and twitch.

“God… ok… that’s… good. Don’t stop…”

The tongue left me and for a moment my body craved it in the absence and then I felt a pair of wet lips surround the head of my cock, slowly taking me inside. The mouth took me deeper slowly, the same wet tongue licking the underside of me. It felt amazing, so soft, so slow, so sensual.

So unlike my wild fox spirit to tease me this way. She was so eager usually. Throating me and preparing me to ride. She knew what she wanted, Fenra. I smiled at that. Ever since we’d gotten the internet in the temple she’d been watching videos and wanting to “experiment”, perhaps this was one of her roleplays. A first timer. I could get into it.

I felt Fenra’s clawed fingers rake across my chest and winced, sharp. Hadn't she just trimmed them? She slowly slid her lips off of me and I heard a plop as she pulled away from my cock. I felt a wet trail of saliva dribble across me. I felt the blankets being thrown up and over the bottom half of me.

I opened my eyes to find myself unintentionally blindfolded by the move, my naked bottoms exposed but my torso and face covered. I moved to uncover my head but felt two arms, one on each side of me press down, holding the blanket over my face.

I felt the swish of a tail across my legs. Harder… firmer… less soft. What? I felt heat, wetness on my member as she ground her exposed pussy against me  but did not let me inside. I heard panting. I felt one hand leave the blanket to reach down and stroke my cock, guiding it to a waiting wet entrance. Something was wrong… but god. It felt so good.

The other hand left the blanket  and I felt her sink down onto me, so tight and wet. I felt strong firm legs grip my sides and she lowered her body onto me.

“Oh god… Fenra!” I cried.



I threw off the blankets and there, astride me, her silver hair thrown back, her back arched and her perfect rounded breasts bouncing as she rode me… was the cat girl. Her alabaster skin was flushed. She leaned down and captured my mouth in a kiss, interrupting my exclamation. Her lips were soft and pillowy and her tongue nimble. I moaned as she rode me and kissed me hungrily, her wet tight walls clamped around me. I felt, already, a wave building inside of me and preparing to explode. I needed this. I wanted this… it had been so long..

Instead I pushed her body off of mine, my hands unintentionally grasping each pillowy breast as I did so. She tilted her head at me, my cock still inside her, her body still atop mine. A confused expression was on her face.

<<You don’t want this? I am sorry… I misunderstood you when you invited me into your home, your bed. I can stop at any time… master>>

The voice that was communicating to me did not come from her mouth. It was, instead, deep inside of my head, swirling around. I looked at the catgirls innocent yellow eyes. Was it her? Speaking to me? It didn’t sound like her…

“I… I…” I thought of Fenra, of Hana and Miku. I felt the heat of her on me, I smelt her musk. My whole body was on fire. “Don’t stop. I…. want this.” The words came out of my lips in barely a whisper, shame tainting them. But my guilt and all other thoughts fled my head  as she began to ride me in earnest

The sensations began to overwhelm me, pleasure and pain mingling. Things in the room began to shift. Reality blurred. The cat girl's face morphed into a fox, then back to a cat. Her yellow eyes changed into glowing red orbs. I tried to gasp or scream but no words came out.

<<You are mine now, human!>>

The words exploded into my head.

My eyes opened.


I awoke on the floor, my back in pain.

Wait, what?

I had just been on the bed, with the cat girl… spirit.. Whatever. We had been, oh god we had been having sex! She had been on top… then she had changed into.. a demon! I sprung to my feet, my fists balled, a fighting stance, looking towards the bed. There, snoring fitfully, the blankets around her, was a peaceful looking cat girl. I reached down and checked my boxers, they were clean, no sign of any kind of funky business. I saw from her exposed upper body that she too was still clothed in a t-shirt.

Oh thank god… thank god.

A dream, it was just a dream. I slumped back down onto the floor but I could not sleep. Instead I reached under the bed, the secret place where I kept my grandfather’s guardian manual. It was an ancient green tome. It appeared that he had not written it, but rather been given it at some point. Various sections were underlined and notes illegibly jotted in the margins. I began to read a rather long passage on the virtues of solitude. Ironic, in my case, as it was something I never had.

It was a dense topic and rather than being dissuaded I found this perfect for my purpose. The dense and obscure, but that was all the better to put me to sleep:

“A true guardian ought not to have his value solely in his relationship with others. For a person who loses himself when they are merely a reflection. To be human is to be in constant relationships. With the world, with the self, with the ego, and with others. But to let those relationships become you, it will drive you to madness. To let desire to please or be pleased run your life, it will destroy you.

Remember this above all else.

You cannot be made or undone but by your own -”

My eyelids drooped, and once more sleep took hold, the book falling from my hands.

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