<Teen wolf> violet emery

Chapter 6: Girls night and schools

Chapter 6

Once they all finished shopping they made plans to meet the next day and hang out

Lydia: so where should we go tomorrow for fun

Violet: how about we all go to your house and have a movie marathon and just binge watch a bunch off movies until we fall asleep I mean I and malia can what about you Allison

Allison: I don't know I'll have to ask my dad

Violet:Alright well let us know malia and I should be off now anyway got to get things ready for tomorrow and Monday see you both then

Violet and malia set of home on the car they have a little chat

Malia: so do you think Allison will be able to stay

Violet: probably Chris know Lydia

Malia: yeah but he doesn't know us

Violet: he will probably think we are Lydia's friend it'll be fine

Allison pov

Allison: hey dad I know tomorrow is Sunday and is a school night but could I stay at Lydias we made some new friends who will be joining the school Monday and we all are going to hang at Lydias and go on a movie marathon

Chris: what do you mean Allison like you said its going to be a school night

Allison: yeah but I'll be at Lydias and they can take me to school come on please dad they're the first friends I've made in years because of all the moving around it's just one night

Victoria: come on Chris just let her do it she will still be at school the next morning and I'm the one saying this just let her be a regular teenager for once

Chris: right sweety you can stay but only this one time alright

Allison: yeah love you dad (kiss on cheek)

3RD person pov

The next day

Violet and malia got up early and ate breakfast and went on a quick run around the pack land before returning and getting ready for the day and setting of at 10 am to Lydia's home after a 30 minute drive they are outside her house pulling up alongside Chris argent.

Chris: are they the new friends you made they look quite rich

Allison: yeah that would be violet she's like a Billionaire or something she's the one who paid for everything yesterday after we bumped into each other

Chris: oh well that's nice off her let's go meet them then

Allison: dad really

As malia and Violet are getting out of the car Chris and Allison walk up to them and greets them

Chris: hello I'm Allison's dad Chris argent and you must be violet

Violet: yes that's me nice to meet you Mr argent I'm violet emery and this is malia tate

Chris: oh nice to meet you two have a nice day goodbye

Violet/malia: goodbye and you have a nice day two

Lydia: hahahaha you did it again I came to get you as you seemed to be taking your time but you said the same thing again this is so funny

Malia: well we have know each other for a while now so we do do that sometimes

Lydia: Alright let's get this movie marathon on the go people I've got an assortment of Movies for use to watch Titanic, Pretty Woman, Armageddon,Avatar,Notting Hill,Mr. & Mrs. Smith,City of Angels and The Notebook But not in that order.

Violet alright let's get this show on the bed and have a great time while we are at it shall we

and they did they watched all the movies and a nice dinner and were asleep before 12 they woke up the next morning and got ready to go to school

Violet: Alright has everyone got everything yes good then let's go girls

Lydia and Allison go in her car while Violet and malia go in violets car they drive for about 15 minutes the arrive at the school everyone is staring at Violet and malia

RDG: Damn two more gorgeous girls

RDB:Damn they are super hot

RDB2: I know right

Malia: they are so annoying can't they just shut up

Violet: I know right I'm not even into guys in the first place so unlucky for them I'm batting for the for the other team girls all the way

Malia: what really (that's good)

() this is a whisper

Violet: what was that

Violet smirkes

Malia: nothing let's go and get our schedule for the classes

Violet: right see you both either at lunch or in class come now malia

As Violet and malia are walking through the halls to principal's office they overhear Scott and stiles talking about them

Scott: why the hell did they show up with Lydia and Allison

Stiles: I don't know maybe they met after we left and became friends seriously scott what's up with you

Scott nothings up with me it's those two with the problem

Violet whispers to them

Violet: Scott we don't have a problem hell I even got you out from under Peter show a little gratitude I mean really I help you and this is the thanks I get you bitching about me did you forget your not the only one with super hearing dickhead don't forget about stiles I could have kept him in my pack

Come on malia where getting our schedules let's leave the mopping dick to his devices what a closer

Violet and malia walk off into the office

3RD person pov

Stiles: really Scott she has a point I mean you would still be Trying to free yourself from Peter if she hadn't made free you

Scott: yeah I know but she just gets on my nerves i'll apologize later when we see her at lunch

Later the same day at lunch malia,Lydia, Allison and Violet are sat a table when Scott,stiles,jackson and Danny sit with them

Danny: so your the new girls how are you doing

Violet: sorry big guy but I'm gay unless you have a vagina I'm not interested

Danny: oh don't worry about it you don't have a penis so I'm not interested either

Violet: Did we just become each other's gay best friend?

Danny: obviously names Danny what's yours

Violet: my name is violet finally a guy who won't stare at my tits or arse but seriously your my new best guy friend but wait how's this going to work

Danny: what you mean

Lydia: I think she's talking about how your both gay so your both interested in the same gender

Danny: yeah and

Jackson: it means you can't talk about the boys or girls as the other has no interest as the other does

Danny: oh that makes sense well we don't have to talk boy or girls we could just help each other get dates

Violet: that's such a good idea we could send each other in and scoop out our potential partner to see if their gay or not and if there gay we talk each other up to them

Danny: I like your idea you are so smart

Violet: I know right anyway back to the rest

Lydia: oh so know you acknowledged us haha

Violet: sorry I've never had a gay best friend this is great anyway what we talking about

Allison: oh nothing much just wondering where you two came from

Violet oh we both used to live on beacon hills but moved after losing our family's but moved back to find malias family

Allison: oh im sorry

Violet don't be my father will be hear in a few months with some off his friends we got separated when I was young

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