Tearmoon Empire Story

Chapter 606

Episode 224: Rude Intimacy

Originally, the gates, which were supposed to be tightly closed, were open.

The party headed for Dion and Gimmimafias and went to the castle.

Fortunately, there was no point in shooting an arrow from somewhere.

“It could be a trap, so please don’t inadvertently touch the area.”

Mia nods mysteriously to Dion’s words.

Incidentally, if I was told not to touch inadvertently, Meer didn’t have the habit of wanting to touch…Instead, be surprised, pull your hands back and pay close attention to your feet.

What kind of trap triggers when the floor you stepped on sinks?Can’t you see the blade coming down from the cradle?In this way, you continue to increase your vigilance to the maximum level.

And of course!

“Bell, you know, but don’t inadvertently touch anything.”

Don’t miss out on curious granddaughters.It could be said to be my grandmother’s book.

Through the castle gate, I saw the tower and the inn (paradise) lined up in front.And in front of me on the right, I saw the chapel and the building in question.

It’s just thoughts. Because it was not a sacred symbol that was on the roof, but a creepy monster statue that spread its wings.

The overall shape of the building is subtly different from that of the Central Orthodox Church.

At the entrance, two monster statues were staring at us to intimidate us.

“Is this the devil of the devil?”

Meer is not very familiar with things around here.If Raffina were here, I might be able to hear a lot of detailed explanations…

“Apparently so. This building will be a castle built by a sect that worshipped evil gods.”

Nodded Ludwig’s words, Dion saw the chapel again.

“Now… let’s go save the prisoner princess.”

Small and crushed, Dion turned his eyes towards Gimmimafias.

“So, who’s going to take the lead?”

“Fufufu, I can’t wait for you to take care of the veterans.”

Gimmimafias gently pulled out his sword and gripped it with both hands….

“Now, while I’m arrogant, I’ll leave it to the honor of the spear. Let’s go!”

The sword flashed! I blew the chapel door without a trace.

And again, they cut open the rising dust, and together they stepped into it.

The building was a longitudinal structure.

In front of the chapel was a statue of a broken god overlooking the room.

Not at all well maintained, and when I look at the run-down statues, it seems that snakes still do not believe in evil gods.

That wasn’t the only creepy statue.On both sides of the chapel, shaking pine lights lit countless statues, lined up to surround the chapel.

The creepy gaze of the statue was gathered in the center of the chapel, slightly ahead.

And beyond that gaze… I saw a girl lying on a large dining table.


As you close your eyes, your appearance gradually becomes clear.

Definitely. It was a stolen Strana.

Straina is dressed in a throw-on jacket that the prisoner can wear.Your hands and feet look painfully wide and tied up with a thick rope….


Bell’s sad voice echoes.

But I can’t believe I didn’t hear it… and Straina didn’t even move.In that case, it was about to turn blue, Meer…

“Uhh… nnh…”

Shortly afterwards, Straina wandered around, moaning slightly.Although the movement was restricted because she was tied up, Mea stroked her chest softly to keep her alive for now.

“… terrible”

Bell covered his mouth in Straina’s tragic outfit.And Meer was generally in agreement with Bell’s sentiments.It happened… but soon afterwards, Meer noticed.

Calmly, look at Shtrina’s face… look at her arms!

–Hmm… because she was poisoned, her complexion is not good, but it doesn’t feel like her cheeks have gotten sore that far, and no, rather…

… Meer doesn’t have any particular reason, but, no, I really don’t… I felt a little intimacy with Straina.It’s rude!

–That being said, Mr. Leena’s father, Sir Laurenz, was a good man…If you were put in jail, you would inevitably lack exercise.Then why don’t you invite me on a horse ride after this is over?

That’s how you quietly breathe in.We must help Stryna safely.

In order to do that, I must first take care of her that she was poisoned…Ten to eighty-nine, there must be enemies coming before that.

The enemy has summoned us here.So, what the hell are you going to do?

The moment I leaned towards the question,

“Welcome, Princess Mea Luna Tiamoon. You’re welcome.”

A voice rang in the chapel.

The voice echoed strangely indoors and I didn’t know where to hear it.

“Now, why don’t you help the poor princess who fell asleep from poison?”

As if they were laughing at the Meers looking for themselves, their voices echoed as if they were singing.

It sounded like a song of praise to the evil gods to Meer, a beautiful, ominous voice.

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