Tearmoon Empire Story

Chapter 595

Chapter 213 Attack and Defense

In the abandoned castle at the base of the snake.After the meeting with Valentina, the witch, Straina was guided to the bathhouse.

In the first place, I was surprised that there was a bath in the abandoned castle…

“I’m the witch of the snake, so I guess that’s how I’ll prepare it…”

Take off your clothes and step inside while being convinced.

Honestly, I wasn’t reluctant to take a bath alone in hostile territory…

“Well, if I wanted to kill you, I could have killed you anytime…..”

I decided to reopen it.

Behind my head is my friend Bell’s face.And the face of the Empire’s wisdom meer Luna Tiamoon.

They had a similar vibe.I thought they would have enjoyed it if they told me to take a bath, no matter what the situation.

― ― According to the report, I heard that Mia was in the bath when she was captured by the Revolutionary Army in the Kingdom of Remno….

The floor where the little barefoot stepped was thick and subtly painful.

Compared to St. Noel and others, it had a rough impression of being made.

“Is this a stone of the same material as the castle wall?Does that mean this bath has been around since we built this castle…? ”

Even though the castle I saw before I walked here was built for battle, the question of why the bath… will be immediately iced off by the heat of the water.

I thought you were bringing boiling water somewhere… it seems that the hot springs are boiling.

“I didn’t build it because I needed a bath, but because it was an area where hot water boiled, that’s why I built a bath…But where does the hot water boil?He said it was near the Kingdom of Lemno…. ”

While imagining a map in your head, look inside the bath.

Although it wasn’t as wide as St. Noel’s inside, it still seemed like it could fit in with about four or five people.The hot tub is also quite spacious.

There were three small vials in the washroom.The surface is engraved with letters. It’s luxury!

After checking the letters, Straina took a bottle of shampoo medicine.

And then… put the contents on your hands with pleasure!

… otherwise, the witch didn’t say anything rude earlier.I don’t think I should show the maiden the smell of sweat, even to the one who said something very rude.It is a big misunderstanding that you are thinking of a narrow mind, such as trying to use it all up in your belly.

No… I just wanted to make sure.

“Yeah, it’s quite high quality…..”

Observe carefully as if you were checking on the palm of your hand.

The slightly viscous liquid had a refreshing floral scent.

When I put it on my fingertips and stretch it over my arm, it stretches very well and foams very well.

I was told that quite a good quality oil was used.

“Does that mean that there is a connection with some noble class…If the story of the princess of the Kingdom of Lemno is true, the aristocracy of the Kingdom of Lemno?Or do you have a connection to some peddler?I wonder if the aristocrats or the merchants themselves could be snakes… ”

I hear that in Saint Crandon it was a peddler dressed like a horseback kingdom who approached Prince Eshar.

“It looks like the man who kidnapped Lena, but I don’t know….”

Start washing your hair carefully while thinking about it.Taste Mokomoko and the foaming shampoo thoroughly, then rinse off with hot water once, then wash again and carefully.

… of course, it’s not because they said it smells like sweat.I don’t care.

But, well… I want to avoid surprises again, so I’m going to try to keep it as clean as possible.

I never thought of that because Bell hated me. It’s true.

Then I washed my hair and this time I cleaned myself with plenty of detergent (body soap) before going to the bathtub.

The water was colorless and transparent.Check the temperature with your fingertips, rinse with your hands, and then check the smell.

“I wonder if it’s near the volcano…”

Even Straina can’t analyze ingredients by smell and taste alone unless it’s so distinctive.

Give up prying about the place and enter the hot water.

The bathtub is large enough to allow you to stretch your body as much as you want.

Yeah, just stretch out your body as much as you can, and then sigh deeply.

Then, loosen your calves, thighs, and feet.The body was solidified because it was carried bound.We need to loosen it up now so that we can deal with anything.

Of course, you can’t escape alone.Stryna knows very well that she has the same health as a lady.Nevertheless, I will not fail to prepare.

“Belle will definitely come to help me…..”

As soon as she finishes her massage, she puts her hands on her stomach.

“… two and a half days, yeah, three days.”

There was a reason why Straina didn’t eat anything.Of course, some of them were wary of being poisoned, but more than that, they were trying to make time pass because they were hungry.

He hated to let his internal clock go mad because of the spacing he was given food.

While rubbing her belly, Shtrina shook her head small.

“If they pointed this out, they might have been upset again….”

How dare you belly! If I was told, my heart might have been shaken.

The witch reads her mind, shakes it and manipulates it.

You should not show any gaps.

“I’m sure Belle and Meer wouldn’t be upset about this.”

If it were Meer, she might rather demand something to eat.

It’s Straina who thinks she’s jealous of her guts.

“The reason I’m talking to myself is probably because I’m weak….”

Put hot water on your face to change your mind.

Then Straina gets plenty of hot water, sits on the bathtub for a while, cools her body, and grabs the hot water again.

Needless to say, it is harassment of the witch princess.

Exactly! It’s a little revenge to take a long bath and keep you waiting.

Don’t be rude to the maiden about the smell of sweat.

Then we’ll go back to the dressing room.

And the clothes I was wearing just now are gone, and I’m in a bit of a hurry.

Looking closely, a brand-new dress was placed nearby.

“Don’t surprise me….”

As a host, it’s only natural that you change your clothes to take a bath.Nevertheless, I was angry that I was somehow impatient for a moment because I was taken by hand.

The slightly larger dress probably belongs to the Witch Princess.

Though I don’t feel comfortable wearing it much, it’s better than sleeping in it.

So, just as I finished dressing, I saw the person who showed up to pick me up… and for a moment, Straina took a breath.

“Nice to meet you, Straina Etois Yellowmoon.”

There was a wolf friend standing there.

Taken by the werewolves, Stryna once again visited the witch princess.

Valentina, the witch who saw Stryna, smiled brightly.

“Did the bath feel good? It’s been a long time.”

“Yes, it was a very nice bath.I sweated my journey. ”

Strina lifts the hem of the skirt slightly with a subtle gesture.

“Fufufu, you look great. Here you go.”

Valentina invites Straina to the table.On the table were lined cups of hot air and tea confectionery.

“I just made tea, so let’s get started.”

Stalina, sitting in a chair while being advised, attempts to launch a pre-emptive strike to dominate the field. but….

“One before tea, okay? Princess Witch.”

“Don’t behave like that.I’d like you to call me Valentina, Mr. Reena. ”

My parents called me, and my chest ached.

“Call me Strina. Because the name is only used by people who are close.”

She just called her nickname a witch.Nevertheless, with such a shaking heart, Strina whispers small.

“Ufufu, in that case, I’ll call you Leena with all my affections.Because you were one of us, the ex-Snake. ”

They were ready to shake their hearts with words.Still, the words of the witch princess were deeply reproached by Strina’s heart.

Straina dares to ignore and launch an attack, wanting to avoid being held at this pace.

“I have a question, okay?”

“Of course, it’s a promise. Ask me anything.”

Straina stepped into Valentina smiling with a cool face…

“So, what do we do to crush the chaos snake?”

Valentina opened her eyes to the question.

“Oh, fufufu, that’s pretty tough for you to listen to.”

“You said you could ask me anything.”

Straina sips tea on her face.Valentina shook her head.

“Unfortunately, I can’t answer that question.Yeah, I’m not being mean.But I can’t even answer what I don’t know. ”

“Don’t you know? Even though she’s a witch.”

Straina stares at the crowd like a provocation.Valentina only smiles back at her.

“Yes, the witch princess is nothing but words.”

Shrug her shoulders and Valentina continues.

“What is a witch princess…? The scripture of snakes, Book of the Crawling Land, is nowhere to be found.It does not say to raise a witch, nor to lead.So here’s what I think. The Witch of the Snake is the first temporary authority created by the chief of the Fire clan to maintain her power. ”

“Temporary authority…..”

“Well, it must have been a good idea.The witch gave birth to a lot of snake warriors using the family of fires as her mother. ”

That said, Valentina put the cookie in front of her in a tasty mouth.

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