Tearmoon Empire Story

Chapter 52

Episode Fifty Reader

– Heh heh, sounds like you’re right.

Meer, listening to Chloe, was giggling inside.

Meer looked at her because, of course, she was always alone and it was pathetic that she seemed lonely……

It was just because she was reading books by herself every holiday.

Yes… Meer wants it. A friend, a reader, talks to each other about the contents of the book he reads….

That day, Meer was lying in her own bed, reading the manuscript that Anne’s sister, Ellis, had sent to her.

– Oh, it’s so funny to read it in a sentence again like this!

The story, as yet, was as far as Meer knew, but the fine depiction was subtly different from what Anne once told me, and that was so fresh.

Meer sings her nose in an upbeat mood while poking her cheeks and patting her legs.

As a princess, it is a serious matter, but Anne, who refrains from doing so, does not frown, nor is she cautious.

Meer is in a position to force tension from time to time, so she wants you to relax as freely as possible in your own room.

The world calls this “spoiling.”

Eventually, after reading the manuscript to the end, Meer sighs satisfactorily.

“Thank you, Anne. We enjoyed ourselves this time.”

While returning the manuscript, Meer tilted her neck.

“By the way, is it any different for your parents? Is Ellis okay?

For Meer, this manuscript was one of great pleasures. Ellis needs to finish writing to her health.

“Thank you for noticing. But he seems to be doing fine.”

Anne’s face, smiling so loud, didn’t look like she was lying or hiding anything at all.

“That’s more than anything. If anything happens, you’re gonna tell me right away, right? Ellis is in my arms.”

Yes, I told Anne.

“But it’s a shame. I can’t believe it’s just me and Anne reading this…”

Meer sighed.

Something that makes me want to talk to someone if I read an interesting book. That should also be referred to as a book-loving saga.

To that extent, I wish I were Anne, but unfortunately, Anne is apparently not very interested in the story of this hand.

They’re reading it, but that’s because my sister wrote it. I don’t really look like I’m enjoying it.

– I mean, it’s a lot different than what I heard in the dungeon, and Anne, fine, maybe you’re reading it appropriately?

But I also refused to recommend it to the surrounding party.

At any rate, you must not be able to talk about the kind of work Meer asks for, just admiring it without one or two.

– Someone, isn’t there a suitable…?

When I was thinking about it, Meer found it. Read books every holiday, unmatched book lover, Chloe.

– I don’t even talk to my friends, I spend my time reading them, so you must love everything about books!

… Actually, Chloe is reading the book because it’s awkward to be alone, and I don’t like the book as much as Meer thinks.

“Won’t you be friends with me?

“… Huh?

Chloe blinked her eyes.

“Oh, um…, that, me…, why?

Chloe was very confused.

Because I had no idea why they said that all of a sudden.

Anyway, the other princess of the Great Empire is one of the best in the class. Besides, that connection is also dull.

Prince Zion and other gorgeous princes who gather the admiration of women, such as Prince Abel, are said to even be close to the big players in the school, such as the Duke of Rafina.

Chloe didn’t see any reason for such a person to speak up to her plain self.

No, there’s only one reason why I didn’t think of it.

That’s because I sympathized with myself.

– Because I always saw you alone, and I pitied you for being pathetic, or something?

I guess the other person, also known as the Virgin of the Empire, is full of compassion.


– If that’s the case, I don’t like it…

I think that’s kind of a very serious thing… So,

“Because you like books. Actually, there’s something I’d like you to read.”

To Meer’s unexpected answer, Chloe became a pompous.

“So if you don’t mind, could you be my reader and I?

It was ten years later that Chloe, who succeeded the Chamber of Commerce, set up a huge publishing company that invested in publishing books and dealing with multiple countries.

All the books she worked on sold, but it is a famous story that the most famous of them came from her alumni Imperial Empress, Meer Luna Tiermoon.

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