Tang San’s Twin Sister

Chapter 55

The hits were heavy, but they were regularly thrown back as he deflected their attacks, and a melee fight started. A Shield, a blowback, and then a step sidewise. If one was thrown back further, the other aided in swift movements.

Tang Yin grabbed his wings to catapult and used them as leverage to move. The two coordinated with each other, but it didn't affect Zhao Wuji; despite Ning Rong Rongs's support and the continued assault through the others, he basically laughed it away.

Xiao Wu came from above; using her Charm, she suddenly screamed.

She was pushed back and fell unconscious to the ground. Tang San caught her, and the others hurried towards her, all but Tang Yin and Jiang, who stepped back but kept their eye on Zhao Wuji just in case.

Tang Yin's hand moved to her belt and grabbed it. Ready to draw her blade.

"Step back!" Tang San said suddenly, his voice dark as Jiang and Tang Yin reacted, leaving Zhao Wuji alone, who cockily grinned at Tang San.

"What now?" He asked. "The little girl shouldn't have used a charm on me; that has a backslash when used against someone of higher rank like me. She should be fine after a while."

"Until now, I thought this a test." Tang San said darkly, making Tang Yin shiver. Well, someone was angry. She had seen Tang San mildly infuriated before, once even endowing a thousand-yard-stare that threatened pain at the other party. But never this, not like this; this was an I-will-murder-you kind of gaze. ", Apparently, it is not."

Tang Yin stepped back and grabbed Ning Feng and Yu Guy's hands. "You too." She told Ning Rong Rong and Zhu Zhuqing.
Her brother had adapted little from her modern world except for her speaking style. Sticking more to his traditional view of where he had come from. But there was one thing he had actually taken over because he preferred it that way, the habit of not discussing a fight or asking overly much for it. It was more of a situation where he just straight went to battle.

The other got the cue, and everyone stayed unanimously back while unfolding a Battle of epic proportions in front of them. Tang Sans knives were increasingly embedded into the ground, and Zhao Wuji had to actually act. If it was, Dai Mubai stepped closer to her and Jiang while the girls had gone off worrying about Xiao Wu.

"Say, are you still humans?"

Tang Yin took a moment and then shook her head. "No monsters."

"I see. For curiosities sake, who is the better fighter between you and your brother?"

"Depends on what you define as a fighter. Tang San is a pure controller; it suits him and his character. I am not. I am far too direkt. I think that's the word. I make a decent controller, but I am not one by character. I prefer a good straight-up fight. My skills also make me more of an oddball; according to the teacher, I move like my brother while trying to fight like Xiao Wu. The good thing is my silver breakers give my strikes ample force, and I can even deflect skills breaking them even apart if the angle and the skill's size are not too large."

"That is pretty useful, but your second skill is a spirit-controlling power."

"It's as straight as the breakers, not that I'd tell you more about it." Tang Yin looked up at him batting her eyelashes innocently.

"You are not yet an ally."

"I understand." Dai Mubai said, and watching the fight, Tang Yin saw her brother getting into hairy trouble. Taking out her blade, she twirled it and activated her breakers. Her toes dug into the ground as she put spirit power into them and put her sword into a thrust position.

She calmly observed the direction of Tang Sans's movement and Zhao Wuji's reaction. She didn't know how, but she spotted her opening. Putting force into it, she catapulted herself forward, the stones underneath her feet crumbling from the pressure, blade upfront and stuck. Her sword embedded itself into Zhao Wujis's arm and stayed there; she let go of the handle. The Man, though, didn't hesitate. He grabbed her by her hair and tried throwing her. Pure reflex had her grip a hairpin and mid-air. She embedded it into buildings to slow her down as she found herself in a pair of arms hovering.

"Careful." Jiang behind her said.

And they flew to the ground. The injury hadn't bothered Zhao Wuji a lot, but he certainly wasn't happy about it either, and it had brought Tang San a small breather. Enough to actually make small changes to his combat. He still focused on speed that was not a threat, but now he started using poisoned weapons.
Zhao Wujis, all of a sudden, seemed to change his approach, and Tang Yin cursed. He used his century-decade spirit ring. Tang San was thrown back, and Yin wanted to rush forward again when Joang held her back. "This is his fight." He said earnestly.

"But he is my goddamn brother. I don't want a second injured person." She cussed and tried to free herself from his hold. Tang San rushed forward using one of his poisoned weapons. Tang Yin still wanted to intervene, especially when Tang San was grabbed and thrown around. Then she only saw it from the side, but suddenly Tang San had his Hammer in his hand.

"Idiot." Tang Yin wanted to shout but put her lip to stop herself. There was no forcible reason to win this battle; why the ever living was he playing this card? That Hammer was supposed to be a secret. She struggled more against JIang and was suddenly hugged by him.

"Stay put." He told her, and she glared at him. "Not your fight." He Empathized. "His. He decided he wanted to do this; you must respect his decision."

"Well, it's moronic." Tang Yin struggled against Jiang but stood no chance; she also understood his point, but what was Tang San doing using his Hammer? Was it in anger for Xiao Wu? Yes, he liked her, she was their little sister, but he could jeopardize them all three if things went south when using his Hammer? Couldn't he just assassinate the guy by backstabbing in cold blood? It was far more important that Xiao Wu would recover well, not get some foolhardy revenge for her.

What use was all the revenge if she didn't get back up?

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