Tang San’s Twin Sister

Chapter 46

Outside, the two Gladiators faced off, and Tang Yin felt as if there was only the "This is Sparta" soundtrack from the 300 missings, her inner nerd going off into the stratosphere. 

Then the two started moving. It was like seeing one slower and one faster lighting steaking through the street as Manager Wang next to them appeared, and like a lot of gathering onlookers watched as the two faced off. Tang San was proving his Nuoding Academy reputation as a living porcupine all justice as he darted and used small knives from his 24 moonlight bridges in a spectacular manner. 

Yin was impressed how Dai Mubai avoided one-half of them and had his spirit power block all the rest; she couldn't help herself but whistle in amazement. 

The only one who had done so before had been Jiang. So then, balling her fists, she hoped nothing happened to his scaly self and he was fine back in Star Dou Forest. 

Her thoughts drifted off to her friend as she rubbed her arm unconsciously. Moved in black pattered silk all the way up to her shoulder. 

Once Dai Mubai was pinned by Tang Sans's spirit ability, he moved to use his third, thousand-year spirit ability. 

He stormed forwards, and Tang San cursed under his breath; Dai Mubai, Stopping right in front of him, claws out. 

"Your blue silver grass, I didn't think it would be this. Even if it was my first two spirit abilities, it should have cut right through it. But right now, I'm using my third spirit ring ability, White Tiger Vajra Transformation. Originally, to obtain this spirit ring, I had to go out of my way; it wasn't easy but absolutely worth it." 

He undid his spirit beast transformation, and Tang San relaxed when Dai Mubai continued. 

"I can keep this state for half an hour; in these thirty minutes, all my speed, strength, and skills double. Your poison can't harm me. Your control is impressive, and your spirit arts are as well, but right now, I still have the advantage of totally overpowering you with our difference in levels. If you had you, I assume, older sister's level, I would have been screwed."

"Twin...Yin is my twin sister." Tang San pointed out sharply, and Dai Mubai closed his mouth." So she is, and that is only a couple of minutes older. 

"You are twins...?" Dai Mubai pointed at Tang Yin, who waved at him, shocked, before catching himself. "I assume then you are here to attend Shrek? No other way four children around 12 and with spirit power above 25 would be around these parts."

"And you would be who?" Xiao Wu asked as she stopped next to Tang San, and Ning Feng got closer to Tang Yin.

"I am Shrek Academy evil eyes white Tiger, Dai Mubai. If anyone gives you trouble, give them my name." 

They returned to the foyer when Manager Wang handed them a small golden key. "Masters, this is for you." He said and bowed respectfully, handing the Key to a hesitating Ning Feng. "Young Master Dai will be paying for the damages, and since we were forced to be so uncourteous, we would offer you the room for free for the next free days." 

The Receptionist looked like he had swallowed a frog, staring at the Manager wide-eyed. 

While they left, Tang Yin heard Manager Wang scold the poor man who had only done his job. 

"Spirit masters are noble existences. Did you not see just now on those two children's bodies both already possessed two and god-forsaken three spirit rings? So young and already spirit grandmasters and elder, their future prospects should be boundless. The other two are probably similarly well-ranked. Most likely, they come from a great clan; offending them could be asking for a disaster." 

"But Sir....our best...room...." She heard him before their voices were out of reach, and they were walking down the corridor and up the stairs to their room. Xiao Wu squealed in delight at the Pink surrounding them, Ning Feng let out a happy jip, and Tang Yin, tortured by Pink the entire day, wanted to wail. Even pinker...why...Pink. Tang San stopped briefly, patted his sister on her back, and entered the room.

"Bro, Vado al Moonlight Pavilion." She muttered, and the present gave her a long look. 

"This is marvelous, Yin; stop whining for nothing." Xiao Wu scolded her. 

"Complaining is therapeutic..." She argued, and Xiao Wu started jumping up and down the bed before falling into it, laughing. 

"But..." Xiao Wu bounced upwards. ".. it's Wonderful."Tang San hurried to catch her as she was aiming off the bed."..whining, not complaining anymore" Tang Yin groaned and sat down. Ning Feng, who had settled down fiddling with her Teddy, beamed. Pointing a teddy paw first at Xiao Wu and then at Tang Yin communicating. 

She has a point. 

"Are you conspiring against me, guys? Feng, you are supposed to be on my side. I am Vice Master!" 

Brother San is the Head... 

The words could have been spoken audibly from how she gave Yin a long exasperated look. But then, Huffing Tang Yin wiped out her spider-thin grass tvones and catapulted an unresisting Ning Feng onto the bed.

She fell into the covers and laughed at Tang Yin's childish reaction.

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