Tamed A Blackened Slave Man

Chapter 86: I Do Not Regret It

The Emperor’s eyes widened to the point where they were ready to pop out of their sockets.


If the Emperor was the man that I knew, then he would not reveal the fact that I was a healer in front of such a large crowd.

That was why I spoke so softly that only the Emperor could hear me.

I told him that Damian already knew everything about my healing abilities.

I needed to say something, at least that major, in order to divert his attention away from Cassadin and onto Damian.

The reason I had gone to Damian’s residence and exposed my weakness was to create an opportunity to make him at fault later on.

‘I ask you to keep it a secret from others that I have this healing ability.’

Truthfully, I would not be punished even if I did break the unspoken rule of the imperial family. When I became engaged with Damian in my past life and was locked away as his healing tool, the Emperor didn’t punish me in any way.

No, it would be more accurate to say that he couldn’t, even if he wanted to.

My father was also a healer, but his abilities were limited to healing minor illnesses and wounds at best.

I was the only person within the entire continent, perhaps even in the entire world, who could cure incurable diseases and those standing at death’s door.

Because of that, I have often visited the palace with my father since I was a child.

If the Emperor was trying to test my relationship with Cassadin, I just needed to add my worth to his balance scale.

If Damian was trying to separate me from Cassadin, I could use the information I had to put him in a troublesome position instead.

“Is that really true?”

“How could I dare lie to Your Majesty?”

Seeing me respond to his question with a firm expression, the Emperor let out a deep sigh.


The Emperor must have been quite shocked, as he gripped his temples and lost his balance. Lumen, the Commander of the 1st Order of Knights, and his fellow knights rushed to support him.

It was clear that the other people were curious about what I had said to the Emperor. But regardless of how they looked at me, I had no plans to repeat those words to the crowd.

With a deep sigh, the Emperor then made a loud announcement.

“For today, let us continue to enjoy the banquet. I am feeling a bit unwell, so I will take a short rest.”

“……Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Lady Serkia, come to the throne room as soon as the banquet ends today.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Only after the Emperor and the imperial knights behind him left the banquet room did the orchestra resume their music.

The calming sounds of a piano and violins soon filled the room with harmony.

Though the orchestra’s music was peaceful, the atmosphere in the banquet hall couldn’t have been more awkward.

Even as they conversed among themselves, people continued to steal glances in my direction.

That was only natural, though, since the Crown Prince, Cassadin, Damian, the Princess from the Elsia Kingdom, and I were all gathered in one place.

The person to break the silence was the Crown Prince.

“Just what did Milady say to make my father back away like that?”

“It’s a secret, Your Highness.”

“It seems you have quite a few secrets. By the way, Grand Duke, what you did back there was quite amusing.”

The Crown Prince laughed loudly. Without so much as a glance at the Crown Prince, Damian glared at me.

“I am curious as to why you are trying to take such an easy path in a difficult manner.”

It seemed like Damian already knew what I had said to the Emperor, which was expected considering his intelligence. There was plenty of hatred in his eyes that were directed towards me to prove that.

But to such a Damian, I smiled softly and replied.

“What standards determine the easy and difficult paths?”


“If I believe the difficult path is easy, then it becomes easy for me, and if I believe the easy path is difficult, then it becomes difficult, does it not?”

Damian’s eyes, filled with hatred, narrowed in response to my answer.

“I am uncertain about everything else, but this one thing I know for sure. To me, you are quite a difficult person.”

“I am the one who does not understand Your Grace. Why did you tell such lies in front of His Majesty? Why didn’t you stop at the lie of favoring me, but went on to claim that I am your lover?”

“……A lie, you say.”

Damian let out a small laugh. The one who spoke up instead of Damian was Cassadin, who had been holding my hand the entire time.

“He is behaving in such a way because he hasn’t realized his own feelings.”

Then the Crown Prince responded gleefully to Cassadin’s comment.

“He isn’t honest with his emotions, and that’s why this entire situation occurred.”

The two, surprisingly, seemed to get along well with each other.

But that was my mistake. Immediately afterward, the two glared intensely at each other.

“I request that the two of you not interpret my thoughts to your liking. By the way, Marquess…”

Damian slicked back his hair with a hand, then gestured with his chin toward Elsia’s Princess, who still had her head bowed.

“Shouldn’t you address this Princess you’ve been gifted first?”


The Princess’s body jerked at Damian’s acknowledgment of her.

“Wh-what do you intend to do with me……?”

She asked the question in her frail, trembling voice, to which Cassadin responded.

“I don’t intend to do anything.”

“……What does that mean? Not doing anything?”

“It means exactly what I said. I won’t do a single thing to you.”

Cassadin looked at the Princess as he spoke, but there was not a single hint of emotion in his eyes.

There was neither sympathy, curiosity, nor hatred.

With a dry, emotionless face, Cassadin continued.

“You can do whatever you wish. Whether you run away from this banquet hall or seek a way to live on your own.”

“But the Emperor instructed me to take special care of you……”

“You have now left the Emperor’s control, so you are no longer His Majesty’s possession, Princess. And I haven’t accepted you as a gift, so you are not my possession either.”

The Princess slowly raised her head for the first time. She seemed surprised by Cassadin’s face, as her eyes widened and her lips trembled.

Just as others had been unable to take their eyes off the Princess, she could not turn her gaze away from Cassadin’s face.

“Th-th-then wh-what am I s-supposed to do……? I-I am alone h-here, so there is n-nothing that I can…….”

The Princess’s anxious stuttering worsened, likely due to Cassadin’s imposing appearance.

“Not to m-mention that I d-do not know anyone here, so it’s s-scary, and…….”

Princess Bella continued to massage her arms, unable to keep still from the anxiety. Lumen nodded briefly and began to explain the situation in place of the Princess.

“His Majesty had not given permission for Princess Bella’s associates to set foot in the Empire.”

“So she could not bring even her maids?”

“Yes, sir.”

Hearing Lumen’s explanation, Cassadin fell into deep thought for a moment. Had he perhaps empathized with the Princess’s forced departure from her home? Did he consider that, just as Cassadin’s kingdom had collapsed overnight, the Princess found herself in a similar situation?

I also felt sympathetic for the Princess. The solitude and loneliness I experienced while residing at Damian’s residence without a single maid I could depend on were things I couldn’t describe with words.

Not only that, but the Princess practically came to this foreign land as a hostage. Even if she left this banquet hall, it was almost impossible for her to escape this empire alone.

Princess Bella didn’t hide the fact that she was staring at Cassadin’s contemplative face. She seemed almost hypnotized, her lips slightly parted.

Finally done sorting his thoughts, Cassadin signaled to Lumen, who stood next to the Princess and began speaking.

“Sir Lumen.”

“Yes, Your Lordship.”

“I believe it’s best for the time being to have the Princess stay at your residence. If His Majesty says anything about the matter, tell him that I ordered you to do so.”

“I will do as Your Lordship commands then.”

Lumen didn’t object to Cassadin’s orders and bowed briefly before leaving the banquet hall with the Princess. As they left, the Princess stole several glances behind her.

After watching the two walk away, Damian turned to Cassadin and spoke to him in a mocking tone.

“It seems to be true that you’ve become close with the Commander of the 1st Order of Knights.”


“I’ve heard that you’ve been teaching Sir Lumen sword fighting. To think that a man who was once a mere slave is teaching a knight commander. It seems you’re utilizing the victory against me at the fighting tournament to your greatest abilities.”

Cassadin let out a deep sigh, as if he was fed up with Damian.

“I believe Your Grace tends to overestimate me. It would be nice if you could leave me alone now.”

“……One might mistake that I had put you in several difficult situations from what you were saying. I was already leaving you plenty enough right now.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at Damian’s response. It was hard to believe that the culprit who had spread the news about Cassadin being a gladiator slave was saying such a thing.

“Your Grace.”

I quietly called out to Damian. He turned to me with narrowed eyes.

“I ask you not to visit my residence anymore from here on.”


His expression crumpled instantly. Regardless of what he was doing, I continued with what I was saying.

“I don’t wish for the misunderstanding that other people have about our relationship to deepen any more than it already has. As Your Grace is already aware, I am a mere lady from an Earl’s family, so I am unable to defend myself if Your Grace makes a claim as you had done earlier.”

Damian responded quietly to my request.

“Are you sure that you will not regret saying those words?”

I did regret it. I had become so blinded by revenge after coming back to the past that I almost lost my happiness.

With the brightest smile I could muster, I answered.

“I will not regret it.”

Damian glared at me with bloodshot eyes. After scanning me from head to toe, Damian’s eyes fell on mine and Cassadin’s hands that were interlaced together.

His face, as he stared down at our hands slowly, and resentfully, hardened. His tightly shut lips trembled from anger.

Damian suddenly shot his hand out towards me, then pulled it back with a bitter smile.

“You will not regret it, you say.”

There was an evident amount of hurt in his voice as he quietly repeated my statement. He sounded so heartbroken that one might think that he had just had his loved one stolen away by someone else.

With his eyebrows drawn together, Damian stared directly into my eyes and murmured coldly.

“There will come a day when you regret this moment. I promise you.”

Having said those final words, Damian turned his back and walked away. Perhaps it was because of the chandelier, but his already dark hair seemed even darker, almost like a shadow.

Lillian, who had been conversing with several other men, followed Damian as soon as he stepped outside the banquet hall.

Just as I watched Lillian walk out, a deep voice echoed in my ears.

“I will protect you.”

When I turned around to look at him, Cassadin was smiling at me with a warm and gentle smile that could have very well replaced spring itself.

“I will also protect you, Aren, as my first priority. So, there is nothing you need to worry about.”

The Crown Prince added his part.

Seeming to dislike the Crown Prince’s actions, Cassadin looked at the Crown Prince and declared coldly.

“I will be the one to protect her.”

“There is no need to. I had promised her I would keep her safe, so I would be the one who would protect her. Besides, how could a mere Marquess do anything against the Grand Duke?”

The two men glared at each other, practically growling.

The banquet had become disastrous as a result of the Emperor and Damian’s intrusion, but I felt incredibly relieved that I was not alone.

With a bright smile, I spoke up.

“Then, I will protect the two of you.”

After hearing what I said, both Cassadin and the Crown Prince froze on the spot. They turned to me and stared with widened eyes.

And in a small voice, so only the two of them could hear me, I added.

“I am a healer, after all.”

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