Tales of the Legendary Magus

Chapter 33: Passage Of Time

The second week of school was a lot more normal. Villin continued excelling at classes earning another two-hundred magic crystals. Every evening Villin would case the wandless version of 'Drowse' causing him to fall asleep. Then when he woke up he took advantage of the spell's side effect as he translated the enchanting book and comprehended the 'Magic Array' textbook.

On Wednesday when the combat classes began, the students once more got attacked as they entered the classroom. Most students still froze when faced with danger but this time there were close to a dozen people that managed to dodge the initial attack.

This time Villin actually managed to pass the third phase by casting Reverto an additional time but after he dodged the floor beneath him suddenly moved and enveloped him, causing him to fail at the fourth phase.

It was only at that point Villin realized Pompei didn't only attack him for them to increase their combat sense but also to make sure they get the right spells to deal with a number of possible situations.

Villin still quite disliked the enchanting class since the teacher was obviously biased against them and felt extremely happy they had a good 'Rune Magic' teacher. The old professor Crumb was extremely skilled and even though he looked very stern he let students do anything to do with runes in his class and gave them guidance when they did something wrong.

In the pill-making class he once more managed to make two of the weak healing pills, anyone with a sixty percent success rate this class was allowed to try and make a 'magic gathering pill', but nobody managed to create it successfully, even though Kayley got extremely close.

Saturday was quite the eventful day. After this week of time, Villin finally managed to comprehend enough of the 'gene-solution' book to be prepared to begin trying to make a gene-solution.

The fore-word was quite basic, it was very similar to other regular textbooks making Villin suspect it is simply a regular textbook of the western continent. It talked about the uses of gene-solutions, how it could toughen people's skin, improve your muscles, and even improve your mind.

When he got to the first proper recipe though it was clear that this manual was specifically made for the central continent. Nearly all of the materials he saw were things he had heard of, not those of the western continent.

In order to know what to expect, Villin spent a few hours in the library a few days back researching the difference between potions, pills, and gene solutions.

Sadly, this information was extremely hard to find as anything other then pill-making only got mentioned briefly. But, at last, after four hours Villin managed to get enough info to understand the differences. Potions, which were popular in the east, could do things such as heal and poison similar to pills (even though poisoning is easier with potions as you could mix it in a drink) but other than that many potions could also be thrown. For example, is a certain toxic poison got thrown at an enemy when the glass shatters a toxic gas could come up to choke them.

The same went for certain potions having to do with healing and the like. Their negative was that, when looking at positive effects, they couldn't do anything other than enhance what the body could already do.

Pills, on the other hand, could cause the body to have effects that were previously absolutely impossible. In this way, there were pills that could cause the body to be instantly set aflame without getting hurt.

As for 'gene solutions', they generally had permanent effects. Similar to potions they could only enhance what the body could already do. There were some exceptions though, there was a sub-category within gene-solutions that specifically focussed on adding abilities. This way it might very well be possible to create wings using the right solution. He also suspected the 'cat-girl' Aria also had taken such a solution. He was extremely surprised to see how she hadn't been found out but then again perhaps there was a spell or pill capable of changing the body in similar ways.

There was information about all of these he didn't know of, but he didn't worry too much. He did look forward to attempting to create his first gene-solution but that had to wait until Monday.

And so, Sunday arrived. Spending the day working on his spells further, he was surprised to see how much he had gotten done in a week. At first, he thought he could need two weeks to properly learn the new spells he had gotten, but he was wrong, he found it had become easier to learn compared to last week, he wasn't sure if he was because he had gotten used to casting new spells a bit, but it was likely.

'Mentallage' was extraordinarily easy. Even though the spell had five nodes, it was a lot easier to cast compared to 'Icy Pike'. With that being said 'Cold-Blood' which had seven nodes was similar in difficulty to 'Icy Pike'. He suspected it was since one of the nodes in Icy Pike was just about on the border between the light-gray and dark-gray nodes.

Other than 'Chameleon' he had cast every other spell, he had spent effort in order to make it so that he could cast 'Icy Pike' in a second as well and couldn't wait to use it in combat.

Due to how easy it was 'Mentallage' could now also be cast within half a second, this made him content knowing he'd be able to easily exchange information with people in the 'Mortals Cut and Crease' club.

Once it became midnight, it was time to go toward the market. He had to go get his new gloves and some materials to make a gene-solution.

The market was as busy as last time, people were talking all over the place and deals were being made every second. As he checked his crystal holder he frowned a little. Once he paid the wand-maker he'd only have slightly over three-hundred magic crystals left. This was because he spent about thirty magic crystals on practice in the last week, even though he was still making quite a bit, Villin didn't think it was quite enough, he would have to find a way to make money.

With this thought in mind, he went toward the stall of a familiar wand-maker.

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