Tales of a Seductress

TOAD – Chapter 29

Time continued to move on. I didn’t think too much about the world outside this fort. Instead, I focused instead on living beside my son. He was the chief now. Having recovered completely under my machinations, there wasn’t a single other goblin who came close to threatening him. On top of that, every day he grew stronger and more robust. He had grown into a muscular young man. His skin might be green, his ears a bit pointy, and his nose a bit squashed, but he was beautiful.

He spent the majority of the day whipping the goblins into shape. Where they once ran around in rags, they had started to sew together and wear full clothing. They started having regular patrols, and they maintained those patrols. Hunting parties were performed, and food was being brought back, cooked, and shared. Naturally, the largest portions were given to the most productive goblins, but productivity was solely strength anymore.

In short, he was steadily civilizing the goblins. Of course, he learned all of those lessons from me. I’d also say it was my own monster taming that kept them as obedient little servants for my precious boy. Given time, they had started to call him a certain name, Goblin King. Given that my new job called me Demon Queen, I thought this name was suiting. Thus, I decided that would be his name. My son’s name was King, and I was the King’s mother and woman. Every night, he would come to my bed and I would soothe away all of his aches and pains, whether they were physical or sexual. It was a satisfying life and one that felt extremely freeing.

Every day, I would make the rounds through the fort, making sure the goblins remained loyal to my son and doing their due diligence to survive and remain productive. I gave an encouraging word here, or a pat there, and the goblins would smile with drool leaking out the sides of their mouths. I had no clue if they even understood my words. My son seemed to be better at communicating with them, or maybe it was just undeniably the case that they respected power more than sexual satisfaction. After all, the former leader had also kept the goblins loyal to him despite all of my seductive charms.

I wasn’t sleeping around with the goblins. My body was reserved for King. He could have me however he wanted as much as he wanted. I could never say no to my precious boy. Even on the days he grew a bit excited and hurt me, I never faulted him a single bit. Were these the kind of feelings that Synaphony had for my first child? I regretted discarding that one so recklessly.  

Since my sex life had grown monotonous, my leveling only increased by a single level, even after a month. This was a result of frequent bouts with my son, as well as my continued daily masturbation. A normal person would find a level in a month to be at an insane rate, especially considering these were levels in the third tier. However, for me, this was only so fast.  I thought about putting my new point into Sexual Experience.

Sexual Experience had been the first skill I had gotten as a seductress and was ultimately the secret to all of my power. The ability to earn experience through sex. It wasn’t like similar abilities didn’t exist for other classes. How else could someone reach a high level in blacksmith or farming? Of course, they could hire a fighter to help them defeat enemies, but that would be a long and arduous path. Most people’s first skill would always be a skill that allowed them to gain experience by doing their class.

Mine had grown into a cheap because of how easy it was for me to practice my occupation, but also because of all of the multiplier I had received, namely from a constant stream of special skills. I still wanted to see if Sexual Experience would level me even faster if I dropped a point in it. However, times before when I had chosen to use my point to evolve a skill rather than select a new one lottery style, I had ended up losing the original skill while obtaining a new one. I didn’t want to end up losing my trump card. Thankfully, when I saw my choices, they were tempting enough that I could forgo that choice for the moment.

{Congratulations!!! You have leveled to Demon Queen Lvl 6!}

{All stats increase by one.}

{You have one skill point.}

{Incestuous Relationship (Passive) – You gain 3X experience when sleeping with someone biologically related to you.

Motherhood (Passive) – Your children will gain a portion of your experience.

Empower (Active) – You can temporarily empower one of your children.}

All three abilities had their advantages. Since my leveling had slowed, and my lover was my son, our incestuous relationship would speed it up again. Of course, so would encouraging my son to use my ass. If I only cared about the experience, there were ways to increase it. It seemed like Motherhood did the exact opposite. I would level slower, but my experience would be given to my son. In that way, I could give up my growth, and then become a little slut so that my son grew even faster than before.

The final ability would allow me to increase my son’s strength temporarily. I felt like I had already touched on such an ability once before. During his fight with the previous goblin chief, I had felt like I had given some strength to my son in those moments. It could have been his own skill. Although I didn’t know exactly what it was, it had made him glow red and gain power that seemed connected to his emotions. However, I liked to think that I was involved in helping him in some way as well.

“In an individual battle, Empower could be the difference between life and death. However, in the long run, the more powerful he becomes, the safer he will be. That means Motherhood.” I considered the options carefully.

In the end, I chose Empower. The reason for this was rather simple. Motherhood had the setback of slowing my own power, whereas Empower had no setbacks. Furthermore, the wording said children, as in plural. If I had more children, either more experience would be taken from me until I didn’t level at all, or the experience that was being taken from me would be continually divided up until it didn’t help my children much at all.

As for the reason I cared about this, it was naturally because I was pregnant once again. My naughty little son had knocked me up, and within my womb was another little goblin. Interestingly enough, this one wasn’t growing as quickly as the first did. At that point, I had been impregnated by one of the goblins. However, King wasn’t just any goblin. My pregnancy had been strange. Although it happened at the same speed as a normal goblin pregnancy, I created only one child, where most women popped out a litter of five or more. My son was also smarter, stronger, and more capable than any goblin I had ever met. Since he took after his mother more, did this have to do with the Fusion skill that I had never quite understood? Since he impregnated me, then did that mean my next child would be even more incredible?

I didn’t have those answers, but I rubbed my belly, which appeared about three months pregnant instead of one. By that calculation, this pregnancy was moving about three times the speed, and I’d pop out a baby in another two months. I would love him as much as King. I had already named him. He would be called Prince. Even though King was busy, I made sure to involve him in the pregnancy. I didn’t want him to eat the baby or something the other dumb goblins might do.

Stroking my stomach while thinking quite happily, I walked down the corridors. It was healthy for a pregnant woman to take frequent walks. Since I had started making the goblins clean the floors and excrete in specific rooms, the place was starting to take on a semblance of a home. The stone floor was cold against my bare feet, but I didn’t mind that much at all. I saw a goblin with his eyes closed near one of the lookout slits. I snapped my fingers, causing him to jerk upright.

“Remain vigilant!” I shot him a look.

The goblin nodded dumbly, giving a big smile. He was wearing armor that had been fitted to him now, and the helmet on his head loosely bounced up and down, making him look ridiculous. He might look ridiculous, but enough goblins could take down a grown man, and these goblins were more capable than most. Still, it was a full-time job making sure all the lazy goblins stayed on task. He turned back to his duties, but I was pretty sure he’d be sleeping again after I turned the corner. Since I couldn’t turn the goblins into trained soldiers, I had to make up for inattentiveness with numbers.

“Hmm… speaking of which, they should be ripe soon.”

I walked away down the hallway with purpose, traveling to a certain room I was very familiar with. There was a line of beds barracks-style. This room was a lot cleaner than it once had been, but the mattresses were still rather filthy. That’s because of what they were used to do. I knew all too well since I had been strapped to them myself for quite some time.

“Oh… gods… please help!” A weak voice cried out.

“Hmm? A new girl?” I looked to see a young girl, probably still in her teens, strapped to the bed.

The goblins went on raids for food. It was supposed to be livestock they came back with, but when they found a girl, they would drag her back too. In the last month, we had grown back up to six girls. This barracks was nearly full of women tied to beds.

I made sure the girls were sufficiently cared for. They had blankets, bedpans, and were given food regularly. I even washed them once a week, and then I played with them a bit too. Okay, that might have also helped me gain my level. Although I said I had only been with King, surely women didn’t count, right?

The goblins were supposed to inform me whenever a new girl was brought in, but I guess they didn’t. She was crying and struggling against her bonds. As for the other girls, they were leaning back in a dream state, quite happy and content with their lives. The tricks I used on them weren’t that much different from what the cambions had done. It was just the circle of life.

“Have any of the goblins had you yet?” I asked.

If one of them had decided to start using her before I had her, then there would be hell to pay. I would find out who it was and I would have King flail him alive. Actually, that also kept the goblins in line.

Her body shuddered. “N-no… I-I’m a virgin. But I’ve seen them do… with the others… they don’t answer me.”

Her eyes lifted slightly toward the other girls who seemed lost in their blissfulness, seeing nothing even with bloated tummies or cum leaking from their crotches.

I sat next to her bed, gently stroking her hair. “I know, dear. They’re just having a gentle dream.”

“I-I don’t understand…” She sniffled. “Please, can you help me escape?”

“I don’t know.” I smiled. “Are you sure you want to? Do you have any crushes back home?”

“C-crushes? Y-yes… B-billy… he’s always…”

“Well, look at that. It’s Billy here to rescue you.” I gestured to a goblin who had been coming in to change the bedpans.

He jumped, looking left and right. I fingered him over, and he submissively approached. The girl looked up blinking slightly. Her face was filled with confusion. That confusion slowly melted away to excitement.

“Billy, you came?”

“Yes, he did. And he defeated all the bad monsters. Are you going to show him your appreciation?”

“Y-yes! Thank you! Thank you so much.”

“Hehe… cute girl. He’s a man. Men don’t risk their lives without expecting a bit more in appreciation.”

“What do you me- th-that!” Her face turned red.

“Are you unwilling?” I asked.

“N-no… I mean… Billy, if you want to…” She looked away, blushing slightly.

“Go on, Billy.” I pushed the goblin towards her. “Give her what she wants.”

The goblin understood my intention. Since I gave the go-ahead, he jumped on top of her.

“P-please… gentle… w-wait… ahhh! B-billy!”

I supervised her first time. The goblins scratched her up a bit, but I tried to make it as smooth as possible. It must have worked for her because she was bucking her hips like a little slut after only a few minutes.

“B-billy! I’m cumming!” She moaned as the goblin filled her up, her legs wrapped around him.

She collapsed on the bed, a sweaty mess. The goblin fell off of her and then stumbled away.

“Wh-where did Billy go?’ She asked after a minute.

“He’ll be back. Since Billy saved you, you’re definitely his woman now.”

“I am? I’m so happy…” She smiled, a tear sliding down her cheek.

Whether it was a tear of happiness or a tear from a deep part of her who truly understood what was happening, I didn’t know. I also didn’t care. I stroked her head softly.

“Welcome to the family.”


“After all, you’re our newest mommy.”



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