Tales of a Seductress

TOAD – Chapter 25

“Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Hee Hee Hoo… You bastards did this to me! Come here!” I grabbed and goblin and squeezed him tight.

He let out cries of discomfort, but he didn’t dare move away or attack me. After Seris and Beedle’s death, this fort filled with goblins had become my home. Typically, the goblin king ignored me, and I ignored him as well. I kept to the breeding room, occasionally enjoying a goblin when I was bored, and he kept to his throne room, where his peons fetched him food and gold.

I found the goblin king to be rather stupid. He was far too high profile. If he kept acting like this, he’d eventually earn the ire of the demons. I had seen this before with the Cambions, so I knew what I was talking about. Under the goblin king’s rule, this colony would collapse in time. That was what I thought. However, no goblin present could defeat him. He was far too powerful and ruled this colony by an iron fist. About the only thing that he couldn’t control was me.

Thus, for about a month, we formed a stalemate. His goblins would bring me whatever I asked for, and I would intervene in whatever he wanted. It was a fine balance. The biggest reason I left him in charge was that it was a massive scapegoat. Whenever humans came and wiped this play out, he’d have all the blame, and I’d be just an innocent captured woman. Meanwhile, the goblin that had been put inside me grew at an exponential pace, and before I knew it, I was in labor again. Most women would only have two or three children in their entire lives, but here I was having my second child in only about three months.

The goblins had laid out a bed of furs and took every precaution to make me comfortable. I wouldn’t allow them to do anything else. Now my nursemaid goblins were all around me. They were too stupid to do much of anything regarding the actual birth. With most women they impregnated, they would just leave them be and collect whatever monsters fell out of them hours or sometimes days later. A baby goblin would sometimes starve on the cold gave floor because no goblins bothered to come to fetch them. It was no surprise that the women they captured died nearly as fast.

However, I was in a different circumstance. I had gotten into their heads and controlled them, bending them to my will. I supposed I could have done the same thing to the goblin king. The only reason I had failed initially was that I didn’t have enough time. However, I saw no real advantage in gaining his control, and I feared that if he grew obsessed with me, he’d also grow possessive. Those same goblins who were too scared to fight and kill him definitely would be too scared to fuck me once he laid a stake on me.

I recalled the first goblin cave I had ever been a breeding stock in. The biggest goblin laid claim to me and none of the others would touch me. I had been very careful to keep the balance between the surviving goblins and earn my title, the Town Bicycle. It would be unfortunate if this balance was broken by some goblin thinking they could have exclusive rights to me. Thus, as I got to the point of giving birth, all of my goblin underlings ran to my care.

Surprised I didn’t leave the fort and go find somewhere else? Where should I go? Every home I had tried to build ended up in ruin. I didn’t cut it as a bandit, a princess, an adventurer, a demon, a monster, or a general. Everything kept burning to the ground. This fort was only a temporary home. When the demons came, I’d find another. Maybe I’d just walk the countryside, stopping at farmhands and seducing the farmers to cheat on their wives. Maybe I’d seduce the wives as well. Sometimes, I’d let them know about each other, and we’d have an orgy that would cause the pair to grow closer together. Other times, I wouldn’t say a thing, leaving the two with their guilt they cheated on the other to haunt the rest of their relationship.

I could find some enjoyment out of life moving on in that manner. However, the first thing I needed to do is push another abomination out. Remembering the horrifying monster from before, I shuttered to think about this one favorably. Yet, I had no choice but to push. I didn’t know if my body had grown stronger from the first one, or if it was just that goblins were less harsh on the body of women, but this baby wasn’t as difficult to push out.

“Ahhhhn! Ahhhn! Fuck… fuck… I’m cumming!” I screamed out.

I didn’t choose to convert my pain to pleasure. I didn’t want to enjoy this. Yet, somehow, it felt incredible. It was official. My brain was that of a masochist now. The contractions caused me to grow hot, and as I pushed the baby out, I found myself racked with a mind-blowing orgasm. I ended up squirting as the baby came out… or maybe I squirted the baby out. I didn’t know, as I was cumming so hard I was in bliss. The goblins weren’t able to give me half this much pleasure.

Just as I finished recovering, and before I could think to shoot any orders to the goblins, one of them had already cut the umbilical cord with a knife and then tossed the baby on top of me. I didn’t want to see such a monster, so I was immediately annoyed. I grabbed the filthy, wrinkly little thing, ready to throw it away. It had green skin, slightly pointy ears, and a ruffled forehead. Just as I picked it up, my eyes met the baby’s eyes.

I felt like a thunderstrike had hit my mind. My disdain for this creature suddenly dissipated like smoke. It was cute, with droopy eyes and a little pug nose. This… came out of me? This… was my baby? My body shook as I stared at such a strange thing. Feelings I had never felt before suddenly erupted out, and I felt my heart feeling strangely warm.


“Ahhhh!” I cried out, causing all the goblins to jump. “It’s crying! He’s crying!”

The goblins all looked at each other. Although we didn’t speak the same language, something about my taming ability gave the goblins the ability to understand the intent of my words. Furthermore, I could understand what they wanted to tell me as well. At this point, they had expressions as if asking, ‘so what?’

“He needs food! Ah…that’s my job!” I suddenly grew serious. “You want my breasts, baby?”

I pulled out a boob and immediately tried to feet it. Did you do that for a newborn baby? This was a goblin though, so who knew how developed they were when they came out. Many babies could last days and survive inhumane caves to grow up, so they had to be more developed than a human baby. Wait! It was a goblin, so didn’t they come in liters.

I touched my stomach. I had pushed out the placenta already, and they didn’t feel like there was anything else in there. In other words, like my first baby, I only had one. I didn’t feel regretful of that at all though. This was my baby. I had a baby boy. Yes, I checked, and it had a little penis. Actually, that penis didn’t look like a goblin knob penis, but more human-like. Maybe that was just how they looked as babies.

Either way, I felt him starting to suck on my breast. “Ahhn… no so hard.”

I let out a little moan, feeling my heart skip a beat. This caused me to bleach. Ahh! What was happening to me? I felt nervous, excited, and happy. I… felt happy? I had felt almost numb for so long, that all of these emotions felt like foreign entities. This…. It’s just hormones. I was pregnant and then hormones… ahhh… crap… now I’m crying. I sobbed happily as I fed my cute little baby goblin.

That’s when I noticed all of the other goblins had been watching. Some were lewdly looking at my tits like they wanted to suck them too, while others just looked awkward I was crying. My expression darkened.

“What the hell are you all doing? I have a baby to raise! Make me a crib! I need a baby room! Prepare one befitting my son!” I started barking orders.

The goblins all let out shouts of surprise and then started stumbling over each other to do the tasks I had ordered. My attention was already off of them, and back down to the goblin. I didn’t realize there could be such a feeling in this world. Had I been too closed off before? Had I rejected these feelings when I had the first one? Actually, I had never really had the opportunity to bond with it, since that old hag had taken my baby before I could. She had denied me such a feeling. I would get back at her eventually, and reclaim my child as well!

“Drink up, baby… mommy will make everything for you. Mommy will take care of you. Your mommy’s… and mommy is yours.” I closed my eyes and smiled happily.

This is where I belonged. I didn’t know who the father was, but this clan was my family now and this child was going to be raised here. That meant that I should start working to protect them. I couldn’t let what happened to the Cambions happen to them.

I will take care of my child and this clan.

As I contently made such a decision, I felt a sudden surge of power explode in my body. My eyes burst open with a gasp.

{Demon Queen Class Unlocked: Your Class has evolved to Demon Queen!}

Class Skills Unlocked:

{Eternal Loyalty (Passive): Your children are your power.}

{Command (Active): You can control and tame others by asserting your will. Strong-willed individuals can resist.}

{Temptress (Active): Any monster you have intercourse with will submit to you.}

“Oh… shi-”

{Congratulations!!! You have leveled to Demon Queen Lvl 2!}

{All stats increase by one.}

{You have one skill point.}

{A skill has been automatically selected based on your recorded actions.}

{Congratulations!!! You have leveled to Demon Queen Lvl 3!}

{All stats increase by one.}

{You have one skill point.}

{A skill has been automatically selected based on your recorded actions.}

{Congratulations!!! You have leveled to Demon Queen Lvl 4!}

{All stats increase by one.}

{You have one skill point.}

{A skill has been automatically selected based on your recorded actions.}

{Congratulations!!! You have leveled to Demon Queen Lvl 5!}

{All stats increase by one.}

{You have one skill point.}


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