TalentPlus!: Talent + Effort = Strongest Capture Target!!!

Chapter 11: It all makes sense now!

"Papa, what is the Aerith Academy?" (Riel)

Look at me spouting bullshit. Can't really help it considering I can't afford to look suspicious. 

"As you've heard, it's currently the number one academy in the Fulhart Kingdom. It is a school that teaches those from 15-18 years old. Every year, only 30 students are accepted into the academy. These 30 students are selected using the results of an test that every applicant undergoes. The top 30 scorers are then chosen to be the new students of the academy.

Most of the students there are children of nobility as commoners don't have access to good education, but they are still legible for acceptance as long as their scores are within the top 30." (Papa)

Of course I know all of this. I know that only the best of the best get accepted into Aerith Academy. I also know that most of the students there are nobles. In fact, that was one of the things that made Riel a unique character. He wasn't just the only commoner in his batch, he was also the number 1 student when it came to both academics and combat capabilities. 

Yes, Aerith Academy offers both education and combat training to students. The two branches are separated into two classes which students can choose between. Some students choose education for the purpose of training for fief management as most students are nobles. Some students choose to undergo combat training as to either become knights or mages. These two branches can be further separated into more specific branches such as magic and martial arts, but that's not important for now. What's important is that the academy itself doesn't really care much about grades but rather exists for the sole purpose of being able to nurture those with capabilities. The founder, Hanz Aerith, founded the academy in order to raise the status of the kingdom as he was a hardcore loyalist, at least that was what was written in the history books. 

Anyways, the important thing is that because Riel was a commoner and had outclassed everyone else, he became an outcast. One reason for this is that none of the nobles wanted to admit that they lost to a commoner. This is because one's bloodline is one of the things that nobles take pride in. a good analogy is that they can't accept that their pure breed was outclassed by a mutt. 

Another reason would be the fact that Riel at that time, didn't really care much about other people. He was basically antisocial. Though, you can't blame him for that considering the fact that he lost everyone he ever loved.

"But Papa, didn't you say that you were just a normal guild receptionist?" (Riel)

"Yeah, I dropped out." (Papa)

"What? Did I mishear you?" (Riel)

"Nope. I dropped out." (Papa)

"Don't tell me, did they bully you just because you aren't a noble?" (Riel)

"Nope, not really. They were nice people. I just dropped out." (Papa)

T-this man, tell me he's joking!!!

"Then why? Why did you drop out of such a good school?" (Riel)

"Cause I was bored." (Papa)

"W-what?" (Riel)

You've gotta be kidding me!!!

"I mean like, I just took the exam for the same reason. I was 15 and I was bored. I heard about the exam so I just took it. Simple as that." (Papa)

"Was it difficult?" (Riel)

"Nope. Didn't even take me a week to study for it." (Papa)

The fact that he can say that with such a straight face and a non-serious tone just astounds me. You mean to tell me that my unreliable looking yet surprisingly competent father, is capable of scoring within the top 30 of the kingdom's youths on a whim? You've gotta be kidding me!!! Wait, no. The fact that his actual capabilities are hidden behind such a facade is actually another kind of genius. Just what kind of person is Papa?

"You see here Riel, your Papa is also talented but in a weird way. He can do about anything, but only if he is interested in it. If he isn't interested in a particular topic, then he is practically incapable of even spelling the name of said topic. However, when he does get a random and impulsive interest in a topic, he might as well be called a genius. The problem is that it's really random. In fact, the reason why he became a guild receptionist was because he just felt like being one. It's also the same reason he dropped out." (Mom)

So Papa really is in the border of being a genius and a bonafide idiot. Considering his personality, that does make a lot of sense. Now that I think about it, this solves a lot of mysteries. In this game, or rather, this world, bloodline does play a huge role. For example, the crown prince and every member of the Royal family have a unique ability that is passed down generation after generation that is exclusive to them. In fact, even the player's ability of being able to look at other's status screens is an ability that is exclusive to their bloodline. Considering that fact that both Mom and Papa are geniuses, it does make sense that Riel has heaven defying talents. This does however sound very unfair for most people. Man this sucks.

"Then what about the tutor? Who are you going to hire?" (Riel)

I need to know. In the game, Riel's tutor was the knight commander who had taken notice of Riel's talent. He had taught Riel both combat techniques and academics so that Riel was able to pass the test. 

"My brother." (Papa)

"You have a brother? I have an uncle?" (Riel)

"Yup!" (Papa)

Wait, just who is this person? Why have I never met him before? Don't tell me! Papa and Mom's romance was unknown to their families because they didn't approve of each other? Oh god, this is such a mess!

"Why haven't I met him before? And are you sure he's even okay with this? I mean I don't even know him. Does he even know I exist?" (Riel)

"Don't worry~, it's all gonna be fine~." (Papa)

That somehow doesn't sound assuring. 

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