Tale of Eldramir

CH 10: Family Friends

When Ezekiel woke up the next morning, he was greatly surprised as he looked back on the events that had occurred the previous day. He had not only gained some answers regarding his quest for the magic he had seen used so often around the city but had also discovered that he had a knack for sensing mana.

Of course, this was utterly pointless at the moment as the only mana he would be able to absorb and refine safely was void mana, which did not have an ambient form in the world.

At least, not as far as humanity was aware.

Regardless, as he crawled out of bed, carefully placing Reya down on the ground, and Theo no longer draped over his headboard, Ezekiel went about getting ready for his day before rushing out to the small dining area where he smelled breakfast being cooked.

Pulling out his chair and climbing up to sit down, he noticed that his father was absent as his mother continued making breakfast.

“Where’s father?” he asked.

“Your father was called out by his commanding officer earlier this morning, so he will not be joining us for breakfast today.”

“Are things okay?”

“They should be, yes. But even if they aren't, your father won’t be in too much trouble.”

As she said this, Evelyn removed the pan she was using from the fireplace, placing their breakfast meal on two plates for them to eat.

Remembering that he hadn’t had dinner last night, Ezekiel realized just how ravenous he was feeling at that moment. Grabbing his utensils, he quickly dug into the simple breakfast his mother had cooked for him; though he didn’t forget to set aside some meat for Reya to snack on.

Watching her son eating away at the food in front of him, Evelyn couldn't help but give a silent sigh of relief as she saw that he didn’t seem to be suffering any side effects from his ordeal the previous night. From where she was eating her own food, Reya turned to give her partner a look to reassure her of the fact that Ezekiel was alright, and that nothing had happened whilst he had slept.

Finishing his meal, Ezekiel quickly went back to his room to continue his meditation, but he didn’t even make it halfway to the door before his mother called for him to stop.

“Hey now, where do you think you’re going?” she called out as she rushed over to him, “you weren't thinking of going back to meditating again, were you?”

“Maybe...” Ezekiel whispered as he looked towards the ground, not wanting to see his mother’s look of disappointment towards his actions, “Now that I know what not to do, I thought I’d be able to try it again without causing any problems for anyone.”

Evelyn's face held a look of frustration as she looked down at her son. Whilst she was delighted at his work ethic, she was extremely annoyed at the fact that Ezekiel didn’t seem to have much care for his own wellbeing. In fact, whilst neither she nor Warren would ever say it aloud, they were both secretly hoping that the shock from the previous night would’ve discouraged Ezekiel from continuing to try and cultivate any mana.

As proud as they were at what he could do, the worry brought forth by years of dangerous attempts to channel void magic had taught them to be doubtful towards the possibility of a Void Mage ever coming into being.

“Ezekiel... you haven’t caused problems for anyone. No one could’ve expected that you would be able to sense mana on your first attempt. Let alone remain in that state to the point of exhausting yourself mentally.” Evelyn said as she held her son’s face in her hands, turning him to look up at her. “But that doesn’t mean that you can go right back into rushing these things. If one day you become a Void mage, then that day will only come about if you take care of yourself, first and foremost. Understood”

Ezekiel’s face turned slightly red at how his mother was handling his face. “I understand mother. Does that mean that I shouldn’t try again today, just in case?”

“It means that you should not try to sense mana again. Meditation should be fine, but you will immediately stop if you begin to sense mana again. Alright.” Though it was worded as a question, Ezekiel understood that his mother’s words were nothing less than a solid statement, and that he would not be permitted to exhaust his mentality as he had the previous day by sensing mana once again.

“As it is, I would, in fact, prefer that you do not try meditating again today. I am hoping that you will go out and play with some Children your own age for once, especially since you won’t be spending any days with them in a classroom.” Evelyn said as she let Ezekiel go.

“Go out and play? But isn’t school starting now that all the testing has been finished?” Ezekiel asked.

“Of course not. Now that all the children your age have been tested, the schools need to organize things to properly divide the classes. This will take at least another week or so, so you’ve got at least another week before you need to worry about anything like that.” Evelyn told Ezekiel as she went to clean up the table.

“But who would I even go play with? It’s not like I really know anyone.” Ezekiel said went to help his mother.

Evelyn smiled at him as he gave her a hand. “You can play with Shari and Aldor, you met them yesterday during the awakening ceremony. Your father and I have been great friends with them since we first arrived in this city. I’m certain that the three of you will be great friends with one another.”

Ezekiel thought back to the time just after his awakening. He clearly remembered the look of confusion on Shari’s face as their parents looked at him with disappointment and pity. But he also remembered the conflicting look of disgust on Aldor’s face that he did his best to hide from his parents.

From this, Ezekiel was apprehensive about becoming friends with someone who so clearly, at least to him, did not want to even acknowledge his existence, let alone befriend him. It was obvious that Aldor was already developing into a bully. The kind that was good at hiding who he really was from others as well, if the fact that his parents didn’t know about his developing distaste for Void mages was any indication.

That said, whilst he wasn’t looking forward to attempting to befriend any children, especially since he himself was not really a child, at least not mentally, he would go out to play if that was what his mother requested of him. To do anything else would be rude to his mother, and he refused to treat the parents who treated him so well in this life with anything but respect.

“I don’t know if we’ll be friends for certain,” he said after he finished thinking, “but if you want me to try and be friends with them, then I will at least do my best to.”

Evelyn’s face broke out into a gleaming smile at Ezekiel’s words. She was worried that he wouldn’t want to try making friends with anyone. Especially after learning that he was a Void mage, and what that meant for him with regard to how others would view him. As such she was very happy that he had agreed to at least try to make friends. Especially with the children of her own dear friends.

With that in mind, after cleaning up the kitchen, the two of them headed out into the city. Making their way to the outskirts of the Inner-City market entrance, Ezekiel couldn’t help but let his eyes wander as he found himself enjoying the sights of yet another new place.

As they walked, Evelyn couldn’t help but chuckle softly as Ezekiel’s attention was grabbed by one thing after another.

Hearing his mother’s quiet laughter, Ezekiel couldn’t help but blush slightly as he realized how he was behaving. Regardless of the fact that he was a child now, the memories of his previous adult life caused him to be embarrassed at how he was acting. He immediately stopped looking around in a wide-eyed wonder, but kept his glances more discreet, his eyes now darting around rapidly as he tried to take in every sight he could without being as obvious as before.

This merely made his mother laugh again at the hilarity of her son trying so hard to, in her eyes, act like a grown up. Not realizing that his failure to do so was far more embarrassing than she could possibly understand.

Fortunately for Ezekiel, it didn’t take long for them to reach their destination. Sitting right on the side of the main road leading into the Inner City, only a few hundred feet away from the inner gates, sat the Alkena Auction House. Home and business of the Alkena family.

A far grander place of residence than the Luminance family’s home, the Alkena Auction House was a massive structure, more closely resembling a convention center from Earth than a mere storefront. There were even armed guards surrounding the building, with the “Alkena Auctions'' emblem of the Alkena family emblazoned on their chests.

Secretly, Ezekiel found it quite hilarious that the emblems had a stylized “AA” on the front, reminding him of a certain organization from Earth. But since no one in this world had issues with alcohol due to cultural differences, and magical health care for those who can afford it, no such organizations existed, nor were needed.

Marching up to the front entrance of the building, the mother and son duo were stopped by two guards with spears. Glancing at the small black panther on Evelyn’s shoulders, the two guards gulped nervously, realizing just what Reya was, and understanding that, if she wanted to, Evelyn could enter the building however she wished, and there would be little they could do to stop her beyond calling in the rest of their forces, and hope to stall her until the city guards could provide some aid.

Luckily for them, they were able to relax when she brought out a black metal card with golden engravings, indicating that she was a VIP, and friend to the Alkena family. As the two guards welcomed them into the building, they couldn’t help but wonder just who these two folks with commoner appearances were.

Third Tier Hunters were considered to be the highest rank that most people could reach after all. To dress so commonly when visiting a business located just outside the Inner City was quite strange, as most at that level held positions of authority, or had connections to some of the larger noble families.

If these guards had seen Warren accompany them, they would have been a little less shocked, seeing a member of the city guards, a captain no less, as it would make sense with his position and authority within the city. As it was, the news that a commoner, True Hunter, was visiting the auction house, and had a VIP card at that, would be well known to the employees before the end of the day.

Ignoring the looks they receive from the other patrons of the store, Evelyn and Ezekiel make their way to a staircase in the back with VIP banners on either side. Flaring her mana, and flashing her card, gets Evelyn and Ezekiel through without issue, and it isn’t long before the two reach the top of the building where they are welcomed into what is clearly a private residence.

Walking through the entrance, a boisterous voice calls out to them.

“Evelyn! My dear, my dear. It’s so good to see you!” Allon’s voice is slightly raised as he welcomes Evelyn and Ezekiel into his home, giving Evelyn a kiss on her knuckles, and bending down to pat Ezekiel on the shoulders. “You as well, little Ezekiel. I am happy to see that your... unexpected... Awakening has done nothing to diminish your spirits.”

Hearing Allon’s words, Ezekiel stares into his eyes, looking for any hint of deceit or mocking he can find. Surprisingly, there is none at all, and Allon’s words are true. He really is happy to see Ezekiel in good spirits.

“Ezekiel.” Evelyn’s harsh whisper snaps him out of his scrutinizing gaze. He blushes in embarrassment when he realizes that he is being incredibly rude.

“Greetings, mister Alkena, it is a pleasure to see you again. I thank you for your kind words and apologize for my lack of decorum just now.” Ezekiel says with his head lowered in apology.

There is silence for a moment, before Allon reaches forwards and ruffles Ezekiel’s head as he lets out a chuckle at Ezekiel’s behavior.

“It’s good to see you too, child. I am happy to see such good manners in such a fine young man as yourself. Come, let’s go to the playroom. You can spend some time with Shari and Aldor. Some of Aldor’s schoolmates are here, but I’m sure they’ll love to make a new friend.” Allon stands up straight as he leads Evelyn and Ezekiel to a large room filled with toys, and what appears to be a medieval indoor playground, with swings and slides, and what looks like a jungle gym.

Sitting off to the side, Ezekiel recognizes Shari, who is sitting off to the side watching as three older children, Aldor, two other boys, and two girls, all roughly the same age, are practicing their magic as they weave their way through the indoor playground, waving small fires, bits of sand, spurts of water, and gusts of wind being thrown back and forth.

Ezekiel now understands why it was rare for children to play out in the open with each other when they’re young. It would be too easy to get injured by stray magic if they annoyed anyone who had already Awakened.

Noticing the three of them entering the room. The five young teenagers stopped what they were doing and turned to look at Ezekiel, who was partly hidden behind his mother’s legs. None of them looked pleased to see him. Infact, other than Aldor, who was much better at hiding his emotions, all of them looked nearly disgusted or pitying as they saw Ezekiel. Only Shari had a look of confusion as to what was going on.

“It’s official,” Ezekiel thought to himself, “I’ll be making no friends here.”

With a deep breath, Ezekiel stepped forwards with his mother. Ready to face his newest challenge.

Prejudiced adolescents.

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