Take It Easy

Chapter 75

Chapter 74 – Intentional

Sister, I think I will never be able to live without you in this life.

Military training is a nightmare for a person like Zhou Yi who hardly exercises all year round. She can’t do it just like morning exercises.

Starting at six o’clock every day, I ran a thousand times around the playground, stood in a military posture for half an hour, and sang loudly enough to eat when I was done.

Zhou Yi said, “Is it too late to drop out now?”

Zhang Ke, “It’s too late. The first major in optical engineering is too hazy because of the training effect. The glorious deeds of being criticized from the first day to the fifth day of military training have long been spread in the courtyard. I just heard that the second courtyard next door and The Fourth Court has also started discussing. You are a celebrity now, how can you leave as soon as you say?”

Zhou Yi is desperate. According to the current development, when will she be able to hold her head up in front of her future father-in-law?

“Which one do you eat?” Zhang Ke pointed to two breakfasts with different contents and asked Zhou Yi.

During these few days of military training, Zhou Yi relied purely on willpower, but whenever the instructor was not present, she would sway when she walked.

Zhang Ke couldn’t stand it anymore, so she helped her with all three meals a day.

Zhou Yi didn’t have much appetite, so he just took a bowl of sweet porridge to supplement his blood sugar.

After the first bite, she began to miss Mu Qinglin.

Her sister likes to drink this kind of sweet porridge.

No one cooks for her these days, and I don’t know how she lives. It must be three meals a day, or she can’t leave the biscuits with both hands. It’s really pitiful.

As soon as her emotions fermented, Zhou Yi completely lost her taste. She slumped her shoulders and exhaled with difficulty, thinking to herself, wondering if she could survive until the day she met Mu Qinglin.

“Xiao Jiu, do you still eat the siu mai?” Mu Zipei ate up her own breakfast like a storm, and came here to think about Zhou Yi. She has not been full these days, and she feels delicious when she sees the rice in other people’s bowls .

Zhou Yi pushed the plate over listlessly and said, “It’s all for you.”

Gao Ge was worried, “Xiao Jiu, can you survive the whole morning with such a small meal?”

Zhou Yi, “Just take a few steps back and forth, it’s okay.”

“I’m not leaving today. It’s our college’s turn to go to the shooting center to learn light weapons shooting. It takes a long time to pick up the gun. Many boys are shouting that their arms are almost broken.” Zhang Ke said.

Zhou Yi was stunned, “Who said that?!”

Zhang Ke took a sip of the food, and his voice was vague, “A senior sister from the Military Association I know said it.”

Zhou Yi let go for two seconds, snatched the plate back from Mu Zipei’s hand, and quickly put the rice in his mouth.

It’s a pity that it’s really useless to hold Buddha’s feet temporarily and lack sincerity.

When they arrived at the shooting center, Zhou Yi knew that they had to carry seven or eight pounds of real guns for a whole morning, learning how to hold, aim and fire in various positions.

Less than half an hour later, Zhou Yi felt that his arm was about to break, and the body felt heavier the further he went.

Before going numb, the company commander finally called out his name, “Zhou Yi!”

Zhou Yi, “to…”

Because the voice was too weak, the company commander walked up to Zhou Yi with the roster and counted it again, and said happily: “Zhou Yi, you can’t move, why can’t you stay still?”

“The essence is that military training is not acceptable.” Zhou Yi said with a paralyzed face.

The company commander couldn’t stop laughing, “Don’t give up, keep struggling, don’t really get into the first place in the school, after the military training is over, you will be the first.”

After the company commander finished speaking, Huo Dayi burst out laughing.

Zhou Yi looked at the company commander expressionlessly, and said, “Just take care, if the house collapses, there will be no way for so many people to run.”

The company commander roared, and the shooting center became quiet in seconds.

Zhou Yi went to the shooting position to prepare for the shooting with his eyes watching the play one after another.

Soon, the three shots were over, and the company commander applauded and said with a serious expression: “Very good, zero ring. Being able to hit the zero ring at such a short distance is another height that ordinary people cannot achieve. Zhou Yi, you have What do you want to tell everyone?”

It took a lot of effort for Zhou Yi to pull himself together and say, “Keep up and make great achievements.”

“Who are you lying to?! Why can’t you do anything, my hind legs are almost broken by you!” the company commander roared.

Zhou Yi was wronged, she was delicate, and she would not acclimatize to the sun, could this be something she could control? It’s just a person who has weaknesses, well, besides, she won’t catch colds every three days at least now, so what’s the point of saving face.

“I will work hard to make you able to walk upright on the day the military training ends.” Zhou Yi said earnestly.

The company commander was so angry that his lungs hurt, and he covered his chest and shouted, “Join the ranks! Next, Tian Bo!”

Holding the gun in his arms, Zhou Yi slowly moved it back to its original position.

The three of Mu Zipei were already holding back their laughter and going crazy.

After Zhou Yi finished shooting with a gun, no one cared, he squatted down against the wall weakly, and said quietly: “Laugh, there are not many opportunities left for you, once the class starts, you can only look up at the back of my head, even the back of my head. The back that has gone away in the dust.”

Zhang Ke clutched his sick stomach, and gave her a thumbs up with difficulty, “It’s a good mood.”

Zhou Yi clapped his hands in response, and then suddenly became melancholy.

Who would have thought that her university would have such a start?

It’s a good thing her sister is not here, otherwise she wouldn’t laugh to death.

Just as he was thinking, a restrained laugh suddenly came from the side, and Zhou Yi glanced over bitterly.

Oh, Xiao Liu who always publishes news with her sister.

Xiao Liu!

Zhou Yi suddenly turned his head and looked over.

Mu Qinglin, who hadn’t seen him for several days, was standing next to Xiao Liu—leaning against the wall with one hand in his pocket, with a provincial TV press card hanging around his neck, and a silk round-neck shirt tucked into aqua blue trousers. Thin waist and long legs have temperament, compared to her…

Zhou Yi silently recalled for a few seconds the posture in which he was more injured than the old man squatting on the side of the road and smoking. With the heel as the axis, he turned 90 degrees counterclockwise, leaving the back of his head to Mu Qinglin.

Don’t say anything, just pretend they don’t know each other, she really has no face to face people now.

Mu Qinglin didn’t think so at all.

From Zhou Yi being called to returning dejectedly, she watched the whole process, the corners of her lips never twitching with joy.

After thinking about it, her girl is so fun, but she has to try her luck to see, so cheap, these names can’t be called so and so, and she feels uncomfortable for a while.

Especially at this moment, her girl’s face is not even shown to her…

“Xiao Liu…” Mu Qinglin spoke to Xiao Liu in a low voice. The latter nodded repeatedly, and finally looked at Zhou Yi who was huddled in the corner with his back so lonely, and said, “I’ll go right away.”

Mu Qinglin, “Well, you can go back to Taiwan directly after finishing.”

Xiao Liu, “OK…”

Xiao Liu left quickly.

Mu Qinglin lowered her head and tapped on her phone for a while, but seeing that Zhou Yi still didn’t want to talk to her, she straightened up and left.

Ten minutes later, Zhou Yi was called out by the company instructor, who was also the college instructor.

In less than half an hour, Zhou Yi sat in the cool and comfortable office of the school newspaper editorial department.

Zhou Yi was in a daze the whole time.

First, she was praised by the counselor for how strong she was in the military training, and then warmly received by Yao Dong, head of the editorial department of the school newspaper. She had the illusion of stepping from **** to heaven in a trance. Then, he was pulled into reality by the blank document on the computer screen.

“Minister Yao, did you make a mistake? I have never written a press release, and I don’t know how to write one. How could I be transferred to the school newspaper?” Zhou Yi said honestly.

“Ms. Lei from the Propaganda Department notified me directly, so there’s no mistake.” Yao Dong took two old school newspapers and put them in front of Zhou Yi, saying, “It’s just writing about daily military training or interesting things, it’s very simple. “

No matter how simple she can write.

Zhou Yi has a big head.

So the question is, who is Mr. Lei?

Zhou Yi stared at Yao Dong who had gone outside through the wall.

“Yao Dong, is Zhou Yi here?” A strange male voice came from outside.

Yao Dong said, “Here we come, do I want to call you over?”

“No, let her go directly to the School of Optoelectronics to find Professor Mu Zhenghuai.”


Within three seconds, Yao Dong came in to inform Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi trotted all the way, but when he reached the photoelectric building, he hesitated to go up.

It turned out that her future father-in-law helped her get into the school newspaper.

He must have done this after hearing about her recent tragic experience.

Then how can she still have a face?

She wanted to make her sister look good, didn’t she just take off layer after layer of face after entering the school for a week.

Zhou Yi’s mentality was very broken. She felt that someone was hitting her head with a ball of paper from above, and she looked up and wanted to scold.

Seeing Mu Qinglin lying on the guardrail on the second floor with a smile on his face, Zhou Yi was taken aback, quickly picked up the ball of paper on the ground, ran upstairs and hugged Mu Qinglin.

Mu Qinglin pretended to be disgusted, and pushed her away, “Didn’t you bother to see me just now, what’s the situation now? I’m not the kind of woman who comes and goes when you call, let go quickly.”

Zhou Yi didn’t listen, hugged her facelessly and said, “You are my woman.”

“Shame on me?”

“don’t want…”

“I want it, let go.”

“Think beautifully…”

“…” Mu Qinglin put the phone back into his pocket, hugged Zhou Yi back, and asked with a smile, “Do you still think I have no heart?”

“Huh?” Zhou Yi thought of something, and looked up in surprise, “You got me into the school newspaper?”

Mu Qinglin, “I happen to have a little friendship with the teacher from the Propaganda Department. Every time you go back to the Chinese Medicine Hospital, you have scanned the cases and saved them in my computer. Xiao Hei took them to your counselor and she had to let him go.”

Well, Zhou Yi has heard that you can’t participate in military training. You can get a case and register with the counselor in advance, and you can be assigned to a leisurely place like the school newspaper to earn military training credits. However, “Someone in our next-door major broke his leg. I’m still basking on the training ground every day, my little problem is almost recuperated, how can the counselor approve it?”

“That depends on whether Teacher Mu has enough face.” Mu Qinglin said.


“Aren’t you tired of staring so big?” Mu Qinglin patted Zhou Yi’s shoulder, signaled her to let go, and then led her to walk in, “I called your counselor through WeChat, Teacher Mu.”

“!” No wonder the counselor praised her for being strong out of conscience. It turned out that she really got the honor of her future father-in-law!


Zhou Yi stopped walking suddenly, “Will this make your father think I’m hypocritical? His impression of me will be worse!”

“What do you think? You are not hypocritical, and you don’t have any points in your heart? Okay, let’s not talk about it.” Mu Qinglin turned Zhou Yi’s head forward, and said calmly: “The fact that you are criticized every day on the training ground has already been passed on to Mu. The teacher heard it, I knew it all from him, do you think you still have such an impression?”

Zhou Yi cried, “I don’t want to do this either, but the sun really doesn’t cheer me up.”

“I can understand this. I was a little surprised when I shot the zero ring today. This thing is similar to throwing darts, right? If you dare to stick a dart directly on Tang Yuanzhou’s forehead, there should be something in your hand. How can you change to a gun and get the zero ring directly?” ?” Mu Qinglin couldn’t understand at all.

Zhou Yi showed her the arm that was still shaking, “Try holding something that weighs seven or eight catties with one hand, and keep the same movement for two hours. You can’t lift your arm at all.”

“No need to try, I have already observed the performance of other people.”

“The conclusion is?”

“You really can’t.”

“…” Mu Qinglin stopped in front of a door with Zhou Yi, and took out the key from his pocket to open the door.

Zhou Yi was puzzled, “Where is this?”

Mu Qinglin opened the door, pushed Zhou Yi inside, “Teacher Mu’s office.”

Zhou Yi’s first reaction was to run, but Mu Qinglin had already locked the door.

“Hey, why didn’t I realize you were so cowardly before?” Mu Qinglin said with a smile on his face.

Zhou Yi sighed, “You don’t understand the anxiety of an ugly daughter-in-law who is forced to see her in-laws.”

“Ugly daughter-in-law? The position is quite upright.”

“That must be. Iced watermelon!”

Zhou Yi excitedly ran to Mu Qinglin’s side, watching her take a watermelon that had been cut into pieces from the refrigerator, “Did you buy it?”

“Well, I bought it to bribe her in case someone thinks I’m heartless.” Mu Qinglin said.

Zhou Yi nimbly forked a piece and stuffed it into his mouth.

A cold feeling entered her throat, and she suddenly rekindled hope for life.

“This is life.” Zhou Yi sighed comfortably.

“Future…” Mu Qinglin pulled a chair for Zhou Yi to sit down, leaned against the table and said, “I will leave you a key to Teacher Mu’s office, if you get hungry, call me in advance, I will Buy something and put it in the refrigerator, and you can find time to come and eat by yourself.”

“What about you?” Zhou Yi asked.

Mu Qinglin drew a piece of watermelon juice for Zhou Yi to wipe off the watermelon juice on his chin, “I have to make an appointment with the school in advance to get in and out with my press card. It’s not as easy as you think, and I have to do something serious when I come here.”

“Oh, I see, you already knew that you could come in for an interview, which left me with the suspense of “I’ll find out in a few days”. “

“Finally turned the corner. I don’t even dare to admit that I’m so stupid recently.”


“Heh, what, I can only grab you to take a look after I work overtime. What’s your attitude?”

As Mu Qinglin said, she pinched Zhou Yi’s ear, the tip of her ear was peeled from the sun, and she was so painful that she kicked.

Mu Qinglin dodged sideways and cooperated with her.

After eating and drinking enough, Mu Qinglin and Zhou Yi went downstairs to the editorial office of the school newspaper.

When Zhou Yi thought of Bai Huahua’s document, his brain hurt, “Sister, why don’t you tell Teacher Lei to let me do the logistics, I really don’t know how to write press releases.”

“Logistics are all physical work, you still have to shout when you go.” Mu Qinglin took out his phone and tapped a few times, and said to Zhou Yi, “I sent you WeChat.”

“What?” Zhou Yi took out his phone suspiciously to look at it.

Promo for Small Arms Shooting!

“When you came here, I wrote it by hand, and it will be counted as today’s task. I will send it to you tomorrow night, and it will be the same later.”

Mu Qinglin said: “I have to work during the day, so I can spare time to write other things at night, so I will send it to you one day in advance to ensure that you have something to hand over.”

“You wrote the manuscript, what am I doing?” Zhou Yi said, staring down at the phone screen.

Mu Qinglin, “You just have one task. Send me the material taken by the school newspaper reporter in time every day. I need to find news spots from it. As for the rest of the time, you just fish in troubled waters, put on a show, and submit the manuscript directly when you arrive at DDL.”

Zhou Yi’s chest was heaving. Mu Qinglin had to do the grades for Cui Wenjing’s group. She was so busy every day, and she still had to think about these little things about her. Met a Mu Qinglin?

“Sister, I think I will never be able to live without you in this life.” Zhou Yi said.

Mu Qinglin laughed, “You can’t do without me? Manuscripts of your level don’t need to be too careful with your wording. I can finish an article without typos in less than half an hour.”

Zhou Yi nodded, “I know, what I mean by inseparable is you.”

Mu Qinglin’s eyes moved, and she flicked her forehead with her fingers, “If you dare to leave, I will break your legs.”

The author has something to say:

thanks and bow

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-07-03 12:00:00-2022-07-04 12:00:00…

Thanks to the little angel who cast the rocket launcher: K1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: Gradient Latte, Chen Milk, alone_c1;

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