Take It Easy

Chapter 53

Chapter 52 – Gambler

I don’t want to, but whoever makes her happen is something I can’t stand by.

“Sister, sister, and me! I was bullied too! If you don’t believe me, touch my tailbone!” Mu Zipei reminded vigorously beside her.

Mu Qinglin withdrew her hand and put it in her pocket, looked at her with a smile and asked, “Didn’t you let me take care of it before?”

“One moment and another moment.” Mu Zipei pursed her mouth with anger on her face, “If Teacher Zhu hadn’t come in time today, Xiao Jiu might be scratched by Du Wenfei, my mother!”

Mu Zipei suddenly grabbed Mu Qinglin’s sleeve nervously, pointed in the direction of the office, and whispered, “Du Wenfei’s father!”

The smile on Mu Qinglin’s face faded, she turned her head to look at the door, and met Du Rong’s gaze briefly in the air.

The latter has the aggressive demeanor of being in the officialdom for a long time, with vigor in his seriousness, while the former is calm and calm, like water meeting rocks, seemingly weak, but in fact calm and tough, able to wear stones for a long time, without falling into the wind at all.

Du Rong didn’t knock on the door and went straight into the office.

Mu Qinglin didn’t want to delay, so she turned around and prepared to walk over.

Don’t want to take a step, the wrist is hastily grasped by Zhou Yi.

“He’s the leader of the Education Bureau!” Zhou Yi’s voice was urgent.

Mu Qinglin remained calm, “So what? Since he condescends to come here, he has to hold the same standard as us ordinary people. As for how to say it, I know.”

Zhou Yi was nervous.

Mu Qinglin laughed, turned her wrist lightly to hold Zhou Yi, tapped her arm imperceptibly with her fingertips, and said, “Forgot what I do? Don’t worry about it. His lips are not for nothing.”

Zhou Yi was skeptical, glanced at Mu Qinglin’s thin finger pressing on his skin, felt inexplicably at ease, and watched her enter Zhu Li’s office.

Soon, Du Wenfei came out of the room with a look of disdain, and walked to the opposite place to the two of them.

Zhou Yi’s heart that had just been let go suddenly lifted up again.

Mu Qinglin’s condition looks very bad, how can she compete with Du Rong who sees people and burns paper?


Zhou Yi’s cell phone vibrated, and she absently took it out of her pocket to look at it.

It turned out to be Mu Qinglin’s WeChat: [Don’t frown. 】

Zhou Yi sat up with a grunt, turned his head and looked inside.

Through the glass, she saw Mu Qinglin draw an upward arc on his lips with his fingers, which was exactly the same as the gesture he made when he was standing in the corridor the first time he sent her to the high school. Moreover, the arc is beautiful and confident when the corners of her lips are blurred.

Zhou Yi was led by Mu Qinglin uncontrollably, and his anxiety soon settled down.

In the office, Du Rong’s leader didn’t change his airs, and when he opened his mouth, he seemed to regard this place as his own office, “What’s going on?”

Zhu Li was upset, but she didn’t want to exacerbate the conflict, so she didn’t show it. She got up to give Mu Qinglin a chair, and said, “Qinglin, come and sit down and talk.”

Mu Qinglin didn’t refuse, and walked steadily to sit next to Du Rong. The latter was displeased, “Who are you? You’re so young, aren’t you the parents of that Zhou? Tell her family to come over quickly. I’m busy, no So much time waiting for them.”

Mu Qinglin crossed his legs, his right hand resting on the chair naturally hung down, then raised his middle finger, and slowly brushed across the pad of his thumb, “Zhou Yi’s parents are far away, and they won’t be able to come back for a while, what’s the matter?” You talk to me, I can make the decision.”

With a cold face, Du Rong went straight to the point, “My daughter was splashed with dirty water for no reason. I can’t just let it go. Today’s incident must be thoroughly investigated and severely punished.”

“Well, I think so too.” Although Mu Qinglin leaned against the back of the chair and lost his momentum in the sitting posture, he spoke steadily and forcefully, and was not suppressed by Du Rong, “But before that, I have a question I want to ask Ask Mr. Du.”

Mu Qinglin lowered his eyelids slowly, and when he raised his eyes again, his eyes showed sharpness, “What about your daughter tearing up my sister’s test paper? Small fights between classmates? With all due respect, it’s too sharp.”

Du Rong turned his head to look at Mu Qinglin, with a calm expression on his face, “Without evidence, how can you conclude that my daughter did it?”

“Indeed…” Mu Qing pressed her **** calmly, and said to Zhu Li, “Mr. Zhu, the classroom in Class 1 is at the southernmost point, and there is a surveillance camera at the door. You should be able to take pictures. Thank you for your help finding the teacher from the security department.” Help me look up the lunch break and see who went back to the classroom alone.”

When Zhu Li heard this, he subconsciously glanced at Du Rong.

There is surveillance at the door of Class 1. As an old teacher, it is impossible for her not to know. However, the school has always maintained a calm attitude towards Du Wenfei’s matter.

Otherwise, she wouldn’t have watched Yao Xiaoqi commit suicide after arguing with the school leaders several times to no avail.

Du Rong is not an ordinary person. He can get rid of the special funds for the second half of the year with a single sentence. They can’t afford it, but where is the fairness? If you don’t check, you don’t know how many students will follow in Yao Xiaoqi’s footsteps.

“It’s normal for children to fight and fight. It’s fine to apologize to each other, so as not to spread the word and be said that I am bullying others.”

Du Rong spoke suddenly before Zhu Li made a decision, his tone was still superior, and he savored the meaning carefully, and the concession was clear enough.

Mu Qinglin gave Zhu Li a look of waiting and watching.

“I think it’s better to check, you are afraid of being misunderstood and bullying others, and I am also afraid that my two children will go astray.” Mu Qinglin’s attitude was polite and sincere, “Don’t worry, if they really provoked this matter today , I will definitely deal with them well. As for apologizing to each other with 50 boards each, this kind of treatment is too gentle, I am afraid they will not have a long memory.”

With one sentence, Mu Qinglin lowered his attitude to the lowest level.

If Du Rong accepted her words, the truth would slap him in the face. If he didn’t answer, his position on right and wrong would be weaker than that of a little-known little person like her.

Du Rong was held back by Mu Qinglin, a young man, and his face was dull, but he was a person who had gone through storms after all. No matter how unhappy he was, he would not overexpress it on the face. In Mu Qinglin’s words: “Why bother with a little thing?” It’s a lot of work, and besides, the college entrance examination is coming soon, and there’s a lot of noise, how can the children sprint with peace of mind?”

“You deserve to be an educator, but you are more thoughtful than a reckless person like me.” Mu Qinglin complimented, then changed the subject and turned to Zhu Li, “Mr. Zhu, it’s not convenient for me to have a private chat with Mr. Du ?”

Zhu Li was taken aback, pointed inside and said, “The conference room happens to be empty.”

Mu Qinglin got up and made a gesture of invitation to Du Rong, “Please…”

Du Rong didn’t know what kind of medicine was sold in Mu Qinglin’s gourd, so he hesitated a little before following Zhu Li to the conference room.

Zhu Li closed the door for the two of them.

“What do you want to talk to me about?” Du Rong preemptively.

Mu Qing sat down and raised her eyes, “Yao Xiaoqi…”

Du Rong’s face immediately changed.

Mu Qinglin pretended he didn’t see it, and said carefully, “It’s been less than half a year since what happened to Yao Xiaoqi, the children’s pimples must not be over. Although they don’t remember to eat at their age, it happened on the eyelids after all. It’s hard to forget the things below when you think about it.

They are just frightened birds now, and any disturbance will make them panic. Just in case, to avoid future troubles, it is better to find out what happened today as soon as possible. “

“You just said that the college entrance examination is coming soon. Because of this, we can’t let go of any possibility. As the time goes on, the pressure on the children will increase. If something breaks out before the exam, the consequences may be more serious than the Yao Xiaoqi incident. “

Mu Qinglin’s gaze swept over Du Rong’s trembling hands, and he met his gaze, “Your achievements in the past two years in office are obvious to all. I think you don’t want anything to happen before you get promoted, right? From the hall level to the main hall level, there is only one step for you.”

When Mu Qinglin’s last words landed, a crack appeared on Du Rong’s calm face, “Are you threatening me?”

“Don’t dare, just discuss the facts.” Mu Qinglin said with a confident expression, “I’ll tell you the truth, I’m a reporter, and recently I happened to be working on a special topic on the mental health of elementary and middle school students. I know a little about Yao Xiaoqi’s matter, which makes me feel better.” I have to think more about my two little friends.

They don’t have to get extra treatment from that class, but they must not be in constant fear. By the way, when it comes to this, I think of something, your daughter rated the three best for listing, right? “

Du Wenfei’s grades were mediocre, and she didn’t have any outstanding performance. If she really had to follow the selection criteria of the city’s top three, she would not be selected at all, but if she went directly to school, it would be a different result.

This kind of thing, whether it is the selfishness of the school for the sake of convenience, or someone really ordered it from above. Once it comes out, even if it’s just out of jealousy, the public will indiscriminately point all the blame at Du Rong. When the time comes to investigate carefully, the real reasons behind the girl in the same class being forced to drop out and Yao Xiaoqi’s suicide will never be covered.

There is a daughter who is good at school bullying, but has not received any punishment, and in turn tops the list of three honorable daughters, Du Rong’s road to promotion has come to an end.

Du Rong knew this well, otherwise he wouldn’t have suddenly changed his attitude when Mu Qinglin talked about checking the surveillance, and would only have asked for an apology.

At the beginning, he expected that the school would not refute his face, so he dared to be so tough.

It’s a pity that Mu Qing doesn’t have the ability to say goodbye, so she just needs to find out more about gossip.

Coincidentally, these news just happened to help her beat a snake by seven inches.

The cracks on Du Rong’s face widened, and he said in a low voice, “Do you know that as long as I say a word, no TV station in Jiangping will dare to hire you again?”

“You won’t…” Mu Qinglin smiled.

After all, she is from Taiwan, and she has won a few important awards in her early years. Her ability lies there, and Du Rong will know after a little research. He will not bet his future with a reporter with some ability. .

What’s more, barefoot people are not afraid of wearing shoes.

In her current state, Cui Wenjing’s work may not be able to continue, how bad could it be?

Her future was gone two years ago, as for safety…

Mu Qinglin had thought about it a long time ago, “You should have heard that our station is cooperating with the province to build a clean and honest government recently, and one of them is your personal publicity draft, and the leader intends to let me be responsible for writing it. I told you at the beginning Well, I like to talk about facts, and there is another point that you may not know.”

Mu Qinglin sat up and looked directly at Du Rong with dark eyes, “I’m also good at breaking jars.” For example, exiling myself from the news center is like escaping from the past and stopping.

“Mr. Du, my needs are actually very simple – as long as my two children pass the college entrance examination safely.” Mu Qinglin’s attitude was firm and clear, “If you can meet my small needs, I am also a sensible person. I will definitely write your manuscript well, and I will never mention the matter mentioned today to a third person in the future. If you want to fight hard, we journalists just don’t spare our lives and are willing to accompany you.”

Du Rong’s back road was completely blocked by Mu Qinglin. He stared at Mu Qinglin for a while and then got up, carefully buttoning up the strict work clothes, “From today until the college entrance examination, my daughter will not appear in the attached middle school again.” , I hope you keep your word, and besides, what’s your last name?”

Mu Qinglin, “Must your surname be Mu.”

Du Rong twitched the corners of his mouth, but the smile didn’t reach his eyes, “I hope that reporter Mu will not make mistakes in his future work.”

After finishing speaking, Du Rong turned around and strode away.

Mu Qinglin looked at his back, his eyes dark as the night.

Outside, seeing Du Rong leaving, Zhu Li hurriedly opened the door and entered the conference room.

As soon as he saw Mu Qinglin leaning against the back of the chair with a pale face, Zhu Li asked her worriedly, “Unwell?”

Mu Qinglin lowered her eyes and shook her head, “It’s okay, I was tense just now, exhausting my mind.”

She is just a small reporter, no matter how many things she has in her hands, she is not at the same level as the leader of the dignified Provincial Education Bureau.

To threaten him openly?

Fu Xiao had already scolded her on the way to send her here, saying that there would be endless troubles for her handling this way, and asked her to think about other ways carefully.

She also wanted to find someone safe and reliable, but just this morning, a colleague who was also making a documentary told her that the group of people around Du Wenfei who liked to fight fire almost killed people in elementary school.

Mu Qinglin was still calm at the time, and felt that it was just a small conflict, not to that extent.

After meeting Lu He, she couldn’t wait any longer.

Zhu Li poured Mu Qinglin a glass of water, sat next to her and asked her, “How is your talk with Du Rong?”

“It’s settled. Before the exam, Du Wenfei will not come to school again.” Mu Qinglin said.

Zhu Li hesitated, “Is one size fits all too extreme? Except for tearing up test papers, Du Wenfei hasn’t done anything outrageous recently.”

Mu Qinglin thought about this, first pampering her, and then abandoning her, what good influence can a father like Du Rong have on her?

It is very possible that her distorted mentality of bullying her classmates was caused by this father. It’s just that no one knows the real situation behind her glamor.

But still the same sentence, she doesn’t have the energy to keep an eye on it all the time, so she can only choose the one that is more worthy of protection after weighing.

“Sorry, I don’t accept putting a time bomb around them,” Mu Qinglin said.

“Well, it’s okay, since Yao Xiaoqi’s accident until now, no one has really let go of her heart. Doing so can indeed better protect other students.” Zhu Li said.

“Well…” Mu Qing responded, “As for the school funds, don’t worry, as long as Du Rong still wants to climb up, he won’t make trouble for himself at this juncture. His competitors this time are very strong, If he is not careful, all previous efforts will be wasted, and he cannot afford this risk.”

“What about after that?” Zhu Li still had doubts. “If he loses, it’s hard to guarantee that he won’t take the opportunity to vent his anger. If he succeeds, he will have more power to speak.”

Mu Qinglin, “As long as there are no accidents on his side, he won’t be defeated. As for the success, he will have to do the grades in the first two years, and he will be gilded. If he has enough gilt, he should be transferred out of Jiangping.”

Zhu Li was surprised, “How can you know such a confidential matter so clearly?”

Mu Qinglin smiled and said vaguely, “Be careful before.”

In fact, it was as early as last year’s final exam.

Zhou Yi hesitated to talk about Mu Zipei being taunted and cried by Du Wenfei in front of the whole class. That night, Mu Qinglin went to ask Mu Zipei.

After Mu Zipei finished speaking, she still said “Sister, don’t worry about it, I am very popular, and Du Wenfei dare not do anything to me”, Mu Qinglin firmly believed in this, and it really made her decide to keep an eye on Du Rong. What is thoughtful.

With her bad temper, she might run into Du Wenfei one day if she hates anyone she sees.

Especially during her time in the southwest, this hidden worry was even worse.

In the past few days, Mu Zipei expressed his intentions in Moments all day long, and Mu Qinglin didn’t like it, but it didn’t mean he didn’t see it.

Seeing it, I was even more worried that Zhou Yi would be targeted by her sooner or later if she didn’t show Du Wenfei any face. So after she came back, she used all the available relationships to collect today’s bargaining chips that can make Du Rong give in.

Didn’t expect it to come in handy.

“Mr. Zhu…” Mu Qinglin propped up a chair and sat up, his tone suddenly became formal, “About Zhou Yi contradicting you, I would like to apologize to you on her behalf, she is in a bad mood today.”

“You think I didn’t see it?” Zhu Li sighed, “Didn’t you ask me to keep an eye on her the day you sent Zhou Yi to school? I called you on the basis of what she said. Normally, we wouldn’t call the parents for such a trivial matter. “

“So that’s how it is.” Mu Qing understood clearly.

“Yeah, actually, it’s mainly because I don’t understand Zhou Yi’s previous situation, and I’m afraid that if I don’t handle it well, it will backfire, but…” Zhu Li was still shocked when he thought of the phone call, “You asked me to put Du Wenfei on the phone at the end. The parents also called, and it must be her father, which really scared me a lot.”

“I won’t do anything I’m not sure about.”

“Now I know.”

Before leaving, Mu Qing said sincerely, “Thank you today.”

Zhu Li, “I should thank you. From finding free psychological counseling for students to thoroughly dealing with Du Wenfei’s hidden danger, everything in my class is almost becoming your personal business.”

“You are right, there is indeed my selfishness in it.”

“I know, I know, it was for Pepe in the past, but now I have a little extra thought.” Zhu Li shook his head with a smile, “You weren’t so busy when you were in school, were you?”

“Always have to pay it back.” Mu Qinglin stood up, “I’ll go out and see them.”

Zhu Li, “Go ahead, pay attention to your body, how pale your face is.”

After a pause, Mu Qing raised her hand and rubbed her face vigorously.

Feeling that there might be some blood, Mu Qinglin opened the door and walked out.

In the corridor, Mu Zipei was holding Zhou Yi’s arm and gasped, “Du Wenfei wasn’t born to her father, right?”

Zhou Yi stared at Du Wenfei who was slapped several times by Du Rong not far away, and frowned and said, “I don’t know…”

Her father never beat her, never moved a single hair, she has never experienced this, so she doesn’t understand.

Mu Zipei grew up spoiled by the other three members of the family, so she didn’t understand, but before Du Wenfei was pushed downstairs by Du Rong, she saw the heavy resentment in the eyes she looked at the two of them very much. clear.

Mu Zipei was so frightened that he hid behind Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi stared calmly, staring at Du Wenfei motionlessly.

At the same time she disappeared around the corner of the stairs, soft footsteps came from the office door.

Zhou Yi turned his head quickly and saw Mu Qinglin walking out from inside.

Her complexion was even worse than before.

“Stomach hurts badly?” Zhou Yi walked over quickly and asked.

Before Mu Qing could react for two seconds, she suddenly remembered that she had said this to Zhou Yi. She raised her hand and pressed her stomach twice, and said, “It’s okay, you two hurry back to class, Du Wenfei won’t bother you in the future .”

“But the way she looked at us just now was so scary.” Mu Zipei said in fear.

Seeing Mu Qinglin frown upon hearing this, Zhou Yi quickly interjected, “No, the light is not good there, your sister is wrong.”


“Go back and rest, you can’t even stand up.” Zhou Yi said before Mu Zipei could speak.

Mu Qinglin understood Zhou Yi’s concern, she didn’t insist, she just reminded her before leaving, “Remember to apologize to Teacher Zhu.”

“Okay…” Zhou Yi agreed without any hesitation.

Mu Qinglin smiled, turned around and went downstairs.

Zhou Yi stood still and watched her until the sound of her footsteps disappeared completely before striding into Zhu Li’s office.

Downstairs, Mu Qinglin walked with his back straight all the time.

When they arrived at the parking lot, Fu Xiao, who was waiting beside the car anxiously, came over immediately, wanting to ask her how things were going.

Without saying a word, she suddenly saw her squatting down while supporting the body of the car, her whole body was weak and her breathing was short of breath.

Fu Xiao said calmly, “I’ll help you get into the car.”

Mu Qinglin raised her hand to stop it, “Take a break and you’ll be fine. There’s an emergency medicine kit in the trunk, take it out for me.”

Fu Xiao showed nervousness, “Are you injured?”

Mu Qinglin pressed her forehead against the car body and leaned against it, “No, someone rubbed her neck.”

“That’s it?” Fu Xiao couldn’t hold back and scolded: “How serious can a little girl gossip? Don’t act like the emperor is not in a hurry and the **** is in a hurry, take care of yourself first!”

Fu Xiao was about to go to help Mu Qinglin, but she stopped him halfway with a sentence, “She had a wound on her neck before, which almost killed her, but the person who took her to the hospital said it was just a few small wounds that were broken, and she didn’t get it in time. I don’t care what happened. Today’s situation is similar, I don’t want to see it with my own eyes, and I won’t be relieved.”

“Mu Qinglin!” Fu Xiaozhen convinced her, “That’s right, she wants to take care of it, what about you? Don’t you want to live anymore? I sent you here because of my serious illness!”

Not long ago, when Zhu Li called, the two had just left Lu He’s place.

Lu He asked something today, when Mu Qinglin was not conscious.

She thought that after waking up, she would still live a normal life as usual, but who knew that traumatic scene was repeated in her mind like a card.

Lu He said that this is called traumatic re-experience, and it will make the person involved more strongly resist the traumatic situation and be less willing to face it. If it is not controlled in time, it will form a vicious circle and lead to aggravation of the condition. It is recommended that Mu Qinglin stay with her Observe for a few days.

But Mu Qinglin insisted that he could overcome it and didn’t want to be a real patient.

Lu He had no choice but to let her go, but before leaving, he told her to rest well and not think about anything.

As a result, Zhu Li called, and she agreed without even thinking about it.

Is Du Rong someone she can scare off with a few words?

If the handles she brought out couldn’t be linked to each other, they were complete, and she was calm throughout the whole process and didn’t give the other party a chance to speak, how could Du Rong believe that a small reporter like her has the ability to handle her own weaknesses?

In addition, Mu Qinglin has to leave enough room for himself.

The tens of minutes of conversation between her and Du Rong can be said to have used up all the energy and physical strength available in her body. No matter how hard she was, Fu Xiao had no doubt that he would collect her body for her.

But she also knew that no one could change what Mu Qinglin decided.

Fu Xiao resignedly found the medicine box from the trunk, and said, “You are always in front of her eyes, even when she needs it, so you are not afraid that she will change her mind and continue to like you?”

Mu Qinglin looked down at the cracks on the concrete floor, and smiled helplessly, “I don’t want to, but what happens to her is something I can’t just stand by.”

The author has something to say:

Six thousand words, is it double shift?

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-06-1112:00:00-2022-06-1212:00:00…

Thanks to the little angel who cast the rocket launcher: K1;

Thanks to the little angel who cast the landmine: Moyumoyu, White Rhinoceros, Wisdom. 1;

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