Take It Easy

Chapter 35

Chapter 34 – Small Nine

Then take it as I lack you?

The short weekend is over in a blink of an eye, and the high school seniors who have been flying too far are either writing hard to make up for their homework, or lying on the table to catch up on sleep.

Zhou Yi was the worst. Not only did he not feel good enough to make up, but he also helped Mu Zipei copy the math test papers.

After yesterday’s meal, Mu Zipei really stopped treating her as an outsider.

When she came here in the morning, before her **** touched the stool, Mu Zipei pushed the empty stack of test papers in front of her.

Copying his own test papers by himself, and writing more detailed procedures than his own, Zhou Yi has never been so speechless in his life.

The class bell rang, and Zhu Li hurried in with the textbook under his arm. He said without any delay: “The final exam will start next Thursday. Together with No. 2 Middle School, after the cross-marking exam, you are finished.”

There was a lot of wailing, the collapse of the atmosphere frightened Zhou Yi, and drew a long black line on Mu Zipei’s test paper.

Then, she heard Mu Zipei say in a tone of “living enough”, “Why are you with No. 2 Middle School again?”

“Is No. 2 High School very good?” Zhou Yi asked casually.

Mu Zipei, “To be precise, it’s very wild. Ninety percent of the people in their school are very mediocre. But the remaining ten percent are all students from competition classes and key classes. Twice there were more people than the top 50 of the affiliated high school. At this time, those in our class who did not make it into the top 50 had a very miserable life, such as me.”

Mu Zipei cried, “Why are the teachers of every subject so good at mocking?”

As soon as she finished speaking, Zhu Li, who had finished sweeping around the classroom, tapped on the blackboard and said: “Some friends who are partial to the North Pole should be mentally prepared. If you don’t do well in the exam this time, you will have to deal with mathematics during the winter vacation.” The teacher passed by.”

“Teacher, just call Mu Zipei’s name and forget it. In the last entrance exam, she didn’t even pass the third class in mathematics, hahaha.”

Du Wenfei, a girl sitting on the other side of the classroom, said suddenly, followed by several others who echoed her. Although everyone was laughing, Zhou Yi didn’t hear any joking elements, only the sarcasm.

After Zhou Yi finished writing the last question, she put down her pen, leaned back in her chair and looked at Du Wenfei expressionlessly.

Du Wenfei happened to be looking at Mu Zipei, so she gave Zhou Yi an unfriendly gaze, and subconsciously said, “Did I say something wrong? When will her math not raise the average score of our class?”

“That’s right. If her sister was not good at mathematics and won the competition award, the mathematics teacher would have scolded her so much that she would not be able to stay in the first class.” Xue Qian, who was inseparable from Du Wenfei, chimed in from behind.

It’s very ugly to say that.

Zhou Yi waited for Mu Zipei to fight back, but she just laughed and said, “Oh, my sister has all the math genes in our family. I will work harder and try to pass the third class this time.”

Mu Zipei’s words made everyone burst into laughter, even Zhu Li, who had sensed something was wrong and was about to explode, didn’t hold back and said to her, “If everyone had your mentality, they wouldn’t have collapsed so much in the entrance exam last time.” one.”

Mu Zipei, “Students who are envious can chat with me in private, and impart experience for free.”

After Mu Zipei finished speaking, Wang Yang was the first to sign up, followed by most of the class, and the tense atmosphere soon returned to harmony.

Zhou Yi never spoke.

If she hadn’t looked at Mu Zipei, she might have silently praised her as “heartless” like Zhu Li, but she just looked at that one…

Mu Zipei covered her face with a book, and said in a low voice, “Xiao Jiu, don’t look at me like that, it’s too embarrassing to cry after being said a few words.”

Zhou Yi didn’t say a word, while Zhu Li was adjusting the multimedia, he took out his mobile phone and asked Mu Zipei on WeChat: 【They always like this? 】

Mu Zipei: 【Yeah, I’m used to it…】

[Xiao Jiu, don’t mess with them, Du Wenfei’s father is the leader of the Provincial Department of Education…]

When Zhou Yi received Mu Zipei’s reply, she let out a “chi” and her eyes became obviously disdainful.

Mu Zipei quickly transformed into a typewriter and sent her a long string of text: [Don’t believe it, there was a girl named Yao Xiaoqi in our class before, and her mother was the former vice principal, but so what?

The new clothes were thrown with ink, and the finished papers were thrown into the trash can. The most exaggerated time, she was pushed into the fountain pool on the second day of her menstrual holiday.

The water inside was slippery to the touch, how dirty it was, and the girl’s immunity was low during menstruation. I remember she didn’t come to class for more than half a month, and she committed suicide by jumping off the building not long afterward.

These things were all done by Du Wenfei, Xue Qian, and a few boys upstairs. Don’t mess with them, they are very vindictive. 】

Mu Zipei thought she typed so many words with true feelings that Zhou Yi could see in a little bit, but when she raised her head, her expression could no longer be described as gloomy, like a suppressed anger.

Zhou Yi: [Nobody cares? Teachers and classmates have no one to take care of? 】

Mu Zipei: [No, no, Mr. Zhu quarreled with the principal several times, and the teachers of all subjects also took good care of Yao Xiaoqi. But how do you say that, there is no way for a senior official to crush someone to death. 】

【I was always targeted by them because I helped Yao Xiaoqi…】

【However, I am very popular. If it is really tough, most of the people in my class will take my side, so they can only mock a few words at most, and the others dare not…】

[And I really have a hard time with math]

[Woooooh, Xiao Jiu, teach me math…]

Mu Zipei’s last two sentences were too sincere, and he couldn’t hold back the “嘿” twice, but Zhu Li heard him standing on the podium and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Mu Zipei quickly hid the phone and sat upright, “I forgot the book at home.”

Zhu Li, “Why don’t you forget yourself too?”

Zhu Li continued to give lectures.

After a while, Zhou Yi felt his arm being grabbed by someone.

She put back the mobile phone that had automatically turned off, turned to look at Mu Zipei, and saw her sneakily handing over a thermos cup, and said, “I think you like drinking milk tea, so you will take a detour in the morning The online celebrity shop bought you a cup, which is said to be super delicious. You pretended to drink water and drank it for a while, and it was still hot.”

Zhou Yi was slightly taken aback. Although she was forced to do many things with Mu Zipei from sitting together until now, she couldn’t deny that the root cause of her compromise was Mu Qinglin.

In addition, she basically never gave Mu Zipei a good look, but she actually took a few minutes to go to school to buy her milk tea by detour?

On the way back yesterday, Mu Qinglin was still scolding Mu Zipei for being lazy, saying that she always stepped on the spot every day when she went to school.

The gloomy mood entrenched in Zhou Yi’s chest suddenly dissipated.

She took the thermos cup and took a sip against Mu Zipei’s expectant eyes.

Seeing this, Mu Zipei immediately became a flower.

After the evening self-study was over, as soon as Zhou Yi came out, he saw Mu Qinglin waiting by the car.

She seemed to be very busy, and kept making phone calls on the road.

Finally hanging up, Zhou Yi looked at the alternating light and dark street scene outside, and asked, “Do you know about Mu Zipei at school?”

Mu Qinglin, “What’s the matter?”

Zhou Yi turned his head and wanted to elaborate, but hesitated when he saw Mu Qinglin’s profile, which was more distinct than before.

She was recently seconded by another department, and she has to do both sides of the job, very busy.

“Forget it…” Zhou Yi said, why bother to talk about Mu Qinglin when she can handle it.

Mu Qinglin took a quick look at Zhou Yi, and said in a playful tone, “Teacher Jiu, half of what I said is really bad.”

“Come if you can.”

“Don’t wait for me to get really angry someday.”

Without saying a word, Zhou Yi hooked Mu Qinglin’s fingers provocatively twice, but was knocked back to the original place by her “bang” finger.

When they arrived at Hongmen Lane, Mu Qinglin turned sideways and asked Zhou Yi who was holding the schoolbag from the back row, “What are you doing at night?”

Zhou Yi, “Read the book and take the exam next week.”

“Hey, you’ve worked so hard, I planned to take you to eat something good.” Mu Qinglin said.

Zhou Yi paused and refused, “No…”

Starting from this night, the light in Zhou Yi’s room will be on until one or two in the morning every day.

It’s almost exam day.

Because Zhou Yi hadn’t taken the previous entrance exam, she was seated at the end and had to go up to the fifth floor.

Before going up, she went to a class first.

“Pepe, how are you preparing for tomorrow’s math?” Wang Yang, who was sitting next to Mu Zipei but three rows ahead, asked her.

Mu Zipei bit her pen and sighed, “Lie flat…”

“Come on, keep struggling, my uncle, oh, your math teacher has already set up tables and chairs at home, if you fail the exam, you may really have to face his old face all winter vacation.”

“That might as well let me die. Oh? What is this?”

Mu Zipei took out a notebook from the desk pocket, and there were colored index stickers beside it.

“Let me take a look…” Wang Yang and several people came together to watch.

“Ahh! The academic committee is worthy of the academic committee. I have never seen such a complete and classic summary of question types in my life, and there are even detailed explanations!” Wang Yang was dumbfounded, “School committee, you want to take the exam this time. One?”

School Committee Wang Susu’s expression was very hazy, “It’s not mine.”

“But it was taken out of your desk pocket.”

“It’s really not…”

“It’s my tablemate!” Mu Zipei’s eyes lit up with excitement.

Wang Yang didn’t believe it, “I borrowed your paper at the same table, and it didn’t have a few words at all. Look at this book again, but even the colon after the solution is written.”

“It’s not wrong, I know Xiaojiu’s handwriting!” Mu Zipei picked a page with more words and said, “Her handwriting is beautiful, but at first glance it looks like she’s not on a chain, her style is very wild!”

Wang Ah Yong, “I didn’t realize whether your words were praise or derogation.”

“Yes, I remembered!” Class monitor Xu Chi tapped his palms with his fist and recalled, “Zhou Yi came to class once in the morning, and I reminded her that her exam room is upstairs.”

“I’ll just say yes.” Mu Zipei smiled from ear to ear, “Xiao Jiu must have written it for me to understand, haha, maybe she organized this question specially for me.”

Wang Yang’s eyes straightened with envy, “Can you lend me a copy?”

“No! Xiao Jiu gave it to me!” Mu Zipei hugged the notebook tightly in his arms, and sent a string of “What” to Zhou Yi’s WeChat.

Zhou Yi was not familiar with the people in the upstairs class, and he was propping up his chair to distract himself.

Feeling the successive vibrations in her schoolbag, she put one arm behind her back and picked up her mobile phone to look at it.

“…” Go crazy.

Zhou Yi: [Don’t harass me, read the question…]

Mu Zipei: [Okay! 】

There are countless “what” in the back, and the intensity of the emotion makes people panic.

Zhou Yi put the phone on her fingertips and turned it around, muttering softly to the window, “It’s not all because of you.”

The two-day exam passed by in a flash.

Zhou Yi dawdled down from the upstairs, and was caught off guard by Mu Zipei who was hiding by the wall, “Ahhh, at the same table, I read the questions you sorted out for me last night, especially the circles. Today’s exam is basically done!”

Zhou Yi was almost crushed to death by her.

“If you don’t let go, I’ll call the police.” Zhou Yi’s tone was cool.

Mu Zipei might have to weigh for a few seconds when she heard Zhou Yi speak in this tone before, after this time, she concluded that she had pierced Zhou Yi’s disguise as a paper tiger, not only didn’t let go, but even jumped around holding her for two times. Down.

Zhou Yi stared at the sky speechlessly.

“Did I miss something?” Mu Qinglin’s smiling voice suddenly came from beside him.

Zhou Yi paused, pulled Mu Zipei’s arm down forcefully, and asked, “Why are you here?”

During the exam period, school was over early, and she sent Mu Qinglin a WeChat message, telling her not to pick it up.

Mu Qinglin took off the schoolbag hooked on Zhou Yi’s shoulder, and said with a smile, “I’ll take you to celebrate.”

“Yeah, it’s a routine after every exam.” Mu Zipei explained, seeing the schoolbag in Mu Qinglin’s hand, he pursed his mouth and said in a low voice, “Hey—you didn’t help me carry the schoolbag. “

Mu Qinglin recalled for two seconds, nodded and said: “It’s really…”

Mu Zipei cried falsely, “I’m jealous.”

Mu Qinglin was unmoved, “Xiao Jiu’s shoulder is not good, he can cry for a long time if he squeezes it, are you not guilty of eating this vinegar?”

“Who is crying?” Zhou Yi’s voice was faint.

Mu Zipei probed, “You…”

Mu Zipei ran away after speaking.

Zhou Yi didn’t bother chasing her, he put his hands in his pockets and moved slowly.

“Thank you…” Mu Qinglin said without beginning or end.

Zhou Yi looked up, “Thank you for what?”

“It’s about Pepe. She told me.” When Mu Qinglin saw the garbage truck coming, he hooked Zhou Yi’s shoulder and brought it to him, and said, “I actually know about this. , I asked Pepe if she was being bullied by her classmates, but she wouldn’t let me take care of it.”

Zhou Yi glanced over his shoulder from the corner of his eye, and asked, “Then you don’t care about it?”

“This kind of thing is not in the open, so it’s not easy to manage. I have said hello to Mr. Zhu.”


“Xiao Jiu, you took care of me today. You didn’t make a fuss, and the effect was very good. Pepe called me as soon as she left the examination room and told me that her math was going to be proud.” Mu Qinglin said.

It was rare for Zhou Yi to hear her talking to him, and he called Xiao Jiu seriously, which made her ears itch, she tilted her head and rubbed her clothes, and said, “By the way, just pretend it’s your sister buying me milk tea.” remuneration.”

Mu Qinglin, “That’s all?”

of course not.

Zhou Yi bit the zipper of the down jacket and pulled it up a few sections, then looked up at Mu Qinglin, “It’s for your sake, shall we?”

Mu Qinglin was slightly taken aback.

She thought that Zhou Yi hated this kind of thing itself, and wanted to use this to enlighten her.

Mu Qinglin quickly laughed, “Yes, catch it with both hands.”

“Shouldn’t it be five-body throwing?”

“I’m afraid you won’t be blessed.”


The voices of people on the boulevard were crisp and clear, and the distant clear sky was endless. The familiar bickering between Zhou Yi and Mu Qinglin had long since lost its thorny thorns.

The two walked side by side, occasionally touching arms when they strayed.

“The first formal exam, how do you feel?” Mu Qinglin asked.

Zhou Yi, “Not bad…”

“Really?” Mu Qinglin blocked the football kicked by a little boy with one foot, then pushed it back lightly, and said, “Xiao Jiu, I got into the top ten in the exam, and I will accompany you to celebrate the New Year.”

Chinese New Year?

Spend such a special day with her?

Zhou Yi’s calm heartbeat lost control for a moment, and when he met Mu Qinglin’s gaze, he hurriedly stabilized his voice and said, “Whoever wants you to accompany me, there is no place in Jiangping that celebrates the New Year more lively than Hongmen Lane. All demons will gather together to celebrate, and there is no shortage of you.”

“Is that so, then it’s because I lack you?” Mu Qing asked with a smile.

Zhou Yi was taken aback for a moment, and there was a slight warmth in his ears.


Has she been shameless when she went out recently? Or, the newly modified prescription is easy to get angry?


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