Take It Easy

Chapter 130

Chapter 129 – Understand

They may be unknown all their lives, but they live a more fulfilling and enthusiastic life than anyone else.

The anger on Fu Xiao’s face turned into consternation in an instant. She looked at Han Qiu in disbelief for a long time before she said with a stiff face, “What are you kidding?”

Han Qiu lowered his head slightly, took out the cigarette case from his pocket and squeezed it, “If you think it’s a joke, then it is. I don’t like forcing, let alone stalking. If these words make you feel disgusted, we can end the current relationship immediately .”

Fu Xiao clenched his fists and roared, “You threatened me?!”

Standing in the cold wind, Han Qiu gave a short laugh, “What did I threaten you for? You don’t like me, so what can I threaten you with?”

Fu Xiao was stunned, and then realized that she had said something she shouldn’t have said. She leaned back on her seat impatiently and said, “Han Qiu, there are only a few days left, can’t we be good? An affair, I You are also addicted to comfort, everyone remember this, okay? You are a straightforward person, if you can afford it, you should be able to let it go.”

Fu Xiao’s voice was weak and helpless at the end.

Han Qiu watched her quietly, closed the door before the wind and waves rushing from a distance were about to pour into the carriage, and stood outside alone.

After the gust of wind passed, Han Qiu calmed down for a moment, and said to the person on the other side of the glass: “Fu Xiao, I seldom return to Jiangping these years, and I will never go back to Jiangping. Chase.”

Almost an hour later, Mu Qinglin and the others came back after stepping on the spot.

Duan Yi was still ashamed of the fact that he was drinking and confessing his love to Han Qiu that day, so he stopped Da Lala to go to her and said, “Did you talk about me in the car?”

“I…” Wan Qianli was about to speak, but was interrupted by Duan Yi, “There must be a discussion! With your stinking mouth, I will feel uncomfortable if you don’t squeeze me for a minute!”

“Hi! I really can’t be a good person, can I? Just wait!” Wan Qianli shouted “Doctor Han” at the top of his voice, and Duan Yi hurriedly covered his mouth in fright, and dragged him to the bed behind him. car.

Han Qiu was leaning against the side of the car to smoke a cigarette, but when he heard someone telling him to turn around, he only saw Mu Qinglin walking slowly with a camera.

“Lao Wan just called you to tell you that he won’t take our car anymore.” Mu Qinglin found a reason to explain.

Han Qiu responded lightly and did not speak again.

In the car, Fu Xiao was still sound asleep.

Mu Qinglin didn’t go up immediately, but took two more steps and leaned side by side with Han Qiu beside the car, and asked her while chatting, “Doctor Han, it seems that you have never seen you smoke before?”

Han Qiu put his hand on the car and tapped the cigarette ash, “Well, I can smoke, but I don’t have any addictions, so I don’t usually touch it. Staying on the grassland, it’s not suitable to use open flames frequently.”

Mu Qinglin looked away, looking at the endless dry grass.

Indeed, it is too easy to cause accidents here.

Since Han Qiu knew, why did he knowingly commit a crime today?

Mu Qinglin glanced back calmly, and said, “You’re in a bad mood?”

Han Qiu chuckled, “You don’t look like someone who likes to beat around the bush.”

“I’m not familiar with you, I don’t know your bottom line, some things are not good to ask directly.” Mu Qinglin said “no” three times in a row, frank and reserved.

Han Qiu appreciates it, but there are some things that are difficult for outsiders to ask, and she doesn’t want to say them. Things that can’t be done are only suitable for rotten in the stomach.

Han Qiu squatted down, crushed the cigarette on the tire, wrapped it in paper, put it in his pocket, and said, “Let’s go…”

Responding to the sound, Mu Qing leaned back for a while before straightening up and getting into the car.

When Han Qiu went up, Fu Xiao was woken up by the sound of the door closing. She rubbed her stomach, which was already much more comfortable, and turned around to ask Mu Qinglin, “How is it?”

Mu Qinglin closed the car door and said, “This is the junction of people and the grassland, and it is a good shooting spot. But the view here is too wide, and you need to wait patiently for the opportunity to take good pictures.”

After Mu Qinglin finished speaking, she heard Han Qiu say: “Seat belt…”

Mu Qing tied the car just before getting in the car, and Han Qiu should have heard the voice, so it goes without saying who she was speaking to.

Mu Qinglin crossed her legs and looked outside lazily.

In another ten kilometers, she will see her little Captain Zhou. Thinking of this, her heart beats inexplicably faster.

This is the first time she has seen her work at close range—there are edges and corners on her body, direction in her eyes, and persistence in her heart. Such a girl should be handsome, right?

Just thinking about it for a moment, Mu Qinglin couldn’t help but raise the corners of her lips.

Who would have expected that one day her little sick cat would be described as “handsome”.

Han Qiu’s cell phone was plugged in.

She quickly glanced at the caller ID, tapped to connect, “Hello, Zhou Yi.”

Han Qiu turned on the speakerphone, and several people could hear Zhou Yi’s heavy voice, “Sister Qiu, where have you been?”

Han Qiu, “Ten kilometers away from the forest.”

“Come directly to the exit!” Zhou Yi said quickly: “We found a black rhinoceros, its horns were cut off, and it was shot thirteen times!”

Han Qiu’s face was instantly covered with dark clouds. She stared heavily at the road ahead and said, “Do first aid first, and I will arrive as quickly as possible!”

After hanging up the phone, before Han Qiu could speak, Fu Xiao said first, “Don’t worry about me, drive as fast as you can.”

Han Qiu took a quick look at Fu Xiao, picked up the jacket on the center console box, and threw it on her lap.

Fu Xiao’s first reaction was to frown, remembering her previous sentence “The rest is in my coat pocket”, Fu Xiao unconsciously clenched her hands, quickly took out a plum candy from inside, peeled it off, and stuffed it into her mouth .

At that moment, the already extremely fast speed almost doubled, and then galloped all the way, and found Zhou Yi and the others in less than 20 minutes.

Zhou Yi was kneeling on the black rhino to perform CPR.

Han Qiu ran over with the medicine box, and after a quick examination, he gave the black rhino an injection, and sprinkled a lot of powder on the wound to stop the bleeding. He stood up and said to Zhou Yi, “I’ll do it!”

Zhou Yi didn’t confront Han Qiu, and immediately switched places with her, and stood next to Mu Qinglin holding hands that were so numb that they were almost unconscious.

The two looked at each other, but neither of them spoke.

They already knew how likely this black rhino was to survive, they saved it, but they didn’t want to admit it.

On the side, Wan Qianli changed from being noisy before, and steadily held the camera to shoot the rescue scene.

Others present also looked dignified.

This is the first time they have faced the **** scene of animals being slaughtered. There are more and more cruel scenes happening in places they cannot see. Day after day, year after year, you can’t catch them all, and you can’t drive them away.

Five minutes passed, and the black rhino was still lying on the ground motionless.

ten minutes, fifteen minutes…

Zhou Yi stepped forward and said, “Sister Qiu, I can’t be saved.”

Han Qiu kept moving, silent and quiet. The oppressive atmosphere quickly dissipated.

After another five minutes, Fu Xiao saw that Han Qiu bent his arm due to lack of strength and almost fell off. He couldn’t bear it and shouted, “Han Qiu! Be more rational!”

Han Qiu still didn’t speak, but his subordinates stopped moving.

She lowered her head, knelt on Hei Xi’s body for a while, and said to Zhou Yi, “Call the security team.”

The black rhino is a critically endangered species, and related work needs to be transferred to a special security team.

Zhou Yi said: “I just called it when I found out, it should be here soon.”

Han Qiu responded, got off Hei Xi’s body, found the euthanasia medicine at the bottom of the medicine box, opened it, inhaled the needle, and plunged into Hei Xi’s body without hesitation.

Mu Qinglin took a breath unconsciously, Zhou Yi held her hand, and said in a low voice, “This is a relief for it.”

Mu Qinglin tilted her head, Zhou Yi’s expression was very quiet, but she could feel her powerlessness and anger from the strength she held in her hand.

Mu Qing held Zhou Yi before she returned, and watched with her as Han Qiu stroked Hei Xi’s body soothingly.

After it was completely dead, Han Qiu bent his straight spine and sat on the black rhinoceros bit by bit, leaning forward, with his arms on his knees, and rested his bowed head with clasped fingers.

This Han Qiu is very different from the one you usually see.

She didn’t say a word, and the silence had already turned the powerless emotions upside down.

This scene shocked everyone.

None of them has stayed here longer than Han Qiu—fifteen years, she is only thirty-seven this year, and she has already been here for fifteen years.

Regardless of her original intentions for coming here, no one can deny the fact that she has spent the best years of her life protecting these animals.

Shang Ning is the same…

At this second, Mu Qinglin seemed to see Shang Ning’s shadow through Han Qiu.

Many years ago, Shang Ning, who was just an ordinary patrolman, also chose to end the life of a skinned antelope lamb himself because he didn’t want to make it suffer more pain.

She said that she fired the shot very simply, but her eyes turned red in the video with Mu Qinglin.

Mu Qinglin was still young at the time and couldn’t empathize with her.

Now, at this second, she suddenly understood the reason why Shang Ning would rather let go of his only daughter than leave Southwest.

Because love will make people soft-hearted, it has another description called emphasizing love and righteousness.

People who value love and righteousness are often the axis.

They are people who don’t want to leave once they’re here, don’t care if life is comfortable, don’t care if what they do is known, don’t even care if it will kill them one day.

They may be unknown all their lives, but they live a more fulfilling and enthusiastic life than anyone else.

They may fear and even regret at the moment of death, but as long as they live for one day, they will always live brightly and cleanly, resisting thousands of **** killings with the strength of mantis arms.

The girl next to her is 26 this year, and her best age is also here, so did she ever work with the same mood as Han Qiu and Shang Ning? Otherwise, how could the white and clean body be scarred?

She’s been shafting all the time.

Mu Qinglin turned her head and looked silently at Zhou Yi who was walking quickly to talk to the security team staff.

Han Qiu was still sitting on the black rhinoceros, she looked very calm.

She finally raised her head when the staff of the security team came over and asked her the basis for judging that the black rhino could not survive.

At that moment, Fu Xiao saw that her eyes were red.

There was a buzzing in Fu Xiao’s head, her internal organs vibrated, and she still thought that this man was a stone, only the voice that came out at the moment of **** would have a hint of softness.

The security team’s inquiries were very detailed. They had to understand every detail clearly before they could judge whether there was anything wrong with Han Qiu’s handling.

After the inquiry was over, the security team began to arrange to dispose of the black rhino’s body.

Han Qiu didn’t look at it, she packed her things silently, turned and left.

Raising her head and meeting Fu Xiao’s gaze, she stopped for a while and continued walking.

The two passed by, Han Qiu didn’t even look at Fu Xiao, he passed her straight past her, walked up to Mu Qinglin and the others and said, “The rhino horn has just been cut, and he probably hasn’t gone far, so we can’t do it today.” It’s not safe to take you onward.”

Mu Qinglin said: “Whether you stay or go back, it’s all up to your arrangement.”

Han Qiu said: “I have to wait until the matter here is over before I can leave. Zhou Yi will send you back first. Zhou Yi, you are responsible for your own safety.”

Zhou Yi said in a deep voice, “I know…”

“Yanyan, wait for me for two minutes.” Zhou Yi said, she hurried over to tell Zak, let them wait for Sergeant Lieve to come over, and report the situation here, then turned back and nodded, and walked out together .

When they got in the car, Mu Qinglin and the others still had no sense of reality, and the carriage was oppressively quiet.

Zhou Yi started the car, saw that Fu Xiao was not moving, and reminded her, “Sister Fu Xiao, seat belt.”

The familiar three words provoked Fu Xiao’s frozen nerves. She grabbed the jacket on her legs tightly, let it go after a few seconds, turned sideways slowly, and put on the seat belt.

On the way back, no one spoke for a long time.

Zhou Yi knew that today’s scene was a bit sudden to them, and she should leave more space for them to digest, but she had to say something as soon as possible: “Yanyan, your research may be coming to an end here.”

Mu Qinglin looked out of the window for too long, and his mind was a little empty. After hearing the words, he paused for a moment, and then asked, “Because of what happened today?”

“Hmm…” Zhou Yi said, “The bullet casings that Zak found nearby are the same as the ones that hit our car that day. They haven’t left yet.”

Mu Qinglin frowned, “Didn’t you say that it has been checked and there is nothing abnormal?”

Zhou Yi said: “The investigation can only be carried out on specific places, such as lodging, eating, or walking on the main roads that the government can manage. These places can be investigated, and it is not enough to be biased. And the real poaching gangs are very good at camouflage.”

Mu Qinglin knew this, Antoin had told her before, but, “Because a five-person poaching gang gave up easily, can the post-shooting go smoothly?”

Zhou Yi said: “It’s not just five people, we found the ruts of three cars.”

Mu Qinglin was surprised.

Five people can already become a poaching gang, and three cars will be an organization.

Zhou Yi said: “Just now the black rhino was given an anesthesia injection, they could have cut off the rhino’s horn and left, but they didn’t.

Yanyan, they are not ordinary poaching gangs, they are very cruel, they treat the life and death of animals as a game. Before I get caught, I can’t bring you in again, and Antoin won’t agree. “

Mu Qinglin looked at Zhou Yi, her dark eyes closed.

She clearly saw the ferocity and brutality in the eyes of those people, but she didn’t expect to kill them all.

that look…

“Zhou Yi…” Fu Xiao suddenly interrupted Mu Qinglin’s thoughts. She turned her gaze to Fu Xiao and heard her say, “Does Han Qiu do that every time he encounters an animal that cannot be rescued?”

Zhou Yi shook his head, “Several types of black rhinoceros have become extinct, and the rest are all critically endangered species. The number is very small, and the death of any one is proportional. Sister Qiu has been a veterinarian for so many years, so she must have feelings. ,and…”

“And what?”

“It happened many years ago, and I also heard that Sister Qiu took a sickness to rescue animals, but she fainted halfway and was almost killed by a jackal. It was a black rhino that drove away the jackal and guarded her for a day and a night. “

“The wound on her waist was bitten by a jackal?”

“you know?”

“I’ve seen it, I’m not sure.”

“It should be. Sister Qiu rarely goes out of the camp alone, and she hasn’t been injured much.”

Fu Xiao gave a low “hmm” and said, “I didn’t go to the village last time, so I don’t know how difficult this road is, and today I only know a little bit about it, but Zhou Yi, I’m sure, you are amazing.”

Zhou Yi clenched the steering wheel and said after a moment of silence, “It’s them, not including me.” She was not the kind of pure person Han Qiu and the others wanted.

The author has something to say:

Another chapter was locked, and later it was almost deleted to the point that even a kiss could not be described too carefully, and it was impossible to guide the way in the text and writing…

I would like to say that the hour before the review of the new chapter is Jinjiang’s welfare for the serial readers. What kind of genius came up with it? Awesome, laugh without saying a word.jpg

thanks and bow

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-08-27 12:00:00-2022-08-28 12:00:00…

Thanks to the little angels who cast landmines: zzz, Not Afraid of Black, Song Yuanjing, Ask Poetry Books About Wine, Have You Learned Today, Senebel’s Sunset, Hometown, cicc71;

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