Take Eldritch surveys! Noted!

Chapter 59: All is not what it may seem to be…

Bit of a beefy chappy for you all~. Couldn't find a good place to end it, so I didn't bother!


While the three of us were just staring down the highly unexpected form of the reincarnator, he was freaking out and sweating buckets.


We were brought out of our stunned silence when the little elf suddenly yelled and snapped his fingers, “Flee! We need to flee!”


I stood there for several moments just looking at the spot the little bugger had vacated until I asked, “That… really happened right?”


Neo just started laughing her tiny little ass off as she managed to wheeze out, “Ha! Oh my Lilith! Why in the SHIT would they go as a house elf?! Well, then again… They have unique magic, and they are basically the definition of under the radar… so… big brain play?”


I slumped my shoulders a tiny amount while I sighed then said, “I guess. The teleport has taken them out of the range I can detect him. So, I think I’ll look for someone that know the spells I want. Well, off to the ‘Defence against the Dark Arts’ classroom. Best bet right now… which I have no clue where it is.”


Tearwyn giggled then cheered, “Exploration time!


Neo joined in with Tearwyn’s excitement and started cheering as well. With a smile and a shake of my head, I turned away from the fat lady painting and started to head in a random direction.


— P.O.V swap Vasel (The House Elf) —


~ Room of Requirements, Hogwarts ~


As the four of us suddenly appeared in the R.O.R (Room of Requirement), with the golden trio sprawled all over the floor, I was having a mental meltdown.


It felt like the very emotion of dread and panic itself was flowing through this accursed body’s veins as I held my head in thought, ‘What the ACTUAL FUCK WAS THAT!? The evil that was emanating from that woman was unreal, impossible! And wasn’t that fucking Saber Alter?!’


I ignored the slightly pained groans of the kids that, admittedly, I brought along solely because of the amount of duress I was under. Am still under even! Time slowed down as I began to enter the mind palace I have long since created with Occlumency.


Even the extravagant halls of my mind palace couldn’t calm me down like they normally did as I sat on my throne in thought, ‘She is not like the other reincarnators I had killed off some 200 years ago. No, I didn’t even sense a system connected to her like I did with the other two.’


As I stood up from my throne, I appeared in my “Hall of Memories” moments later, and started to comb through what I had about this situation. Honestly, these memories are so old, I nearly forgot I had them.


With a huff I thought, ‘Just goes to show that even with Occlumency, your memory can’t be perfect. It’s not photographic memory after all. Anyway, it’s been so damn long since I’ve had to deal with anything that fucking cunt of a Goddess is connected to, that I am rusty… let’s see…’


As I was flipping through the memories, I came across the one that had gotten me into this whole fucken mess. I couldn’t help the frown and feelings of indignation that welled up with in me as I remembered how that bitch fucked me over.


Grinding my mental teeth in hate I thought, ‘All because she was jealous that I had bigger breasts than her! All because of that, she fucken made me a male house elf! If I ever get my hands on her…’


Taking a mental breath to calm myself down, I moved on from that memory. While it was true I was cursed because of that bitch, I also got a blessing out of it. Only because she was so fucking stupid though.


I smirked at the memory of my wish that she foolishly gave me, ‘Really though. Who just gives someone the ability to “magically generate system shop points by converting their mana at a ratio of 10:1?” First thing I did when I noticed she fucked me over search the system shop for a way to fuck her over in return. It only took me five hours to convert enough magic power to points to get limited form of dimensional travel.’


Dismissing that memory, I couldn’t help but smile as the next one was found; the one where I killed and absorbed the system of another reincarnator. While the dimensional travel skill let me do just that, it seemed I was only able to ever travel to Harry Potter universes. I remember the feeling of helplessness when I realised that, only to be freed from such feelings by a dick working for a “Dark God.”


Still smiling at the memory I thought, ‘Was worth the time getting Occlumency and Legilimency from the system right after I got dimensional travelling. Heh, the 10 minutes each that they took. I learned so much from him and his system after all. How they were upcoming “Champions” while I was nothing but a cursed scout. Well, I bet they never expected their fate to change so drastically by meeting me…’


As I remembered that, I suddenly thought of something else and quickly acted on it. I summoned a representation of my soul a few moments later to look at how far the “Corruption of the Light” was going.


I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw it had only progressed by about 1% in the last 100 years or so. 


Dismissing the picture of my soul and going back to rummaging around my memories I thought, ‘Another unexpected boon of taking that “Dark Champions” system and power for myself. Drastically slowing down the change I am undergoing. Bitch couldn’t stop at fucking me over like this, oh no, she just had to pour salt on the wounds and erase me too. Slowly changing everything I am to a willing slave…’


After what felt like days going through my memories, I fell down onto my back in defeat. I had combed through everything I know, and tried to come up with a strategy to kill this new Champion.


With a huff I thought, ‘“Champion.” More like Goddess from the mana I felt she released earlier. Will any of the Unforgivable’s even work on something like that? I’ve held off on getting any of the shit marked in the system store as “Likely to instantly attract the attention of the ruling God/dess” all these years, for obvious reasons, but I very much doubt I have that luxury anymore.’


I then heard Harry call out to me, and so with a defeated sigh I had one more thought as I left my mind palace, ‘I really should have gotten him to free me from this Elf slave shit as soon as possible…’


Opening my eyes back in the real world, I turned to Harry and asked, “Yes, Mister Potter?”


Harry was clearly confused, as were the other two, as he asked, “What was with the sudden teleportation Vasel? What spooked you so bad?”


With a sigh I said, “The source of that mana appeared before us, Mister Potter. And the evil she was casually giving off, made Voldemort feel like a fluffy kitten.”


Ron barked a small laugh as he said, “There is the sarcastic Vasel we’ve come to know and love over the years. But, why didn’t we feel anything then? Or you know… see?”


I could only shrug my shoulders as I said, “No idea, Mister Weasley. But she is very dangerous. Impossibly so.”


Hermione’s eyebrows raised as she asked, “Even for a capable house elf such as you, Vasel? That is… worrying.”


I could only shake my head in exasperation as I replied, “I may be rather strong you three, but I am still an enslaved house elf. That alone limits my potential very much.”


Harry’s eyes seemed to light up a bit at my mention of slavery as he said, “About that! I’ve been meaning to ask you, who your master is. Maybe I can trick them into giving you some clothes?”


I smiled at Harry for his thoughts and said, “How very kind of you, Mister Potter. My master was the old headmaster of this school. But he had, in his wisdom, set it up so that my ownership would change to you after his death. So, I’ve been yours for a while now.”


All three of them had wide eyes as Harry asked in a slight panic, “Why didn’t you say anything Vasel?! I could have freed you so much sooner!”


With a sad smile I said, “Part of the shackles that bind my kind, Mister Potter. We can not talk about our slavery freely unless directly asked.”


Harry had started to let out a few colourful curses as he sat down and took off one of his shoes, “Bugger the damn House Elf curse. I still find it rather disgusting that the wizarding world practices such open slavery.”


I nodded my head as I thought, ‘Well, at least this will fully unlock my magic after all this time. 350 years of slavery, and it’s about to finally end. I’d be crying tears of joy if it wasn’t for that walking calamity!’


— P.O.V switch Artoria —


~ (Surprisingly) Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom ~


I gave Tearwyn a pat on the head as I said, “That was a great idea Tearwyn~~! Even if this isn’t the classroom, the fact that this soul is stained by Darkness should be a good indicator they know Dark Magic.”


I felt one of Neo’s tails brush against the back of my head as she started to also give Tearwyn some head pats, “Yes, yes! Adorable AND smart, mhmm! Deadly!”


Tearwyn was all giggles as she bounced on my shoulder enjoying all the attention she was getting from the two of us. I turned my head slightly to look at Neo as I asked, “So, who do you think we’re walking up on? Judging by how old Harry looked, it could be.. Her.”


Neo’s eyes gained a wonderfully deadly tint and gleam as she said, “I hope so. She was garbage when I thought she was just fictional. But now that I know she is real? Bah! Off with her head!”


I leaned my head back and let out a hearty laugh as I agreed with her. With a smirk I said, “Even though I love the Evil she spreads by her acts, I hate her as a person. An ant thinking it’s a lion pisses me off… Even more so when she’s nothing but a slave.”


Catching Tearwyn tilting her head out of the corner of my eye she asked, “Are you two talking about Dolores Umbridge?


With a nod of my head I answered, “Yes, we are Tearwyn~. What do you think of her?”


Tearwyn let out an adorable hum, that caused both Neo and I to coo silently at, for a few seconds before she answered, “I don’t like her. I find my thoughts aligning with yours, Sister! Her actions are Dark, but she herself is a joke!


Neo and I both chuckled and said at the same time, ““And not even a funny joke!””


We both looked at each other for a few seconds, before we laughed again. We were still chuckling a little bit as I passed through the doorway to what I was thinking was the classroom for Defence Against the Dark Arts. And my smile instantly turned sinister after we entered the room and I saw her, Dolores Umbridge, teaching a class of youngsters.


Letting out a chuckle that matched my smile I said, “Well, what luck we have. Time to learn some spells!”


As I was walking up to the Teacher, Neo asked, “So, how are you going to go about learning the spells?”


After a small hum I said, “I may not have an Authority in Magic like you, Neo, but I do know magic. Powerful magic at that, as you’ve seen. But, I think you’ll enjoy what I am about to do.”


Walking right up to the woman as she was explaining how important it is to pay attention in class and learn all they can I started to reach out to her. However, before I grabbed her Tearwyn spoke up, “Wait wait! I got a great idea!


I pulled my hand back as both Neo and I looked at her while I asked, “Oh?”


Tearwyn let out a mischievous giggle as she covered her mouth with a hand as she said, “Make yourself visible! And then slowly walk over to her with a menacing aura! Let her practise what she preaches! Hehe~!


My eyebrows raised a bit as I turned my head to look at Neo, and noticed she had the exact same look on her face. Soon, even a similar smile was on both of our faces as I said, “Brilliant, let’s do that then.”


Neo nodded her head enthusiastically as I made my way to the back of the class again. I was about to start and try to make myself visible when it was Neo’s turn to speak up with a great idea, “Wait, let’s add some more! Go back outside the classroom, and then drag a conjured sword to make that scary grinding sound.”


My eyes, as I am sure as Tearwyn’s as well, lit up while I nodded my head. I quickly made my way back out of the classroom while saying, “I am glad you didn’t suggest using my Excalibur like that.”


Neo smirked as she said, “A sword like that doesn’t deserve to be used into what amounts to a silly prank. It deserves respect.”


I nodded my head as I agreed with her one hundred percent. As I closed my eyes to try and make myself visible, I effortlessly created a nondescript looking black longsword in my right hand via the trace spell. As I was focusing on what I wanted, I suddenly felt something click in my head and I just knew I had succeeded.


Tearwyn’s little cheer and claps also may have hinted at my success. As she was bouncing a little on my shoulder clapping her hands she said, “That was fast, Artoria! Good job! Ah, big sister Lilith wanted me to remind you however that you’ll always be invisible to most things without a soul.


I tilted my head a tiny amount as I asked, “Most?”


I got a sly grin on Tearwyn’s face as she said, “Spoilers!


Chuckling lightly I said, “Fine then, keep your secrets. Now…”


However, before I could take even a single step, Neo said, “Wait! One last thing! This is the perfect time to show off a new dress I got you! Here, open a portal to our Dimension, and I’ll send it through!”


Raising an eyebrow in curiosity, I did as she asked. And seconds later, a nice little gift box with pink and purple ribbons popped out. Smiling as I reached down to it I said, “Cute box.”


As I was untying the ribbons Tearwyn said, “I helped Neo to wrap it! We also brainstormed the dress together. We both think you’ll love it!


Taking off the lid and pulling out the dress I said, “Awe, thank you, you two. And you were both right, this looks amazing!”


With a snap of my fingers, the dress I was currently wearing and the one in my hand swapped places. Waving my hand to create a mirror out of ice, I looked over myself. I was very pleased with how I looked!



(Black Sclera, slitted pupils, Abyss Black with a glowing red outline corruption lines. Silver White hair.) 



I preened in glee at myself over what I saw. A quick glance at Neo was all it took for her to answer a question I had, “I enchanted the dress myself! It’s a divine artefact that you deserve, Sis! Self cleaning, repairing, and enhancing all your stats like strength by a factor of 100! Flood it with your mana, and it’ll soul-bind like your armour too! The accessories and make-up also auto apply whenever you equip it~.”


Not wasting anytime, I did as she had said and I instantly felt a permanent connection to the dress. She was right, though I had no reason to even doubt in the first place, in that the connection felt exactly like how my armour feels.


A wide and satisfied smile was on my face as I spun around looking at myself. I also noticed that I looked quite a bit older; very close to how Lancer Alter looks in fact! This pleased me greatly, as I enjoyed the curves my body now had, as with my sizable bust and wondrous height!


I honestly loved how my body was turning out, and how long my hair was now. If I had to guess, I am about 160~ cm tall now! My dragon-like eyes were almost blinding in the golden glow with how happy I was feeling.


Tearwyn and Neo’s claps pulled me back to reality as Tearwyn said, “You look great, Artoria! Very beautiful!


I saw Neo nod her head in the mirror as she said, “Yes, very! I knew this dress would be great on you! And the accessories and make-up are just PERFECT! Grade A, no- EX Drip! As expected of me, really.”


I couldn't help myself as the most genuine smile appeared on my face as I gazed once again at my reflection. After I admired myself for a few more seconds, I then spoke up, “Thank you very much you two. I adore it with my everything. Now, let’s break in this dress with a vile act against a vile person! Ha!”


Both Neo and Tearwyn cackled in sinister delight as I started to make my way back into the classroom while dragging my fake sword on the ground. Neo was right, while this produced a very satisfying grinding sound, I couldn’t do that to my Excalibur for something like this. In the middle of a fight, sure no problem. But this? No, I just couldn’t do it. It may be hypocritical, but it is what it is.


As I was entering the classroom I noticed that Dolores had stopped her lecture as she was yelling like a Karen about all the “ungainly sounds.” However, even her screams of indignation stopped when I came into full view and looked directly at her.


While she was able to hide it from her class, I could see the flames of envy in her eyes as she looked me over. She narrowed her eyes as she asked, “And who might you be? Can’t you see I am teaching? Why have you interrupted my class?”


I responded by narrowing my own eyes ever so slightly while releasing the tiniest sliver of my blood lust. The effect was nearly instantaneous as all the students froze up, while Dolores pulled her wand and pointed it at me.


She glared at me with the might of a gerbil as she demanded, “Name yourself! Disarm yourself as well before I take action!”


The tiniest smirk made it onto my lips as I ignored her, and started to slowly make my way to her. All the while I continued to drag my sword listlessly in my right hand on the ground.


She let out an angry huff as she yelled, “Fine then! Stupefy!”


A little white light was released out of her wand and slammed into my chest. But much to my, and not hers, expectation it did jack shit. I didn’t even feel it, if I were to be honest.


Her eyebrows raised in surprise, but she quickly collected herself and tried another spell, “Expelliarmus!”


Again, a light was released from her wand and slammed into my chest. And again she was baffled that my sword was not ejected from my hand. I didn’t even feel any kind of force on the weapon in my grip.


As I was walking down the middle of the classroom, taking the most direct path to my target, the students had wisely cleared away to avoid getting caught up in the situation. However, something told me that as I was getting closer and closer to Dolores she wouldn’t have cared about the students wellbeing.


She was starting to visibly sweat and fear was colouring her voice as she yelled, “What are you?! WHO ARE YOU?! Damn it! Bombarda Maxima!”


There was a slight gust of wind around me, but other than that the spell itself failed to activate properly. My magic resistance was just so far beyond anything this universe could hope to produce that any wizard honestly had no hope.


And judging by the clear fear I can now see in her eyes that my wide and sinister smile was provoking out of her, she was clueing into this fact as well.


In a pitiable display and attempt to rally herself she yelled out in confused, scared anger, “Avada Kedavra!!!!”


The classroom of students gasped in horror as she had used one of the Unforgivables. A sickly green looking lightning bolt rushed out of her wand and crashed into me. Yet to the absolute horror of everyone in the room, my pace didn’t even slow down. While the smile on my face twisted to an even larger degree as I was enjoying the fear she was soaked in.


All the while, the two tiny, plush sized adorable Kitsune on my shoulders were laughing and pointing at her. Neo was trying to gasp for breath as she said, “OH MY LILITH! I think she’s going to piss herself if this continues!!! HAHA!!!”


While Tearwyn who was equally out of breath said, “Too late! EWWW!!!! HAHAHAH!!!!


And much to my disgust, she was right as I saw a wet spot slowly appear on her dress and down her legs as she crashed on her butt and started to scooch away from me. Not wanting to walk through the puddle she created, I pulled her to myself with magic and gripped her by the throat with my left hand.


Naturally, she started to panic wildly and scream in horror. Which caused the students to break out of their daze at the fact I ignored the killing curse. They all joined her in screaming, and started to quickly make their way out of the room.


I ignored it all though, as I looked Dolores dead in the eyes and said only one word, “Command.”


The spell instantly took hold, and she went limp in my grip while the light in her eyes faded slightly. I let her go, and she caught herself from falling and just stood there looking at me.


I waved my hand to her little mishap and said, “Clean that up, now.”


She lazily nodded her head, as she turned to the mess and with a wave of her wand she said in a monotone voice, “Evanesco.”


While I was watching the spell, I felt my minor Authority of NULL react ever so slightly causing me to raise an eyebrow in thought, ‘Well, that is interesting. That spell has a minuscule connection to NULL it would seem. Another spell to add to the list.’


After all the unsightly yellow was gone, she turned back to me and waited for a new command, which I was all too happy to give her, “I want you to make a Pensieve with the memoires and know how of all the spells you know.”


She nodded her head, and with a swish of her wand, hundreds of glass vials appeared out of thin air. She then raised her wand to her temple and slowly pulled out silvery mist like substance and deposited it into a vial and corked it. Several minutes later I had a few hundred filled vials all floating around us.


With a thought, a tiny portal appeared near us to our Dimension and moments later all the vials started to disappear into it. With a satisfied nod I said, “Great. This way you all can learn these spells too at your leisure. Now, what to do with this thing.”


Neo let out a sinister giggle as she said, “If you don’t mind… I would love to take her off your hands. And don’t worry, she won’t be a Valkyrie for Tearwyn. I’ve got much darker plans for a woman like this…”


As the woman was disappearing into the portal Tearwyn cheered, “Yay, more torture time!” which caused me to bark a laugh.


With an amused sigh and a shake of my head I asked, “Neo teaching you some interesting things, huh Tearwyn?”


As I looked over at her she beamed me a smile and said, “Yes! I am having a lot of fun learning all these new things!


I smiled warmly at her while I raised my left hand to my shoulder and gave Plushneo a high five as I said, “Good, good! Now, time to look at some of the spells I want to learn before I come back to find that little Light Rat.


I couldn’t help the sadistic smile that crept up on my face as I walked through the portal while thinking about learning the Cruciatus Curse.


Here be numba 59~. Hope you enjoyed another P.O.V swap that I feel like I've not done for a while (In the main story that is~!)

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.