Taboo Recovery: My Life Simulator

Chapter 1011

he is the embodiment of the storm, the ruler of electric light, and brings everything into a whirlwind of chaos and destruction!

He is Ares!

he also has other names.

e.g. Zeus, e.g. Thor!

In this world, the gods who use thunder and lightning in mythology, if they trace back to the source, are all Him!

he was born in the fury of storms and thunder, and is a terrifying existence.

The arrival of Ares is filled with terror and despair, immersing everything in darkness and chaos.

When Ares appeared, the sky became extremely dark, like a black hole devouring light.

Rolling clouds obscured the sun, and thunder and arcs danced wildly in the sky, emitting a deafening roar.

violent wind blows the earth, bursting with a biting chill and a suffocating stench.

these bad weather clings to Ares and creates a frightening sight.

Ares's origin is like a violent natural disaster, an irresistible product of cosmic forces.

He is the embodiment of thunder and hurricane, gathering the evil energy of the universe in pursuit of endless fragmentation and destruction.

His presence represents the true and ruthless power of nature, whose power cannot be resisted by human beings, whose goal is only to devour all life and civilization completely.

When Ares comes, terror and despair pervade, the earth trembles, and life is ruined.

but relying on the words of the two of them alone is not enough to find Gu Qing.

so there is a third person besides them!

He emerged from the darkness, his body made of obsidian-like metal, emitting an eerie cold light.

each tiny line is inlaid with countless sharp thorns and sharp blades, from which a dark and disgusting liquid flows.

His head presents a deformed metal structure with countless spikes and tentacle-like bony branches sticking out.

His eyes are empty and deep, without a trace of human warmth, only endless coldness and destruction.

evil light flashed in the crevices of his lips, and the desire to devour life was both visible and audible.

His limbs resemble forged iron, covered with sharp horn spines and flowing metal droplets. Every time it moves, it emits the sound of flesh and blood streaked through thorns, filled with demonic howls. The traces it leaves behind as it moves are the remains of countless resilient thorns, as if to prove that life has been trampled on along with the soul.

He is the 'Blood Ripper'!

According to ancient texts, he originated in the dark god realm deep in the stars.

there is an extremely vicious life energy in this god domain, dormant and condensed for countless epochs.

When this evil spirit awakens, it searches for all the elements that cause pain and chaos, and finally discovers the endless thorns and blades of this world.

the evil god draws the flower of suffering from it, drawing the self into the cycle of the abyss.

The existence of the 'Blood Ripper' is full of death and destruction, he is a merciless tormentor, an evil god who seeks profit.

Every time this terrifying existence appears, it portends endless doom and a tragic end.

He stands tall in the darkness, leading everything around him into a cycle of dead silence and blood!


Cold Flame Hades, Ares, Bloodcutor!

these three are old dominators who have truly reached the Yuguang level!

no wonder they found here.

Gu Qing remembered that they should have been sealed in the dream realm before.

now they all ran out.

It seems that the situation in the dream world is not very good!!

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