Swirling Chaos (Naruto)(discontinued)

Chapter 28: Foxy Threesome

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Kurama gets what she wants. Which is good because then she gets confronted.


By the time he’s finished with Mikoto Uchiha, those Sharingan Eyes of hers are firmly rolled back in her skull and the Clan Head’s tongue is lolling out of her mouth as he continues to bounce her upon his cock, pounding her pussy into the shape of his member. It’s a good look for her, Naruto decides, a big wide grin on his face even as he pulls back from ravishing her breasts with his mouth and prepares for the final crescendo.

“Here it comes, Lady Uchiha~”


The title, said teasingly, doesn’t seem to break Mikoto out of her current euphoric state. She can’t even form a coherent sentence in response to him, even as Naruto grunts, thrusting up into her once, twice… and then for a final time before unloading inside of her womb. He fills and fills the Uchiha Matriarch with his cum, pumping her to the brim and only pulling out once his balls have been emptied… again.

To say this night hasn’t gone as expected would be an understatement, but then Naruto wasn’t sure what he expected when he followed the three women down here. Either way, he finishes Mikoto off and slowly pulls her off of his cock before setting her down so she can stumble off to a chair and collapse into it.

Only once he’s made sure she’s made it to somewhere a bit less humiliating than the floor, does Naruto turn to see what’s going on with Kushina and Kurama. He’d been hearing the Nine-Tailed Kitsune’s soft moans in the background for a bit now but hadn’t put much thought into what it meant that her voice was no longer muffled. Only now does Naruto realize what that might mean as he freezes at the sight before him.

Kurama is no longer bound in Kushina’s Chakra Chains. Nor is she gagged by them either. The Nine-Tails has been freed… or perhaps freed herself. Because there, down betwixt her thighs, the Fifth Hokage’s full head of red hair can be seen. On all fours, Kushina crawls between Kurama’s legs as she eats out the kitsune, willingly licking her cunt.

For a moment Naruto is a mixture of angry and confused. Surely Kurama wouldn’t have taken advantage of his concentration with Mikoto to turn the tables and force Kushina into such a position, would she have? Well no… that did sound like something Kurama would do. However, Kushina wouldn’t let her! Right?

Pfft, you should see the look on your face. You don’t know whether to be furious or turned on!

Kurama’s ‘voice’ echoes through his thoughts, even though her lips don’t move. Well, that’s not entirely true. Her lips DO move… just not to form words. Giving him a wicked grin, the kitsune’s fox ears twitch in amusement atop her head.

So quick to jump to judgment, Naruto~ I really thought we were closer than that. Perhaps the brat from this world has influenced you more than I would have thought possible.

That’s… it’s true he’s not entirely the Naruto from the previous timeline anymore. That version of him and this world’s version of him had melded. But that wasn’t to say Kurama hadn’t always been capable of this sort of thing, even back in the old world. And the accusation went both ways, didn’t it?! She’d melded with the version of herself from this world too!

Not quite. Didn’t you wonder why it was so quick for me but not for you? I am, at my core, still just a Chakra Construct, darling. I didn’t meld with the lesser version of me from this world. I subsumed them. Not to worry, you definitely prefer things this way, trust me. This world’s Kyuubi was, quite frankly, an idiot.

Well that was no small amount of terrifying. Except… Kurama was distracting him from the matter at hand, wasn’t she?! She still had Kushina between her legs, eating her out all submissive-like!

Finally, Kurama’s wicked grin drops a bit and the kitsune rolls her eyes in exasperation.

You’re distracting yourself, Naruto. Pay attention and you’d realize this was all HER idea.

Wha- oh. Naruto flushes, a little embarrassed for not noticing all of the tiny details and more obvious signs sooner. For one, while Kurama DOES have one hand atop Kushina’s head, she’s not controlling the pace at all. Kushina is the one choosing how deep and how fast she eats out the dusky skinned kitsune. For two, and far more damning… the red head is currently shaking her ass back in Naruto’s direction enticingly.

Swaying her hips back and forth, she’s even reaching back with one hand and using her fingers to spread her once-creampied pussy lips open, showing herself off to him in such an obvious, clear invitation that Naruto feels rather stupid for not noticing it sooner.

Don’t leave her hanging for too long… she might think you don’t love her after all.

Shooting Kurama a scowl for that particular snipe, Naruto finally moves forward. His cock is still rock hard of course, and it will remain so until he decides otherwise. The joys of being a Sage and having near-endless amounts of Nature Chakra to revitalize himself.

Kneeling down behind Kushina, Naruto once again takes her hips in his hands, this time from an entirely different angle. The Hokage freezes up for a second in response… and then positively melts as he drives into her from behind, filling her with his cock once again. Muffled moans fill the air… or more accurately fill Kurama’s cunt with the reverberations as Kushina shudders and quivers on all fours between them.

There we go… this was all her idea, you know~

Naruto gives Kurama a look of disbelief over Kushina’s body, his hands digging into her hips and his cock drilling into her pussy at rapid speeds right off the bat. They’ve already ripped off the bandage so to speak. There’s no putting the genie back in the bottle. This is their relationship now, just as he and Mikoto now have something as well.

And if there’s no going back, then they might as well go forward, right? Pounding Kushina’s sticky, slippery, slick pussy with his entire cock, Naruto doesn’t let up even a little bit… even as he continues to express his incredulity at Kurama’s latest statement in the fox’s direction.

What?! It’s true… from a certain point of view~

Rather than ‘say’ it, Kurama shares the moment she and Kushina had with one another while Naruto was busy with Mikoto. How Kushina seemed to almost be upset with herself for never trying to reach out to Kurama in the same way Naruto did. To say Naruto is surprised when Kurama tells Kushina not to beat herself up over it would be an understatement.

… In the end, Kushina asks Kurama what she wants and Kurama deflects by spouting out the idea of her and Naruto spit roasting Kushina. It’s an obvious deflection from Naruto’s perspective, but that might be because he’s partially experiencing the memory from Kurama’s perspective. It does the trick though with Kushina, making the fiery haired Hokage go as bright red in the face as her hair color. And yet… nevertheless, she frees Kurama from the Chakra Chains and they get down to business while waiting for him to turn his attention their way.

Which brings Naruto back to the present, with a pair of shapely hips in his hands, an already fucked cunt wrapped snug around his cock, and a smug Kurama gazing at him from over the top of Kushina’s body as they both take their pleasure from her. Kurama was telling the truth from a certain point of view… it might have been Kurama’s idea, but it was Kushina who opened the door and then let the Nine-Tailed Fox have her way.

Letting out a sigh, Naruto smiles ruefully at Kurama and shakes his head. She smirks right back at him for a moment, only for that smirk to falter and her lips to part in another wanton moan as Naruto drives deeper than ever before into Kushina, forcing the red head deeper into Kurama’s sex in turn. The Hokage’s wagging tongue slips along the dark-skinned kitsune’s insides, making Kurama shudder in pleasure.

They exchange another look at that, with his passenger’s eyes now promising retribution. Naruto just gives her a cocky grin in return that screams ‘bring it on’.

What follows is a battle… nay, a war. One waged atop the body of Kushina Uzumaki, the Fifth Hokage of Konoha. One with no clear end in sight… and one where Kushina herself is but a pawn in a far greater conflict. Okay so maybe that’s being a little overly dramatic. But… it’s not too far off.


In the end, they wear Kushina out. That probably says something about just where Naruto and Kurama are at these days that that’s even possible, but there it is. They wear the Fifth Hokage and Scion of the Uzumaki Clan… out. They do the same to Mikoto as well for good measure, and then have to spirit them both away from the scene of the crime without anyone being any the wiser. After all, that small room in the depths of the Hokage’s Tower is no place to spend the night.

Instead, he and Kurama take Kushina and Mikoto back to the Uzumaki Clan Compound, putting them to bed together. The last thing Naruto sees of the two older women is them curling up against one another, even in their sleep. It brings a smile to his face as he leads Kurama up to the compound roof and sits down with his legs dangling off the edge.

The smile lingers for a moment as he takes in the sight of Konoha. The compound is on top of a small hill, so while it doesn’t necessarily tower over the entirety of the village, it certainly gives a spectacular view. However… in the end the smile fades as Kurama sits down next to him, her tails fanned out behind her.

“… Tell me truthfully Kurama… how much of coming to this world was really as ‘on the fly’ as you made it seem?”

He gets his answer immediately from her reaction. The walls slam down on their mostly open connection and the kitsune flinches at his side in the same instant. Of course, she also realizes fairly quickly just how guilty that makes her look. The connection reopens partially but the damage is already done. Still, Naruto doesn’t say or do anything. He doesn’t rage, he doesn’t leave. He just sits there and waits patiently for Kurama to respond.

“It’s… it’s not that simple, Naruto. You of all people should know nothing is ever so cut and dry… nor black and white.”

His only response is a slight inclination of his head, an acknowledgment of her words. Beside him, Kurama fidgets with her hands in her lap. It’s so unlike her, completely uncharacteristic that he almost wants to laugh. Almost. He doesn’t though. He stays quiet and continues to wait for Kurama to explain. The silence is uncomfortable, but then that’s rather the point.

“… I didn’t lie to you about the incompatibility of the sort of timeline you wanted to jump to, Naruto.”

He nods to show he’s listening, even as he frowns slightly in thought. Right. Real Time Travel wasn’t real. Going back on one’s own timeline was impossible. But alternate timelines did exist. On top of that, there was some drift in timelines. So even if they couldn’t go back on their own timeline, they should have been able to go sideways, effectively jumping onto another timeline. That was what they’d done by traveling to this one.

However, this wasn’t meant to be their original stop. They were meant to go to a timeline far closer to Naruto’s original timeline. One where he was an orphan, one where all the same terrible shit that happened to him in his original timeline also happened to him in that timeline. Or was going to happen. So he could stop it.

Only, that hadn’t worked out. According to Kurama, it hadn’t worked because of a lack of compatibility. Basically, he was too strong and too powerful to merge with a Naruto as weak as he’d been back when he was the age he’d wanted to go to. He would have overwhelmed that Naruto and they both would have died.

But then, if Kurama hadn’t lied about that, what HAD she lied about?

No doubt reading his mind, Kurama flinches and then sighs.

“I lied… when I said it was on the fly, Naruto. I knew from the very beginning that there was no way for us to go to a timeline close to our original one. I knew from the start that any of your past selves as weak as you were back then wouldn’t have been able to survive the impact. I knew all along that we would need to go somewhere like this, where the Naruto was a bit stronger, a bit older, and far more ready to handle you.”

Oh. That was… okay. Well no, it wasn’t okay. But at least he knew now. When they’d first arrived in this world, Kurama had lied to him. And he hadn’t even caught it. She’d told him she didn’t have long to make a different choice, to find a better option. But from the sound of things…

“Yeah. I knew all along where I’d be taking us. I kept that from you because I was worried you would do your usual self-sacrificing idiocy and try to find a way to make your original plan work anyways. I know you Naruto. I know you far too well and I know you love to just ram your head against a wall until either it breaks or you do. Only this time it wasn’t a wall, it was a gaping maw and if I’d let you, you would have seen us both swallowed up.”

Naruto flushes at that… rather accurate pinning of his personality. He couldn’t even say Kurama was all that wrong. Still, to have the choice taken out of his hands. To be brought here and… and told it was all an accident… but no. It seems obvious in hindsight that it wasn’t an accident. Ever since they got here, Kurama had been playing games and scheming like crazy.

“H-Hey now… look I’ll be honest, I knew a lot more about this timeline then you did going into this, but it wasn’t like I PLANNED to get you into bed with my previous container! That only happened because SHE decided to spy on us having sex, the pervert!”

Wait, seriously? Naruto blinks owlishly as Kurama all but thrusts her memories of uncovering and confronting Kushina his way. He shakes his head in bewilderment… but can’t deny that he’s enjoyed what’s come of that early interaction all the same. And yet…

“Naruto… I’m sorry.”

Looking up into Kurama’s eyes, the crazy thing is… Naruto can see she means it. And the simple fact that she’s even willing to say it is rather wild, given everything. The Kyuubi didn’t apologize. Not normally. And yet here she was, apologizing for the greatest deception she’s ever pulled on him.

Naruto lets out a shuddering breath… and then speaks.

The Patreon Vote:
[X] Naruto forgives Kurama immediately, on the spot - 90%
[ ] Naruto needs time to process the lie - 10%
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