Survival Master of Wilderness Live

Chapter 491 Fruit and Rabbit Meat

Chapter 491 Fruit and Rabbit Meat

After Chen Hu picked up the fruits on the ground, his hands were already covered with colorful juices.

Among them are oranges, and more surprisingly, persimmons, and even bananas. These plants from tropical regions actually grow here, which surprised Chen Hu.

The quantity is not large, but it is more than enough to solve his daily food.

One day's actions are all supported by these fruits and wild notoginseng.

After that, he found a tree hole with great difficulty, but found that the space inside was a bit small, and after stuffing his whole body, he couldn't accommodate anything else.

This is very dangerous for survival in the wild.

The snow wolf skin was dismembered by him into ropes, and the sleeping bag was hung on the tree. They spent the night like this and continued to set off the next day.

The man who cut the branches and mowed the grass was walking forward when suddenly there was the sound of rushing water. The sound was loud and not as pleasant as silver rings colliding.

"It should be a mountain stream. In the Himalayas, various mountain streams and streams pass through it. They are beautiful scenery and obstacles. Because your route is likely to be blocked by him." Chen Hu said.

He walked further, and it suddenly became clear in front of his eyes, it was a mountain stream with white waves and turbulent torrents.

The water flow is pure white, the spray is crystal clear, coupled with the magnificence from top to bottom, it is indeed a rare beauty.

"Bo Ya's Teeth ~ Reward x5 Rocket: Wow! I really want to compose a song about mountains and flowing water!"

"Great! Reward the x77 plane: I want to go swimming."

"Holy Avalokitesvara ~ reward x33333 fish balls: I don't know such a good place, why is the anchor sighing?"


"The width and depth of this mountain stream are a bit scary, and the rocks on both sides are very steep. If you want to jump directly, you can't do it. I can only cut down trees or take a detour!" Chen Hu said helplessly.

It is extremely difficult to fish in this kind of mountain stream, Chen Hu quickly gave up this idea.

"How about swimming over?" Chen Hu had a bold idea, but in the end he gave up.

"I'd better make a raft honestly! The water is too cold." Chen Hu cut down some small and big trees on the shore, and spent several hours to make a rough raft.

The raft was rough, but strong enough for him to cross.

Before going down the river, Chen Hu lit a fire with fish oil and some dry firewood.

"Boba Banshee ~ Reward x3 Airplane: What do you think, anchor? You have to take a test before crossing the river."

"Hey, that's not true. The river is too fast. I'm afraid that the raft will be overturned later. When I swim back, I can warm up immediately without making my body too weak." Chen Hu explained with a smile road.

He lit a fire, but the man ran a little upstream and began to set the raft.

And consciously, he didn't wear so many clothes to cross the river, but stuffed the sweater inside into the waterproof backpack.

I don't know if his crow's mouth worked, or the river is really too fast.

At the beginning, under his control, the raft walked steadily towards the opposite bank, but when it was almost in the middle, the raft began to take a deep dive, and finally sank.

Chen Hu had no choice but to abandon the raft in a hurry, the cold lake made him shiver.

It was really cold, really ice.

He had to rely on great willpower to control his body, so that he would not become numb, and slowly swim to Yuan An.

"Wow! It's freezing, it's freezing! Don't let me see the river again in such a ghostly place!" Chen Hu yelled and climbed up.

As the raft swam to the opposite bank, it continued to swim downstream, and when I climbed ashore, the fire was already in sight.

Chen Hu quickly ran to the fire and took off his wet clothes.

Fortunately, the backpack was waterproof. After drying his body, Chen Hu got into the sleeping bag. There was also a wooden rack he had made beforehand beside the fire, which was specially used for drying clothes.

"I can't leave today. I'll just take a good rest. I'm really shaking now." Chen Hu's lips were pale at this time.

Chen Hu spent the whole night by the fire, and the heat emitted by the lake took a long time to warm up.

"Aqiu!" He sneezed.

"Don't catch a cold!" He clasped his hands together and prayed.

Such a thing as a cold did not happen to him after all.When he woke up the next day, he was still as energetic as before.

The fire burned all night, and Chen Hu's clothes were dried. He put on warm clothes and started to walk upstream.

He didn't know about the mountain stream, since he couldn't cross the river, he could only walk forward aimlessly.

But not long after he left, Chen Hu heard some fans shouting.

"Anchor, look at the tree over there! Cut it down to make a single-plank bridge!"

Reminded by fans, Chen Hu saw a big tree growing on the cliff.

This is a pine tree, and the roots of pine trees are usually not too deep. Chen Hu walked over and kicked it vigorously, and it shook a little.

He made a visual inspection, and found that this huge pine tree could completely stand on both sides of the bank.

He immediately equipped his body with the title of boxing champion, and then kicked hard and hard, twice if he failed once, and three times if he failed twice.

After about four or five kicks, the pine tree collapsed from the crumbling, but the direction of the collapse was a little crooked.

According to this angle, it is impossible for the wood to touch the two banks.

Chen Hu hurriedly exerted an inch of strength and slapped the pine tree from the side to set things right.

The pine tree just stood opposite.

"Wang Ke is a bitch~ Reward x66 rocket: Lord Tiger is awesome!"

"Big dog licking wounds~reward x3 fish balls: Mr. Tiger's push is better than ten years of reading!"

"The fairy in the tomb: pretend to be tough every day, happy like a fairy!"


Walking on the single-plank bridge he made, Chen Hu was still in the mood to perform all kinds of difficult moves, the stream below was turbulent, and the upper part was dangerous.

It's a really great show.

Passing through the mountain stream calmly, Chen Hu walked into the forest again.

Coincidentally, a hare jumped over him and was caught by him.

The wild rabbits on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau are thicker than those in other places, and the meat is more fragrant. It is an extremely good delicacy.

So he set up a fire and roasted rabbits beside the mountain stream.

Peeling and roasting meat is always Chen Hu's specialty.

The grease on the roasted rabbit was bright and attractive, and Chen Hu couldn't hold back the devilish aroma, even if it was burning his mouth, he started to eat it with big mouthfuls.

"Go to tm fruit and wild notoginseng!" Chen Hu said.

(End of this chapter)

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