Survival Master of Wilderness Live

Chapter 480 System Tasks

Chapter 480 System Tasks
"Is the sky going to kill me?" Chen Hu was about to cry, it was the first time he felt so desperate.

Sure enough, the eyes are not only the window to the soul, but also the bridge to communicate fate.

Those who were born to see only darkness, or those who once fell from light to darkness, how much perseverance must they have to walk in this world step by step.

He could bear the pain of tearing his body, but the helplessness that almost every counterattack fell into the empty space made him almost crazy.

The silver spear landed on the ground, and finally drew a wolf in a random way, but his strength had weakened a lot, it was not enough to destroy its mobility with one blow, and it was not enough to catch up to catch up with the gun.

The wolf landed on the snow, only swayed for a while, then got up and joined the team attacking Chen Hu again.

From God's perspective, it can be seen that Chen Hu is turning blindly in a circle, his body is already a little wobbly, and it is difficult to balance.

The two snow wolves were like butchers with blunt knives, bite by bite, claw by claw, depriving Chen Hu of his life.

Chen Hu felt that he was going to die.

The fire had already exploded in the live broadcast room, and those who cried, cheered, and cursed Snow Wolf filled the entire screen.

A wry smile appeared on the corner of Chen Hu's mouth.

In the end, he couldn't hold on anymore, and his body fell to the snow, and he was in a trance and almost passed out for a while.



Just when Chen Hu's consciousness was on the verge of disappearing, some weird words surrounded his ears with a tone almost shouting.

Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of bows and arrows passing through the wind, and the howling of snow wolves.

Chen Hu felt that he still had hope of living, and struggled to stand up, but his meaning became more and more confused.

"Forget it, leave it to fate!" Chen Hu, struggling to no avail, chose to lie down and finally passed out.


"Centimeter~ Reward x77 Rocket: Master Tiger is awake! Master Tiger is awake!"

"Kill Xiaoqiang to death~ Reward x55 rocket: If you survive a catastrophe, you will be blessed! How many times have you narrowly escaped death, anchor? You will definitely be rich and powerful in the future."

"I'm Dirty Shuang~ Reward x 666 Airplane: Chen Hu, you damn guy! You scare me to death every time! Your life is mine, don't play around! Be safe!"

"I love wearing long johns~ Reward x2222 Fish Ball: Snow blindness is so scary, even Mr. Tiger fell!"


Amidst a series of rocket explosions, Chen Hu slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw were several black-faced men in thick snow suits.

It is three points similar to his appearance at this time.

But not as embarrassed as him.



He just opened his eyes, and the two men and a woman excitedly said something he couldn't understand.

Judging from their expressions, there was no malice.

"Thank you for saving me!" Chen Huzhong uttered this sentence in several languages, but none of them showed any sign of understanding.

They are not Tibetans, and they don't understand Chinese or English.

This is a group of savages who have been isolated for a long time.

This is the information that Chen Hu got from dancing and communicating with them physically for a long time.

They pointed to the basin next to Chen Hu, and then to his eyes.

Only then did he realize that his vision had become much clearer. Although he still couldn't see people clearly, he could barely distinguish their gender.

There is milk on the plate, which is what Chen Hu has been pursuing so hard.

Looks like they already helped with the eyes.

To treat snow blindness, a relatively primitive method is to use boiled and then cooled fresh milk to drop eyes.

Drop 5 or 6 drops each time, every three to five minutes, and finally apply cold water to the eyes.

In this way, snow blindness will disappear in as little as one day and as many as seven days.

The injuries on Chen Hu's body were actually not serious, because there was a thick snow suit blocking them, except for the huge wound on his arm, other repairs would not be delayed.

He reckoned to rest for a day or two before setting off.

It turned out that after he ate the first meal prepared for him by these hospitable natives, the system unexpectedly gave a notification sound.

But the content of the notification sound is still the same - the task.

"Hey, the host activates a random mission, stays in the indigenous tribe for three days, and will encounter various natural and man-made disasters within seven days. While the host protects himself, he will try his best to ensure that the tribe's people can survive. Reward: The completion of the main task is delayed by one week. Punishment: None."

"Natural disasters and man-made disasters?" Every time the system gave a side mission, he would have an ominous premonition.

What's more, there was no punishment this time, which made him feel very panicked.

The most deceitful thing is the so-called reward, which has already been delayed for a week, and the reward week can only be offset.

He didn't want to eat for free, so he went out with them to look for food the next day.

Their tribe does not have more than 30 people in total.

Their source of food is the small forest on the top of the snow mountain, and all kinds of ferocious beasts on the snow field who don't know whether they are hunters or prey.

It may be because of the forced use of eagle eyes, Chen Hu's eyes recovered very slowly, hunting alone was impossible, he could only use his physical strength to carry more things.

Every time I chat with them, I dance with hands and feet, which is inexplicable and interesting at the same time.

Naturally, the red pine nuts are the most collected, or because they are most of their food source, they treat the red pine tree almost like a pilgrimage, and Chen Hu dare not say that he cut down a red pine.

He did the math, more than a day had passed, and the red pine tree he cut was almost on the opposite side of the route they used to go.

It snowed twice in three days on the top of the mountain, his criminal evidence should be buried.

Every time he went there, he felt an inexplicable guilty conscience.

In these leisurely and harmless days, Chen Hu waited, he knew that the system would definitely not be aimless.




Chen Hu has been living in the igloo of the family that rescued them back then. They still use the most primitive way of drilling wood to make fire, or use ice cubes to condense sunlight to heat up and heat up, eventually forming a flame.

Chen Hu has a flint and steel, and sparks pop out when he taps lightly. This is because they are almost praised as a miracle by them, and they can always dance around him for a long time.

As a thank you, Chen Hu gave them a flint and steel as a gift, but Chen Hu never saw them use it, so maybe it was kept as a treasure.

After that, his treatment went up to a higher level. For example, the piece of meat on his plate was obviously the sum of the three of them.

Chen Hu pushed and pushed Sangsang, and finally cut half of it for the child to eat.

Eat well, just like a ray of sunshine in the snow.

The white jade-like moon plate of the snow house hangs high, and the white light like washing silk covers the whole snow field. Snow and light, light and moon are almost integrated.


At this time, there should be a beautiful song to match.

However, there is no melody, only howling wolves.

(End of this chapter)

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