Survival in the road, I can summon the Shadow Corps

Chapter 23

At this time, the monsters that were drawn out re -stood up again, and the teeth danced to rush to Su Ran.

But without waiting for it to open his legs, he was drawn out by the ninja, and another ninja immediately made up a few shots.

If you change to ordinary animals or humans, it will be cool by this set of operations.

However, the monster with a fire light seemed as if it was not affected, and he got up from the shelves.

What is its attack power, Su Ran can’t see it, but the ability of this monster to resist is really powerful.

Su Ran glanced at the burning zombie who was drawn out again, and the next moment, he called out a thorn warrior.

Since the attack method of Ghost Shadow Ninja causing any harm to it, then change to a professional counter -blade warrior.

On the attack, the thorn warrior is one of the best.

As soon as the thorn warrior was on the court, the claws waved, and the burning zombies that were still very resistant to the fire immediately became large and small pieces.

The scattered corpse did not have any bloody smell and no blood, which shows the degree of burning.

“Unfortunately, I didn’t bring that pistol, otherwise I could try its power.” Su Ran was a little annoyed.

However, this can’t be blamed for him. After all, he got out of the car because he was going to vomit, and then he hurriedly came out. It was simply an accident that he could meet this pharmacy.

After the burning zombies, the scorching flavor in the pharmacy is even stronger, and some medicine bottle that can be seen everywhere can be seen everywhere.

Su Ran saw the situation in the store through mental sense, and he seemed to understand why these drugs were like this.

At first he was curious. Obviously these medicine bottle had been burned, but the shelves and other decorations in the room were intact, and they didn’t seem to have burned fire at all.

Su Ran speculated that the burning zombie should be the owner of this pharmacy.

He accidentally put on Longyan, so he returned to the pharmacy as soon as possible, and he wanted to find the body of drug treatment.

Unfortunately, he seemed to fail.

Well, it should be like this!

Su Ran touched the thin beard with his chin and nodded frequently, and was very sure of his reasoning.

Next, Su Ran turned over the box in the pharmacy. It took more than half an hour, and finally found only a small part of the drugs and medical items that could be used.

They are small half -box cooling stickers, one bottle of iodine, two rows of painkillers, and a bag of cotton swab.

He packed all these things with a plastic bag and went out of the pharmacy.

The harvest of this trip is far from being as rich as expected, but there is no empty -handed return.

Originally, Su Ran just wanted to get out of the car to take a break. I didn’t expect that there was an additional gain, so it was still worth it in general.

Su Ran quickly returned to the car and carefully collected these pharmaceutical materials.

Then picked up a bottle of water from the co -pilot and drank two.

At this point, the rest was enough, and it was time to continue.

From departure to now, it has been running more than 11 kilometers, and there are 6,7 kilometers left before the destination.

At the time of the speed, it is almost half an hour.

After Su Ran was finished, he stepped on the throttle.

The road is still that road, and bumps are still bumps.

No one can understand, how can a good road be so uniformly covered with crushed wreckage?

This way, the explosion -proof car was stable for a moment.

However, one thing is strange.

Su Ran drove the explosion -proof car for so long, but he had never encountered a danger. Is this a copy of difficulty?

Even the burning zombie just now, if Su Ran wanted to engage in some medicines, he would not be able to encounter it. After all, the door was locked.

All this looks strange and strange.

Su Ran thought like this.

In fact, many dangers of this copy are hidden, but Su Ran did not notice, or did not care.

For example, this is full of gravel roads.

If you look closely, it is not difficult to find that many of these crushed rocks are actually very sharp, and even mixed with various glass, iron and other items.

This kind of road conditions dare to drive over and pierce it in minutes.

Only explosion -proof tires like Su Ran, or tires that can prevent thorns can ignore these dangers.

What? Don’t take the road?

On both sides of the highway, there are piles of construction garbage, and there are many bowls of mouth -sized trunks. Driving on it, that is, the tanks are hard to walk!

Otherwise, how could Su Ran drive on the road where the crushed rocks are honest?

Along the way, Su Ran finally came to the mission place.

This is an abandoned small hospital building.

Five -level height, scorched black outside, cracked in some places, pungent and unpleasant taste permeated in the air.

Little Lord, there is still behind this chapter, please click the next page to continue reading, the later is more exciting!

This environment and dark sky are like scenes in horror movies.

Su Ran hit a cold, and the goose bumps got up.

He prayed silently in his heart, hoping that this was Western horror, not Chinese horror.

As we all know, Western -style horror is physical and can compete, but Chinese horror is different. It is specialized in the spirit, but there is no entity!

In the past, Su Ran would not believe in these ghosts and gods, but now.

Crossing all over, there is still a little ghost?

Su Ran took a deep breath, pressed down his heart, and began to summon the Shadow Legion.

Two ninjas, ten thorn samurai.

Su Ran looked at the big group of people in front of him, and he was stable a lot.

Then Su Ran took them and entered the hospital building.

“Five floors, there are 40 burning zombies, maybe there are other dangers, be careful.”

Su Ran was vigilant, and silently opened the mental sense.

First, the first floor, this is the service hall, and various consultation rooms.

Su Ran stepped forward, and the dark environment did not affect him much.

After all, the distance of mental induction is tens of meters, which is enough to deal with the current environment.

Su Ran was carefully explored, and it was too quiet here, and he could not help but let go.

The lobby on the first floor is not too chaotic, that is, all kinds of beds are arranged everywhere, and the carts are chaotic.

The air here is difficult to smell. The taste of disinfection water is mixed with sulfur and scorching flavor.

Su Ran came to the door of the first consultation room lightly. His mental induction could not penetrate into the closed space, so he couldn’t know the situation inside.

He leaned on the wall and signaled a ninja around him to open the door.

With the door handle rotating, the door was pushed away.

A strong sulfur mixed with the smell of disinfection water came out of it.

Su Ran covered his nose and explored his mental power into the room. The next moment, his pupils suddenly shrunk.

The five or six burning zombies were staring at the eyes of the dead, and looked at the open door.

At this time, Su Ran saw the name of the department in the consultation room.

Dermatology consultation room.

Chapter 29 The importance of plot items

Su Ran just wanted to walk away, but the burning zombies inside took the lead in acting.

Just like a drop of water splashing into the oil pan, the response was fierce.

They were a bit dull skin, which re -burned in an instant. The fire and temperature were strong, far stronger than the burning zombies of the pharmacy.

Su Ran turned his head without hesitation, for fear of walking slowly, while the thorn warriors took the initiative to welcome them.

Before waiting for Su Ran to go far, a huge blasting sound came, and he was also flying out by a powerful force.


A amazing flame explosion occurred in the skin consultation room. The small wooden door of the consultation room was destroyed by the fire that was erupted in an instant.

When Su Ran got up from the ground, when he looked back, he found that the thorn warrior had already fought with the burning zombies.

These zombies are very flexible. Although they cannot be compared with the thorn warrior, they are almost the same as a normal person.

Moreover, their skin was extremely tough. Su Ran saw several times the claws of the thorn warrior, but they just hit a spark.

All this is explaining that things are not very optimistic. The stabbing warrior that has always been invincible is not good for today!

Su Ran stood in the distance, and looked at the battlefield anxiously by the fire from the burning zombies.

Although there are a large number of thorn samurai, the six -headed zombies seem to know how to cooperate with each other, and the thorn warriors cannot attack their formation for a while.

The scene was deadlocked, and no one was afraid of anyone, but in a short time, no one could take.

This was a good thing. After all, as the thorn warrior of the Shadow Corps, the essence of them was shadow, and there was no saying and exhaustion at all.

And the number of people also dominates. If you drag it, the victory must be a thorn warrior.

However, Su Ran found a bad thing at this time.

The temperature here is wrong!

Su Ran didn’t care too much before, but after the drown of Dou Da’s sweat dripping down, he found that the environment was extremely hot.

when did it happen?

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