Superheroine Seducing Accountant

Everybody Wants The Fresh Meat

Mira typed on her computer, logging into her account: MiraTheGreat, for her no doubt inevitable epitaph. Her password was a secret she'd never say aloud, despite the feeling of pride at memorizing a twelve word password. It was only the password to her home computer, of course; her office computers had different passwords. She flicked the monitor over to negative red, lightening the load on her eyes and making it less likely her lover from the previous night would awaken. He'd only been sleeping for three hours. That was how long she took in her main sleep - her little twenty minute naps were peppered through the day to make up for the remainder and got her up to a full four hours of sleep a day.

On automatic, she reached into the drawer to collect a protein bar, then paused, considering. She glanced back at the man lying there. Alec? Alan? Alex? He had been fun, and she didn't want to hurt his feelings, but... he simply wasn't very intelligent. His personality hadn't been compelling. There were dozens of men like him lined up and waiting to spend time with her. If she flicked open her phone's address book she could call any of them, and they'd be over in short order.

So, she didn't really care if he thought she was a slob just because she had a morning snack. She chomped down on the protein bar, keeping it quiet out of common courtesy. He only groaned and rolled over in his sleep.

Her fingers trailed along her keyboard, checking on various after-hours trades that had been made, her eyes interpreting each in turn. Twice she paused to check the news for a particular stock that was fluctuating strangely, put her best judgment into it, and tossed a little bit of money at it one way or the other. She was only playing the markets for fun, a few thousand dollars here and there. The fact that her account was now up to $134,875.44 as of that very moment was just a pleasant show of how good a job she'd been doing - the investment was only $10,000, and she'd only started this account last year. She considered just cutting out half now, saving her winnings, at least in part, but reminded herself this was for fun and she could take a loss on the chin. She'd make many, many times as much money just by moping for a day, after all.

She had been curious how well she could manage day trading. It obviously wasn't making close to Stone Industries' money, but it wasn't as if she could invent commercially viable muon-catalyzed fusion reactors or design an asteroid mining drone while on American Trading Platform. It was just for fun. Like gambling, except that you always win in the long run instead of always losing. If she really did start making more money this way than she did on Stone Industries itself, then she would have had to conclude that the country's economic system was fundamentally broken.

She considered her daily trades, checked her emails, and made a few notes on the telomerase research coming out of Stone Industries' biotech R&D. She did plan to live forever, and hopefully have an eternally youthful and handsome husband (or three), so it was important to make sure that the PhDs in biology didn't make an oopsie because they lacked her keen insight into technology. Her thoughts wandered as she rechecked their latest data set's p-values... they seemed to know enough not to futz with them too much.

The new employee, Roger Cooper, rounded his way into her thoughts. Him stretching had been a true sight for sore eyes. That slender body, the effortless way he moved in it... he had a bit of that former fat boy energy, where the man didn't know just how hot he really was. She wondered idly how big his cock was. She could always ask Kate for that information - he'd utterly failed to explicitly deny that he had sex with Kate, which was the telltale sign that he had, in fact, fucked Kate. Kate could use a good dicking to destress, but Mira understood his embarrassment. It was the classic "former fat boy gets hit on for the first time in his life, fucks whatever hot idiot tries to hit on him back." Too bad she hadn't been that hot idiot.

They had gotten off better on his second day than on his first, she thought. He'd been strangely defensive, leaping to the idea she was trying to coerce him into sex. Overcompensation? Cynicism? There weren't superheroines back on his Earth, so perhaps it was simply that he was unaccustomed to the idea of a woman who was actually physically capable of raping him? But that wouldn't explain why he'd hit it off with Kate. She knew what fixed it the second day: making the offer of withdrawing her attentions more explicit. She'd been playing with him too much the first day, enjoying his squirming.

Oh, they had made a 0.067 p-value into a 0.044 one by massaging the data. She highlighted it in red and offered her own, corrected numbers.

It was probably just that. She'd been enjoying the squirming. The benighted cynical boy who's not used to being the object of a woman's attention? She was like a cat with a mouse. She'd like to see him squirm and gasp as she sucked him off, mhm. Her gaze went idly over towards Mr. Al-something, and she twisted round in her seat. She took the last chomp of her protein bar. Would he appreciate a wakeup blowjob? She glanced at her watch - not at 3:14 AM, no. Ah well. She tossed the wrapper in the bin and went to take a shower.

To be honest, the fact that Roger had been playing so hard to get just made him more attractive to her. Maybe not the wisest mating strategy, but if she went for easy boys she'd have a harem in the dozens by now. If he'd ever told her that he genuinely didn't want to fuck her, that he had no interest, that he felt it was inappropriate, rather than insinuating and dancing around it, she'd have stepped back without hesitation.

She wasn't Kate, after all.

* * *

"Thank you so much, Perihelion," the man said, smiling brightly up at her as she floated his wheelchair-bound wife back down to the ground. Behind her, the inferno that had engulfed the apartment building continued to rage, and she flew right back up. The heat licked at her skin lightly, feeling like what she had to assume a balmy day felt like for a normal person. She could only vaguely remember the days when she couldn't have easily walked through fire - she'd first discovered her nigh-invulnerability at fourteen, when, in a moment of idiot-libido, she had tried to put something inside of her that really, she shouldn't have.

She was a masochist, and she was nigh-invulnerable. Not exactly a fun combination. She could get slapped, hit, spanked, and it wouldn't cause any pain. Pain was almost something she only read about in books, at this point. Heard about from other people.

Not that she'd ever been on the receiving end of any of those physical acts in the bedroom. She had been far, far too embarrassed to ever dare to ask a man to mistreat her the way she wanted to, and yet, Roger had just...

She shuddered, remembering him speaking to her when she'd showed up at his place. I have another woman over right now. He had just said it. There had been a little guilt in his voice, at hurting her feelings, but not the slightest trace of hesitation or shame. She had just been tossed to the curb for some other woman.

The sex was great, too. He just... when he'd suggested that she blow him at work, her brain had instantly imagined him rubbing his foot against her clit, insulting her for being so intensely aroused as she knelt under his desk, her coworkers mere meters away. When he fucked her, he fucked her, treated her like a sex toy. She'd never been treated like that, never been able to say aloud the contents of her porn folder, to plead to be treated like the girls in all those mascdom videos she loved watching. Tied up. Insulted. Humiliated. Slapped. Degraded. She was just too embarrassed, and not in the sexy fun sense, but Roger... Roger just understood her perfectly.

She knocked down a door and retrieved a baby from its crib, slamming right through the wall while cradling the child.

She wondered who Roger had been with. That woman was incredibly, incredibly lucky.

* * *

Xico looked at the cock with a hypnotized gaze. Was it hard for her? Her breath was soft, and she glanced over at Roger's serenely sleeping face, absently tracing along the contours of his dreams. She couldn't block it out, but dreams were a bit more mushy, harder to really understand. His dream... wasn't even about sex, it seemed like. It was about doing paperwork wrong.

Why was he hard, then? Did he get hard from doing paperwork wrong? Was that a fetish? She wouldn't judge if it was, but it just didn't make sense to her...

She wondered about Kate. The feelings she'd had when she'd been rejected had been strange too. If Xico had come to Roger's apartment and he'd just said, "Oh, sorry, I'm with somebody else," she would have at least asked if she could watch. She wondered what the emotional state of another woman was like, when they had sex, and she had certainly enjoyed feeling the waves of raw lust and libido that practically broiled off of him. Would they feel so nice if they weren't targeted at her, she wondered? She wasn't a cuckold, she just liked feeling other people's happiness, that was part of why she was a heroine (in training).

His thoughts sometimes went to this weird attempt to understand things by reversing the genders of the parties involved. Did that make it easier for him to understand the other sex? Kate had been thinking about how he had understood her really well, making them very sexually compatible. It felt like there was something else there, something she didn't quite get... but she was invading his privacy by going so far into such thoughts. She would try not to pry. He was a good guy, after all. He'd been really nice about her first time. If anything, he seemed to have maybe a bit of a cherry popper fetish? Some guys had that, right?

He had been almost constantly fantasizing about fellatio, and he had eaten her out last night... she owed him a blowjob. She bit her thumb, her tentacles curling up nervously. What if he got mad about being woken up with a blowjob? It was technically sexual assault, since he wouldn't have consented... maybe he didn't have any interest in sex early in the mornings...

She decided to just speak up, even if it was embarrassing. She got up near his ear. "Mr. Cooper?" She asked it really quietly, almost a whisper, not wanting to wake him, really, just to ask. He let out a faint mumble, his thoughts resolving into nascent consciousness rather than dreaming incoherence. "Can I give you a morning blowjob?"

There was a sense of disbelief in his head, but it was the kind where he couldn't believe that she'd felt the need to ask that. She blushed, ducking her head. "Yeah, whenever you want," he mumbled, closing his eyes. She could feel the softening of his thoughts as he tried to get back to sleep. There was a kind of blurring as they became increasingly disconnected from one another.

She took a deep breath through her nose, her gaze turning down to Roger's cock. It was on the bigger side, but not ridiculously so: a little bit longer than her hand when she pressed her palm up against the base, and when she wrapped her hand around it, her fingers could just barely brush against one another. Her brain bubbled up the old cliche, Anything more than a handful's a waste. That made her feel shallow: her family had always taught her to love people based on their minds, not their bodies. Despite that, she still liked that it was big.

She liked Roger for his personality, though. Or... did she? Was she just taking advantage of him because he thought she was sexy? She barely knew him... she was acting like Mira, just picking up some guy and fucking him...

She could talk about it later. He was clearly sleepy right now, and, even if things didn't wind up working out, he'd clearly really really wanted a blowjob from her, and been so ridiculously nice as to make her first time as good as possible... she crawled down in between his legs, wrapping her lips around his cockhead.

* * *

Returning to consciousness is always a strange thing. Even if one has slept for only half an hour, it can feel like eons; there's always this strange sense of discontinuity. What were you doing the night before? It's retrieved just like the question of what you were doing yesterday (which, technically, it was), not like what you were just doing minutes ago. Trudging through it until you found some reminder of what had happened last night.

So, when I awoke to find a mouth wrapped around my dick, I wasn't actually sure who it was. In fact, my assumption was that it was the woman that had sucked my cock twice, rather than the one who had never sucked my cock at all. In my foggy brain at the moment, I only said the natural thing for my complete misapprehension of the situation. "That's a good girl, Kate," I breathed out, and instantly, the tongues (wait, tongues? my sleep-fogged mind managed) stopped their movements.

Xico popped her lips off my cock, looking red as crimson as I opened my eyes and glanced down at her where she was kneeling. "Sorry, I- I asked, but you must have been too tired, I just wanted to do something nice, I'm sorry."

I didn't understand why she was so desperately apologetic. It was my bad for saying the wrong girl's name, wasn't it? Even in this world of reversed sexual morality...

"A what?" Xico asked, and I mentally cursed. "Oh! Sorry, sorry, I'm really screwing up, I just..."

I needed a way to make her stop crying and apologizing so I could actually gather my thoughts rather than feel like a piece of shit. "Please go back to sucking my cock," I said. When she didn't immediately obey for whatever reason, I chose to soothe that fragile ego of hers with an honest compliment. "It was really, really good."

Xico gulped, a tentative smile on her lips, but she obeyed, wrapping her mouth back around my cock, looking up at me with those big green eyes of hers silently begging for approval. I reached down for her, softly running my fingers through her hair. She was a very talented fellatrix. Her six tongues were working over what of my cock was in her mouth. Some twisted along my tip, making a curling, circular motion; others simply played with the ring of my cockhead where it popped in, circling it. One tentatively slithered out past her lower lip, stroking along the underside of my length and making my whole dick feel absolutely fantastic, twitching in her mouth.

That was just her tongues, too. She moved like a girl who had just reviewed blowjob tips and tricks before she started sucking, and she hummed softly, a gentle tune almost like a lullaby. The vibration softly coaxed my cock, rubbing it up against her tentacles where they rested on the bottom of her mouth. She began to gently slide forward, accepting more and more of my cock into her mouth, threatening to make her throat swell, two of her tongues now slithering out, rubbing along the base and up to the sides as they whipped up and down in a metronome movement that was extremely stimulating.

Then I hit the back of her throat, and she sputtered, gagging lightly. It was only natural, given how new she was, and those thoughts made her cheeks bloom with heat. "There's plenty of time to learn," I told her, reaching down to softly reassure her. She smiled with her eyes at that, pleased at the idea that I would be giving her more chances to suck my cock. All I could really manage to think was that this was a shy, sweet girl, who was absolutely giddy with excitement that I was thinking about letting her suck my cock. It was intoxicating, the raw sense of being so desired. Women back in my world were so lucky, yet they didn't appreciate it at all.

If she picked up that thought, she didn't comment on it besides the slightest furrowing of her brow. She started to slurp noisily, bobbing up and down what she could get in her mouth, and her tongues began to really dance as she found a pattern. Six tongues each independently and in chorus swiveled around my cock, brushing all along it, coating it in saliva in a half-second. More spit dribbled down my length, the tantalizing cool feeling of it intensely pleasant. I groaned, softly bucking my hips upward, my breath catching in my throat as I just lost myself in the moment.

I have to admit that I didn't do much on my end to reciprocate Xico's affections. Obviously in our positions I couldn't eat her out, but I was enjoying basking in it so much that I didn't offer even so much as a good girl for a good two minutes of that cute little mouth wrapped around my dick, those green eyes looking up at me almost adoringly, trying her best in the sweetest way possible. Then I realized that there was no man in the whole world that didn't want to hear a girl receiving cunnilingus from him say something, and started to speak.

"Fuck, that's good, Xico. You're doing great. I love, love, love your tongues," I said, and that in particular got this fascinating back-and-forth waggling of her tentacles. I couldn't help but wonder if it was analogous to a dog's wagging tail, if she was happy so her tentacles were trying to fan it out to anybody who could listen. She quietly nodded in response to my silent question, wearing this goofy smile despite the dick in her mouth, her cheeks hot with a trace of embarrassment. "You're happy I like your tongues?" She nodded rapidly on my cock, rubbing my dick against her palate in the process. "I do. I really, really do. I think they're sexy. You know that. The first time I saw them, I wondered what they'd feel like on my cock."

She couldn't maintain eye contact at that point, turning her gaze instead towards my pelvis, staring blankly forward at my toned stomach. I softly kept on petting her, and maintained the praise as well. "They feel great. You're really, really talented as a fellatrix." That also got a little waggle of her tentacles. "Fuck, fuck, do you think we could get away with doing this at work?"

She turned scarlet in response to that, letting out a small squeak that vibrated my dick in her mouth, and I promptly came, just spraying my cum out all over the inside of her mouth. She hungrily sucked and swallowed up every last drop.

When I was completely spent, I pretty much just collapsed back on the bed, panting softly as I did so. My hands quietly tapped the bed on either side of me, as she slid slowly up and off, swallowing the last bits of my cum. For a moment, she was just a beautiful girl with a few extra tongues and a couple extra limbs who had just got done sucking my cock, and I was the happiest guy on the planet.

Then I remembered that she'd overheard me thinking about this place being a world of reversed sexual morality. She gulped down whatever still rested in her mouth. "You don't have to tell me... sorry for picking it up," she said, her tentacles twining together.

I would have happily continued to exist in a state of constantly lying to her, to be clear. There was no actual reason she had to know, and every reason I would benefit by her not knowing. Nor would she suffer in any meaningful way from the small deception; if anything, she would be made happier by it. My decision to tell her was entirely selfish - I simply didn't want to have to deal with constantly monitoring my thoughts to preserve my One Secret from her.

"In the world I come from, men are the ones who do the sexual pursuing, and women the ones who are the sexual gatekeepers. As far as sex is concerned, the roles are reversed. Everything else is the same - the US has only had male Presidents, the world's strongest person is a man, there are more women nurses, but for sex specifically, it's flipped around."

She just blinked at that, trying and failing to really process it immediately. "I don't really get it..." she said, at last.

"Okay. Imagine that I'm the girl, and you're the boy." She nodded, her eyes focusing up on the center of her brow. "A sexy older female accountant pushed the quiet, inexperienced, shy hero up against the wall and asked him to come over to her place. That's how it feels to me."

"But that's different... that would basically be... that's what you thought I would be afraid of!" Her eyes widened at that. "That you... would rape me? I mean... I know guys... raping girls happens, but... not a lot..."

"It happens a lot back in my world," I told her.

"That sounds like a porno premise..." she said, her voice soft as she kept rolling the idea in her head. "A world full of guys that... rape you. Not my kind of porno, but..."

"No, we don't just rape women," I said, almost annoyed at how slow she was to get this. "I've never raped a woman. Most guys have never raped a woman. Like, ninety five plus percent. Alright?" She nodded like she was receiving a scolding. "But it's a guy who has to ask the girl out. It's a guy who has to make sure the girl comes. It's a guy who's the one who gets hard at the right hint of leg. It's a girl who's afraid of being called a slut."

She blinked several more times, then it finally seemed to click in her head. "Oh... so it is a porno premise... but for you?"

"Yes. Yes. I had a cute younger girl who was shy and sweet but all I had to do to pop her cherry was ask. I had a sexy, powerful heroine who was glad to fuck me after an hour of conversation." Her expression did not fill me with confidence that she fully understood. "Switch the genders around if you don't get it."

She blinked at that, her eyes going up as she switched the genders, then she turned bright red. "Oh... Okay... I get it now."

There was a silence that dragged on for far too long. I wasn't using my superspeed powers to control my subjective perception of time, but it felt like it, with the long seconds that passed as she seemed to think it over. I let her mull everything over. If she didn't want to keep doing things together with this revelation-

"What? Why wouldn't I want to do that?" She asked, suddenly full of energy again, wide-eyed and almost afraid.

"...because I tricked you?" I pointed out. Or the fact that our romantic involvement so far had been eating some ice cream together that Kate had been the one to actually buy.

"Oh. But... girls want to get... in relationships too... right? Your thoughts... it seemed like you were... open to it? Not that we are now, but... you don't want just sex with women... right? You tried to make me feel good... fed me ice cream..." Did she want us to start going steady now? Had I misjudged this world? In retrospect, of course I had. Did every man have no higher interest than anonymous sex with women? Weren't there plenty who would turn it down, or who would get feelings the moment after? "We don't have to go steady... now... but could we... date? A little?" She squirmed nervously under my gaze. It was obvious this was the first time she'd ever asked out a boy, and her cheeks grew hot.

"Sure," I told her, at last, gently running my fingers through her hair to reassure her. She was cute. She was sweet. She didn't even complain about me having fucked another woman the day before she came over, though she did blush at that thought. "Do you want to have sex?"

"U-um... yes, but..." she trailed off, blushing. "I should b-brush my teeth... since I swallowed your cum... like how you did... for me?" She almost squeaked the words out, glancing sidelong at my bathroom. Except that she hadn't exactly brought over a toothbrush of her own.

"Right. Let me check to see if I have any breath mints," I told her, kissing her forehead.

As it turned out, I did, and chewing a good half-dozen of them successfully wiped out any lingering cum taste in her mouth. Then I pounded her to heaven like I had the previous night, enjoying the way her cute body wiggled under me.

* * *

Mira wasn't at work when we came in, so I just headed to my office, Xico in tow, and settled into my chair to get to work. I went through page after page in rapid sequence, losing myself in my thoughts. I tried very hard to avoid it, but I wound up mentally comparing sex with Kate to sex with Xico. Kate was bustier, but Xico was tighter. Kate was more masochistic, but Xico was more flexible. Deepthroating versus sextuple tongues. Those kinds of comparisons were made in one second bursts before I forcibly wrenched my thoughts over to another subject matter, but that didn't keep Xico from starting to positively glow as she hovered next to me, her eyes clearly absorbing approximately nothing of the papers in front of her. For one, that particular sheet was currently being held upside down.

It made me wonder if I should say something, but what other telepaths did they have? Probably not any.

"There are a couple... but they tend to do longer missions... or... work on the other side of the country... since they're..." she trailed off, wiggling her hand in the air as she tried to grab the word she was looking for out of it. "Investors?"

"Investigators," I offered.

"Investigators," Xico agreed, with a wan smile. That was good. It gave me time before any other telepaths showed up and started telling everybody I was secretly imagining having sex with every last woman here. Xico blushed at my thought, but the cute little smile on her lips told me she wasn't really offended.

It was then that the door to my office burst open.


The girl who stepped through had auburn hair and red-brown eyes. She was overloaded with piercings, several in her ears, one in her eyebrow, and one that flashed out as a tongue stud. Her choice of style was similarly sharp and rebellious, though to my eyes maybe a decade or two out of date. I was pretty sure it was still in fashion in this world, though. Spiked collar that connected downward in a way that couldn't possibly be some type of bondage, a tank top, torn up leggings, boots, a black jacket with a deceased smiley face on it.

"Xico, hey," she said, with the casualness of a girl who hadn't just busted open the door. Her hands were wrapped up in bandages, and she was wearing a grin as she saw me. "Heard you were working with some old gramps, but he looks a lot better than I expected. Hey," she said, jerking her chin at me as if annoyed I hadn't said anything to her yet, even though she hadn't exactly given me the chance to.

"I'm Roger. You are..?" I prompted, ignoring the minor stab of calling me a gramps. It seemed more likely to just be her way of talking, and it had also been some kind of bizarre double-edged compliment. I wondered if she was perhaps negging me?

"Well, out of costume I'm Lope, in costume I'm Hellfire Bitch," she said, making some kind of vaguely punk-ish sign with a hand that lit up with a corona of fire, as she clearly tried very hard to impress me.

Xico hovered over next to me, whispering to me. "Everybody just calls her Hellfire. Ms. Stone says not to encourage her."

"You can call me Bitch if you want," Lope said, quenching her hand and sitting on the edge of the desk. "I heard there was a mega-hottie here, thought I'd talk to him."

I did mentally note that she had just gotten done saying that she had heard that Xico was working with an old gramps. I also wondered where she had been the past few days - had she been working elsewhere? I ultimately was forced to just chalk up the strangeness of her behavior to some mix of the weird inverted sexual norms and being a teenager trying to express her sexuality. A teen boy bumbling it as he tried to look cool wasn't exactly uncommon back on my world, after all. "Well, I can take a break. They're working me hard enough," I said. "Where have you been? It sounds like you haven't spoken to Xico in a while."

"Oh, you know, Xico's got her thing, I've got my thing." She stuck out her tongue at me, and I failed to keep myself from wondering how a tongue stud felt on cock. Xico promptly blushed scarlet and noisily swallowed. "Come on, you're reading all about our expenditures? Where's Hellfire Bitch on those documents? It should tell you what I've been doing."

"Everybody just has a number, and I don't know the number for you," I said.

"Could it be 666?"

"No." That was too few digits.

She clucked her tongue, then hopped off the edge of the desk, apparently concluding that she was striking out based on what was, frankly, very little evidence. "Xico, call me, we should hang out some more. Your tentacles are totally rad," she added, with a gesture towards them. "I know this shop that does hand-tailored custom stuff, great designs, could get you something fun and flashy for them. Maybe some red x-ribbons around them, look wild," she explained. Xico's blush made it clear she had no interest in them. "Or just come over to shoot the shit and watch some movies. I got this gory as fuck flick. Oh, hey, Roger, you wanna come over and watch it? Doom Night IX, seven out of ten rating."

I had absolutely no idea what Doom Night IX was. However, I didn't need to be a telepath to know that she was propositioning me in the hopes of sex. I also didn't need to be a precognitive to know that going along with another girl propositioning me was- "You can go... if you want..." Xico said to me.

"Oooo?" Lope said, instantly settling back onto the desk with a wild glint in her eyes. "You do want to come over? I thought you were too button-up for that kind of stuff, but if Xico's encouraging you, you must really love it? You a fan of Doom Night?"

"I'm..." interested in fucking your mouth. "Interested in trying out what this world has to offer. Its media is different from my own world's." All technically true, it's just that the first statement had nothing to do with the second, since the thing I wanted to try out was Lope.

If she was up for it. If Xico wasn't silently judging me. Xico quietly waggled her hands in a desperate "no" gesture intended to keep it subtle, but it had the opposite effect, because Lope noticed and completely misinterpreted it.

"Hey, c'mon, Xico, don't mess with my chances here."

"No! That's... not what I was doing..." Lope frowned at that, but seemed to trust Xico. I guess Xico didn't normally lie?

"How about you come on over after work, then?" Lope suggested, turning her attention back to me.

"Isn't it a school night?"

"Bluh. I'm finishing out my last year, c'mon. It's just finals and college entrance exams left, man."

"Then I'm definitely not," I told her. I wasn't going to ruin a young girl's life just to fuck her. I'd feel bad about it afterwards.

Lope let out a grumbling noise. "Fine, fine, the weekend, alright? I'll do all my studying beforehand."

"Xico? How about you come, and make sure she really does?" I looked her in the eye, thinking directly to her. If it makes you uncomfortable, you can just tell me. But I'd enjoy a threesome with the two of you. There was no reason to keep it all under wraps, here. Xico knew my secret, knew that I loved sex with hot barely-legal teens in the same way girls in her world loved it.

"Sure," Xico said. Lope didn't seem super happy to know there was a third wheel coming along, but she'd change her tune when she knew that - if things went well, obviously, I'm not a complete degenerate - they'd both be getting fucked.

* * *

Mira was in the workshop, cutting apart a damaged part of one of her attack drones to try to see if it could be replaced, repaired, or if the whole thing had to be scrapped, when the door swung open. There was Penelope. "What is it, Penny?" Mira asked, making sure to emphasize the name. The kid jumped up and down on every last one of her nerves. Probably because she reminded her of herself, on some level.

"I just invited the new guy over to my house," Penelope bragged.

"What?" The new guy - she couldn't mean Roger, could she? That guy was way too old for her. Was he a panther?

"Yeah, he and Xico are coming over to watch a movie this weekend." Oh. Just trying to settle in with his coworkers. Mira let out a breath.

"Great. Good for you. That it?"

"Just thought you'd want to know," Penelope offered.

"I didn't. Out, so I can get back to work."

Penelope obediently left. Mira couldn't help but grit her teeth. How the fuck had fucking Penelope Baker managed to get a date with Roger before her?

* * *

Kate played with her phone, thumbing through the two dozen pictures she'd taken of her naked body already. Which part would Roger want to see most? He thought she was hot, so he'd definitely want a sexy picture, right? It couldn't be too early, since they'd already fucked. She didn't want to ruin things with him, since even if they were fuckbuddies he was a great lay, but also she wanted to know if it was cool to come over to fuck him. She agonized over exactly what to say. She shouldn't be too formal, that would come off as robotic and fake...

* * *

My phone buzzed from receiving a message as I lay in bed, pretty much ready to turn out the lights and go to sleep. Still, I had enough energy to take my phone and go through the messages. It was from Kate.

ey can i cum fuk u? i m wet 4 u

It was accompanied by a close-up photograph of her pussy, so close in that it was basically just an anatomy lesson and not really sexy at all. I rubbed my brow, thinking it over, but thinking it over meant remembering the last time I'd been together with Kate, meant remembering the incredible sex, meant getting a hard on, meant sending her a:

Sure. Come on over within a half hour.

She got there in five minutes.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.