Superheroine Seducing Accountant

Esther Comes By

As Esther opened the door to my office at the end of the work day, rapping on the door as she stepped inside, I quietly came to the realization that there was absolutely no way, by this point, that people had not managed to figure out why a half-dozen female employees were constantly coming into my office. Xico quietly shook her head, which was honestly shocking, but I couldn't exactly inquire as to the specifics with Esther there.

"Hey," Esther said, jerking my full attention back to her. "Look, sorry for not asking you out again. I enjoyed our last date, but with Priscilla, I get competitive, and once you start trying to think of something romantic to do... well, it's really easy to get trapped in a cycle of trying to come up with something to one-up yourself, then not doing anything because you couldn't. Still, that wasn't fair to you."

"Uh, okay," I responded, having absolutely no idea what to say beyond that. I had to actually try flipping the genders around to get anything useful. If a guy failed to ask a girl out again, that could be ghosting her? Of course, I was treating most of the women I was having sex with as a fun time instead of anything romantic, so maybe that was why?

"So, I was thinking, maybe you're not that into romantic stuff anyway, and you'd rather I just bring a six pack over, we can watch some, uh, football, or whatever, just hang out?" She prompted, searching my expression carefully. "I mean, whatever you watch, we can watch. Just a chance to get to know each other better, get some experience with each other under our belts, right?" Her eye flicked over to Xico, who was looking up to the ceiling, probably trying to gauge my reaction by using Xico.

"That sounds great," I said, and she let out a long exhalation.

"Great, great. Sorry again for the wait, just, can be hard to ask for a date, even the second time around. Especially when you're competing with some rich priss that'll take you to the opera and romantic stuff like that." I did not mention to her that the previous time I'd spent alone with Priscilla had been a drunken threesome in a closet with her and Xico. Xico immediately flushed bright red.

"It was ballet, actually," I said. "And, to be honest, I'd probably rather be home with a six pack than at a ballet." I was willing to have semi-public sex of getting a blowjob there, but... Xico, of course, blushed and looked to the side.

She let out a snort, grinning at that. She gave a knowing look at Xico. "Gotcha. More the casual kind of guy."

* * *

Esther was hefting a six pack in her right hand, smiling as she saw me when she opened the door. I'd gotten changed out of my work clothes, and was wearing a fairly loose t-shirt and shorts, just for the airiness it provided. She herself had also dressed down, it seemed, with a simple tank top and some jeans that were frayed at the feet - more actually old and well-worn, than anything done for style. "Nice. Glad I dressed casual too," she said.

"I spend eighty subjective hours in those clothes at work, I don't want to wear them around the house too."

She let out a small laugh at that, then paused, glancing my way. "You know, I was around when we were fighting for the eight hour work day, right? Hell, when we were fighting for the ten hour work day," she added. "You shouldn't work yourself that hard."

"Oh, it's - it doesn't really process like you're thinking. I actually do work throughout the day, it's not like my brain is actually melting or anything." The last thing I wanted was to lose this cushy gig because Esther thought Mira was a slave driver.

She let out a heavier bark of laughter at that. "Gotcha. If you're happy, you're happy," she agreed amicably, stepping another few feet into my house and finding my couch. "So, what is it that the illustrious, hard-working, handsome Mr. Cooper watches in his free time?" She asked, as she sat down, putting the six pack in front of her.

I sat down next to her, briefly considering the question. In all honesty, I tended to watch documentaries, since I didn't know the first thing about this world, and in a world where superheroes were real, well - they showed up basically everywhere. Aliens funding the Axis and Allied powers both as part of some interstellar proxy war that modern humans poorly understood; a peasant with seemingly supernatural abilities leading a revolt that turned half of Germany into a warzone; the prime minister of some tiny Eastern European country being a nova and turning the country into a rapidly-growing scientifically-oriented command economy. It also helped me get a better idea of the general political situation here, past and present.

For somebody who lived through all that, it would probably be boring as sin, though. "I watch some police procedurals," I said, turning on the TV and searching for one that I knew. I finally found one. It was one of those 'hardass detective and eccentric consultant' shows. Like a lot of shows in its genre, there was obviously lots of unresolved sexual tension between the two primary characters, but it was interesting for the fact that the eccentric consultant was a man, and... well, very sexual. I could say that it reminded me of myself, but honestly, he was different. He was a fun, party-going, frequently inebriated, often-high guy. If I'm being honest, I was anything but, on any question except sex.

The scene where he was shirtless and coming onto the hardass detective - who was awkwardly stammering and hiding his body from her sight with one hand - had Esther leaning forward, one popped bottle in hand as she carefully watched the whole thing unfolding on screen, clearly... well, frankly, clearly aroused. If it wasn't really obvious that she had a prurient interest in the scene, the occasional quick flick of her eye my way, to confirm I wasn't wanting to change the channel, made that much obvious.

"Is that your kind of guy?" I asked, honestly curious.

She let out an awkward laugh at that. "I like all types of guys, Roger," she told me. "Just appreciating a handsome actor."

"How would you feel, in Detective Drexler's shoes?" I asked.

"I'd fuck the guy's brains out, honestly." I was instantly hard to those words. "A hot guy throws himself at you like that? You take it."

"Well, Cipher can be annoying, and pushy."

She shrugged. "It don't bother me none, when a guy's forward. Wasn't feminism supposed to get guys to do more of the approaching anyway?"

"Doesn't seem to have worked." On screen, Cipher threw his underpants at the detective, who was desperately averting her gaze and pleading with him to please get dressed, trying her hardest to pretend that the whole thing wasn't bothering her. In my own world, it would have been borderline sexual assault, and the guy would have been an obvious villain - here, it was played for comedy, the detective's problems more with Cipher's social maladaption than anything sexual. By the way Esther's eyebrows rose and her focus was fully on the television screen... she liked it a lot.

It was a fun scenario to envision, divorced from the way the camera obnoxiously lingered on Cipher's chiseled body. Just going at a woman, not taking 'no' for an answer, and getting a response that was positive and embarrassed despite her clear interest.

The light buzz I was experiencing might have helped me past any inhibitions I would still have had about doing that kind of thing, because I decided to try being a bit more spontaneous, putting down my bottle and using my superspeed to pull off my shirt and shorts, then getting up to stand between Esther and the television. She barely had time to process that I was getting undressed before I was blocking her view, and her eye widened as she stared up at me. I placed one foot on the sofa next to her, then leaned forward, earning a sharp intake of breath through her nose. "I'd really rather you paid more attention to me than the television," I told her.

For just a moment, there was nothing but the surprise at the situation written on her face - then she grinned, one hand going to my calf. "I'd rather pay more attention to you too, but you weren't giving me much of a show before." She leaned forward, kissing along my thigh, her hand softly stroking my calf as she approached my stomach with her lips.

Naturally, with the way she was kissing me, my brain immediately went to oral sex, but local media tended to use fellatio more as a show of how giving and generous the female participant was, than how lascivious and horny the male one was. I was playing the role of the slut, here, and I wanted to really try that out. It was little more than an impulse, but - "Let's get you to the bedroom, I can't waste any more time watching some stupid TV show," I told her, grabbing her by the wrist and pulling her along with me, earning another hearty laugh as I practically flung her down onto the bed.

I stripped her in a rush - at least, from her point of view. From my point of view, I took my time, peeling away her clothes and enjoying the sight of increasingly-exposed bare flesh, her taut stomach. She was short, and she didn't exactly dress to impress, but she had a killer body nonetheless, the full breasts, the lovely hips, the toned abs, muscular but not overwhelmingly so. My cock was raging hard as I peeled down her panties, exposing her wet, pink sex to open air. I slid two fingers into her, trying to stay in my role as the 'slut,' mentally reversing everything to try to get it just right.

"Do you want me?" I breathed out over her, slipping my fingers in and out of her sex, leaning down to kiss at the tops of her breasts.

"Hell yeah," she replied, grabbing my hips, one finger poking into my underwear and starting to peel it down, revealing my rock hard cock, which practically sprung into action. She licked her lips as her hand grasped it, though she couldn't really get much of a view, with my head pressed up against her breasts so I could kiss the supple things. "I want you bad, babe," she said, grinning up at me as I pressed my tip up against her entrance, removing my hand from her sex. I thrust inside her in a moment. "Fuck," she panted out, casting her head back. "You like it hard and fast, huh?" She said, her voice more teasing than anything else.

I responded by just grabbing her ass cheeks in either hand, feeling that muscular body of hers - and starting to pound away. Any time a woman in this world asked a question like that, what she meant was, Please, do me exactly the way I just suggested you like. I was smart enough to pick that up, as I kissed at her breasts, enjoying the way the large orbs jiggled and bounced. She moaned softly beneath me, her own hands reaching up to run through my hair - then one slid down my neck, finding its way to my chest, starting to just hungrily grope my pecs with obvious interest as I kissed and suckled at her tits.

"Yeah, fuck me, hot stuff," she grunted out, her legs coming to wrap around my waist, as I fucked away. "That's, oh fuck," she breathed, as my hand slid around to play with her clit, just teasing the sensitive nub with my thumb. That made her intensify her own groping of my pec, perhaps expecting some erogenous response from her fondling. In any case, I just kept playing with her, and she kept letting out increasingly sexy noises. "Ah, ah, that's, yes, yes, you are one hot piece of ass," she got out, before coming hard on my cock, her cunt squeezing around my dick.

At that point, I broke off from her breast, admiring her o-face as her eye gently rolled around in her skull. I licked my lips as I tried best to think of how some insane, sex-on-legs guy, would respond to this. "You're cute when you come," I decided on, and by the way her pussy squeezed on my cock, that was exactly the right thing to say. I gave her nose a quick peck to add to the effect, and she let out a pleased little noise, her legs tightening their grip on my hips, forcefully pulling me deep inside her. The situation somehow reminded me of my time with Nora at her home, so I wound up asking, "You ever been married before?"

"Four times," she panted out.

"Any divorces?" I asked, and she shook her head, unable to really manage more. My cock throbbed a bit at that statement. "So every one of your husbands, got to enjoy this hot body of yours until the day they died?" She nodded rapidly, a certain grin on her lips. "That's a big perk," I told her, intensifying my pace inside her even further, using my superspeed to simultaneously slow down my perception. "A hot body like yours," I breathed out, speaking slowly so it was still understandable at half speed, and she just jerked a nod out. "For as long as I live," I added, eyeing her up. It was a very tempting perk, I have to admit. None of the other women I'd been fucking could boast that, but...

She came on my cock again, her back arching as she did. It was a gorgeous sight, and I shifted my weight, grabbing her hands, pinning her beneath me as I jackhammered inside her at superhuman speeds. "I love sex," I told her, trying to play the role of the slut, since she clearly liked that kind of thing. "Especially sex with beautiful women like yourself," I added. "All that romance, I appreciate it, but the fucking is the best part of a date," I told her, as her insides gripped me, squeezing tight as I kept up a superhuman pace inside her. "Fuck, fuck, here it comes," I growled out, and she just nodded along with me in slow motion - then promptly came herself.

With the feeling of her tight, muscular pussy gripping my dick, I had no choice. I just groaned and came inside her, squirting burst after burst of cum inside her. When I was spent, I pulled out, panting for a long few seconds atop her, admiring her naked body, equally caked in sweat, the flush to her cheeks running across her bare, naked body in a lovely fashion.

"Want to keep going?" I asked her, my cock still hard. She swallowed, looking down at my dick, her tongue pushing against her cheek for a moment as she clearly thought about it.

"Not going to complain, that all we did, was watch half an episode of Cipher, and then fucked the rest of the night?" I let out a small laugh and shook my head. "Fuck. Even Alexios was -" I forcibly kissed her, not wanting to be compared to another man. After a second or so, she seemed to get the idea, kissing me back and just groping my ass as I started to go at it inside her again.

She twisted her hips subtly beneath me now, getting into things, using her inner muscles to squeeze and milk at my cock as I fucked away. Her hot breaths trickled into my mouth as we made out like that, my hands on her breasts, my whole body vibrating as I forcefully rammed away. I was definitely enjoying this, all the more for the way that - almost like a 'traditional' girl from my world - I had been the one who had to make the first move, who had to push things forward, yet she'd been incredibly enthusiastic every step of the way.

When I broke off the kiss, I stared down at her, drinking in her naked body. "You want to do a little something more?" She prompted. I wasn't sure if it was an offer or a request - either way, I grabbed her hips and twisted her around, corkscrewing her on my cock. She let out a small laugh, shifting her legs appropriately to let me put her on her hands and knees in front of me. "This position's real nice," she said, pushing back against me as she spoke, grinding that muscular ass of hers into my pelvis. "Set your pace, hot stuff," she added.

I followed her suggestion, starting to just fuck away at her pussy, even reaching around to play with her clit. She panted softly, smiling, looking over her shoulder at me. I was going pretty hard - indeed, I was actually using my superspeed to intensify the pace for her without any problems to my own endurance - so she wasn't able to say much, other than the occasional panted, "Yeah," "Do it," and the like, as she got fucked on my bed.

"You feel incredible," I told her, and it was the honest truth, that pussy of hers squeezing and milking on my cock as I rammed away inside her. She put everything she had into making me feel good, despite the position we were in, and she really showed off how long she'd been having sex for, with the way she pushed back against me, the way her legs twisted to lock around my hips, turning what had been doggy style into wheelbarrow, shifting the angle to make every plunge that little bit faster. I lost the capacity for speech as I intensified my speed, using my superspeed to just go absolutely crazy atop her, grabbing her by the hips, more to keep myself upright than anything else.

I made her come a half-dozen times before finally unloading inside her again, panting atop her as I did, leaning forward to use her body for balance, hands pressing down on her back. She had the muscle tone not to collapse forward under my weight, and she licked her lips before speaking up. "Anything else, sexy?" She asked, grinning up at me. "I want to leave you totally satisfied," she explained, and my cock twitched inside her.

Part of me wanted to go for a blowjob. Get a quick wash up, then have her suck me down. She was asking to leave me satisfied, and she'd been plenty giving on our last date. On the other hand, I was liking playing the role of the horny slut that's just going for it, and the dynamic with fellatio would have been totally different. I took a moment - subjectively, much longer - then came to the obvious next step. "What's your feeling on anal?" I asked.

"Love it, if you're up to it, gorgeous," she said, and I immediately pulled out of her sex, angling myself up at her asshole. "Ah, maybe a little lube first?" She suggested. "Wouldn't want you to hurt yourself."

"Is that an excuse on your part? Because I want to just fuck your ass now and I'm not really worried about that." I could always use my superspeed to slide into her ass at a languid pace for myself while she felt like she was getting fucked hard.

She let out a laugh. "Go for it if you want to. If it's too rough-" I started to grind myself into her, and she let out this lewd little pant of a noise, her eyelashes fluttering. It felt fantastic, the way her ass squeezed on my dick, and the way her lips subtly parted. Her breasts bounced as I bottomed out inside her, and I reached forward to grope one in either hand, enjoying the soft feeling of them in my hand, and the perkiness of her nipples as I just held myself down in her ass for a long few seconds. "Fuck, that's good. Been too long, fuck," she sighed out.

"Too long since you got fucked in the ass?" I teased. By that point, I was under too much stimulation from that tight ass of hers to do much more than hold myself inside her and say whatever came to mind. I wasn't playing the role of the lascivious sexy bad boy or whatever any more - I was just sticking my dick in a beautiful woman.

"Yeah. Third husband, fuck, he loved it. Last shut me down the one time I asked." Some part of me wondered about any boyfriends or whether she even bothered to really ask or suggest it. After all, I'd been the one to bring it up, and I felt like if I had a wife who wasn't into fellatio, I probably would ask her more than once over forty years of marriage to try sucking my cock.

The rest of me got off on the idea that this hole hadn't been used in literal decades. "So I'm breaking in this ass again," I told her, and she nodded, swallowing audibly as I started to slowly slide my cock out of her butt. "How long's it been, since you got fucked in the ass, Esther?" Her sphincter felt like it was trying to keep me inside her for as long as possible, gripping my dick tight as I peeled backwards.

"Fuck, fifty years, at least," she breathed out. "Mark died in '72, but he was, old, so we- anng!" She let out a noise of surprise as I rammed my cock back inside her, fingers clawing at the sheets beneath her. By the look on her face, it was more pleased surprise than annoyed.

"I just wanted to know how long it's been," I told her. Obviously, in retrospect, I was becoming increasingly out of character, but I didn't really care in the moment. "I don't need your life story, just your tight ass," I told her, as I started to pull back again.

She nodded along, white hair twisting softly as she glanced over her shoulder at me. "Gotcha, Roger," she agreed. "Just the sex right now. Fuck," she grunted, as my cockhead paused at the entrance to her ass, the ring of her anus teasing my cockhead for a long second. "Fuck me. Fuck my ass, Roger, fuck, I want it so bad, I want it fucking hard, fuck!" She let out a lewd squeal as I thrust back inside her. For me, it was a slow thrust - for her, it was a rapid slam, making her head bounce, her tits jiggling in my hands.

"Yeah, this tight ass of yours," I said, sliding one hand around to grope her ass, squeezing it as I rested inside of her. "It's basically all mine. You haven't had sex in my entire lifetime, and now, you're squirming on my cock, begging for me to fuck your ass."

"Huh? Wha?" She kind of sputtered the words out, looking over her shoulder at me in confusion. "I mean, you can fuck my ass, whenever you want," she said, trying to follow along with my words - but the combination of my falling out of character, and her squirming on my cock, left her less than able to manage.

Like I said, though - by that point, I was beyond caring. I started to fuck her again, just pounding away, enjoying myself as I felt her tight buttocks squeeze and grip on my dick. "Fucking take it, enjoy my cock, love it," I breathed out.

"It's fucking good," she said, managing to follow along with that much at least. "Your cock's fucking amazing, sexiest goddamn thing I've had in my ass for decades," she told me, as I slammed inside her. "Not that there's much competition."

"That's right," I agreed, squeezing her ass cheeks in either hand, enjoying the supple muscle as I fucked away. The strength in her arms went out, and she collapsed forward onto the bed, cheek pressed against the sheets; she landed so her good eye could look up at me, lewdly staring up into mine. "There's no competition. You don't use any toys, right?" She shook her head, even flushing a bit - I interpreted that as embarrassment at the idea she might use toys. "Fuck right you don't. Fuck. I love a nice, virgin hole, fuck," I said, pounding away. "Good as, with your regeneration, right?" She nodded along, biting her lower lip as she came again on the bed beneath me, her whole body vibrating in place.

I was relentless, selfish, uncaring. From some combination of her love of anal sex and my own superspeed power getting used to shift her sensation of the pace up and down while I kept jackhammering inside her - well, she came several more times despite me not trying at all. I was just groping her tits, or her ass, or staring down at her lewd expression as her lips parted and drool slobbered out onto the bed beneath her.

When I finally did come in her ass, it was a wondrous thing, absolutely glorious. She was shuddering in yet another anal orgasm, fingers clenched on the bed beneath her, the hole I was fucking so tight as to completely arrest my movement, and the urge overwhelmed me. I came and came for what felt like a solid hour, before finally withdrawing from her ass, collapsing on the bed next to her, panting heavily.

She took less time than me to get herself together. And by that, I mean it took her maybe a minute to go from sloppily drooling from anal, to standing up and getting herself dressed. "Leaving already?" I panted out.

She grinned at that, leaning over to kiss my forehead. "Nah. Was just thinking of making us a quick bite to eat. Been cooking since back when you churned your own butter. What should I get you?" She asked, as she pulled on her bra, fixing it in place - then stopping, having only gotten her underwear on and nothing else.

"Ah... sandwich. Lettuce, tomato, mustard, pickles, cucumbers," I told her. "Swiss cheese, too, right," I added.

"Got it. And to drink?" She asked, pausing at the door.

"Just some milk," I told her.

"Back in a flash, then," she said, giving me a wink. At least, I think it was. With only one eye, well, it was hard to tell.

I was a bit exhausted from the sex, though superspeed meant I could gather my strength much faster. Still, it only took her a couple minutes to make me a sandwich, and I was at the 'can sit up and talk, doesn't want to wander around' stage of post-coital recovery. My skin was still sticky with sweat, as I sat up in the bed, feeling myself starting to stick to the wood of the headboard.

"Mmm, not gonna get tired of that view," she said, eye running up and down my torso as I rested there. Her fingers trailed along my bare chest. "You swim, or is it power-derived?"

"Power derived," I told her, enjoying the way her fingertips felt as they brushed along my bare skin. "Changes to my metabolism."

"Yeah. Those powers are the nicest," she said, licking her lips.

"You've got one too," I noted. Her eye flicked up to meet mine. "Eternal youth."

She let out a bark of laughter at that, leaning in to kiss me on the lips. "Got it. Want this eternally youthful woman to hand feed you a meal in bed, or are your arms working again? I'll still hand feed you even if they are," she added.

"Hand feeding sounds nice," I told her, just lazing as she put the sandwich up to my lips, let me take a bite, then put it down on my plate before starting to dig into her own. We ate like that, trading off who was eating as she'd put down my sandwich and pick up her own. Her gaze would occasionally wander my body, or down to my groin, looking like she wanted to get fucked by me again.

When we finished, she took the dishes to the kitchen, audibly placing them in the dishwasher before coming back to sit on the bed next to me. "So..." she said, licking her lips. "Want to go back to watch some more TV? Or maybe fuck my ass some more? Or just cuddle? I ain't particular."

It felt like cuddling or spending time together would be the more romantic thing to do, but honestly... Esther's reactions to anal sex were way too good for me to do anything else. I wound up prone boning her for another half hour of objective time, enjoying as she came over and over again from my cock in her ass. It was an incredibly arousing contrast to the relative difficulty I'd had, making her come back when we'd first fucked.

Don't get me wrong, she was still putting everything she had into making me come, twisting her hips just so, riding me and angling my dick inside her and everything else. It was just much easier to make her come, too. Once we got really into things, with her on top riding me with my dick up her ass, I'd say that she came maybe once every other minute, while I came every four or five minutes, at a guesstimate.

One advantage of a regenerating girl was that, despite how long and how rough I had fucked her ass - she walked into work the next day without the slightest awkwardness.

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