Super Urban Master

Chapter 36

Chapter 36 Success

“Get off.” As he spoke, Qin Hao jumped off the car. A gust of cold wind blew towards him, blowing his hair and clothes up.

Wu Yanting also got off the car. He shrank in the cold wind and looked timidly at the dark mountain pass not far away, “Um, Brother Yuan, it’s too dark. Why don’t we come back tomorrow in the daytime?” He started to back out.

Qin Hao ignored him and walked into the intersection. He saw the broken plants on the road. Judging from the broken plants, it seemed like someone had entered this place not long ago.

“Woo woo…” At this time, a gust of wind blew out of the valley, producing a wailing sound like the weeping of ghosts. It scared Wu Yanting that his face turned pale and he involuntarily jumped to Qin Hao’s side, seeking a sense of safety.

Qin Hao turned around and looked at the pale-faced Wu Yanting. He frowned and said, “Brother Wu, you can go back first. I can go in by myself.”

“How, how can I leave… ” Wu Yanting quickly straightened his body, “How can I leave you here by yourself? Moreover, I’m not a timid person.”

Qin Hao smiled, “Brother Wu, this has nothing to do with courage. You can’t handle the Yin Energy inside, so this is all you can do. You can go back first, I’ll be fine. ”

“This …” Wu Yanting hesitated for a while, then decided not to insist, “Since that’s the case, I won’t drag you down. But you must be careful. This is my business card. When you come out, come to me. If you encounter any danger, please give me a call immediately. Even if I have to risk my life, I will bring someone with me to save you. ”

“Thank you.” Qin Hao patted his shoulder, thanked him sincerely and walked towards the mountain pass.

“Brother Yuan, I’ll light your path.” Wu Yanting shouted from behind, he got in the car and adjusted the position of the car. Afterwards, he turned on the headlights to illuminate the dark mountain pass. Only when he saw Qin Hao’s figure disappearing in the light, did he sigh and slowly drove away.

“Woo, Woo.”

One only heard this kind of creepy sound occasionally from outside, but this sound would incessantly ring out inside. It sounded like something was crying, and this crying seemed either to be near or very far away.

Qin Hao walked forward step by step, using his Spirit Sense to searching as far as he could. Unfortunately, it’s probing range was too small.

The deeper he entered inside, the colder the wind became. However, this was only wind, not the Yin Force that Qin Hao needed. This disappointed him slightly, so he could only continue on.

“Ah!” Suddenly, a person’s miserable scream was heard from inside. It wasn’t very loud, as if it came from deep inside of the valley. One could hear it faintly.

Qin Hao was stunned for a moment. He stopped and looked at the swaying plants in the darkness with trepidation. However, this was not enough to make him retreat. After slightly adjusting his state of mind, he continued walking forward.

Nothing happened after that. After walking about one kilometer, it became open and clear in front of him. Here was a flat land with tall grass growing on the ground. One couldn’t see the other side from this side. It was really a good place for buildings, it was not far away from the city, and beside the main road.

Just as Qin Hao was looking at this patch of grass, with a “swoosh” sound, a black shadow dashed out from the grass and rushed towards him. Thanks to his Spirit Sense, he found out the black shadow once it entered the range of his Spirit Sense. He quickly stepped aside and the black shadow passed by his ear as fast as lightning. If he didn’t have Spirit Sense, he would have been hit.

“Damn, what the hell is this?” Qin Hao cursed and immediately looked around vigilantly. After a long time, the black shadow did not appear again, but a faint Yin Energy floated over.

Feeling the Yin Energy, Qin Hao was overjoyed and immediately headed towards the direction where it came from.

One meter, two meters … When he was one hundred meters ahead, he felt that the Yin Energy was much more stable and dense. Qin Hao stopped and planned to refine these Yin Energy, so he could finish the cultivation of the Yin Wind Bone Erosion Palm.

Qin Hao found a place with cover near the mountain slope and sat down. At the same time, he enlarged his Spirit Sense in case of any attacks from the black shadow. After that, he started to absorb the Yin Energy to cultivate.

The Yin Wind Bone Erosion Palm required Yin Enery, Qin Hao had previously cultivated in the hotel without much progress after 4 to 5 days, which was mainly due to the lack of Yin Energy. But now, it was different here. The continuous Yin Energy was absorbed, the Black Qi came out from Qin Hao’s palms. Then the Black Qi became dense. In the end, his two hands were covered by the Black Qi, couldn’t be seen anymore.

A few hours later, when he felt the cold breeze from all around, he knew that it was already deep in the night.


Qin Hao, who was in cultivation, finally breathed out. He was very lucky that he did not encounter any more interruptions during the past few hours, he reached the first level of the Yin Wind Bone Erosion Palm successfully. The Yin Wind Bone Erosion Palm had three levels in total.

When Qin Hao stood up, he could barely feel the Yin Energy around, maybe they were all absorbed by him. At this time, he really wanted to find something to test the might of the Yin Wind Bone Erosion Palm. Right now, he was starting to miss the black shadow that had attacked him. Why did this guy hide and didn’t come out now?

After learning the Yin Wind Bone Erosion Palm, he got another lifesaving skill, Qin Hao’s courage grew. Especially after he absorbed the Yin Energy, he got used to the environment and no longer felt the hairs standing on the end. Therefore, he ventured into the depths of the valley, looking for prey for his skill test. At the same time, he also hoped that since there was Yin Energy, there would definitely be a treasure that released it. If he could obtain this treasure, not only would it be beneficial to his Yin Wind Bone Erosion Palm, but it would also be extremely beneficial for his cultivation.

The deeper he went into the valley, the thicker the fog became. In the end, the fog became even denser, an ordinary person could only see things in ten meters. Even Qin Hao was not an ordinary person, his vision could only reach fifty meters and the range was shrinking.

Qin Hao had no choice but to stop. People felt fear when they couldn’t see. Qin Hao wasn’t afraid of danger, but he wouldn’t blindly take risks.

What’s more, he hadn’t met anything along the way. Perhaps there was really nothing left here, so he decided to turn back. Just as he turned around, a shadow appeared in his Spirit Sense. It was as fast as a bullet and shot straight at his face.

This time, Qin Hao didn’t dodge. Instead, he threw a palm strike towards the black shadow. With an ear-piercing screech, the thing was blasted away by Qin Hao’s palm strike, landing in the grass. When the thing landed on the grass, it tried to get up and escape, but it couldn’t make it. Its bones gradually broke and melted at last. Finally, it could only fall limply to the ground and die.

Qin Hao caught it up and discovered it was a huge mountain rat whit a cat’s size. This made him shocked. A rat as big as a cat, this was really unheard. Even a cat would run away by seeing such a big rat.

He found a wooden stick and picked up the mountain rat. Its body was as soft as if it had no bones. In fact, it no longer had any bones, they had been completely melted.

“Not bad.” Qin Hao was very satisfied with the power of the Yin Wind Bone Erosion Palm.

“Plop!” Suddenly, a sound came from behind, scaring Qin Hao out of his wits. The mountain rat on the stick fell to the ground.

“Who’s that?” Qin Hao quickly turned around, and looked through the mist.

Not far away, there seemed to be some movements.

He calmed down himself and carefully moved towards the location where the sound came from.

After walking for about 20 meters, his spirit sense discovered that there was a person lying on the ground. It was a woman wearing green clothes, and he knew this woman.

“Shi Bingying?” Qin Hao was surprise and sped up his steps. He rushed to the girl’s side to help her up. He turned her head and saw that it was indeed the girl he met on the train, Shi Bingying.

Why was she here? Qin Hao was puzzled.

At this moment, Shi Bingying was in a terrible situation. Her beautiful white face had turned black, her lips were purple, and there were traces of blood at the corner of her mouth. She seemed to have been hit by Yin Energy and was also injured.

“Hey, how are you? Hey, wake up.” Qin Hao shook Shi Bingying a few times. Seeing that she did not react, he hurriedly grabbed the meridians on her wrist and injected some spirit qi into her. After a while, he slowly retracted the spirit qi, and absorbed all the Yin Energy in her body.

Shi Bingying finally let out a slight cough and opened her eyes. The moment she opened her eyes, she discovered that she was being held by a man she knew. It was that young man who called himself Yuan Hao on the train.

“It’s you?” She was surprised and asked. But before Qin Hao could reply, she anxiously said, “Quick, leave this place quickly.”

Qin Hao could see the worry on her face. Without any words, he carried her and prepared to leave.

“Hump. Haha, since you’ve come, no one should even think of leaving here.” A Sharp laughter rang out, and suddenly the wind blew violently.

“Leave now!” Shi Bingying let out a terrified scream.

Qin Hao knew how serious the situation was, so he used Phantom Cloud Trace and flew up with Shi Bingying in his arms. Unfortunately, before he could flew far away, a huge black air vortex appeared behind them. It liked a monster’s gigantic mouth, devouring everything around.

Although Qin Hao resisted with all his might, it was impossible for him to go away with another person in his arms.

Shi Bingying realized that if Qin Hao continued to carry her, there was only death waiting for both of them. She said in despair, “Leave me, go, go.”

Qin Hao seemd like that he didn’t hear her words. He continued to struggle as he carried her. He landed on the ground, gnashed his teeth and struggled forward, but unfortunately, he was still unable to resist the powerful suction. Both of them floated into the air, and were sucked into the black hole along with the plants.

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