Super Storm

Chapter 3 - Yang Yang changed

Yang Yang opened his eyes, it was already the next morning.

He jumped from the single bed, touched his head and body in a panic, and then rushed to the wall-mounted mirror to make sure he was safe and sounded.

How worried he was that he met an alien and was completely transformed and mutated.

But soon, he discovered another strange thing.

He slept for more than ten hours last night. He also turned the ball for more than ten hours in the super training ground, but after waking up in the morning, he was energetic and not tired at all.

It seems that, as Lao Bing said, everything that happens in the super training ground will actually act on itself, but it will not affect your sleep at all. This is a good thing, which is equivalent to saying that You can have more hours of practice time than others, or with the help of the most professional training system such as the super training ground.

Thinking about this, the wandering and restlessness of last night were completely swept away.

“Lao Bing, Lao Bing.” Yang Yang shouted.

The most important thing for him now is to confirm the existence of the super training ground, not his own dream.

“Stop shouting, you are not dreaming.” The cold voice came again. “And, don’t call me Lao Bing.”

He was a serious protest against the name Yang Yang gave himself, too vulgar and too local.

“Huh.” Yang Yang relaxed and laughed, and he suddenly felt that he was about to start his luck.

“Lao Bing, you said, can I only enter the super training ground to practice in my dream?”

“Well,” Lao Bing is still cold, with no emotion, “but I can always help you at any time.”

“What if I had insomnia in case?” Yang Yang was in a good mood, and the whole person became cheerful.

“Relax, if you want to sleep, you can sleep at any time.”

“Unexpectedly, you actually have the effect of promoting sleep.” Yang Yang said with delight.

Good sleep plays a vital role for anyone, especially professional players.

He even heard John Rep say that in professional football, only by sleeping well can he succeed.

The importance of sleep is evident.

“There are many other uses for the super training ground, and then you will slowly realize and use it, but now, I suggest that you quickly wash your stinky body, change clothes, eat some breakfast, and then start practicing. “

“Still practicing?” Yang Yang looked at the alarm clock on the bedside table. “I’ve got to go to school for some time.”

“Go up the ball.”

“It will be late.”

He usually goes to school by bus.

“That’s your problem, I’m only responsible for training.” Lao Bing replied without any emotion.

This made Yang Yang unavoidable.



Although Yang Yang’s performance in Almere’s youth training camp has always been the bottom of the team, but in the school, he fully demonstrated the phrase “God is fair”.

As a transfer student, he traveled a long distance from China to the strange Netherlands, but he quickly learned Dutch without speaking, and quickly caught up with the progress of his studies.

In stark contrast to him, some of Almere ’s stars of hope that shined in the youth training camp were academically scumbags, and several even had difficulty in passing, often All of them made the head teacher very headache, Almere also had to hire an after-school tutor to make up for them.

In the Netherlands youth training, the cultural class score is not qualified, it is not allowed to participate in training and competitions.

It is precisely because of Yang Yang ’s excellent academic performance, whether he is John Rep or the class teacher, he feels that he should give up playing football and concentrate on studying. may.

But the model student in the eyes of the head teacher, but this morning, he was late for a full class.

Under the watchful eyes of the teachers and students in the class, the sweaty Yang Yang stood at the door embarrassedly, and apologized to find a reason for himself.

“Sorry, I didn’t catch the bus, I got lost.”

The whole class laughed for a while, and even the teacher in the class couldn’t help smiling. This reason is too speechless?

However, the top students still have special treatment. The teacher just said something casually, and as an example, Yang Yang was put in.

After fooling around, Yang Yang was relieved and hurried to his seat to sit down.

It didn’t take long for me to sit down, and the bell of the class rang.

“Chinese kid, we all thought you ran away.” Teammate Henk Dimer behind him poked Yang Yang’s back with a pen and said with a laugh.

Genk Dimer is a typical stadium dragon, classroom bug. According to the teacher ’s criticism, if Almere did not cooperate with the school, Dimel would never expect to enter his class in his life, but Dimer was The captain of Almere’s sixteen to seventeen age group is also the star of hope in everyone’s eyes.

Yang Yang looked around, and his teammates looked at him with no good intentions, obviously holding the same idea as Genk Dimer. He knew that guessing whether Yang Yang would give up running was because they were in school every day. One of the fun.

“You don’t worry, I didn’t give up so easily.” Yang Yang pouted and replied.

Genk Dimer raised his lips and sneered: “Really? Then you have to be able to stay.”

“That is, whether it is a comprehensive evaluation or assessment results, you are the bottom of the team.”

“I don’t understand. Is it interesting that you drag our team like this?”

“Sooner or later I have to go, why can’t I be more refreshed?”

If it was in peacetime, Yang Yang heard the ridicule from his teammates. Although he was unwilling in his heart, he must not dare to retell, but now that he has a super training ground, his confidence is bursting.

“You guys are all watching, I not only have to pass the assessment, to stay on the team, I even want to get the recommended places to go to Amsterdam to participate in the selection of the Ajax genius day.”

Hearing Yang Yang’s loud, confident words, Genk Dimer and others were stunned for a moment, and then they all laughed back and forth, as if to hear the most laughable joke in this century .

“You, to pass the assessment? Also get the recommended quota for the talent day?”

“Oh my god, where are you confident?”

“This is definitely the biggest joke I have heard in my life.”

Genk Dimer even jumped up to the desk and shouted loudly to the classmates, “My classmates, our great Chinese talented player Yang Yang, just said that he must get the Ajax Genius Day selection. Do you agree with the recommended quota? “

“Agree!” More than a dozen teammates and classmates cheered.

Everyone in the class watched Yang Yang jokingly, although there is no lack of sympathy, but everyone knows that Yang Yang ’s performance on the court is very different from his grades in class, and even everyone has determined early that he Will leave the team after this semester and leave the school.

Such a person wants to get the recommended quota for the talent day?

Yang Yang knew he was taken out of context, but he didn’t explain it because he knew it was useless.

From the first day he entered the team, his teammates have never looked at him right. No matter what he said now, it is useless. He can only rely on performance to prove himself.

This has further strengthened his determination to work hard.

Anyway, you have to succeed.



At noon, while taking a nap break, Yang Yang entered the super training ground and continued to practice the ball.

After six years of playing, the ball with his feet is his special skill, but it is still a bit difficult to make five consecutive shots. After all, I have mastered the sense of the ball. A thousand times or more, the difference is not big.

But Yang Yang’s headaches are still on his shoulders and head. This is something he hasn’t deliberately practiced before. To achieve 500 consecutive consecutive goals, he still needs to put in a lot of hard work.

Fortunately, he has the help of the super training ground. When he headed the ball, Lao Bing always took the trouble to correct his movements and gave the best advice, which allowed him to practice and improve the speed.

Especially after finishing the afternoon study, when he came to Almere ’s youth training camp to participate in training, Yang Yang discovered another magical effect of the super training ground, that is, he can open a overlooking stadium, similar to God ’s vision. Auxiliary tools, this allows him to understand every movement of the players around him, whether in training or in team games.

Although playing football with God ’s vision is still unfamiliar to Yang Yang, he is still very clear about the huge benefits it brings, especially in the subsequent rush game, he often uses God ’s vision to make accurate balls. Road prediction.

There is a saying that the layman looks lively and the expert looks at the doorway.

John Rep used to be a very successful professional player, and he naturally understood some ways.

When everyone thinks that Yang Yang is still the same as usual, when he is rushing around in a lap, John Rep is wrinkled high in Meishan, muttering to himself: “This kid is a little strange today.”

But what the **** is wrong, he can’t say it, but the feeling of playing for many years tells him that it is indeed different from usual.

On the contrary, the assistant on the side listened, hehe laughed, “Nothing strange, just run lazier than usual.”

Is it really just that?

John Rep did n’t think so, but he did n’t refute.

Just when everyone thought that Yang Yang would still be played by a group of teammates for ten minutes as usual, but he did n’t expect the game to be held in less than two minutes, but Yang Yang suddenly slammed a shot while grabbing the ball The ground rushed to the others, and then suddenly turned to kill Genk Dimer.

When the star of hope in the Almere team just ushered in the ball, Yang Yang had already killed him.

Genk Dimer, who had no time to pass the ball, watched the ball cut off by Yang Yang.

Now, it was his turn to walk into the field to be the monkey who was being teased.

The head coach John Rep opened his eyes.

He finally determined that Yang Yang had changed.

Although it is impossible to perceive what has changed, it has indeed changed.

Could it be that you suddenly learned to be smart and started to learn?

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