Super God of War

Chapter 14 - Threats from the finches

Just as the squad was dispersed and Luo Yang was tuned in one by one, he was in great trouble in the high school among the seas and forests.

“Boom, Boom, Boom …”

“What sound? It came from this direction.” Upstairs in the tree house gang was in a panic. After the Nangang invasion, the students of Haihai High School became extremely sensitive, and they would scare themselves if there was a wind and grass. However, this time it wasn’t a turbulence, but a real change.

“Boom, boom …”

There were some “small trees” with a height of no more than 20 meters in the forest that were suddenly broken. Looking from a height, a horizontal line moved from south to north.

“Oh my god! The alert is a superpowered species. It is a dinosaur with a length of more than 30 meters. There are many.” Some people yelled, the alarm sound spread throughout the school, and the “jingle bells” sounded constantly.

“What? Didn’t Nangang say to give you three days?”

“Huh, it’s all shit, expecting them to speak, it’s better to expect Luo Yang to do miracles again.”

“Luo Yang? By the way, why didn’t I see him today and yesterday, he is now the backbone of everyone, and the sea can never exist under the attack of the halberd dinosaur.”

“Go, go quickly, go to the school border, send a few people to find Luo Yang, and those new classmates who joined the second and third grades of high school, they are the core to resist the invasion of foreign enemies.”

The tree houses around the high school and the spiral dome buildings ran out of the way, and everyone quickly went to the border. After the Nangang ultimatum, no more than 70% of the students are still on campus, and all classes from the first to the third grade have staff reductions.

When he came to the border, he clearly felt that the ground was shaking. The sound of “Boom” was getting closer and closer. Standing under the tree, you could see some huge figures approaching.

The border of the campus is relatively wide, and the big trees below 20 meters in height are all destroyed, and they have collapsed one after another under the crush of giants.

It’s not over yet. Almost one hundred dinosaurs appeared. They opened their mouths and buzzed out a hazy beam of light more than four meters in diameter, attacking the campus boundary.

The “rumbling” explosion sound spread. Those huge trees that had grown hundreds of meters in height for hundreds of years were built like building blocks, and suddenly shattered into countless large wooden blocks. Then the wooden blocks spread out from the height like an avalanche.

“Damn, it’s a three-level sonic decomposition. These big guys show it to be full of destructive power to huge objects. This is to show us a great deal of power.” A third-year student slided down from the height and said angrily.

“What should we do? What should we do? Withdrawal, I want to withdraw, there is no hope in the sea.” Seeing this amazing scene, many students were sitting on the ground immediately.

Suddenly, vibrations came from the back of the halberd dinosaur, and the proud voice echoed in everyone’s ears.

“The miscellaneous fish of the high school in the sea are listening to me. We are not Nangang’s group of tattered goods. The name of the dragonfinch shines with the stars. I heard Nangang gave you an ultimatum.” : “Hahaha, it seems that the effect is not very good, there are so many miscellaneous fish in there, then I also come to an ultimatum. Two hours, you only have two hours, and beyond this time limit, there will be death consciousness.”

This time everyone in the high school has been veiled. Nangang has a time limit of three days. Everyone can still hold on. At least there will be a slight fluke in my heart. I decided to stay and wait to see. However, there are only two hours left, which is completely different. Many students’ psychological defense collapsed immediately, and they got up from the ground and turned and left.

Don’t leave to stay and die? They are in the flower season and have not enjoyed the fun of life. Although adults always say how fierce the competition is outside, and serious classes are created based on the professional system, those who are too far away from them to save their lives may not be able to break out of the sky.

Most of the high school students in the sea hold this idea, but they do n’t know that they only have to step out of the sea today, and the choices they will face in the future will be 100 times harsher than today.

At this moment, those who were originally determined will also start to shake up. At this moment, someone pressed the last straw and completely overwhelmed everyone.

“I, I can’t find Luo Yang, and Zhang Xiaoman and Lin Tianbao. The new guys who have joined the second and third grades of high school are also gone. They must have used us to attract attention and ran away from the dense forest behind the school in advance. Now. “

“What? Luo Yang and Zhang Xiaoman are not here?” Hearing this news, most students were at a loss.

Because studying and living in Canghai High School is too comfortable, and can not feel the cruel competitive environment of the outside world, plus the high school of this era follows the principle of self-study, there will be no teachers until the university, so many students have passed by, so that they become The flowers in the greenhouse cannot withstand any wind and rain.

“Damn, **** Luo Yang, he is trampling our trust.”

“Impossible, you think about it. Luo Yang killed so many Nangang high school students. The Lan family and the Li family offended each other. Could he just let him go? He didn’t follow these two families? Anyone can go, but he can’t. I ca n’t go either. And I believe that Zhang Xiaoman ’s character, she will never let go. ”Some people stood up to object, but if they let them know that they trusted Zhang Xiaoman, they wanted to pull Luo Yang and Lin Tianbao screamed, not knowing how he would feel.

Leave or stay? A simple multiple choice question means a fork in life, and it also means life and death.

“Go, I have learned almost what I should have learned in the sea. I have stayed in the mountains. I ’m not afraid that there is no firewood. You can go out with me, no matter whether Luo Yang has left or not, he is him, I am me, there is no reason to accompany me. He sent his life. “The speaker is a senior brother who is usually very prestigious in school. His strength is also the strongest among the crowd. He actually chose to withdraw.

“Speaking well, staying in the mountains, I am not afraid of not having firewood. I walked with my elder brother. We went to work in a big city. Although there are many siblings at home who don’t support idlers, I don’t believe that I can’t live.”

“I also go, follow the elder brother …” The collapse is like a wave of rapid spread. In the eyes of those younger students, the senior three students are so powerful that even they all left, as if the sky had fallen.

The one-hundred halberd dinosaur is too oppressive, and only a single attack opened up a large open area, and those giant trees became piles of wood. Some students arrived, and when they saw this horrible scene, they couldn’t help being stupid. Intimidated by the countdown, she had to choose to leave with tears.

“Haha, let’s go! It’s okay to go away. I won’t go. Parents and family are gone. Canghai High School is my home.”

“Don’t leave, swear to die. Linger, she has promised to be my girlfriend, but she died in the gang of hands in Nangang, and did not avenge her loved one. How can she leave?”

“Damn, Dongzi saved me, but he died. This life should be returned to Dongzi. I hate to owe others the most in my life. Fool, don’t you live well? Just worry about me as a rebellious stupid.”

Some people left, and some people finally firmed their faith and vowed to coexist and die with the sea, no matter who came to attack, if they wanted to take the sea, they would cross over their bodies.

Time passed by bit by bit. There were more than two thousand students in the high school, but now there are only seventy or so. They are standing on the boundary of the school, looking at the hundred behemoths on the opposite side, so fragile …

Let ’s talk about the original site of Canghai High School. Lin Tianbao stood behind Luo Yang and said with a sad face: “Brother Yang, good brother, please, let me replace Xiaoman! This is too cruel to let her face so many three-headed snakes, you Also bear heart. “

“Do you think you can run away? Be optimistic about Xiaoman’s movements, and quickly understand the tricks I taught you, not everyone has the opportunity to learn the battle of Qu Lan.” Luo Yang waited and saw, and vaguely saw the graceful figure in There was a sense of beauty in the mist.

“I said Captain, are we really here? Do n’t save Zhu Niansheng from them. And what is the use of this Qu Lan battle step, how do I think it feels awkward, and I have to retreat to the enemy, for the knee The requirements for the joints are too high, and the on-the-spot evasion subjects in martial arts classes have never said that they can move like this. “Shi Gu was so nervous that after Zhang Xiaoman and Lin Tianbao, it was his turn to play, UU reading www.uukanshu. com look at those snake shadows sloshing in the mist, for him who can’t hold back a little alcohol, it is simply going to the execution ground.

“Don’t you have double insurance before entering the fog? Xiaoman’s jumping beans, and Zhu Niansheng’s potion.” Luo Yang touched his chin and said with a smile: “Oh, what I could have done by myself, why? Bring you? The main thing is to find opportunities for you to get exercise. In addition, the four of us get together and the goal is so obvious that they can definitely come over without worry. “

“Ah? Let them go through all dangers?” Shi Gu opened his mouth, feeling that the brothers were no better than him. Seeing Luo Yang’s appearance was still less bargaining, so as to avoid more tossing people’s new moves waiting in front. .

Zhang Xiaoman shuttled in the danger zone. When he met the three-headed snake, he immediately fluttered back. Although his knees were painful, and his toes were also about to be broken at any time, he really felt the benefits of this movement.

For thousands of years, human physique has been continuously strengthened, which is far better than that when humans just landed on the moon. Almost everyone is an athlete. After training in elementary school and junior high school, it can be stronger. Therefore, every step of Zhang Xiaoman’s drifting back can be maintained at two to three meters away at first, and with some tricks and cleverness can reach five meters. If you can fully adapt to the Qulan battle, I believe it is not difficult to drift against the ground or go back in different directions against common sense.

During the training process, the knee and toes become strong, which can increase their ability to avoid risks in complex environments.

When the time came, Zhang Xiaoman stumbled back and she had no strength. Luo Yang let Lin Tianbao and Shi Gu go together, because Hualuo and Duo Xianyue had already been found, and there were two more apprentices.

As for Meng Weiyang, he is now very miserable. He met the 100-meter-long three-headed snake before he entered school.

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