Super Gene Ⅱ: Evolution

Chapter 49 - 49 No Talent?

Chapter 49: Chapter 49 No Talent?

Indeed, things turned out just as Bai Shenfei had predicted. Both the Qi and Wang families became very compliant and didn’t stir up any more trouble, even making some concessions on matters that involved the interests of all three families.

The reason was simple: the punch Lin Shen threw to kill the Giant King was too terrifying.

They had not encountered Tian Xin and mistakenly believed that aside from themselves, only the Lin brothers were at that place. Naturally, they were very afraid, worried that the person might be one of the Lin brothers, coming back to cause them trouble.

Lin Shen temporarily had no intentions of dealing with the Qi and Wang families, firstly because he was not yet strong enough, and secondly, because he genuinely lacked the time and effort.

In the past few days, he had been learning the Base Mutation technique from Wei Wufu, but with no progress at all, unable to sense the flow of strength Wei Wufu spoke of.

“Wei, take a look at this Base Mutation technique for me,” Lin Shen decisively gave up. With his current Attribute, if he could have mastered it, there should have been some results over the past few days. Persisting without results would just be a waste of time.

Lin Shen was not a person who clung to things unnecessarily. When it was time to let go, he did so decisively. He didn’t like waiting for miracles to happen.

Wei Wufu took the notebook Lin Shen handed over and slowly began flipping through it.

This notebook wasn’t the one Bai Shenfei had given to Lin Shen, but a copy he had made himself.

Wei Wufu read the notebook once, then turned it over and read it again, occasionally flipping back and forth. This went on for more than two hours.

Lin Shen waited patiently beside him, not rushing Wei Wufu.

“Ask your question,” said Wei Wufu after putting down the notebook and looking at Lin Shen.

“Can I practice it?” Lin Shen asked bluntly.

“Try,” Wei Wufu replied with a single word.

“If I can practice it, I will, If I can’t, then I won’t. What do you mean by ‘try’?” Lin Shen frowned.

“Advanced, there are errors, missing continuations, correct them, try it, no harm,” Wei Wufu said.

Lin Shen understood. Wei said that this Base Mutation technique was very advanced but there were some errors in it and it was missing subsequent parts.

He could help make some corrections, and it wouldn’t hurt for Lin Shen to try practicing it.

This was similar to what Lin Shen had in mind. Trying it indeed wouldn’t do any harm.

The several places where there were errors in the Base Mutation technique were actually intentionally copied incorrectly by Lin Shen.

“Wei, please help me correct it. I plan to give it a try,” said Lin Shen.

“Sure,” Wei took up paper and a pen and corrected the parts he thought were errors.

Lin Shen watched on the side. The parts Wei corrected were exactly the ones he had written incorrectly. He didn’t pick out any other issues.

“Wei, do you know what this Base Mutation technique is?” Lin Shen asked, taking the corrected Base Mutation technique from Wei Wufu.

Originally, Lin Shen had not expected Wei Wufu to truly know what this Base Mutation technique was. After all, such advanced techniques should be confidential to anyone who possessed them and would not be easily disseminated.

Unexpectedly, Wei Wufu hesitated and then said, “Maybe… I know…”

Lin Shen was greatly surprised and hurriedly asked Wei Wufu for details. After Wei Wufu explained for quite a while, Lin Shen finally understood the situation.

Wei Wufu had never seen this particular Base Mutation technique before, but he had heard of one, and the one Lin Shen had copied was very similar to it.

The Base Mutation techniques practiced by humans mostly come from the universe, with only a very small number being of human origin.

Among that small portion of human-created Base Mutation techniques, the vast majority are derived from or copied from other Base Mutation techniques.

The only Base Mutation technique that Wei Wufu knew to be entirely conceived by humans, from theory to practice, was the one created by Bai Zai, who was revered as the “Pioneer of Base Mutation,” known as “Talent Theory”.

It was precisely because “Talent Theory” took a completely different approach from other Base Mutation techniques that Wei Wufu, although he had not seen “Talent Theory”, could guess that it was indeed “Talent Theory”.

Of course, the fact that Wei Wufu used the word “possibly” indicates that he couldn’t be absolutely sure it was “Talent Theory”, just that it was a very likely guess.

Wei Wufu claimed that Bai Zai was nearly invincible with “Talent Theory,” and at first, Lin Shen was puzzled, wondering why he had never heard of such a famous person.

It was only later that he learned Bai Zai’s prowess was limited at the Base Mutation level, because no matter how one practiced “Talent Theory,” they couldn’t break through the Base Mutation level.

In other words, Bai Zai could only be invincible at the Base Mutation level, with no possibility of advancement, and the requirements to start practicing were so high that ordinary people simply couldn’t do it.

Later on, even stronger individuals researched Bai Zai’s “Talent Theory,” but alas, the result was the same for everyone; no one could break through the Base Mutation level, no matter who tried.

To this day, there’s still a school of people persistently studying “Talent Theory,” and it’s said that some breakthroughs were made about a decade ago, but after so many years, there still hasn’t been anyone who has managed to successfully practice “Talent Theory”.

In fact, besides Bai Zai, there have been very few people in history who could practice “Talent Theory,” not to mention break through it.

“This is really interesting. Without talent, one can’t succeed, and with talent, one still can’t break through; such a Base Mutation technique indeed has no value in spreading. It’s better suited for ruining geniuses,” Lin Shen decided to give it a try.

Since Base Mutation techniques can be replaced as long as you don’t break through the Base Mutation level, there’s no harm in trying it out.

No sooner said than done, Lin Shen began to attempt practicing the Base Mutation technique given to him by Bai Shenfei, which led to another disappointment.

This Base Mutation technique still could not make him feel the flow of strength within his body, which made Lin Shen slightly frustrated.

According to Wei Wufu, only humans with exceptional talent could possibly practice “Talent Theory”. If he couldn’t do it, this meant that his talent was not very good, at least not one in ten thousand.

“I don’t believe this,” Lin Shen directly took the “Celestial Unity Mind Skill” he had obtained from Tian Xin to practice, wanting to first experience what that feeling of strength flowing was like. Then, he planned to attempt practicing “Talent Theory” or the secret Base Mutation technique passed down by Wei Wufu.

He didn’t know until he tried, and to his astonishment, Lin Shen could not practice the “Heavenly Heart Skill,” which was said to be learnable by nearly everyone, even by any Steel Mutator.

“Is my talent really that bad?” Lin Shen was somewhat disappointed, but then he thought something was off.

Even if his talent was poor, it shouldn’t be so bad that he couldn’t manage a Base Mutation technique that everyone else could learn, right?

Still not giving up, Lin Shen sought out two more of the five classic Base Mutation techniques to test.

He first tried the “Origin Scripture,” but had the same result: he couldn’t achieve any success. Then he practiced the “Divine Transmutation Scripture,” and it was the same; he still could not succeed.

“Could it be that I really have no talent for cultivation? But that’s not right either. Ordinary Base Mutation techniques require one to have completed the Base Mutation, and since I’ve already done that, it proves that I have talent. Why can’t I succeed?” Lin Shen was completely baffled.

Wei Wufu was also at a loss about what was going on with Lin Shen; he had never heard of a Mutator who couldn’t practice any of the five fundamental Base Mutation techniques.

Still relentless, Lin Shen went directly to his brother’s study, broke the lock, and took out several Base Mutation techniques his brother had collected to practice.

After trying out several more Base Mutation techniques, Lin Shen’s expression grew increasingly grim. Just when he thought he really couldn’t practice any Base Mutation techniques, another try yielded some results.

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