Super Floating City

Chapter 68: Taling II

   Warlock is also a veteran among them.

As mentioned earlier, many of the occupations of warlocks are evil. Therefore, warlocks also have a say in torture and extract souls. They are very skilled in extracting souls and are better at making soul spars than wizards.

Professors use internal and external tempering to temper their spirit, will, and physique.

And these can be fed back to the soul, so the demons often fight for the soul of high-level professionals, the wizards daily boring meditation, the warriors struggle hard every day, and the monks formulate one after another for themselves Xiang’s cultivation and so on, any professional is suffering from torment while being strong, and also makes their souls shine brightly.

Jack’s life was painful and desperate.

But although he was devoured by darkness, he did not completely collapse. The soul of this little boy gathered his final spirit into the black soul spar before dissipating.

——”Jake’s Desperate Spirit!”

The wizard of Vilan no Mori imposed a lot of torture on him. This process created the black soul spar, which is the same as the devil.

For the aboriginal wizard’s danger, Stephen confirmed once again.


Stephen is standing in front of the element pool and meditating. He needs to relax his spirit to the best.

The wand planted in the pot was pulled out again by him. At this moment, Stephen held the wand and stood in the center. When he opened his eyes, he gently moved towards the side.

A strange sandalwood was lit.

This is 【Introduction to Soul Fragrance】, which is blended with various spices, with secret method and sesame oil, a special casting material.

Many spells require props, and the [Magic Power] in the super magic skills, usually experienced wizards know that certain materials are used to assist in the casting of spells, which greatly strengthens the effect of their own spells.

——”Soul Walk!”

The low chanting of the spell sounded.

With the swaying elemental fire, there are countless murmurs of ghosts around Stephen. He has already been prepared for this strange world. It seems that any phenomenon on the side of the soul will cause a chain reaction, so when the sound of the spell sounds Around the magic circle also appeared a silver rune.


The sound of Stephen’s spell stopped, and he himself stood still and clenched the staff in motion, but on his flesh, a vague phantom gradually emerged and finally became clear.

A little bit of red smoke entangled.

The smoke rising from the burning incense wound around him, protecting his soul from erosion.

Stephen separated from his body and came to the top of the element pool in the form of a spirit. Some ghosts wandered outside the magic circle, because the powerful energy protection did not dare to come close.

He picked up the phantom of the staff and gently.

Because the staff holds the staff, Stephen can still exert many super-magic abilities. With a little aura, the black soul spar is suspended above the element pool. Afterwards, Stephen reached out his hand and gently pumped it on his forehead, a little golden light appeared, and countless ghosts suddenly irritated. They seemed to rush into the protective energy like a frenzy, like a moth rushing out of the fire.

is as if that little golden brilliance attracted them like heaven and earth.

Although I don’t know what it is at all, countless ghosts understand that if they seize it, they can become the master of the undead!

Bang Bang.

On the edge of the circle, the ghosts disappeared under the impact of energy, but there were still a lot of ghosts coming up.

Steven didn’t even look at those crazy ghosts. He put the light golden light drawn from his eyebrows on the element pool, and then raised his hand towards the black spar in the air.

——”Soul Siphon!”

A strange black soul power was extracted, and the soul crystal turned to off-white at a speed visible to the naked eye. When the last trace of the soul’s power was extracted, the original deep black of the soul crystal had turned into off-white, and finally shattered into The powder dissipated.

“I am my real name!”

“My servant! Wake up from a deep sleep!”

A group of pure soul power was injected into the pale golden light group. At that moment, the entire element pool was crazy and agitated. The water of countless blue elements formed a water tornado. The golden light absorbed the power of the elements. Drain the entire pool of elements.


Time seems to stop at this moment.

The dense ghosts outside the circle burst instantly, a trace of gray mist poured into it, and then the light group turned into a pure golden crystal, which was directly stamped on Stephen’s eyebrows, just like his third eye.

“the host.”

A mechanical sound without emotion starts: “Taling 1 follows your call to wake up!”

Stephen returned to the flesh with a smile. At the next moment he opened his eyes. The outside ghost had already faded. Only the edges of the circle were scattered with gray crystals the size of nails.

Soul spar (incomplete).

This is the lowest-level soul spar, not even the micro level, but only some defective products.

However, even if the mosquito is small, it is meat. It can also be used to cast equipment to some extent. Stephen waved it away and put it away.

“Talling No. 1.” He whispered: “How much energy has been recovered? Can the conceptual construction be activated?”

Icy mechanical sounds sounded in my mind: “Current energy recovery progress is 0.3%!…Cannot start concept construction!…”

Steven: “Self-check! Check the currently available functions!”

Talling No.1: “Turn on self-checking! ……At present, most of the functions are incomplete! ……Currently available functions are-terminal cloud computing ability, spiritual library, super magic guide, data analysis.”


Talling No.1’s basic ability is still at suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Among the 7 tower spirits he made, the body 1 of tower spirit is the most powerful and the most important one. Its combat power is the lowest, but it is also irreplaceable for Stephen. Taling No. 1 uses the soul of the demigod-level elemental spirit as the carrier, with Stephen’s trace of soul fragments as the core, and belongs to the highest-level auxiliary tower spirit.

According to the previous life, there are three souls and seven souls in the human body, and Stephen injected one of them into the Taling No.1 body.

It is also one of Stephen’s incarnations.

Using the semi-god-level soul spar as a carrier, the Taling 1 body has very powerful terminal computing power, enough to support the analysis and operation of any legendary spell, and at the same time has its own recording ability, storing most of the books that Stephen has read. In addition, Taling No. 1 can assist Stephen in super-magic guidance and strengthen the effect of super-magic skills. The final data analysis is to use the semi-god-level operation ability for data simulation.

The gods receive the prayers of millions of believers every day and respond to the magic of countless priests. This kind of computing power exceeds the top artificial intelligence brain! (Remarks: If you don’t know, you can watch “Abyss Master”.)

Stephen’s Talling No. 1 is based on this computing power.

“Open the spiritual library.”

Stephen thought about it: “Retrieve “The Origin of the Dark Species”, “The Disaster of Beastization”, “Overview of the Evil”, “The Secret Volume of the Ancient Evil”, “The Book of Pink…”

A spiritual book came to mind.

Now that the Taling No. 1 body has been awakened, it is natural for a hard-working person like Stephen to read the book for a while.


(PS: You should vote for the diligent floater.)

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