Super Floating City

Chapter 64: Beastization IV

Many broken trees appeared along the way.

The beast of humans has a natural tracking ability. The catwoman in front of her can only recognize the direction when she smells her nose.

The mist around    becomes thicker and thicker, and the expression of Catwoman gradually becomes more dignified. The fighting power of the ancestral beasts will rise linearly. What replaces their thinking is the animal nature. They have wild instincts, and their sense of hearing and smell far exceeds that of other beasts.

“It’s nearby.” Catwoman stopped.

Bi Ji took a deep breath, her full **** rose high, but at the moment she exhaled, Catwoman’s body began to change significantly.

Her pupils turned into vertical pupils in a blink of an eye, emitting a cat-like blue gloss, sharp nails growing out of her palms, and ears also becoming hairy. Most of the human body’s physical characteristics are still there, but a few parts have been animalized sign. Brigitte’s footsteps almost completely disappeared, even if she didn’t have the other person’s breath in front of Stephen’s perception, the feline anthropomorphic person had an amazing talent for concealment. I am afraid that in the race of the material plane, only halflings can compete with each other in stealth.

“It’s approaching here!” Brigitte turned her head and looked at Stephen playfully, and suddenly climbed up to the tens-meter-high tree next to her with hands and feet.

The guard next to him suddenly said angrily: “Damn! This lowly slave breed uses us!”


Low roar has been heard.

The sly catwoman disappeared as soon as she climbed the tree. She made several leaps on top of the tree pole and escaped into darkness, even Stephen could not find it.

“It’s okay.”

Steven clenched his staff and said, “At least she helped us find this monster.”

The forest is shaking.

Along with the scattered mist, a behemoth up to three meters in height appeared in sight.

It looks like a bear, with human-like features, walking upright, thick and burly limbs, covered with thick black hair, and the exaggerated muscles are full of explosive power, making people a little soft at first glance, this monster Weighing more than two thousand pounds, the eyes are a strange dark red, and the mouth of the blood basin exudes a smell.

“It really is a bear race! It’s a little difficult to deal with.” Stephen secretly said.

——”Speed ​​up!”

Steven gently tapped the staff, and the speed was twice as fast as ever. Condensed and said: “Don’t fight against it! This is a bear! The power is terrible!”

Bear people.

The most violent one among the beasts, the strength is close to twice that of the werewolf. The tearing werewolf is just like playing. The initial creature level is 8. The power is greatly strengthened after awakening. The average adult immediately wakes up with the power of juvenile (150 years old) The red dragon is almost the same. Ordinary aboriginal knights are basically undead and crippled, and the energy protection force field on Stephen’s body can withstand up to two attacks.


The bloodthirsty desire made the bear in front of him rush over, and when he heard Stephen, the two attendants thought about it, but they were a lazy donkey to roll away, and accompanied by a dull collapse, a large 50 cm in diameter The tree was cut directly.

The bear man shook his head and turned around carelessly, as if the violent impact had just happened.

Strong power often means a strong physique, otherwise a strong force will cause a fracture. The reason why primitive beasts were classified as dark species, in addition to their brutal beast nature, also has their amazing recovery ability.


A crossbow missed the missile.

At this momentary opportunity, one of the attendants took out a crossbow to shoot, but the bear did not care at all. It didn’t even look at the part that was hit, and roared towards the others again. At this time, even the chance of attack was gone, the two attendants were chased by the bears, and if they had Stephen’s spell blessing, they might have already died so long ago.

——”Strong Acid Arrow!”

Seeing that the two attendants were chased by the bears, Stephen raised his hand and shot a strong acid arrow.


The strong acid arrow melted away immediately after being shot into the bear man’s body. The strong strong acid corroded the enemy’s flesh and blood, while inhibiting its regeneration ability. But this also completely attracted the bear’s hatred. It roared and rushed to Stephen, waving a huge bear paw and directly patted it.


Stephen held the staff gently under his feet, and the whole person rose into the sky. After seizing the Mithril Mine, his strength recovered quickly. Although the bear in front of him was amazing, it was useless because the second-level wizard was not afraid. This kind of enemy can only lie on the ground.

——”Fire Arrow!”

——”Three-level monster summoning technique!”

In order to prevent the bear man in front of him from continuing to kill the two servants, Stephen waved gray powder and waved a summoning circle on the ground, and then two strong gray wolves appeared in front of him.


Watching the prey ascending into the air, the bearman roared with rage and fluttered in the past. It was a paw that directly shot a calf-sized gray wolf into pieces. This summoned monster can’t bear even one attack. But even so, the bear man still has no solution to Stephen in the air, but after all, it is not a pure beast. After a short passive, the bear man broke a paw with a diameter of 50 centimeters in one paw, and then palmed He hugged the tree directly and swept towards Stephen in the air.

“Lying Groove!” Now Stephen couldn’t help but swear.

He was somewhat embarrassed to avoid the screaming past the thick tree poles, but the trees of Vilan no Mori were very dense, and the space for evasion was very small. The dense foliage would obscure the sight as he continued to lift off. UU Reading

——”Arcane Missile *10!”

-“Second Missile Storm *5!”

One by one energy missiles blasted out, and even the sweeping tree poles were directly interrupted. The storm-like missile storm completely submerged the figure of the bear, and its figure seemed to be shot by the machine gun. After the general retreat, the blood on the front is already full of holes, and hundreds of energy missiles directly cover it. But even so, it still has the power to make a roar full of unwilling anger, as if its huge body still has tenacious vitality.

“Sure enough, my barrage attack is the most effective!”

Steven’s palms were united, accompanied by a gleam of crystal powder, and the melodious and convulsive singing of the mantra sounded.

A dragon sound emerged.

This is the first time that Stephen sings a spell in battle. He can all instantaneous low-level spells instantaneously, and naturally only higher-level spells are needed to chant spells. A gleam of gleaming powder burned in the air, and then formed the outline of a fire dragon. It flew around Stephen, and a little ignition star spread like a firework.

——”Dragon Breath!”

A terrible flame spewed out of Stephen’s mouth.

Everything in front of me instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the terrible dragon breath covered the entire field of vision. The burly and gigantic bearmen on the ground instantly turned into a burning fireball, and the screams of tremendous howling sounded, but under the cover of the dragon breath The weaker it came, the last point of life gradually disappeared.


The huge figure of the bear man finally fell to the ground, but at this moment a group of black mist gathered, and then a shadow of a giant bear formed on the burnt corpse.

“Huh?” Stephen’s face changed, surprised: “Dark Spirit?”


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