Super Floating City

Chapter 45: Awakening Six

  The awakening of the Countess Eliya must be related to herself.

Warlock’s blood power is potential, metaphorically speaking, it is like a mutant in the X-Men. If this potential gene is induced, the warlock’s talent will wake up. There is no doubt that the family of the Countess Elijah has the inheritance of a warlock. At her age, it is impossible to wake up naturally, so the incentive for the awakening of the bloodline should be Stephen. Similarly, Miss Furan’s early awakening is probably also a reason. Stephen himself is very likely to obtain new characteristics by drawing divine blood. After all, the sources of all warlocks are similar.

The starting point of a warlock is inherently higher than that of a mage, but the growth is much slower than that of a mage.

Basically, the protagonists with super high talents in all kinds of stories in the tavern are considered to be potential warlock bloodlines. The talents of the Arcanist in the wizard department cannot be copied. They correspond to the famous scientists in human history, basically encountered Unquestionable, constantly advancing the progress of arcane civilization.

Current research shows that the heir of the arcanist is hard to be an arcanist, but the heir of the warlock can easily become a warlock.



Stephen got up early the next morning, and just by the time he returned to Howling City, he was going to recruit a group of laborers to go back.

The current value of Stephen is more than three hundred gold coins, more than one hundred silver coins, and about two hundred pounds of silver. These silvers were all extracted by him recently. The entire silver mine’s revenue and output now belong to Stephen, and according to his exploration of deep veins, the silver reserves in this mining area are considerable. At present, the area of ​​more than 100 meters underground has more than 500 tons of silver veins. At present, there is no Taring structure to scan, and Stephen can only estimate it. With the simplest calculation formula, 500 tons of silver is equal to about 1102311 pounds. According to about 100 grams of silver associated with one gram of silver, it is roughly known that the reserves of silver are 11023 grams, which is approximately equal to about 24.3 pounds of silver.

This data is enough to make Stephen happy for a long time.

Currently, the mitral silver reserves of deeper underground veins are not calculated, and only the currently explored mitral silver reserves are enough for Stephen to complete many important experiments.

This is a big harvest!

All of Stephen’s efforts have paid off handsomely. The close to 25 pounds of Mithril can be used in many places. Knowing to make a small floating ring, that is, a device that can raise a 50-meter-high wizard tower, at most also Just need to consume about 1 pound of Mithril. After he had mined the Mithril Mine, Stephen raised 25 wizard towers in one breath. Of course, this is just a metaphor. The role of the wizard tower is limited to the inside of the planet. The resources consumed by the real floating city are still very large. It is estimated that all the mitral silver of Stephen can only be enough to make a large floating ring.

Silver mining requires a lot of manpower and material resources. It is impossible for Stephen to mine the entire vein alone.

Now, his initial plan is to open an element channel and build a basic element pool under the wizard tower. The arcane school uses ground water, wind and fire to divide the basic elements, which is a bit like the five-element attribute of golden wood, water, fire, and earth. A complete element pool must simultaneously connect four element planes, and extract element energy from it to graft a complete cycle. This is the most primitive energy supply device. Before the Arcanists developed the [Elemental Furnace], the casters in the Thorium Age used elemental pools to provide energy. The element pool must be built on the ground node, it can provide infinite energy continuously, but this energy is stable but barren enough to do too much.

Metaphorically speaking, the element pool is like a hydroelectric power station, and energy is continuously produced as long as the element channel is still there.


The important factor that determines the upper limit of the function of an element pool is the vein node (river channel). The capacity of a Three Gorges hydropower station built on the Yangtze River is definitely different from that of a hydropower station built on ordinary river channels. The wizards in the Thorium era Often fighting openly in order to fight for an excellent geographic center.

The mining nodes are very general.

This is not the main road of the mainland, and Stephen estimates that at most it can build a small element pool.

Under normal circumstances, there are only two or three core points on such a continent. Basically, such places will be targeted by wizards, and Stephen has no idea to fight for it.

A small elemental pool can maintain the basic needs of a wizard tower, maintain the charging needs of about thirty low-level golem puppets daily, and provide routine applications for lighting, experimentation, transformation, etc. The surplus energy that can not be used up can be stored, but because the element pool itself is not large, the energy storage is not very high, and it can be up to about 1,000 energy points.

If these energies are used by Steven, it will release a legendary spell.

Although Stephen’s plan for the mining area believes that the golem is the main force, there is also a nearly 1,000 gap in manpower. At present, he needs about 100 labors to help maintain the daily operation of mining rails, as well as shipping, refining, classification, etc. jobs.

The miners of this era obviously have poor overall quality.

Basically they are all drudgery. Stephen needs a miner with a certain level of At least literacy is required to understand the operation of mining rails.

On this point, Stephen needs the assistance of the Countess Elijah. He has no leisure time to educate Aboriginal people in popular science. He will find a way to dig up a group of literate folks. Basically, the folks in the chamber of commerce have certain literacy skills. Stephen does not need much manpower initially, let alone worry about the unruly guys, and everyone will just throw a hypnosis.

Stephen is not old-fashioned.

Then there is the demand for craftsmen. Steven currently has two projects to complete. The first is cement refining, which is related to the speed of completion of the wizard tower and the time for subsequent planning. The second is glass products, the most commonly used experimental utensils for wizards. Glass is very expensive among Aboriginals. The transparent glassware that Steven needs is quite expensive. He needs a stable supply source, and at the same time makes money among Aborigines. In the future, it will not be possible for the experiment to require a test tube and Stephen has to do it himself. Moreover, the collection of rare materials among the aborigines will cost money.

He initially prepared a plan.

The first place is winemaking. Stephen will let the Countess Eliya secretly acquire some wineries. The north is cold and the sales of highly shochu are predictable. Stephen certainly won’t take care of this matter himself. It’s too much for a legendary wizard to sell wine and sell it. He just needs to look at the income statement. Moreover, the alchemy device for purifying the alcohol level is too simple, and a little arrangement is to stabilize the financial resources, as long as you pay more attention to the management staff. Stephen didn’t worry about it at this point. Anyone who was not afraid of death would dare to reach out and take his cake, he would dare to chop that hand to feed the dog.

At present, there is still a funding gap of about 50,000 gold coins in the construction of the Wizard Tower, and Steven needs to lay out a large geography network.

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